2. @ishikawa84g ◦ いつもは SELinux の人 ◦ OpenStack インストール手順のようなもの(Diablo)の人 http://2done.org/openstack/ 仕事で OpenStack を弄ってます ◦ Nova, Glance, KeyStone, Horizon 中心 nova.conf 戦闘力: まだ 50 程度 3. FlatManager ◦ 基本的なネットワーク ◦ ネットワーク設定は /etc/network/interface FlatDHCPManager ◦ Flat + DHCP = 簡単 VlanManager ◦ Flat + DHCP + VLAN ◦ テナント(プロジェクト)毎にVLAN IDを設定 nova.conf の network_manager に設定
CentOS6.2にOpenStackをインストールするスクリプトをGitHubにアップロードしました。 https://github.com/hagix9 stack.envを同じディレクトリに作成すればオーバライドされますので自分の環境にあわせて下さい。 SwiftやQuantumは設定されません。 OSの環境はRHEL6.2でも動作すると思いますが環境がありませんのでCentOS6.2としています。 minimalで問題ありません。 nova-volumues用にLVMとして後で作るより先にnova-volumesを作成しておいたほうが楽です。 qedが前から利用できていましたがUbuntu12.04で正式にサポートされたみたいです。 qedは仮想マシンのイメージでqcow2同様スナップショットも利用できます。 そしてqedのほうがqcow2よりパフォーマンスがいいか
この資料では、OpenStack の IaaS 基盤である OpenStack Compute (Nova) の最新版(Nova-2012.1)のソースコードについて解説します。 nova-2012.1/ Authors babel.cfg HACKING.rst LICENSE MANIFEST.in openstack-common.conf PKG-INFO pylintrc README.rst run_tests.sh setup.cfg setup.py tox bin/ Novaの各種デーモン/コマンド用 contrib/ 雑多。boto_v6 や Red Hat 用パッチ doc/ ドキュメント用 etc/ 設定ファイル用 nova/ Nova 本体 Python コード nova.egg-info/ Nova の Egg パッケージ用 plugins/ プラグイン用 sm
Table Of Contents Host Aggregates Design Using the Nova CLI Usage This Page Show Source Psst... hey. You're reading the latest content, but it might be out of sync with code. You can read Nova 2011.2 docs or all OpenStack docs too. Host Aggregates¶ This extension introduces the concept of aggregate into Nova. Host aggregates are different from zones and availability zones: while the former allows
Compute schedulers¶ Compute uses the nova-scheduler service to determine how to dispatch compute requests. For example, the nova-scheduler service determines on which host or node a VM should launch. You can configure the scheduler through a variety of options. In the default configuration, this scheduler considers hosts that meet all the following criteria: Are in the requested Availability Zone
THIS CODE BASE IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED Image Build ----------- 1) Install oz using the packages in /packages 2) build the image make fedora16 # will built a fedora 16 image 3) Copy the distro.img file to your nova infra node and add it to glance glance -A add name="<IMAGE NAME>" container_format=bare disk_format=raw is_Public="True" < distro.img 4) Launch an instance and enjoy Current RCB OpenStac
Table Of Contents Compute API Extensions Extensions API Reference Indices and tables Previous topic Getting Involved Next topic The Host Aggregates Extension This Page Show Source Psst... hey. You're reading the latest content, but it might be out of sync with code. You can read Nova 2011.2 docs or all OpenStack docs too. Compute API Extensions¶ In this section you will find extension reference in
Hello everybody! A new version of Altai Private Cloud for Developers 1.1.1 is ready to use. In this release, we support reliable updates from any previous Altai version.. This release is recommended to use for everyone instead of 1.1.0. Update procedure from any previous release is safe and automated – just follow our upgrade guide. Changelog Documentation Installation Source Code Packages Issue t
> > > 1. What's the difference of python-novaclient between > devstack<https://github.com/cloudbuilders/python-novaclient> > and rackspace <https://github.com/rackspace/python-novaclient> , as I > know devstack's version forked from rackspace.. but while I install each of > them... only devstack's python-novaclient worked fine with > Keystone<https://github.com/cloudbuilders/keystone> . > Within r
This article describes the internals of launching an instance in OpenStack Nova. Overview Launching a new instance involves multiple components inside OpenStack Nova: API server: handles requests from the user and relays them to the cloud controller. Cloud controller: handles the communication between the compute nodes, the networking controllers, the API server and the scheduler. Scheduler: selec
Update 11/24/2011: Updated article based on the latest nova.sh script. This article describes the internals of the script nova.sh used to get the OpenStack Nova source code, install it and run it. Nova is a cloud computing fabric controller, the main part of an IaaS system. The script can be retrieved using Git: git clone https://github.com/vishvananda/novascript.git Arguments The script takes 1 m
OpenStack is an open source cloud computing platform that provides infrastructure as a service. It supports various virtualization technologies and operating systems. Key components include Nova (compute), Swift (object storage), Glance (image registry), Neutron (networking), and Horizon (dashboard/GUI). OpenStack is deployed across many large companies and used both privately and publicly by orga
Navigation index modules | next | previous | nova v2011.2-dev documentation » Introduction¶ Nova, also known as OpenStack Compute, is the software that controls your Infrastructure as as Service (IaaS) cloud computing platform. It is similar in scope to Amazon EC2 and Rackspace Cloud Servers. Nova does not include any virtualization software, rather it defines drivers that interact with underlying
Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message OpenStackユーザ会の皆様 お世話になります。 NTT ATの沈と申します。 OpenStackのドキュメント(http://docs.openstack.org/openstack-compute/admin/ content/ch03s02.html) に記載されているインストールプログラム(nova-CC-install-v1.1.sh)を用いて1台のPCにNovaのインストール を試みています。 インストールプログラム動作終了後に、OpenStackのドキュメント (http://docs.openstack