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このチートに抗うのは無意味だ。したがってこれからのオンラインゲームはローカル環境でのメモリが読まれることを前提に設計しなければならない。CS:GOのようなオンラインFPSゲームでは、全プレイヤーの位置は公開すべきだろう。すなわちこのようなチートの意味をなくすのだ。オンラインポーカーのようなゲームでは、ローカルに秘密情報を保持しない実装にしなければならない。秘密情報については中央の権威サーバーのみが処理するか、メンタルポーカーのアルゴリズムを使う。オンラインFPSも中央の権威サーバーによる実装もできるが、それはGoogle Stadiaのような入力をサーバーに送信して映像をストリーミング再生するだけのような実装になるだろう。


また、自分のプログラムが全メモリアクセスを専有している場合は、メモリ帯域を常時使い切ることにより、メモリ帯域に変化が生じればそれはDMAアクセスが行われたと考えていいだろう。問題はPCILeech以外の各種デバイスかもしれず、またIntel MEやAMD PSPのような邪悪で不自由なバイナリブロブのファームウェアによるものかもしれないので、切り分けができない。そして全メモリアクセスを専有する状態ではもはやPCゲームは実装できない。



Error handling in Erlang

Last time, I wrote about how to write a hello world HTTP server by using Erlang, Cowboy and Rebar3.

Walkthrough of hello world HTTP server with Erlang, Cowboy, and Rebar3

Today, I'm going to write about the error handling in Erlang.

The error handling in Erlang is easy if we can ignore the error. That is, we don't expect the error. In the event of unlikely failure, we immediately abandon any computation we were doing and start over. The OTP and other famous frameworks were written by following Erlang culture of error handling so it will handle it well. If, on the ohter hand, the errors are expected to happen, so we have to explicitly deal with it. Erlang is suddenly reared its ugly head.

How a function notify it's caller the failure? In other languages, like Haskell, there is a Maybe type which may or may not contains the value. Erlang is not staticaly strong typed language so the Erlang version of the Maybe is tagged tuple. We return ok or {ok, State} upon success and we return any other value otherwise. It may be {error, Reason}, empty list [], or simply an atom like error, false, undefined whatever.

The user of such functions must match the returned value with ok tagged tuple,

do_something( State ) ->
    {ok, State_1} = f( State ),

If the function f return anything other than {ok, any()}, match failed and throw an exception of error:{badmatch, V}. So hopefully, the higher framework catch these exceptions and restart the process.

But what if the caller want to deal with the error? We have to use the patter match for the conditional execution. It can be done by case expression or function.

case expression:

do_something( State ) ->
    case f( State ) of
        { ok, State_1 } -> do_normal_things ;
        { error, Reason } -> do_error_handling

function :

do_something( State ) ->
    do_something_1( f( State ) ) .

do_something_1( { ok, State } ) -> do_normal_things ;
do_something_1( {error, Reason} ) -> do_error_handling .

Whichever you use, it became quite verbose and boilar-plate.

Erlang has exception like many other langauges. But I feel some oddities on Erlang's exception and that is the concept of class.

The Erlang has three class of exception: error, exit, and throw. These are thrown by calling function error/1,2, exit/1, and throw/1 respectively.

If you don't care about exception, you need to do nothing. But if you care, that is, you want to run some code on the condition of exception, things get verbose.

Let's suppose that previous function f/1 return { ok, State } on success, but throw some exceptions otherwise and you want to deal with it because you expect it to happen. You can use try expression or catch expression

try expression is strightforward, if you ignore the awkward Erlang grammer that is.

try Exprs
    catch Class1:Pattern1 -> Body1 ;
    catch Class2:Pattern2 -> Body2

The class is either error, exit, or throw, pattern may vary. If you were to catch the exception thrown by error class's badmatch(1 = 2), it looks like this.

try 1 = 2
    catch error:{ badmatch, V } -> its_bad_man

Now, how to do_normal_thing and do_error_handling depending on the presense of exception? try expression can have of section and it will be evaluated only on no exception in Exprs.

try f( State ) of
    { ok, State_1 } -> do_normal_thing ;
    throw:something_went_bad -> do_error_handling

Now how to deal with the situation where the error will be reported in either by value or exception? Use try expression's of section to pattern match the error value.

try f( State ) of
    { ok, State_1 } -> do_normal_thing ;
    { error, Reason } -> do_error_handling
    throw:something_went_bad -> do_error_handling

There is another way to deal with the exception. The catch expression.

catch Exprs

catch expression evaluate Exprs and return its value on no exception. In case of exception, the value will be either

For exceptions of class error, that is, run-time errors, {'EXIT',{Reason,Stack}} is returned.

For exceptions of class exit, that is, the code called exit(Term), {'EXIT',Term} is returned.

For exceptions of class throw, that is the code called throw(Term), Term is returned.

Erlang -- Expressions

If it's by throw({error, Reason}), the code will be clean.

case catch Exprs of
    { ok, Value } -> do_normal_thing ;
    { error, Reason } -> do_error_handling

But if it's error class, the code is too ulgy to read.

case catch 1 = 2 of
    { 'EXIT', { {badmatch, _} }, _ } -> do_error_handling

Perhaps, error and exit class were not meant to be handled by catch expression, but some library use these even for the predictable situations. like list_to_integer, binary_to_integer. My guess is to keep the backward compatibility.

Putting it all togather, it's very verbose to handle errors in Erlang.

Let's quickly borrow a code from the hello world HTTP server I explained in the previous article. Walkthrough of hello world HTTP server with Erlang, Cowboy, and Rebar3

Instead of returning the hello world, we're going to return the sum of two query parameter a, b.

$ curl "http://localhost:8080/?a=1&b=2"
$ curl "http://localhost:8080/?a=1&b=-100"

All we need to do is modify the cowboy_handler. The simplest code that assume no error will be like this.

init( Req, State ) ->
    P = cowboy_req:parse_qs(Req),
    { _, A } = lists:keyfind(<<"a">>, 1, P ),
    { _, B } = lists:keyfind(<<"b">>, 1, P ),
    Sum = integer_to_binary( binary_to_integer(A) + binary_to_integer(B) ),
    Req_1 = cowboy_req:reply( 200,
        #{<<"content-type">> => <<"text/plain">>},
        Sum, Req ),
    {ok, Req_1, State ).

Well, it's not bad. But I want to deal the the error.

Suppose, the users forget the query parameters.

$ curl "http://localhost:8080/"
$ curl "http://localhost:8080/?a=1"
$ curl "http://localhost:8080/?b=1"

If this happend, our code failed the pattern match because lists:keyfind returns false.

{ _, A } = false,

In such cases, I want to reply with the helpful error messages like this.

$ curl "http://localhost:8080/"
Error: missing query parameter a, b.
$ curl "http://localhost:8080/?a=1"
Error: missing query parameter b.
$ curl "http://localhost:8080/?b=1"
Error: missing query parameter a.

We can do condional branching with either case expression or function pattern match.

Another type of error is although the query paramters are present, it has a string that cannot be parsed as an integer.

$ curl "http://localhost:8080/?a=abc&b=123"

I would like to reply with helpful error messages in this case too.

After consdering the various code, I come up with this code. It's too verbose and ugly but I think alternatives are worse.

init( Req, State ) ->
    P = cowboy_req:parse_qs(Req),
    A = lists:keyfind( <<"a">>, 1, P ),
    B = lists:keyfind( <<"b">, 1, P ),
    { Http_status_code, Answer } = process( A, B ),

    Req_1 = cowboy_req:reply( Http_status_code,
        #{&lt;&lt;"content-type"&gt;&gt; =&gt; &lt;&lt;"text/plain"&gt;&gt;},
        Answer, Req ),
    { ok, Req_1, State }.

process/2 is set of function that ultimately returns { integer(), iodata() }. Here is the verbose code.

%% for missing query parameters.
process( false, false )     -> { 400, <<"Error: missing query parameter a, b.\n">> } ;
process( false, _ )         -> { 400, <<"Error: missing query parameter a.\n">> } ;
process( _, false )         -> { 400, <<"Error: missing query parameter b.\n">> } ;
%% for invalid query parameters
process( badarg, bardarg)   -> { 400, <<"Error: invalid query parameter a, b.\n">> } ;
process( badarg, _ )        -> { 400, <<"Error: invalid query parameter a.\n">> } ;
process( _, bardarg)        -> { 400, <<"Error: invalid query parameter b.\n">> } ;
% lists:keyfind succeeded.
process( { _, A }, { _, B } ) ->
        try binary_to_integer( A ) catch error:badarg -> badarg end,
        try binary_to_integer( B ) catch error:badarg -> badarg end
    ) ;
% no invalid query parameter. return the result.
process( A, B ) ->
    { 200, { integer_to_binary( A + B ), <<"\n">> } } .

The -spec attribute for this process/2 is abomination.

-spec process(
    { bitstring(), bitstring() } | false | badarg | integer(),
    { bitstring(), bitstring() } | false | badarg | integer()
)  -> { integer(), iodata() }.

Well, at least, I understand the error handling of Erlang.


Erlang, Cowboy, Rebar3によるHello World HTTPサーバーのチュートリアル

本記事では、Erlang, Cowboy, Rebar3によるHello worldを出力するHTTPサーバーの実装方法を解説する。


$ curl "htttp://localhost:8080/"






$ apt install erlang


$ git clone https://github.com/erlang/rebar3.git
$ cd rebar3
$ ./bootstrap


ln -s rebar3 /usr/local/bin




$ rebar3 new release hello_server
$ cd hello_server



"hello_server/apps"ディレクトリにはアプリケーションが配置される。rebar3のreleaseプロジェクトはumbrella projectと呼ばれていて、複数のアプリケーションを持つことができる。

"hello_server/apps/hello_server"はrebar3がテンプレートから生成したアプリケーションだ。このディレクトリ内には"src"ディレクトリがあり、3つのファイルが作成されている。"hello_server_app.erl", "hello_server_sup.erl", "hello_server.app.src"だ。

"hello_server_app.erl"はapplication behaviourを実装するソースファイルだ。

"hello_server_sup.erl"はsupervisor behaviourを実装する。今回は編集しない。

"hello_server.app.src"はapplication resource fileを生成するためのソースファイルだ。Erlang VMをどのように実行するかということを設定するためのファイルだ。rebar3はこのファイルから実際のapplication resource fileを生成する。このファイルも編集する。



$ vim rebar.config


[erl_opts, [debug_info]}.
{deps, []}.

[relx, [{release, {hello_server, "0.1.0"},

今回編集するのは2行目、つまり"{deps,[]}."という部分だ。このlistのなかに依存を記述していく。記述のフォーマットは様々だが、すべて"{ package_name, ...}"という形のtupleになっている。このチュートリアルではパッケージをhex.pmからダウンロードしてくるので、フォーマットは"{ package_name, "version number"}"になる。本チュートリアルを執筆時点で、最新の安定版のcowboyのバージョンは2.7.0だ。

{deps, [
    {cowboy, "2.7.0"}


$ rebar3 upgrade


$ vim apps/hello_server/src/hello_server.app.src


{application, hello_server,

applicationsのtagged tupleの中のlistに"cowboy"を追加する。

{application, hello_server,
     stdlib,    % カンマを忘れないこと
     cowboy     % この行を追加




vim apps/hello_server/src/hello_server_app.erl

このソースコードはrebar3によって生成されたapplication behaviourを実装するためのモジュールだ。start/2を変更して、HTTPサーバーを開始する。

start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->

HTTPサーバーを開始してコネクションをlistenするには、まずcowboy用語でルートと呼ばれているものを設定する。これは特定のリモートホストやパスをcowboy_handlerに関連付けるための設定だ。ルートを設定するにはcowboy_router:compile/1を使う。この関数は引数としてcowoy_router:routes()型を取る。型は"[{Host, Pathlist}]"となっている。PathList型を展開すると、"[{Host, [{Path, Handler, InitialState}]}"となる。

start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
    Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
        { Host, [{Path, Handler, InitialState}]}



Handlerにはhello_handlerというatomを指定する。これは後でcowboy_handler behaviourを実装するモジュールとして実装する。



start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
    Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
        { <<"localhost">>, [{<<"/">>, hello_handler, [] }]

ルートが準備できたので、HTTPリスナーを開始する。ここでは素のHTTPを使うので、cowboy:start_cear/3を使う。引数はstart_claer( Name, TransportOpts, ProtocolOpts )だ。


TransportOptsには様々なオプションがあるが、このチュートリアルではlistenするポートを指定するだけだ。今回はHTTPサーバーのポートはは通常80だが、今回は8080を使うので、"{{port, 8080}}"となる。


成功した場合、start_clear/2は{ok, pid}を返す。okのtagged tupleに束縛することで失敗時のことはapplication behaviourにまかせよう。

start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
    Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
        { <<"localhost">>, [{<<"/">>, hello_handler, []}] }
    {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(
        [{port, 8080}],
        #{env => #{dispatch => Dispatch}}


HTTP listenerの用意が出来たので、やってきた接続要求を処理していく。そのためにはさきほどのhello_handlerを実装しなければならない。これはcowboy_handler behaviourとして実装する。まず新しいソースファイルを作成する。

$ vim apps/hello_server/src/hello_handler.erl



init( Req, State ) ->
    {ok, Req, State}.


やるべきことは、HTTPステータスコードとして200を返し、ヘッダーのcontent-typeとしてはtext/plainを指定し、コンテンツは"hello,world"とするだけだ。これにはcowboy_req:reply/4を使う。引数の型は"reply(Status, Headers, Body, Req)"だ。


HeaderはHTTP headerをmap()で指定する。今回は"content-type"を"text/plain"にする。





init( Req, State ) ->
    Req_1 = cowboy_req:reply(
        #{<<"content-type">> => <<"text/plain">>},
    {ok, Req, State}.


$ rebar shell


$ curl "http://localhost:8080/"



Walkthrough of hello world HTTP server with Erlang, Cowboy, and Rebar3

This is the quick walkthrough of implementing and executing a HTTP server that just return hello world by using Erlang, Cowboy and rebar3.

The goal is, while executing this problem, the following happens.

$ curl "htttp://localhost:8080/"

Erlang and Cowboy is easier compared to the god-forsaken rebar3. Rebar3, as its name indicates, had major backward incompatible breaking changes twice, and it still has many technical debt piled up on it. Even the official documentation is unhelpful at this time. I wasated months just figuring out the basics and I write it down here so you don't have to.


You need Erlang implementation, rebar3. The cowboy can be fetched by rebar3.

To install erlang on debian-based distro:

$ apt install erlang

To install rebar3 in most GNU/Linux distros, you should built it yourself.

$ git clone https://github.com/erlang/rebar3.git
$ cd rebar3
$ ./bootstrap

This create a file "rebar3". You can copy this file to somewhere in the PATH or symlink it.

ln -s rebar3 /usr/local/bin

Now you're ready to start using the rebar3.

Creating a new project.

First, you must create a new rebar3 project. Let's call it "hello_server".

$ rebar3 new release hello_server
$ cd hello_server

This command create a directory "hello_server" and bunch of template files in that directory. I don't explain everything in details, but just for the important bits.

"hello_server/rebar.config" is a config file we have to modify to add cowboy as an dependency.

"hello_server/apps" directory contains apps. rebar3's release project is called "umbrella project", it can contains multiple "apps".

"hello_server/apps/hello_server" is the default apps the rebar3 generated from the template. Inside that directory, there is a "src" directory which contains three template files. "hello_server_app.erl", "hello_server_sup.erl" and "hello_server.app.src".

"hello_server_app.erl" is a source file we modify.

"hello_server_sup.erl" is for implementing supervisor behaviour. We don't modify this file in this walkthrough.

"hello_server.app.src" is a source file for application resource file. It tell the Erlang VM how to start the application. Rebar3 just copy it to the appropriate place so you don't have to. We modify this file too.

Adding cowboy as an dependency

Next, we need to add cowboy as an dependency so the rebar3 can fetch it. To do so, open the "hello_server/rebar.config".

$ vim rebar.config

The first few lines are like these.

[erl_opts, [debug_info]}.
{deps, []}.

[relx, [{release, {hello_server, "0.1.0"},

We need to modify the second line, that is "{deps, []}.". You can add dependencies in the list. There are many formats for that but every thing is tuple of "{ package_name, ... }". In this walkthrough, we fetch the package from hex.pm. So the format shall be "{ package_name, "version number"}". As of this writing, the latest stable version of cowboy is 2.7.0.

{deps, [
    {cowboy, "2.7.0"}

rebar3 fetch the necessary dependency automatically when it is needed, but let's just fetch it explicitly to make sure we wrote it correctly.

$ rebar3 upgrade

Also, we need to modify the application resource file to start cowboy before our application. Since our application requires cowboy, the cowboy application must be started before our application. To do so, modify the "hello_server.app.src"

$ vim apps/hello_server/src/hello_server.app.src

The part of the content of this file should looks like this.

{application, hello_server,

We add "cowboy" to the list.

{application, hello_server,
     stdlib,    % don't forget comma
     cowboy     % add this line

As you see, this is Erlang's list so don't forget the comma before cowboy.

Fire up the HTTP server

Now we're going to start the HTTP server. First, we modify the "apps/hello_server/src/hello_server_app.erl".

vim apps/hello_server/src/hello_server_app.erl

This source code is generated by rebar3 to implement the application behaviour. We are going to modify the start/2 to fire up the HTTP server.

start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->

In order to start the HTTP server listening the incoming connection, we first need to set what cowboy call it "route". It's a mapping of the connection from some remote hosts, path to cowboy_handler. To do that, we use cowboy_router:compile/1 which take a parameter of type cowboy_router:routes(). The type is "[{Host, PathList}]", if you expand the PathList type, it'll be "[Host [{Path, Handler, InitialState}]]".

start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
    Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
        { Host, [{Path, Handler, InitialState}]

The Host can be '_' which means we allow the connections from any hosts. If you are to allow connection from anywhere, use '_', if on the other hand, you want to restrict the access only from, say, localhost, it would be <<"localhost">>.

The Path in our case is <<"/">>. Since we don't support path like "http://localhost/aa/bb/cc".

For Handler, we specify "hello_hander" atom which we have to implement it as a cowboy_handler behaviour later.

We don't use state so the IinitialState be emply list.

Putting all togather so far, the code looks like this.

start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
    Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
        { <<"localhost">>, [{<<"/">>, hello_handler, [] }]

Now we prepared the route, we're going to fire up the HTTP listener. We are going to use good old plaintext HTTP by cowboy:start_clear/3. The three parameters are "start_clear(Name, TransportOpts, ProtocolOpts)".

Name can be any Erlang term to refer this listener, but atom used used most of the time. Let's use "hello_listener".

TransportOpts has many options, but for this walkthrough, we only need to set the port to listen to. We going to listen port 8080 so it would be "[{port, 8080}]".

In ProtocolOpts, we use the route we made earler. The type of ProtocolOpts is a map which as a key env whose value is also a map which has a key dispatch. We pass Dispatch for the value of this key.

If succeeded, start_claer/2 return "{ok, pid}". Let's make sure it returns ok and fail otherwise.

start(_StartType, _StartArgs) ->
    Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
        { <<"localhost">>, [{<<"/">>, hello_handler, []}] }
    {ok, _} = cowboy:start_clear(
        [{port, 8080}],
        #{env => #{dispatch => Dispatch}}

Handling the incoming connections.

Now the HTTP listners are up and running, we need to implement the hander for the incoming connections. For that, we need to implement the hello_handler we specified earlier by following the cowboy_hander behaviour. Create a new source file .

$ vim apps/hello_server/src/hello_handler.erl

Let's write the basics.


init( Req, State ) ->
    {ok, Req, State}.

Req represents requests and response. We don't use State really. It's just an empty list.

All we need to do is return a HTTP status code 200, the content-type is text/plain, it's content is "hello,world". We can do that by cowboy_req:reply/4. The parameters are "reply(Status, Headers, Body, Req)".

Status is a HTTP status code in non_neg_integer() or binary(). In this case, it's 200.

Header is a map() to specify HTTP header. we set it's "content-type" to be "text/plain".

For the Body, we return "hello,world".

Req is a current Req object.

reply return a new Req object which we must use it instead of old Req objects after the call.

And now, the init/2 code.

init( Req, State ) ->
    Req_1 = cowboy_req:reply(
        #{<<"content-type">> => <<"text/plain">>},
    {ok, Req, State}.

To run the program

$ rebar shell

Now to confirm it.

$ curl "http://localhost:8080/"

If I have in the mood, I'll write the error handling next. The reality is more verbose than textbook.







白馬五竜とHAKUBA 47は2つのスキー場が併設されているがリフト券も共通なので実質一つのスキー場だ。白馬五竜のほうはなだらかで広いゲレンデがあり雪質の悪さと相まって面白さがわからなかったが、HAKUBA 47はなかなか面白かった。





