Example in Latvian | Translation in English |
Cenas nedrīkst mainīt, ja vien līgums nepārprotami neparedz šādu cenas paaugstināšanas vai pazemināšanas iespēju un precīzi nenosaka, kā jāaprēķina pārskatītā cena, un ļaujot mainīt vienīgi: | Prohibition to change the price unless the contract expressly provides for the possibility of upward or downward revision and states precisely how the revised price is to be calculated and solely to allow for variations in: |
Regulas (EK) Nr. 2342/1999 7. panta 1. punktā ir noteikts, ka dalībvalstis līdz noteiktam datumam informē Komisiju par lēmumu mainīt dzīvnieku skaita ierobežojumu, kas ir 90 dzīvnieki katrā saimniecībā un katrā vecuma grupā, vai arī atkāpties no šā skaitļa. | Article 7(1) of Regulation (EC) No 2342/1999 provides that the Member States shall inform the Commission before a certain date of their decision to change the limit of 90 head of cattle per holding and per age bracket or to derogate from it. |
Personas ieguldījuma kontam nav iespējams mainīt konta turētāju. | It is not possible to change the account holder of a person holding account. |
Es tikai teicu, ja Tev tas riebjas, maini to. | I'm just saying, if you hate something, change it. |
Es gribētu, lai tu to maini. | I'd like you to change that. |
Nīl, maini savus plānus. | Neal, change of plans. |
Mēs kodu mainām katru dienu. | We change the code every day. |
Tas ir ierocis, kas mainīs mūsu likteņus šajā karā. | A weapon that will change our fortunes in this war. |
Viņi pēdējā brīdī mainīs vietu, lai mēs nespētu neko ieplānot. | They will change out the place at the last minute so we can't set up on them. |
Domā, ka viena nelietīga cilvēka glābšana ko mainīs? | It's gushing red and you think saving a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything? |
Tā kā nekas neliecina, ka Japānas ražotāji eksportētāji mainītu savu cenu stratēģiju, palielinot cenas, ja pasākumi tiktu izbeigti, ir arī ļoti iespējams, ka šis palielinātais imports notiktu par dempinga cenām. | Since there is no evidence that Japanese exporting producers would change their pricing behaviour in order to increase prices should measures be allowed to lapse, it is also very likely that these increased imports will be made at dumped prices. |
Šā Turcijas eksporta tirgus ir stabils un nav norādes par to, ka uzņēmumi mainītu cenu noteikšanas stratēģiju. | The market for these Turkish exports appears to be stable and there is no indication that the companies would change their pricing strategies. |
Turklāt nav citu norāžu, par to, ka Turcijas eksportētāji mainītu cenu noteikšanas stratēģiju. | There are also no other indications that Turkish exporters would change their price strategy. |