Example in Estonian | Translation in English |
Arvatavasti peitun sinu taha. | Probably hide behind you. |
Närin, luuran, söön, peitun. | Gnaw, spy, eat, hide. |
Ja sa peitud sinna. | That's where you hide. |
Sa peitud oma tarkuse taha. | You hide behind your intelligence. Yeah, that's pretty stupid. |
Sa peitud. Isegi kui sind siin pole, sa peitud. | You hide, even when you're not here, you hide. |
Tead ju küll, lähed üles ja peitud... kõrgele. | A High Hide. You know, you go up and hide, high. |
"See peitub Roosi m*rgi all." | "It hides beneath the Rose". |
Isane peitub oma närvilisusega ülejäänud karja hulka. | The male hides his nervousness from the rest of the pack. |
James teatas Rifkini relva- ja narkomüügist Chicago allmaailmale- tähendab, et nüüd ta peitub kusagil. | James reported Rifkin for dealing drugs and weapons to the Chicago underworld, - - which is nowwhere he hides somewhere. |
- Me peitume Aayani taha, et ta onu kätte saada. | We're gonna hide right behind Aayan all the way back to his uncle. |
Aga kui peitume siia, on meil võimalus sisse pääseda. | But if we hide here, it's our chance to get inside. |
Ja ise peitume koopasse. | We'll hide in the cave. |
"ja sisemiselt haavunud ning munandi kasvajatega persoonid langevad" Peale nende, kes peituvad nagu jänesed maa alla | "and the intestinal ulcers and testicular tumors shall befall all of humanity"... except for those who hide like rabbits below the ground. |
Ainult põgenevad ja peituvad. | They just run and hide. |
Ameriklased peituvad oma pereväärtuste taha. | Americans hide behind family values. |
Mina ei peitu kivimüüride taha, samal ajal kui teised sõdivad meie sõjas meie eest! | I will not hide behind a wall of stone while others fight our battles for us! |
Sa ei põgene, sa ei peitu, sa ainult kuuletud. | You will not hide. You will simply... ...just obey. |
Hakkasin kartma ja peitusin. | And I was afraid. And I hid from it. |
Jooksin, peitusin, võitlesin, see pole tähtis. | Run, hide, fight, it doesn't matter, man. |
Ma peitusin ja vaatasin seda pikka aega. | I stayed there hidden for a while, watching. |
TV showd? ... ma peitusin, kuna... | A TV show I hid because... |
Esiteks sa käitusid õigesti, et laua alla peitusid. | First of all, you did the right thing by hiding under this table. |
Ja siis me mängisime funniest mängu kuhu peitusid ja ma leidsin su, ja siis ma peitsin ja sa leidsid mind. | And then we played the funniest game, where you hid and I found you, and then I hid and you found me. |
Jim Tucker tunnistas pressikonverentsil, kus olid kohal - sajad pressi liikmed, info-sõdalaste uus generatsioon, - nagu näiteks reporter Paul Dorneanu Rumeeniast, - et jälgis eliiti, kus iganes need ka peitusid. | Jim Tucker witnessed press conferences attended by - hundreds of members of the media, and a new generation of info-warriors, - like reporter Paul Dorneanu of Romania, - are tracking the elite no matter where they hide. |
- Kõik mis mul on hämar Maa mütoloogia mis viitab, et kord peitus Osiris seal Seth´i eest. | - All I have is obscure Earth mythology... ..that indicates Osiris once hid there from Seth. |
- See on mäng, kallis. Nagu peitus? | Like hide and seek? |
Corvinuse liin, mis me teada saime, peitus tema inimjäreltulija geneetilises koodis... ja pärandati edasi, oma soikuvas olekus, läbi aegade Michael Corvinile. | The Corvinus strain itself, which we learned... ...was hidden away in the genetic code of his human descendants... ...and passed along in its dormant form... ...down through the ages to Michael Corvin. |
Corvinuse liin, mis me teada saime, peitus tema inimjäreltulija geneetlilises koodis ... ... ja pärandati edasi, oma soikuvas olekus, läbi aegade Michaei Corvinile. | The Corvinus strain itself, which we learned... ... was hidden away in the genetic code of his human descendants... ... and passed along in its dormant form... ... down through the ages to Michael Corvin. |
Corvinuse liin, mis me teada saime, peitus tema inimjäreltulija geneetlilises koodis ja pärandati edasi, oma soikuvas olekus, läbi aegade Michaei Corvinile. | The Corvinus strain itself, which we learned was hidden away in the genetic code of his human descendants and passed along in its dormant form down through the ages to Michael Corvin. |
Puud, mille alla peitusime vihma eest, tarad, kus peatusime, aasad, kus kohtusime, | Woods where we hid from the wet, Stiles where we stayed to be kind, Meadows in which we met! |
"Kasim tormas peitu, kuid komistas, nii et mündid lendasid. | "Kasim ran to hide, but tripped, sending coins spilling in every direction. |
"Miks peita asju, mis jäävadki peitu?" Midagi, mida Ali ütles. | Why hide things that stay hid? Something Ali used to say. |
"Miks peita asju, mis jäävadki peitu?" | Why hide things that stay hid? |
- Me peame peituma. | - We must hide. |
Fairfax, kaua me nendes prügikastides veel peame peituma? | I say, Fairfax, how much longer do you think we're going to have to hide in these dustbins? |
Ja nüüd pean peituma sulepea võimu taha ja kasutama uut nime, tegema nii, et keegi ei teaks, kes on minu kirjutatud sõnade taga. | And now I have to hide behind the power of the pen and a new name, making sure nobody knows who's behind the words I'm printing. |
# Joosta ringi, hüpata alla, karata ja põrgata ja... # # leida teine tee sukelduda ja peituda # | # Run around, jumping down, bounce and bound and... # # Find another way to duck and hide # |
# Leida teine tee sukelduda ja peituda # | # Find another way to duck and hide # |
# leida teine tee sukelduda ja peituda # | # Find another way to duck and hide # |
Mu metsa peitunud sõdurid taandusid? | My hidden troops in the forest have withdrawn? |
Nad kammivad läbi terve jäise maailma, et leida hülgeid, kes on peitunud jääaukudesse. | They scour their frozen world for signs of nesting seals hidden in ice caves. |
Ta liiga hästi peitunud. | He's too well-hidden. |