Discover over 25,410 free how-to articles and tutorials. Millions of students shape their future with our free tutorials every month. What would you like to learn? With these free tutorials, you can learn to master Photoshop actions, give better PowerPoint presentations, or get the most out of WordPress. Or maybe you want to brush up on your web design skills or discover how to start a business? Y
This library reads PHP code and transforms it into JavaScript code which can be run in the PHP VM in this library, resulting in same results as with PHP. It starts by tokenizing the PHP code into tokens, which it then uses to build an AST tree. Once the tree has been constructed, the script compiles it into JavaScript that can be interpreted by the VM and then executes it. Any additional unconvert
JavaScriptはPHPとよく似たシンタクスを持っています。PHPerにとっては親近感を感じる言語かもしれません。しかし、両者の言語仕様の違いはおそらくPHPerの想像以上です。『JavaScript: The Good Parts ―「良いパーツ」によるベストプラクティス』の著者、Douglas Crockford 氏が「JavaScriptはCの皮をかぶったLISP」と表現するくらいです。 PHPとJavaScriptが似ている(ように見える)が故に、はまりそうなポイントとその対策について簡単にまとめてみました。より詳しく知りたい方は『JavaScript: The Good Parts ―「良いパーツ」によるベストプラクティス』や『JavaScriptパターン ―優れたアプリケーションのための作法』を読んでみることをオススメします。 あと、自分も経験が浅いところがありますので間違
Google's Custom Search Engine (CSE) allows you to create a robust search feature for your Web site. They offer a free, ad-supported version and a premium business version that starts at $100 per year. Additionally, CSE provides a wide range of metrics, ranging from integration with Google Analytics to a feed of popular search queries. This tutorial will show you how to use PHP and jQuery to add an