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15. ICANN 2005: Warsaw, Poland
- Wlodzislaw Duch, Janusz Kacprzyk, Erkki Oja, Slawomir Zadrozny:
Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Inspirations - ICANN 2005, 15th International Conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 11-15, 2005, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3696, Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-28752-3
Modeling the Brain and Cognitive Functions
- Sang-Woo Ban, Minho Lee:
Novelty Analysis in Dynamic Scene for Autonomous Mental Development. 1-6 - Wen-Chuang Chou, Tsung-Ying Sun:
The Computational Model to Simulate the Progress of Perceiving Patterns in Neuron Population. 7-12 - Georg Fette, Julian Eggert:
Short Term Memory and Pattern Matching with Simple Echo State Networks. 13-18 - Wentao Huang, Licheng Jiao, Shiping Ma, Yuelei Xu:
Analytical Solution for Dynamic of Neuronal Populations. 19-24 - Jörg Lücke:
Dynamics of Cortical Columns - Sensitive Decision Making. 25-30 - Jörg Lücke, Jan D. Bouecke:
Dynamics of Cortical Columns - Self-organization of Receptive Fields. 31-37 - Marcelo A. Montemurro
, Stefano Panzeri:
Optimal Information Transmission Through Cortico-Cortical Synapses. 39-44 - Alain Rakotomamonjy, Vincent Guigue, Grégory Mallet, Victor Alvarado:
Ensemble of SVMs for Improving Brain Computer Interface P300 Speller Performances. 45-50 - Thomas Strösslin, Ricardo Chavarriaga, Denis Sheynikhovich, Wulfram Gerstner
Modelling Path Integrator Recalibration Using Hippocampal Place Cells. 51-56 - Neill R. Taylor, Matthew Hartley, John G. Taylor:
Coding of Objects in Low-Level Visual Cortical Areas. 57-63 - Jochen Triesch:
A Gradient Rule for the Plasticity of a Neuron's Intrinsic Excitability. 65-70 - Tadashi Yamazaki, Shigeru Tanaka:
Building the Cerebellum in a Computer. 71-77
Special Session: The Development of Cognitive Powers in Embodied Systems
- Stathis Kasderidis, John G. Taylor:
Combining Attention and Value Maps. 79-84 - Janusz A. Starzyk, Yue Li, David D. Vogel:
Neural Network with Memory and Cognitive Functions. 85-90 - Janusz A. Starzyk, Zhen Zhu, Yue Li:
Associative Learning in Hierarchical Self Organizing Learning Arrays. 91-96 - John G. Taylor:
A Review of Cognitive Processing in the Brain. 97-102
Spiking Neural Networks
- Carlos Aguirre, Doris Campos, Pedro Pascual, Eduardo Serrano
Neuronal Behavior with Sub-threshold Oscillations and Spiking/Bursting Activity Using a Piecewise Linear Two-Dimensional Map. 103-108 - Yoshiyuki Asai, Tatyana I. Aksenova, Alessandro E. P. Villa
On-Line Real-Time Oriented Application for Neuronal Spike Sorting with Unsupervised Learning. 109-114 - Joy Bose
, Stephen B. Furber
, Jonathan L. Shapiro:
A Spiking Neural Sparse Distributed Memory Implementation for Learning and Predicting Temporal Sequences. 115-120 - Thomas Hermle, Martin Bogdan, Cornelius Schwarz, Wolfgang Rosenstiel:
ANN-Based System for Sorting Spike Waveforms Employing Refractory Periods. 121-126 - Javier Iglesias, Jan Eriksson, Beatriz Pardo, Marco Tomassini, Alessandro E. P. Villa
Emergence of Oriented Cell Assemblies Associated with Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity. 127-132 - Kazushi Ikeda
An Information Geometrical Analysis of Neural Spike Sequences. 133-138 - Teijiro Isokawa, Haruhiko Nishimura
, Naotake Kamiura, Nobuyuki Matsui:
Perceptual Binding by Coupled Oscillatory Neural Network. 139-144 - Andrzej J. Kasinski, Filip Ponulak:
Experimental Demonstration of Learning Properties of a New Supervised Learning Method for the Spiking Neural Networks. 145-152 - Raul Cristian Muresan, Gordon Pipa, Diek W. Wheeler
Single-Unit Recordings Revisited: Activity in Recurrent Microcircuits. 153-159 - Matthias Oster, Adrian M. Whatley
, Shih-Chii Liu, Rodney J. Douglas:
A Hardware/Software Framework for Real-Time Spiking Systems. 161-166 - Laurent Perrinet
Efficient Source Detection Using Integrate-and-Fire Neurons. 167-172
Associative Memory Models
- Rogério Martins Gomes, Antônio de Pádua Braga
, Henrique E. Borges:
A Model for Hierarchical Associative Memories via Dynamically Coupled GBSB Neural Networks. 173-178 - Zheng He, Koichi Harada:
Balance Algorithm for Point-Feature Label Placement Problem. 179-184 - Yasuaki Kuroe, Yuriko Taniguchi:
Models of Self-correlation Type Complex-Valued Associative Memories and Their Dynamics. 185-192 - Kit Longden:
Recovery of Performance in a Partially Connected Associative Memory Network Through Coding. 193-198 - Jirí Síma:
Optimal Triangle Stripifications as Minimum Energy States in Hopfield Nets. 199-204
Models of Biological Functions
- Vassilis Cutsuridis, Ioannis Kahramanoglou, Stavros J. Perantonis, Ioannis Evdokimidis, Nikolaos Smyrnis:
A Biophysical Model of Decision Making in an Antisaccade Task Through Variable Climbing Activity. 205-210 - Yishai M. Elyada, David Horn
Can Dynamic Neural Filters Produce Pseudo-Random Sequences?. 211-216 - Hervé Frezza-Buet, Olivier Ménard:
Making Competition in Neural Fields Suitable for Computational Architectures. 217-222 - Petro M. Gopych:
Neural Network Computations with Negative Triggering Thresholds. 223-228 - Marc de Kamps:
A Model for Delay Activity Without Recurrent Excitation. 229-234 - Erich L. Schulzke, Christian W. Eurich:
Neuronal Coding Strategies for Two-Alternative Forced Choice Tasks. 235-240 - Rodrigo Sigala, Thomas Serre, Tomaso A. Poggio, Martin A. Giese
Learning Features of Intermediate Complexity for the Recognition of Biological Motion. 241-246 - Carmen Paz Suárez Araujo, Pablo Fernández López, Patricio García Báez, José Regidor García:
Study of Nitric Oxide Effect in the Hebbian Learning: Towards a Diffusive Hebb's Law. 247-253
Special Session: Projects in the Area of NeuroIT
- Norman U. Baier, Oscar De Feo:
Deterministic Modelling of Randomness with Recurrent Artificial Neural Networks. 255-260 - Wolfram Erlhagen
, Albert Mukovskiy, Estela Bicho
, Giorgio Panin, Csaba Kiss, Alois C. Knoll
, Hein T. van Schie, Harold Bekkering:
Action Understanding and Imitation Learning in a Robot-Human Task. 261-268 - Simon Johnston, Girijesh Prasad, Liam P. Maguire
, T. Martin McGinnity:
Comparative Investigation into Classical and Spiking Neuron Implementations on FPGAs. 269-274 - Esben Hallundbæk Østergaard, David Johan Christensen, Peter Eggenberger, Tim Taylor
, Peter Ottery, Henrik Hautop Lund:
HYDRA: From Cellular Biology to Shape-Changing Artefacts. 275-281 - Herbert Peremans, Jonas Reijniers:
The CIRCE Head: A Biomimetic Sonar System. 283-288 - Manuel Rivas
, Francisco Gomez-Rodriguez
, Rafael Paz, Alejandro Linares-Barranco
, Saturnino Vicente Diaz
, D. Cascado:
Tools for Address-Event-Representation Communication Systems and Debugging. 289-296 - Ben Torben-Nielsen, Barbara Webb, Richard E. Reeve
New Ears for a Robot Cricket. 297-304 - Cornelius Weber, David Muse, Mark Elshaw
, Stefan Wermter:
Reinforcement Learning in MirrorBot. 305-310
Evolutionary and Other Biological Inspirations
- Carlos M. Fernandes
, Vitorino Ramos, Agostinho C. Rosa
Varying the Population Size of Artificial Foraging Swarms on Time Varying Landscapes. 311-316 - Wuhong He, Haifeng Du, Licheng Jiao, Jing Li:
Lamarckian Clonal Selection Algorithm with Application. 317-322 - Tatsuya Hirane, Tetsuya Toryu, Hidehiro Nakano, Arata Miyauchi:
Analysis for Characteristics of GA-Based Learning Method of Binary Neural Networks. 323-329 - Fang Liu, Lan Luo:
Immune Clonal Selection Wavelet Network Based Intrusion Detection. 331-336 - Vladimir G. Red'ko, Oleg P. Mosalov
, Danil V. Prokhorov
Investigation of Evolving Populations of Adaptive Agents. 337-342 - Giuseppe A. Trunfio
Enhancing Cellular Automata by an Embedded Generalized Multi-layer Perceptron. 343-348 - Carsten Wilks, Rolf Eckmiller:
Intelligent Pattern Generation for a Tactile Communication System. 349-356
Self-organizing Maps and Their Applications
- Mohammed Attik, Laurent Bougrain, Frédéric Alexandre:
Self-organizing Map Initialization. 357-362 - Vicente Oswaldo Baez Monroy, Simon O'Keefe
Principles of Employing a Self-organizing Map as a Frequent Itemset Miner. 363-370 - Zouhour Neji Ben Salem, Fériel Mouria-Beji, Farouk Kamoun
Spatio-Temporal Organization Map: A Speech Recognition Application. 371-378 - Pascual Campoy Cervera
, Carlos J. Vicente:
Residual Activity in the Neurons Allows SOMs to Learn Temporal Order. 379-384 - Francisco Flórez-Revuelta
Ordering of the RGB Space with a Growing Self-organizing Network. Application to Color Mathematical Morphology. 385-390 - Tetsuo Furukawa:
SOM of SOMs: Self-organizing Map Which Maps a Group of Self-organizing Maps. 391-396 - Colin Fyfe:
The Topographic Product of Experts. 397-402 - Emin Germen
, Dogan Gökhan Ece, Ömer Nezih Gerek:
Self Organizing Map (SOM) Approach for Classification of Power Quality Events. 403-408 - Mikko Heikkinen, Ari Kettunen, Eero Niemitalo, Reijo Kuivalainen, Yrjö Hiltunen:
SOM-Based Method for Process State Monitoring and Optimization in Fluidized Bed Energy Plant. 409-414 - Adrian Horzyk
A New Extension of Self-optimizing Neural Networks for Topology Optimization. 415-420 - Guanglan Liao, Tielin Shi, Shiyuan Liu, Jianping Xuan:
A Novel Technique for Data Visualization Based on SOM. 421-426 - Antonio Neme
, Pedro Miramontes:
Statistical Properties of Lattices Affect Topographic Error in Self-organizing Maps. 427-432 - Patrick Rousset
, Bertrand Maillet:
Increasing Reliability of SOMs' Neighbourhood Structure with a Bootstrap Process. 433-438
Computer Vision
- Boguslaw Cyganek:
Artificial Neural Receptive Field for Stereovision. 439-445 - Hazem M. El-Bakry
Pattern Detection Using Fast Normalized Neural Networks. 447-454 - Kunihiko Fukushima, Kazuya Tohyama:
Neural Network Model for Extracting Optic Flow. 455-460 - Daqi Gao, Shangming Zhu, Wenbing Gu:
A Modular Single-Hidden-Layer Perceptron for Letter Recognition. 461-467 - Martijn van de Giessen, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
Fast Color-Based Object Recognition Independent of Position and Orientation. 469-474 - Stephan Hasler, Heiko Wersing, Edgar Körner:
Class-Specific Sparse Coding for Learning of Object Representations. 475-480 - Wonil Kim, Han-Ku Lee, Seong-Joon Yoo, Sung Wook Baik:
Neural Network Based Adult Image Classification. 481-486 - Stephan Kirstein, Heiko Wersing, Edgar Körner:
Online Learning for Object Recognition with a Hierarchical Visual Cortex Model. 487-492 - André Maurer, Micha Hersch
, Aude Billard:
Extended Hopfield Network for Sequence Learning: Application to Gesture Recognition. 493-498 - Carlos Miravet, Francisco de Borja Rodríguez
Accurate and Robust Image Superresolution by Neural Processing of Local Image Representations. 499-505 - Alessio Plebe
, Rosaria Grazia Domenella:
The Emergence of Visual Object Recognition. 507-512 - Jarkko Salojärvi
, Kai Puolamäki, Samuel Kaski:
Implicit Relevance Feedback from Eye Movements. 513-518 - Cornelius Weber, Stefan Wermter:
Image Segmentation by Complex-Valued Units. 519-524 - Anna Wilbik
Cellular Neural Networks for Color Image Segmentation. 525-530 - Yiyan Xue, Simon X. Yang:
Image Segmentation Using Watershed Transform and Feed-Back Pulse Coupled Neural Network. 531-536 - Pavel S. Zvonarev, Ilia V. Apalkov, Vladimir V. Khryashchev, Andrey L. Priorov
Adaptive Switching Median Filter with Neural Network Impulse Detection Step. 537-542
Face Recognition and Detection
- Hazem M. El-Bakry
Human Face Detection Using New High Speed Modular Neural Networks. 543-550 - Bogdan Kwolek:
Face Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Gabor Filters. 551-556 - Minoru Nakayama
, Takashi Kumakura:
Face Identification Performance Using Facial Expressions as Perturbation. 557-562 - Vo Dinh Minh Nhat, Sungyoung Lee:
Discriminative Common Images for Face Recognition. 563-568 - Torsten Wilhelm, Hans-Joachim Böhme, Horst-Michael Gross:
Classification of Face Images for Gender, Age, Facial Expression, and Identity. 569-574
Sound and Speech Recognition
- Nicole Beringer, Alex Graves, Florian Schiel, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
Classifying Unprompted Speech by Retraining LSTM Nets. 575-581 - Werner Hemmert, Marcus Holmberg, Ulrich Ramacher:
Temporal Sound Processing by Cochlear Nucleus Octopus Neurons. 583-588 - Jalil Shirazi
, Mohammad B. Menhaj
A SOM Based 2500 - Isolated - Farsi - Word Speech Recognizer. 589-595 - László Tóth, András Kocsor:
Training HMM/ANN Hybrid Speech Recognizers by Probabilistic Sampling. 597-603 - Vanessa Yaremchuk, Michael R. W. Dawson
Chord Classifications by Artificial Neural Networks Revisited: Internal Representations of Circles of Major Thirds and Minor Thirds. 605-610
- Ahsan Abdullah, Amir Hussain:
Biclustering Gene Expression Data in the Presence of Noise. 611-616 - Te Ming Huang, Vojislav Kecman:
Gene Extraction for Cancer Diagnosis by Support Vector Machines. 617-624 - Marc Strickert, Stefan Teichmann, Nese Sreenivasulu
, Udo Seiffert
High-Throughput Multi-dimensional Scaling (HiT-MDS) for cDNA-Array Expression Data. 625-633
Biomedical Applications
- Aida Araujo Ferreira
, Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, Ronaldo R. B. de Aquino:
Comparing Neural Network Architecture for Pattern Recognize System on Artificial Noses. 635-640 - Lukasz Itert, Wlodzislaw Duch
, John Pestian:
Medical Document Categorization Using a Priori Knowledge. 641-646 - Vassilis S. Kodogiannis
, H. S. Chowdrey:
A Neurofuzzy Methodology for the Diagnosis of Wireless-Capsule Endoscopic Images. 647-652 - Teresa Bernarda Ludermir, C. R. S. Lopes, A. B. Ludermir, Marcílio Carlos Pereira de Souto:
Neural Network Use for the Identification of Factors Related to Common Mental Disorders. 653-658 - O. Yu. Rebrova, O. A. Ishanov:
Development and Realization of the Artificial Neural Network for Diagnostics of Stroke Type. 659-663
Special Session: Information-Theoretic Concepts in Biomedical Data Analysis
- César Estébanez, José María Valls
, Ricardo Aler, Inés María Galván:
A First Attempt at Constructing Genetic Programming Expressions for EEG Classification. 665-670 - Birgit Lessmann, Andreas Degenhard, Preminda Kessar, Linda Pointon, Michael Khazen, Martin O. Leach
, Tim W. Nattkemper
SOM-Based Wavelet Filtering for the Exploration of Medical Images. 671-676 - Fabian J. Theis
, Peter Gruber, Ingo R. Keck
, Elmar Wolfgang Lang:
Functional MRI Analysis by a Novel Spatiotemporal ICA Algorithm. 677-682 - François B. Vialatte
, Andrzej Cichocki
, Gérard Dreyfus, Toshimitsu Musha, Sergei L. Shishkin
, Rémi Gervais:
Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease by Blind Source Separation, Time Frequency Representation, and Bump Modeling of EEG Signals. 683-692
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