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Please consider using JavaScript promises instead of Q. Native promises are faster, have better tooling support and are the future. When work on Q began, promises were an academic novelty in JavaScript, unlikely to be adopted much less popular, though obviously full of…promise. Callbacks dominated the landscape. Q aimed to introduce a technology to JavaScript that had been proven and vetted in lan
Seq is a node.js library for chainable, asynchronous flow control. With Seq, you can turn complicated nested callback logic into a cleaner and more straightforward pipeline-style. Even the error handling is chainable! Plus, you can do fancy things like set limits on the number of parallel tasks executing at once. Here's a simple example of Seq that executes some shell commands and reads files. //
以前は自宅も仕事もWindowsメインな環境だったんですが、仕事の方がでMac+英語キーボードな環境になり、ついでなので自宅もそれに合わせることにしました。 環境はMac miniの最新型で一番安いの(6月くらいに購入)とMacbook Airのやっぱり一番安いの(11月に購入)です。両方合わせて15万くらい。お手頃…なのか?どうでもいいけど、mac miniは1.3kgしかなくて、Macbook Airの13インチとほぼ同じ重さだっりします。miniデスネー。 ついでにWindowsのほうは2年半前に買ったCore2duo(Windows7アップグレード済み)で、当時そこそこハイエンドだったやつです(ちょうどMac miniと同じくらいのスペックだけどこいつは一体何kgあるんだろう…)。 以下、Macの開発環境をなるべく最近の流行りを取り入れてレポートします。 ブラウザ さて、マシンのセ
This guide shows you how to create an application that uses the MongoDB Node.js driver to connect to a MongoDB cluster hosted on MongoDB Atlas. If you prefer to connect to MongoDB using a different driver or programming language, see our list of official drivers. The Node.js driver is a library of functions that you can use to connect to and communicate with MongoDB. MongoDB Atlas is a fully manag
What is it? Faye is a publish-subscribe messaging system based on the Bayeux protocol. It provides message servers for Node.js and Ruby, and clients for use on the server and in all major web browsers. Who uses it? 1. Start a server var http = require('http'), faye = require('faye'); var server = http.createServer(), bayeux = new faye.NodeAdapter({mount: '/'}); bayeux.attach(server); server.listen
This website uses cookies for account and order processing. By using this site you understand and agree to our use of cookies, our Terms Of Use, and Privacy Policy Node.js is a toolkit for writing high-performance network servers in JavaScript. And it’s events all the way down. In case you haven’t heard, JavaScript is now an excellent language for writing extremely fast production-ready web server