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Separarse (to separate) conjugation

20 examples
Conjugation of separarse
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me separo
I separate
te separas
you separate
se separa
he/she/it separates
nos separamos
we separate
os separáis
you all separate
se separan
they separate
Present perfect tense
me he separado
I have separated
te has separado
you have separated
se ha separado
he/she/it has separated
nos hemos separado
we have separated
os habéis separado
you all have separated
se han separado
they have separated
Past preterite tense
me separé
I separated
te separaste
you separated
se separó
he/she/it separated
nos separamos
we separated
os separasteis
you all separated
se separaron
they separated
Future tense
me separaré
I will separate
te separarás
you will separate
se separará
he/she/it will separate
nos separaremos
we will separate
os separaréis
you all will separate
se separarán
they will separate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me separaría
I would separate
te separarías
you would separate
se separaría
he/she/it would separate
nos separaríamos
we would separate
os separaríais
you all would separate
se separarían
they would separate
Past imperfect tense
me separaba
I used to separate
te separabas
you used to separate
se separaba
he/she/it used to separate
nos separábamos
we used to separate
os separabais
you all used to separate
se separaban
they used to separate
Past perfect tense
me había separado
I had separated
te habías separado
you had separated
se había separado
he/she/it had separated
nos habíamos separado
we had separated
os habíais separado
you all had separated
se habían separado
they had separated
Future perfect tense
me habré separado
I will have separated
te habrás separado
you will have separated
se habrá separado
he/she/it will have separated
nos habremos separado
we will have separated
os habréis separado
you all will have separated
se habrán separado
they will have separated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me separe
(if/so that) I separate
te separes
(if/so that) you separate
se separe
(if/so that) he/she/it separate
nos separemos
(if/so that) we separate
os separéis
(if/so that) you all separate
se separen
(if/so that) they separate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya separado
I have separated
te hayas separado
you have separated
se haya separado
he/she/it has separated
nos hayamos separado
we have separated
os hayáis separado
you all have separated
se hayan separado
they have separated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me separara
(if/so that) I have separated
te separaras
(if/so that) you have separated
se separara
(if/so that) he/she/it have separated
nos separáramos
(if/so that) we have separated
os separarais
(if/so that) you all have separated
se separaran
(if/so that) they have separated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me separase
(if/so that) I have separated
te separases
(if/so that) you have separated
se separase
(if/so that) he/she/it have separated
nos separásemos
(if/so that) we have separated
os separaseis
(if/so that) you all have separated
se separasen
(if/so that) they have separated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera separado
I had separated
te hubieras separado
you had separated
se hubiera separado
he/she/it had separated
nos hubiéramos separado
we had separated
os hubierais separado
you all had separated
se hubieran separado
they had separated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese separado
I had separated
te hubieses separado
you had separated
se hubiese separado
he/she/it had separated
nos hubiésemos separado
we had separated
os hubieseis separado
you all had separated
se hubiesen separado
they had separated
Future subjunctive tense
me separare
(if/so that) I will have separated
te separares
(if/so that) you will have separated
se separare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have separated
nos separáremos
(if/so that) we will have separated
os separareis
(if/so that) you all will have separated
se separaren
(if/so that) they will have separated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere separado
I will have separated
te hubieres separado
you will have separated
se hubiere separado
he/she/it will have separated
nos hubiéremos separado
we will have separated
os hubiereis separado
you all will have separated
se hubieren separado
they will have separated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's separate!
Imperative negative mood
no te separes
do not separate!
no se separe
let him/her/it separate!
no nos separemos
let us not separate!
no os separéis
do not separate!
no se separen
do not separate!
Examples of separarse
Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Cuando dos personas se conocen demasiado bien, es hora de separarse separarse"."When two people get to know each other too well, "it's time to separate... split up."
"Recientes estudios de jurado muestran que las mujeres necesitan separarse de la víctima.""Recent jury studies show women need to separate themselves from the victim.
Al parecer, según una de nuestras tradiciones... si el espíritu de un Centauri entra en un cuerpo... que no merece su presencia... Puede separarse... y causar la muerte del cuerpo... para poder pasar a un receptor más digno.Apparently, according to some of our folktales... if the spirit of a Centauri ends up in a body... that is not worthy of its presence... it can choose to separate... to cause the death of the body... so that it can then move on to a worthier host.
Bueno, en situaciones extremas, cuando el cónyuge es incapaz de separarse de él o de sí mismo de la codependencia de ninguna manera, se les conoce por...- Well, in extreme situations, when the spouse is unable to separate him or herself from the codependency any other way, they have been known to...
Cuando eliminas la barrera entre dos substancias la pequeña diferencia... en sus masas les hace separarse a diferentes velocidades. - ¿Podrías hacer eso?When you remove the barrier between two substances, the slight difference in their mass causes them to separate at different rates.
, hazle Io mismo que imaginabas que ibas a hacer conmigo, o sepárate., Let him imagined the same thing that you would do with me, or separate yourself.
Si, sepárate del paquete.Yeah,separate yourself from the pack.
Data, sepárese del capitán Picard.Data, separate yourself from Captain Picard.
Es demasiado peligroso, separémonos durante algún tiempo.No, it's so dangerous, let's separate for a while. All right?
Si otro esclavo le decía: "Escapémonos, separémonos de este amo cruel" decía, "¿Por qué?Now if another slave come up to him and said "Let's run away, let's separate from this cruel master" he said, "Why?
- Sepárense, sepárense.- Separate separate.
"... le dijo a los reporteros que Spatafore y su esposa se habían separado recientemente."--told reporters that Spatafore and his wife had recently separated.
"Así que nos hemos separado sólo de palabra.""So we've separated only for namesake."
"Creo que Maya todavía no se ha separado por completo de ti."Maya isn´t wholly separated from you yet
"En este episodio, Anna Howard llega a la ciudad y descubren su mentira "... Cuando él descubre que son gemelos ... "Él está convencido de que Hanna los había separado al nacer "...In this episode, Anna Howard comes to the city and her lie is found out, when, he discovers that him and her are twins... he is convinced that Hanna had made them separated in their birth...
Está separándose de su esposa, creo que necesita un cambio.He's separating from his wife, and I think he's looking for a change.
Están separándose.They're separating.
No funciona, siguen separándose.It's not working, they're still separating.
Para bloquear los escudos juntos y después separándose lo suficiente para impulsar la lanza contra su enemigo, se podía dar un paso más, y se podía empezar a dominar el campo de batalla trabajando juntos como un equipo coordinado. La falange, un tanque humano.By blocking those shields together and then separating just enough to drive the spear into your enemy, you could take one more step, and you could start to dominate the battlefield by working together as a coordinated team.
Pero un día asombró al mundo separándose de su esposa Prudence.But before the playoffs, he stunned the world by separating from his wife, Prudence.
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