Dear Carpe Diem Regulars: Over the next several days, there will be some major changes taking place for the Carpe Diem blog. After six years, almost 10,000 posts, and more than 8 million visits and almost 12 million page views using the Blogger platform, Carpe Diem will become a WordPress blog at a new website. Starting within the next few days, Carpe Diem will be exclusively hosted by The America
○ 取引先の「信用」マネジメント : 「上場会社倒産、戦後最多」時代を生き抜く 世界中に波及するこの未曾有の経済危機で重要になるのが、取引先の信用管理です。2008年11月26日、東証1部上場の建設業中堅、オリエンタル白石が東京地方裁判所に会社更生法の適用を申請したことで、今年の上場企業の倒産件数は30社となりました(帝国データバンク)。これは、2002年の29社を抜いて、戦後最多の倒産件数です。 信用調査会社の帝国データバンクによれば、未上場企業も含めると、2008年10月の企業倒産件数(負債総額1000万円以上)は1231件となり、集計基準を改正した2005年4月以降で最多でした。2008年1月からの累計は1万524件に達し、年間でも2005年以降、過去最高となる可能性が強いです。 1カ月に1200社以上の企業が倒産していく。その中には、米投資銀行リーマン・ブラザーズの日本法人であるリ
Robert Reich You can find me at www.robertreich.org. Latest books are "Aftershock" and "Supercapitalism," -- both now out in paperback. For copies of articles, books, and public radio commentaries, go to www.robertreich.org. This blog is available as an RSS feed. Public radio commentaries are now available as a podcast. View my complete profile
Posted by Mark Thoma on Friday, December 13, 2019 at 01:34 PM in Economics, University of Oregon, Weblogs | Permalink Comments (546) Web This Site Recent Posts 32+ Years... (546) Thread (1569) Links (11/06/19) (1403) Links (10/31/19) (391) Links - Catching Up (Part 2) (986) Links - Catching Up (Part 1) (722) Thread (227) Links (9/25/19) (1738) Links (9/13/19) (843) Links (9/05/19) (747) Links (8/2
Flexible like its namesake instrument, an accordion option is a way to let companies increase their lines of credit with lenders.Credit...Susana Raab for The New York Times Commercial Loans Are Looking Risky The recent thaw in short-term lending markets made it look, at least temporarily, as if the worst of the credit crisis had passed. But the rapid collapse in the market for commercial-mortgage-
USのCMBSが溶け始めた。 CMBS、つまり商業用不動産向けローンを証券化した商品のこと。 市場規模、2007年でおよそ9000億ドル 。 つまり、90兆円マーケット。 サブプライムローンABSの市場規模が、2007年で5900億ドル程度 だから。 1.5倍以上の規模がある、巨大マーケット。 このマーケットが溶ける、ということは。 証券化商品の1つのカテゴリーが急激に値を下げる、というだけでなく。 アメリカの不動産市場が溶ける、ということに他ならない。 CMBXというインデックスがあるのだが。 ここ1週間ぐらいで、大暴落、というか、スプレッド超ワイドニング。 昨日一日でAAA格のスプレッドが120-130bpsぐらい広がって。 なんと、500bps以上に。 っていうか、こんな感じだよ。 BB格なんか、4800bps、つまり利回り48%なんて訳わかんない数字に。 http://www.ma
DETROIT � When the leaders of the three Detroit auto companies and the United Automobile Workers union travel to Washington to make their case for a federal bailout, they will be flying into stiff headwinds of public opinion. Thus far, much of the commentary in Washington, in the pages of major newspapers and on the Web, has been against providing financial support for the companies, which they wi
DETROIT � Rick Wagoner cannot afford to leave Washington this week without at least $10 billion in federal aid to keep General Motors in business. But a major question for Mr. Wagoner, G.M.’s chief executive for the last eight years, is whether he will return to Detroit with his job as well. While the heads of the Ford Motor Company, Chrysler and the United Automobile Workers are scheduled to also
Oct 20 – Financial Sense Newshour covers what moved the markets this week, looking at corporate earnings, Italy, and China. Frank Barbera says we may be looking at a head and shoulder topping process carrying into next year. Frank Holmes says... Oct 20 – In today’s Big Picture podcast, Jim Puplava and Chris Preitauer discuss “When Giants Fall,” looking at the bankruptcy of iconic American business
WASHINGTON � A proposed bailout of imperiled American automakers is coming under even more criticism as the departing Congress returns on Monday for a final partisan fight over the issue, while incoming lawmakers assemble for internal power struggles, leadership elections and a taste of life to come on Capitol Hill. Although dozens of new representatives and at least eight new senators will gather
The failure of one or more of Detroit’s Big Three automakers would put a huge initial dent in American manufacturing, but in time foreign car companies would pick up the slack by stepping up production in their plants here, many industry experts and economists say. Whether Washington should let that play out � risking hundreds of thousands of jobs � is a central question Congress will weigh this w