Important Info for 10.5 Users OS X Software Updates have included some of the work done by the XQuartz project, but for various reasons, Apple cannot ship the latest and greatest version offered by the XQuartz site. Since the XQuartz X11 package clobbers Apple's, their software update will clobber the XQuartz X11 package. Because of this, you may experience conflicts after doing a Software
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Details Service Scrubber 1.1.5 runs natively on both Intel- and PowerPC-based Macs and requires Mac OS X 10.4. Apple has significantly revised and basically fixed Services in Mac OS X 10.6. As a result of these changes, Service Scrubber may cause unpredictable results if used in Mac OS X 10.6 and newer. We've left this online for those who need to stay with Mac OS X 10.5 or older. The Problem One
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