AWS Database Blog How to use the new Amazon DynamoDB key diagnostics library to visualize and understand your application’s traffic patterns Update (December 14, 2020): The DynamoDB team recommends that you use Amazon CloudWatch Contributor Insights for Amazon DynamoDB, which is a diagnostic tool for understanding your traffic patterns and identifying frequently accessed keys. You can enable Cloud
AWS News Blog New – Amazon DynamoDB Continuous Backups and Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR) The Amazon DynamoDB team is back with another useful feature hot on the heels of encryption at rest. At AWS re:Invent 2017 we launched global tables and on-demand backup and restore of your DynamoDB tables and today we’re launching continuous backups with point-in-time recovery (PITR). You can enable continuou
一般社団法人コンピュータエンターテインメント協会(CESA)が、8月30日~9月1日の3日間パシフィコ横浜にて開催している、国内最大のゲーム開発者向けカンファレンス「コンピュータ・エンターテインメント・デベロッパーズ・カンファレンス 2017」(CEDEC 2017)。 本稿では、8月30日に実施された講演「アナザーエデンにおける非同期オートセーブを用いた通信待ちストレスのないゲーム体験の実現」についてのレポートをお届けしていく。 本セッションでは、グリー<3632>の鈴木清人氏、西田綾佑氏が登壇。『アナザーエデン』の特徴ともいえるオートセーブ機構を中心に、それらの基盤技術であるLevelDBやDynamoDBおよびflatbuffersについて話を展開した。 ▲グリーのWright Flyer Studios事業本部にてリードエンジニアを務める鈴木氏。『アナザーエデン』では、サーバ・クラ
A Decade of Dynamo: Powering the next wave of high-performance, internet-scale applicationsOctober 02, 2017 • 1392 words Today marks the 10 year anniversary of Amazon's Dynamo whitepaper, a milestone that made me reflect on how much innovation has occurred in the area of databases over the last decade and a good reminder on why taking a customer obsessed approach to solving hard problems can have
AWS DevOps & Developer Productivity Blog Using AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB in an Automated Approach to Managing AWS CloudFormation Template Parameters and Mappings AWS CloudFormation gives you an easy way to codify the creation and management of related AWS resources. The optional Mappings and Parameters sections of CloudFormation templates help you organize and parameterize your templates so y
AWS News Blog DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) Now Generally Available Earlier this year I told you about Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX), a fully-managed caching service that sits in front of (logically speaking) your Amazon DynamoDB tables. DAX returns cached responses in microseconds, making it a great fit for eventually-consistent read-intensive workloads. DAX supports the DynamoDB API, and is sea
AWS News Blog New – Auto Scaling for Amazon DynamoDB Amazon DynamoDB has more than one hundred thousand customers, spanning a wide range of industries and use cases. These customers depend on DynamoDB’s consistent performance at any scale and presence in 16 geographic regions around the world. A recent trend we’ve been observing is customers using DynamoDB to power their serverless applications. T
AWS Developer Tools Blog General Availability Release of the aws-record Gem Today, we’re pleased to announce the GA release of version 1.0.0 of the aws-record gem. What Is aws-record? In version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby, the AWS::Record class provided a data mapping abstraction over Amazon DynamoDB operations. Earlier this year, we released the aws-record developer preview as a separately package
Amazon DynamoDB Design Patterns for Ultra-High Performance Apps (DAT304) | AWS re:Invent 2013 The document summarizes a presentation on advanced design patterns for building ultra-high performance apps using Amazon DynamoDB. The presentation covers using hash and range schemas to model social networks, secondary indexes for flexible querying of image data, conditional writes for synchronizing game
AWS Big Data Blog Analyze Your Data on Amazon DynamoDB with Apache Spark Manjeet Chayel is a Solutions Architect with AWS Every day, tons of customer data is generated, such as website logs, gaming data, advertising data, and streaming videos. Many companies capture this information as it’s generated and process it in real time to understand their customers. Amazon DynamoDB is a fast and flexible
What is Amazon DynamoDB? Amazon DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL service with strong consistency and predictable performance that shields users from the complexities of manual setup. NoSQL vs SQL Databases Whether or not you've actually used a NoSQL data store yourself, it's probably a good idea to make sure you fully understand the key design differences between NoSQL (including Amazon DynamoDB) and t