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1. Posted by 名無しクオリティ 投稿日:2009年09月05日 13:50 1ゲット!
Desktop ImagesEnjoy the highest quality desktops on the web! **Please note that these desktop images are owned by the artist and can NOT be redistributed without permission. You MUST get written permission by the artists to use ANY of these desktops for anything other than personal desktop use. Please Support Our Site If you've been enjoying the site, please consider donating to help out. We
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Concept cars give automotive designers a chance to let their imaginations run wild, often with outlandish results. But even by that measure, BMW has come up with something as strange as it is innovative — a shape-shifting car covered with fabric. Instead of steel, aluminum or even carbon fiber, the GINA Light Visionary Model has […] Concept cars give automotive designers a chance to let their imag
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