First Public Working Drafts: Paint Timing 1; Long Tasks API 1 The Web Performance Working Group has published two First Public Working Drafts today: Paint Timing 1: This document defines an API that can be used to capture a series of key moments (First Paint, First Contentful Paint) during pageload which developers care about. Long Tasks API 1: This document defines an API that web page authors ca
Distributed and syndicated content W3C TAG Finding 27 July 2017 This Version: Latest Version: Latest editor's draft: Editor: Andrew Betts Participate: File a bug Commit history Mailing list Copyright © 2017 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang).
The web has long supported the idea of content which canonically exists at one location also being available in a different form in a different location. Some of the oldest examples are [RSS]( and other machine readable syndication formats, and the newest include content platforms such as [Blendle](, Facebook's [instant articles](https://devel
Author(s) and publish date By: Philippe le Hegaret Published: 16 May 2017 Skip to 3 comments Back in 2013, Tobie Langel wrote about testing the Open Web Platform. The vision was simple: W3C was launching an unprecedented effort to scale up its test offering and the journey was 1% finished. Many things have been happening since then and this week is a great opportunity to look at the project again.
Intro W3C の TAG から、主にブラウザ API の Polyfill に関するドキュメントが公開された。 Polyfills and the evolution of the Web Polyfill は便利な一方で、時として標準化の妨げになってしまう場合があるため、それを避けるために、Polyfill 実装者、利用者、仕様策定者などが、どう振る舞うべきかという趣旨である。 今回はこの内容を元に、Web の進化と協調する Polyfill のあり方について、主に「実装者」がどうすべきかに着目し記す。 Web における Breaking Change Breaking Change は、簡単に言えば 後方互換を失うことで既存のものが壊れる可能性がある変更 のことを表す。 そして、Web における Breaking Change (Break the Web)、具体的には Web
W3C@Publishing は、ウェブで読む、著作する、公開する、或いはコンテンツやサービスを検索する技術の草分けとなります Read testimonials 2017年2月1日: ワールド・ワイド・ウェブ・コンソーシアム(W3C)と国際デジタル出版フォーラム (IDPF)は本日正式に統合契約を締結し、出版とウェブ技術を融合するという将来展望に向けてロードマップ作成に着手します。 W3CはHTML、CSS、SVG、XMLやWCAG などのウェブ技術の根幹を策定する世界的な標準化組織であり、IDPFは、電子書籍と電子出版をグローバルに流通させる電子書籍ファイルフォーマット規格 (EPUB)を開発しています。 2016年5月にIDPFがシカゴで開催したカンファレンス (DigiCon)において W3CとIDPFの連携が公表された際には、ウェブの発明者
W3Techs - World Wide Web Technology Surveys W3Techs provides information about the usage of various types of technologies on the web. Our vision Provide the most reliable, the most extensive and the most relevant source of information on web technology usage. In our web technology surveys you can see the most popular technologies in these categories. We have no affiliation with any of the technolo
This finding documents the TAG’s position on securing the Web through the use of cryptography, identifies some of the associated issues, and recommends further work to aid in its use. Its primary audience is W3C participants. This document has been produced by the W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG). The TAG approved this finding at its 22 January 2015 teleconference. Additional TAG findings, b
The HTML5 Japanese Community Group has been proposed by Shinyu Murakami: The mission of the HTML5 Japanese Community Group includes the following: * to facilitate focused discussion in Japanese of the HTML5 specification and of related specifications * to gather comments and questions in Japanese about those specifications * to collect information about specific use cases in Japan for technologies