× Heads up... this blog post is old! For an updated version of this blog post, see Build a CRUD App with Angular 9 and Spring Boot 2.2. To simplify development and deployment, you want everything in the same artifact, so you put your Angular app “inside” your Spring Boot app, right? But what if you could create your Angular app as a standalone app and make cross-origin requests to your API? Hey gu
Dear GoalKicker users, We are thrilled to announce that as of June 2023, GoalKicker has been acquired by PartyPete of PartyPete.com Pty Ltd. Over the years, GoalKicker has strived to provide you with exceptional free programming books. For now, there will be no immediate changes to the way our services are accessed or delivered. You can continue to enjoy the free GoalKicker books that you know and
32 Free Online Courses and Certificates You can earn in 2022 (Updated)by Denise HiltonJanuary 20, 202263 Comments In this comprehensive guide we have compiled a list of the best free online courses and certificates that you can pursue at your leisure. In today’s world, receiving good quality education has become so much easier and quicker than it was ever before. Thanks to the evolution of world w
The Ruby programming language hasn't historically been the subject of much research, either in industry or academia. A lot of recent systems research has used languages like C, C++ and Java. Contemporary programming language research often uses languages like Java, Scala, Racket and Haskell. Modern research into VMs, compilers and garbage collectors is often based on Java or recently Python. Howev
Just a couple days ago, we’ve updated our article on Template-driven Forms in Angular, as the APIs have changed for the better in the second release candidate. We think it’s time to talk about model-driven and reactive forms on our blog. This article builds on top of the knowledge we’ve gained in our previous article, so you might want to take a look at it in case you haven’t yet. The goal of reac
This article was peer reviewed by Tom Greco, Dan Prince and Yaphi Berhanu. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! Almost every developer has had the experience of maintaining or taking over a legacy project. Or, maybe it’s an old project which got picked up again. Common first thoughts are to throw away the code base, and start from scratch. Th
A curated list of topics to start learning software engineering Pointers for Software Engineers is a complete open-source computer science curriculum, designed to cover the fundamentals and practical topics of software engineering most relevant to the industry today. Think of it as an alternative or supplement to college or bootcamp education. It aims to serve as a guidebook for beginners planning
A Gentle Introduction to Functional JavaScript: Part 1 This is part one of a threefour-part series introducing ‘functional’ programming in JavaScript. In this article we take a look at the building blocks that make JavaScript a ‘functional’ language, and examine why that might be useful. Part 1: Building blocks and motivation, Part 2: Working with Arrays and Lists Part 3: Functions for making func
Next: Contents Contents New version now available here at www.dataorienteddesign.com/dodbook/ This page is from the beta release of the Data-Oriented Design book. There are errors, spelling and factual, and this page is only kept for purposes of maintaining old links. Data-Oriented Design Richard Fabian Contents Introduction Data-Oriented Design It's all about the data Data is not the problem doma
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The Swift String API is hard to get used to. It has also changed over time as the Swift language and the standard library have developed. I first wrote this guide for Swift 2 and have since needed to update it for Swift 3, 4 and now Swift 5. So for my future reference and yours if you are struggling to make sense of it all here is my Swift String Cheat Sheet: Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 Xcode Playg
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