まえがき 本記事は、私がRailsConf 2019で話した「Terraforming legacy Rails applications」↑の、いわばB面に相当します。この記事を読んで、皆さんがアプリケーション開発をDockerに乗り換えるとまでは考えていません(皆さんが以下の動画で若干言及しているのをご覧になっていたとしても)。本記事の狙いは、私が現在のRailsプロジェクトで用いている設定を皆さんと共有することです。それらのRailsプロジェクトは、Evil Martiansのproduction development環境で生まれたものです。どうぞご自由にお使いください。 原文免責事項: 英語版記事は最新の推奨事項に合わせて更新を繰り返しています。詳しくは記事末尾のChangelogをご覧ください(参考: 原文Changelog)。 私がdevelopment環境でDockerを使
2019-09-03 I’m happy to announce that Sidekiq 6.0, Sidekiq Pro 5.0 and Sidekiq Enterprise 2.0 are now generally available after nine months of work by various contributors! 🎉🎂 No More Daemonizing Sidekiq 6.0 no longer offers the ability to run as an circa-1990s init.d-style daemon by removing the logfile, pidfile and daemonize command line flags. For a decade, all major Unix systems have offered
こんにちは、@f_subal です。普段はおもに pixivFACTORY のフロントエンドを見ています。 今回は pixivFACTORY において、フロントエンドのビルドに Webpacker を利用するのをやめた話をします。 Webpacker をやめよう rails/webpacker は Ruby on Rails のプロジェクトに webpack を導入する際に用いられる gem です。必要な webpack の設定ファイルの生成や、Rails のテンプレートからビルド済みの JavaScript ファイルを読み出すために用いるヘルパー関数など、多数の機能を提供します。 結論から言うと、Webpacker を入れてもあまり良いことがありませんでした。単に必要が無いというより、あることによって面倒が増していると感じたので、剥がしました。以下 Webpacker が導入された Ra
Trying to cram all that complexity in one developer’s head (especially for someone who is just starting out) results in a well-described cognitive fatigue. However, the feeling of being left behind the pack, the growing difficulty to talk shop with “frontend guys”, and the creeping anxiety about job prospects should not be your only reason to question an established workflow. Programmers are ratio
Rails 5.2.0 beta: Active Storage, Redis Cache Store, HTTP/2 Early Hints, CSP, Credentials It’s been too hard to deal with file uploads in Rails for too long. Sure, there’s been a lot of fine plugins available, but it was overdue that we incorporated something right into the framework. So now we have! With the new Active Storage framework in Rails 5.2, we’ve solved for the modern approach of upload
Rails 5.0: Action Cable, API mode, and so much more After six months of polish, four betas, and two release candidates, Rails 5.0 is finally done! It’s taken hundreds of contributors and thousands of commits to get here, but what a destination: Rails 5.0 is without a doubt the best, most complete version of Rails yet. It’s incredible that this community is still going so strong after so long. Than
Docker は、以前に「勉強」だけはしていたのだけど「実践」はあんまりできていなかった。でも、ここのところ Docker for Mac の評判がずいぶん良いらしいので、遅くはなったけど「実践」の頃合いかなということで腰を上げてみた。Docker 再入門、ってことで。 Docker for Mac のインストールと Getting Started ここの通りに進めていってみる。Docker for mac は 2016/06/29 現在、public beta。 進めていくなかで、Getting Started の途中にある、hello-world の docker run にて $ docker run hello-world Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally Pulling repository docker.io/l
Note: This post was updated March 2016 to use docker-compose instead of fig and Docker Machine instead of boot2docker directly. I recently volunteered to investigate deployment solutions for one of our clients. There were a number of aspects that we knew would be tricky: the app needed to run behind the client’s firewall the app required a number of other dependencies, including Ragel, Racc, and S
Getting up and running with Vue.js and Rails Vue.js has been widely adopted by the Laravel community, but I haven't seen much adoption in the Rails community. I have experimented with Vue.js in a couple different Rails applications and have had a very positive experience. I hope that this tutorial will show how easy it is to incorporate it into a Rails app and hope that the Rails community adopts
For many years, almost every Rails project I started included CanCan, the most popular authorization gem by Ryan Bates. It was very easy to use in applications built from scratch as well as to include in existing projects. To make things even better, it left the programmer a lot of room for customization. However, after working on dozens of Rails projects using CanCan, I started to notice some unc
rails 自分が rails をさわり始めたときはバージョン1からバージョン2に変わるあたりだったのですが、バージョン2が出た年を振り返るとなんと2007年でした。 月日の流れが速い事に驚く中、早く知ってたら良かったのになぁって事をつらつらとまとめてみました。 最近 rails さわり始めてみたよ!って方の参考になれば良いなと思います。 今回は便利な gem とかではなく、素のrailsで出来ることを挙げています。 ちなみにバージョンは以下の環境です。 About your application's environment Ruby version 2.1.3-p242 (x86_64-darwin14.0) RubyGems version 2.2.2 Rack version 1.5 Rails version 4.1.8 rails new したときの app 以下のディレクトリ
We love writing Rails apps at Viget. The framework covers so much ground right out of the box by convention. However, Rails is oddly silent about one thing: seed data. Beyond a simple Rake task, db:seed, each project is left on its own to define how best to provide seeds. Your Seed Data Is Important Without expounding too much on why seeds are vital over the lifetime of a project, we use them to p
I was bouncing around the Rails API documentation yesterday, and I noticed a few rails console tricks I haven’t seen before. There’s been plenty of posts about irb and Rails before, but I’m hoping you’ll learn something new here. The following console samples were taken with Basecamp Next on Rails version 3.2.3. Dive into your app Running the app method in rails console gives you an integration se