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Published: Monday, December 01, 2014 Last modified: Monday, January 09, 2023 by Dominik Honnef Go is an amazing language, but not just because of its language features, but also because of its ecosystem and how easy it is to write tools that operate on Go code. While languages and frameworks like Java and .NET have popular IDEs (e.g. Eclipse and Visual Studio) that can do formatting, refactoring,
During my day job I’ve been working on re-factoring some the internals of Juju to reverse the trend of a growing number of dependencies in our core packages. In this post I’ll show how I used go list to help me in this task. The basics Let’s start with the basics of go list. The default invocation of go list returns the name of the import path that represents the directory you are currently in, or
The go tool is bundled with Go distribution by default and it's convenient for automating common tasks such as getting dependencies, building, and testing your code. It's easy to use and provides a consistent command-line interface and it also expects you to respect a bunch of conventions, some of which I find peculiar and think they introduce a slight learning curve for some users and require a b
April 1, 2014 Effective Godoc I started to write a blog post about how to get the most out of godoc, with examples in a repo, and then realized I could just write the whole post as godoc on the repo, so that's what I did. Feel free to send pull requests if there's anything you see that could be improved. I actually learned quite a lot writing this article, by exploring all the nooks and crannies
Introduction The gopkg.in service provides versioned URLs that offer the proper metadata for redirecting the go tool onto well defined GitHub repositories. Developers that choose to use this service are strongly encouraged to not make any backwards incompatible changes without also changing the version in the package URL. This convention improves the chances that dependent code will continue to wo
I’ve been working with Go on personal projects for several months. During that time, Go’s intended strategy for package management and versioning has largely eluded me. My understanding really started to come together over the past week which is why I wrote about my Go Project Structure and now am writing about package versioning. My goal with this post is to help others who, like myself, have had
go言語の勉強に、motemenさんが作ったhtmlcat(標準入力をブラウザで tail -f できる htmlcat というのを書いた - NaN days - subtech)をgoで実装してみました。この記事ではhtmlcatgoの紹介と実装の見どころについて解説します。 htmlcatgoの紹介 htmlcatgo は、標準入力をブラウザ上でtail -fできるソフトウェアです。元祖htmlcatの使い方とほぼ一緒です。 $ tail -f /var/log/messages | htmlcatgo のように実行すると、 2013/12/16 08:15:02 htmlcatgo: http://localhost:45273のようにURLが表示されます。これをブラウザで表示すると、画面にtail -fの結果がリアルタイムで流れてきます。元祖htmlcatにある --execオプ
Write behavioral tests in your editor. Get live results in your browser. Uses go test GoConvey supports Go's native testing package. Neither the web UI nor the DSL are required; you can use either one independently. Terminal or browser Since GoConvey integrates with go test, you can keep running tests in the terminal or use the auto-updating web UI for test results. Tell your program's story Thoug
Since relatively early in the public life of the Go language, I’ve been involved in pushing forward packages that might be used in Ubuntu, including making the compiler suite itself happier in such packaged environments. In due time, these packages were moved over to an automatic build system, so that people wouldn’t have to rely on my good will to have up-to-date packages, nor would I have to be