Example in Japanese | Translation in English |
約束しよう ゲーリーは 死ぬ | I promise, Gary is a dead man. |
鳥 死ぬ 蛇 来る | Yeah. Matter of fact, I did. |
ああ 死ぬ | Yeah, death. |
彼も同様に槍で突かれるかもしれない または 死ぬ 最終的にリジミラリルは同意した | If he couldn't have any wives, or he couldn't have Munandjarra, he may as well be speared. or dead. |
明日じゃないと、死ぬ。 ほかの方法はない。 | Tomorrow. |
何故、死なない? | Why won't you die? ! |
死なない・・・ 100回撃とうが やつらは死なない・・・ | It's not dead. They don't die. I've hit it a hundred times. |
あなたは 死なない | Casey, you're not gonna die. |
いいや、死なない。 絶対に死ぬもんか。 | No, we're not going to die! |
ブレット・スタイルズは 死なない 死ぬことなど あり得ない | Bret Stiles is not dying. Bret Stiles cannot die. |
死ぬのか? 死にます! | Oh, they die? |
そして私はあなた方に誓います あなた達を傷つけようとする者は 泣き叫んで、死にます | And I swear to you that those who would harm you will die screaming. |
死にます | To the death. |
死にます! | They die! |
たぶん 死にます | It would die. |
奴は一匹狼だ そして 死んだ | He was a lone nut. Now he's a dead nut. |
愛していたが、死んだ。 | I loved her and... now she's go. |
死んだ | - He's gone. |
ハーヴィーの名声諸共 死んだ 彼に 託してた | Whatever chance you gave us at fixing our city dies with Harvey's reputation. |
リンダは 死んで ポールは 刑務所行き | Ah. There's no thanks necessary. |
- 死んで しまうかもしれません | - I might kill him. |
凍って 死んで あぼーんだ! 中尉 新バルカンに 連絡を取れるか? | You want me to open an airlock into space where upon I will freeze, die, and explode? |
そしたら... 父親は車の事故で 死んで いろんな家庭を転々と | Said... his parents died in a car crash, and he'd been shuffled between homes his whole life, you know. |
・・死んで 戻って来る どんな感じかな? | Say you die and then you come back. Mm-hmm. What would that be like? |
死ね | You'll die today. |
死ね! | - Die! |
死ね! ちきしょ! | Every man for himself! |
いや、死ね | - No. Your turn to die. |
死ね キャーキャーうるさい性悪女 | - We're gonna fix it in coverage, okay? - I realize that. |
死ねば 怖いも怖くないもない | But it's only scary before your Iife ends. |
死ねば... 魂は... 次の場所にゆく | When you die, the soul inside goes to the next place. |
死ねば | Go to hell. |
死ねば みんな変貌する | However we die, we all turn. |
我はこの地で生き、死のう | I shall live and die at my post." |
死ねる! | I got an idea. |
ご希望通り 死ねる? | - Fantastic. |
彼を見捨てたせいで 往来で殴られ、死に... でかした、ピーター | You left him to be beaten to death in the str... Well done, Peter. |
死に... 死にたくない... | I don't want to die! |
われわれは 死に... | Whether I believe it or not is of no importance. |
お前に? 死に | Of death. |
死なせる? | Die? |
しんだ・・ ふり・・・ | Be dead. |
こ のわ しに よ く も そ んなたわ言 を 貴官は何 も知 ら ん | How dare you, sir, tell me that? |
こ のわ しに よ く も そ んなたわ言 を | How dare you, sir, tell me that? |
もう丿麦ヵな真似は しな~'ね? | You're sure you're not gonna do anything crazy on your own, right? |