One thing I was really looking forward with Sass maps is the ability to have configuration objects for functions and mixins. You know how you pass objects to your JavaScript class constructors instead of several parameters? Well fasten your belt peeps because I’m bringing this to Sass! An insight in the JS way of doing Before digging into Sass awesomeness, let’s first have a look at how we would d
Get affordable and hassle-free WordPress hosting plans with Cloudways — start your free trial today. Sass just launched a major new feature you might recognize from other languages: a module system. This is a big step forward for @import. one of the most-used Sass-features. While the current @import rule allows you to pull in third-party packages, and split your Sass into manageable “partials,” it
These are goals that are based less on philosophy than on practicality. For the most part, they're derived from user feedback that we've collected about @import over the years. Import once. Because @import is a literal textual inclusion, multiple @imports of the same Sass file within the scope of a compilation will compile and run that file multiple times. At best this hurts compilation time for l
I’ve just pushed the button to release Sass 3.5.0-rc.1. If it seems like it’s been a while since the last release, that’s true! But there’s a good reason. We decided to enter feature freeze after the 3.5 release to give libsass, the super-speedy C++ implementation of Sass, time to reach feature parity with Sass 3.4. Libsass is much younger than Sass, and C++ is generally a slower language to work
Code and technology Friendlier colour names with Sass maps For us front end devs, Sass is a marvellous, marvellous thing, but although it gives you numerous powerful tools, it’s fairly unopinionated about exactly how you should put them to use. If you’re not careful, it’s just easy to end up with mess of poorly structured code as it was in the dark pre-Sass days. One thing we’ve struggled with rec
20 November, 2014 When to use @extend; when to use a mixin Written by Harry Roberts on CSS Wizardry. Table of Contents When to use @extend When to use a mixin tl;dr tl;dr;tl;dr This is a question I get asked a lot by my clients: When should we use a mixin, and when should we use @extend? There’s an old rule of thumb which states that mixins without arguments are bad—that mixins which just duplicat
Jeet's API. Interact with our docs.column ($ratios: 1, $offset: 0, $cycle: 0, $gutter: map-get($jeet, 'gutter')) Specify an initial ratio, either as fractions or decimals, then pass the parent container's context ratio to maintain consistent gutters as you nest. Specify a ratio to make your offset have a margin-left. Make it negative to give it a margin-right instead. e.g. column(1/4, $offset: 1/4
At a recent CSS meetup, I asked, “Who uses Sass in their daily workflow?” The response was overwhelmingly positive; no longer reserved for pet projects and experiments, Sass is fast becoming the standard way for writing CSS. This is great news! Sass gives us a lot more power over complex, ever-growing stylesheets, including new features like variables, control directives, and mixins that the origi
// ####################################### // MathSass v0.9.1 // // // Copyright (c) 2013 Takeru Suzuki - // Licensed under the MIT license - // Constants $E: 2.718281828459045; $PI: 3.141592653589793; $LN2: 0.6931471805599453; $SQRT2: 1.4142135623730951; // Returns base to the exponent power. // @param {Number
No matter what the language, errors should be handled in a clean and simple way, whether that be for the benefit of the end user or the next developer. When you perform an incorrect action on a site, it shouldn't just punch you with an error code or a failing command. It should warn you with an explicative message about what's going on. This shouldn't be any different when coding for other develop
Baseline first. Set text on the web to a baseline grid with Sass & rems A starting point Sassline aims to spread better typography across the web. It can be used for prototyping, blogs or full website builds. It has recommended base typography styles and Sass mixins to work proportionally from the baseline grid using rems. Meticulous vertical rhythm Due to the way CSS handles text setting a baseli
cusutom-color-name-definition-and-context-or-role-based-semantic-name-for-assign.scss �?$ 6V �rt 6V // Define custom color name. $my-red: #ee3333; $my-blue: #3333ee; // Then assign thme to role or context based name variables. $header-bg: $my-red; $header-active-fg: $my-blue; // Bind them to elements finally. .header { background-color: $header-bg; } .header .active { color: $header-active-fg; }