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Showing posts with label recap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recap. Show all posts

Friday, May 18, 2012

Card Show Post-Mortem

Card show's over. It didn't go exactly as planned, but I was able to pick up a few doozies. I went with Quality over Quantity this time picking up 16 cards in total. Not enough for a Top 20 list, but once I post the Top 5 from the last show next week I'll do a Top 10.

Here's how my card show goals turned out as illustrated by ponies:

1) I have a very short list of cards that I will blow my whole wad on if I can find one.  Didn't blow my whole wad but CHECK

2) Pick up at least 1 card I need for my 1953 Topps set.  CHECK

3) Attack my Vintage Braves team set needs. CHECKITY CHECK CHECK CHECK

4) Snag a pile of cheap fillers for my '54-56 Topps sets. FAIL 

5) Look for cards for my '60, '63, '65, '71 and '72 sets. - Mostly fail except for one huge CHECK

6) Find one really good non-sport card. EPIC WIN

7) Grab an unexpected bargain like the '58 Musial I am too lazy to link. CHECK

8) Be on the lookout for cards for my fellow bloggers. FAIL. I tried, but couldn't find anything before time ran out.

So all-in-all a good show and he'll probably be coming back by August or September. Since you made it this far through a gauntlet of Ponies, here's one of the pickups from today:

1967 Topps Woody Woodward. One of those dang high number cards you have to have for a team set. Picked it up cheap and in pretty good condition. You'll have to wait for the rest, I gotta get some sleep tonight.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The worst third base coaching job in history. Also, brief card show recap

I got to the card show today. It was pretty good even though my two favorite sellers weren't there. Before the show I was at my son's little league game. I've been helping out with coaching and the manager made me the third base coach. I'm not a good coach. Not even going to deny it. I've got a decent grasp on the fundamentals, but I get situations screwed up occasionally and I can't keep track of runs and outs to save my life. Also, I'm 'quiet' in real life and quiet and getting hyper distracted kids to listen to you is a lousy mix. My son especially hates to follow my instructions on the basepaths and would routinely run through stop signs until mom gave him a lecture. I try hard, but I really need a crash course in coaching before next season if I'm going to be doing this again.

I had done ok so far this season. I was a little too conservative the first game. I was way too aggressive the second game. I kinda hit a balance the last two games, then today Murphy struck. Except it wasn't Murphy's fault, it was me. The next time you are watching a game and your team's third base coach does something idiotic, just remember how lucky you are that I'm not out there. Here's the highlights of my game:

First inning: Two outs, the fastest runner on the team is on second. The batter hits it to short left field, I hold the runner thinking the left fielder could make a play at home. This is coach pitch little league. No outs are ever made at home. The runner looks at me like I'm insane and holds at third. The next batter gets out and I cost the team a run with the stop sign.

Second inning: Manager's kid is running, there's a hit to the outfield. I put up the stop sign, kid blows right past me like I'm invisible. Throw goes home, beats the kid by 20 feet. THE COACH PLAYING CATCHER TAGS HIM OUT. The hell just happened??

Third inning: Runner on third, one out. I tell her to hold up if it's in the air and I'll tell her when to run. Batter hits a pop up to the third basemen. I watch to see if the kid catches it and when he does, look to the bag to tell the runner to stay put and see her halfway down the line. Tag, double play, inning over. Oops.

Fourth inning: Bases loaded. We're losing by five. Snakes are in my head right now and I'm terrified of screwing anything else up. There's less than two outs so I make SURE everyone knows not to go if it's in the air. Immediate pop up to short. Everyone dutifully stays on their base. The pop up is over the shortstops head and it looks like he's going to miss it. He dives backward, I see the ball hit his glove and think it popped out so I say GO. Really loud. The kid friggin' caught it. Seriously, this was a Web Gem play right here. Batter is out and I just told the runners to run. Pants were shat, I told the kids to get back to their base and miraculously everyone made it back probably because the rest of the defense was so amazed by the catch. The fast kid from the first inning is on second during this debacle and he completely loses faith in anything I have to say. So now the kid refuses to run on ANYTHING the rest of the inning. Two long hits ensued after the pop up and I literally had to beg him to run to the next base with the parents in the crowd yelling along in the stands behind me.

Fifth inning: We're down by five. We're visitors, so unless we score 6, the game is over. I'm a complete nervous wreck at this point. One more bonehead decision by me and I'll be breaking Jimmy Dugan's first rule of baseball right out there in front of everybody. Manager's kid is on the basepaths again on first. Loooong hit, kid rounds second. I put up the sign to stop at third, Manager overrides me and tells him to go. Out by a mile again. Hooray! It wasn't my fault this time! I can relax! I'm off the hook!


Girl from the third inning is on first. BIG hit from the tallest kid on the team. It's deep but the outfielder tracks it down quickly. Girl gets to third, I wave her home. Tall kid gets to second, I tell him to stop because the outfielder is throwing it in. Tall kid keeps running, finally stops halfway to third. We're screwed by this point so I tell him to keep on coming. I look to the bag and the girl I waved home also stopped herself when I threw the stop sign up for the tall kid. So now she's 10 feet off of the base the tall kid is about to be on, the ball is already at the cut off man and you can't have two runners on the same base. I somehow tell her to go on home (I think I was having an out of body experience by this point, I'm not really sure what was going on) and she runs. She's out by 12 parsecs and the other team's manager took pity on us and told the catcher not to tag her out. God bless that man, he saved my sanity today. The inning continues despite me, I manage not to get myself or anyone else killed out there and we score the maximum 7 runs.

And after all that? The kids save my tuchas, and get the other team out 1-2-3 in the bottom of the inning to win the game.

I will never, EVER, yell at Brian Snitker again.

Ok. card show. I took my son with me who was jazzed after the game because he made the play to get the last out. He had no money because mom took it all away when he decided to take a bubble bath with mom's expensive shampoo. I spotted him a fiver because you can't have no money at your first card show. I will admit I steered him to some dime boxes and a couple of piles of cheap auto/relic cards. He had none of it. His purchases:

A Who's Who of Baseball book from 1976. He got that for a dollar. When he opened it up to see what players were inside he asked me why Chipper Jones wasn't in there. I pointed out that Chipper Jones was 4 years old in 1976. He still kept checking out that book the rest of the time we were in the show. This cost 1 buck. The other four bucks went to a 1990 Fleer factory set. that was my fault. I pointed out that there were complete sets at a table for 4 bucks without actually looking to see what kind of drek was over there. I panicked slightly when I saw what he picked, but he loves it. There's stickers in there! And rookie cards with TWO players on it! But the cards aren't in order! Hell put them in order when he puts them into a binder! Hey dad, can I have a binder with some pages? If I don't see the set scattered all over his room in a couple weeks I'm probably going to give him all my crappy factory sets from the late '80s too.

Ok, here's the list of my goals for this show along with the result.

COMPLETE ONE SET. - Failed. Not for lack of trying, though.

COMPLETE ONE SERIES. - Mission Accomplished!

COMPLETE ONE TEAM SET. - Mission Accomplished!

FIND A '53 TOPPS CARD I DON'T HAVE - Mission Super Accomplished!

FIND ONE J-HEY CARD I DON'T HAVE - Expectations Exceeded!

Four outta five ain't bad.

Here's the very first card I got at the show.

I picked it up for a buck, which is a bargain at half the price. The shopkeep had the nerve to tell me that it would cost a lot more if it weren't marked up, creased and quite frankly warped in a couple places. Thanks for that info buddy. If  I had $999,999 more dollars, I'd be a millionaire. The reason I got this card (and was dang exited to find it too) was that it accomplished one of those goals up there. You've probably guessed which one, but I'll show it off in another post. All the stuff I got today (actually yesterday now that it's taken me so long to write this) has given me enough material for posts that will keep me busy probably through December. And that's not even counting all the Cartoon, art, sticker and pony posts!

Speaking of ponies, not ONE person asked me to draw them a pony. I am disappoint.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Card Show Recap





Ok, I'm back from the card show. I am riding the high of a cardboard-induced euphoria while munching on a Five Guys' Bacon Cheezburger with grilled onions, grilled mushrooms and A1 sauce. I met some friends, bought some cards and pitchers and catchers report in two days. Life is good. 

I'll be showing off my swag in good time, but first, let's see if I met the goals of my card show game plan:

1) Get a vintage Brave off my wantlist.

Yes, big time. I got a card I've been chasing for 25 years. 

2) Get one 1953 Topps card off my list.

Yes, but barely. I'm almost at the point where I'm not going to be able to find any cards I need from this set for under a $20. 

3) my reconnaissance team has informed me that there are dime boxes. Attack with extreme prejudice.

Yes. I was in the same building as Jason Heyward and Matt Ryan and instead of going to gawk at my Heroes with an Capital Aitch, I was digging through dime boxes full of junk like my life depended on it. I need serious therapy. 

4) If I see a J-Hey that I don't have and the price isn't jacked up, buy it.

Yes. Found two of 'em actually. 

5) Make faces at PETA if they show up to protest Michael Vick.

No. Mike wasn't there today. I made faces at Chris Harris though and sneered at a dealer trying to rip off some old guy who was looking through some vintage cards. 

6) Wander aimlessly in a Zen-like state until a card or piece of memorabilia trips me up and forces me to buy it.

Yes. I ended up staying at the show for 6 hours and after a while became dazed and confused. This mental diminishment allowed me to find an interesting bit of memorabilia. Also, a card I never ever would have bought in a million years jumped in my lap and insisted I take it home. 

7) One oddball non-sports card. Just one.

Yes. I got more than one, but I did find a PERFECT one. 

8) Use the wantlists I spent an hour and a half writing up this morning.

Yes. I wrote out my '06, '09 and '10 Allen & Ginter wantlists and my 1951, 1960, 1965 and 1972 Topps checklists because my printer is on the fritz. I bought a card off of every list but the 2009 A&G list. 


If I had gone to the ATM this morning to get an extra $40, I would have spent every dime. While I didn't get everything I wanted, I am very glad I drove by the bank in retrospect.

If you don't want to spend six hours at the card show, you need to forego the dime boxes. And quarter boxes. And 50-cent boxes. And the dollar boxes. Luckily, I managed to ignore this rule and get away with it.

Dime boxes are like ice cream. At first, you gorge on it in delirium and joy. After a while though you are completely sick of ice cream and don't even want to look at it anymore. I walked by some poor guys with a table full of dime boxes full of commons going back to the early '70s when I was in the 'sick of ice cream' mood. Location is key in real estate and card shows.

People who live within a 500 mile radius of New York City are jaded at card shows. Chris and Sooz*were all  like "yeah didn't find much today, kinda bored" while I was bouncing up and down like a kid at the circus who just ate 700 pixy stix and washed 'em down with a three liter of Jolt.

*To be fair, Sooz was a part of the show staff and thus has every right - nay, duty - to be bored.

While I was thoroughly pleased with the show, apparently the White Plains show makes this one look like a garage sale. At 5:00pm. On Sunday. I need to take a road trip this year. 

A good way to convince yourself not to spend money is to put the shiny thing you are about to impulse buy at the back of the box and say to yourself  "I'll come back for this after I look around some more" You will never ever go back for what ever forgotten shiny thing you stashed. 

When you go back and look through the cards you picked out in a dime box digging frenzy, you will always find a bunch of cards that you simply do not remember picking up. Most of the time you're glad you have them though.

Apparently Topps is purchasing a lot of the cards that they are giving away out of their 'archives' from the bigger vintage dealers out there. Good for Topps, keep these guys in business!


Every high has it's hangover and a Card Show High is no different. There are a few things I will regret after the show. 

The wantlist I most regret not bringing: 

My Allen & Ginter mini card Frankenset wantlist. I found a table with a 1600 count shoebox completely filled two deep with Allen & Ginter mini cards. Two for a buck. Oy. This is a pain that shall linger. 

The card I really really want but passed on that I won't really lose any sleep over:

My favorite Atlanta Hawk is Al Horford. I've kind of wanted a really nice Horford relic for a while and I found a decent looking patch card for 10 bucks. I was in the grips of Vintage Madness and passed. 

The card that may end up haunting me before it's all said and done:

My favorite vintage seller had a 'nicked and dinged' case with a bunch of stars at discounted prices. I passed up on a 1960 Stan the Man Musial for $8. That might not have been the smartest thing I've ever done. 

The thing I will think back upon and regret most when I am wasting money on retail packs in a couple of months:

One thing I've wanted for a while is an autograph from Bobby Cox. Another thing I think are really cool are MLB lineup cards from actual games. This one seller had a pile of lineup cards from various games going back to the '90s. Most were signed by Cox and another player like Glavine, Avery and Smoltz. There were a bunch of them though and none had a firm price on them and I just sort of assumed they were out of my price range. Turns out they were priced from $25-$40. I coulda had a lineup card and Bobby's auto for the price of two blasters. 

The I need to go buy something from this guy now regret:

I only saw one of the local card sellers at the show. I stopped by, said hi, looked around and didn't buy anything. In my defense, everything there is going to be at his shop next week anyway. I still feel like a bit of a douche.

The instant regret that quickly turned to relief:

One table had a few piles of dollar cards sitting out on the table. Among the piles were a couple of plastic 100-count boxes of 2011 Topps inserts including the new Code cards. I thought about picking up a few but while I was looking at something else this guy and his son came by and wiped the guy out of code cards. Even bought the ones he had under the counter. At first I was disappointed, then I realized that I probably just dodged an expensive bullet.


There's always strangeness at every card show. Here's a few things I noticed that I thought a bit off. 

The most fantastic box of junk wax was a 2007 Series 1 Topps box of those 21 base cards plus a stick of nasty Heritage gum things that no one ever bought. They were five bucks a pop. Someone bought one, I saw them ripping it at the snack stand tables. 

One dealer appeared to be selling nothing but supplies and books. I do not understand this. Did this guy make money??

On the other end of the spectrum there was another dealer who was set up like a flea market who had just about everything but the fleas. This guy had the most fantastic stuff.  Searched vending boxes of 1979 and 1983 Topps on the $10 table. Postcards piled to the ceiling. Books everywhere including the Bert Sugar Dover reprint books. A 7-11 display with a Dale Murphy Sportsflix disc free with every drink purchase on it. A plastic tub overflowing with film slides of MLB players. A pile of old Sportscaster cards. A 2005 Bowman Draft Update Aflac All-Star redemption set. He also had a stack of blank NFL credit cards. You know, the cards that you sign up for at the stadium where you get a free football or blanket and then 2 years later you've paid several grand in finance charges? Those cards. No numbers, but they had the hologram and everything. And finally the single most amazing dollar box I have ever seen in my life. I'll talk more about that later. 

Ridiculous: Every single dealer who sets up at a card show and doesn't price their shit. You guys stay home and stop eating up table space. 

Also Ridiculous: The card buying dudes who were alternately hustling people out of their collections and then making rude comments about the show attendees. While customers sit one table over hearing every word. Nice one, guys.

Ok, that's enough regrets and kvetching for one night. I had a blast today. Once I get everything organized and scanned  you'll be seeing some highlights. 

Monday, March 31, 2008

Thoughts on the Opening Game Broadcast.

I didn't live blog it, but I did take notes to share for posterity. It's my life, I'll waste it how I please.

George Will? Ok, we get it. It's an election year. Thanks ESPN, I never would have noticed if not for you.
National Anthem - Wow, what a voice. I wasn't expecting that.
First Pitch - They're all really saying Boooo-ush.

First inning:
First pitch - strike. First batter - strikeout. 1-2-3 for the Nats n the first.
The Braves really need to work on their fielding apparently. ugh.
The exact moment when I hit the mute button on the ESPN broadcast and turned on Pete and Chip on the radio: Bottom of the first, third batter.
Argh. Kearns with the RBI. Joe's gonna be frisky today.

Second Inning:
Jeez, it's the Austin Kearns show tonight. Nails McCann trying for the double. McCann funs about as fast as me...
1-2-3 inning for Hudson, who is back in the groove.
Oh, ESPN? I little hint for you:

Third inning:
Kearns is everywhere!
ARGH caught stealing. What was Earl Weaver saying about goddamn little fleas on the basepaths...
The exact moment when I turned off the TV completely: Top of the third, second batter.
Woot! Escobar with the 360 spin move! another 1-2-3 inning.

Fourth Inning:
Ok, non stop Bush or no, I'm turning on the TV for Chipper's at bat...
ok, tv's right back off...
Ok, why the hell is Teddy Roosevelt made to look like an ass during every president race? That franchise will never have a winning season until they start respecting the T.R. Ya hear that Nationals, I curse Thee, vile blasphemers!
Some more nice D for the bravos - Huddy's on a roll.

Fifth inning:
Ok, it looks like it's safe to watch the game on TV again since they are actually pointing the cameras at the field mostly.
Boot, Bunt, and..... nothing.
ESPN recycles their Presidential first pitch graphic again.
OK, the speedy rat commercial is strange enough, but it's REALLY strange without sound. Anyone else notice the rat humping the guy's leg?
13 straight outs for Hudson!

Sixth Inning:
Peter Gammons wants to make sweet, sweet love to Chipper by the fire.
Hey, a Willie Harris sighting!
Aaaaand Peter jinxed Chipper with his premature Hall of Fame induction ceremony. Dammit.
Sixth inning and I can already tell it's going to be one of those games... Brilliant pitching, hard-luck 1 run loss. I've seen this too many times.

Seventh inning:
Yep, everyone's forgotten how to hit - Diaz is aiming for the fences.
While the radio broadcasts "Take Me Out To The Ballgame", ESPN shows a Pharma and Jack Daniels commercial.
19 straight for Huddy - He's in the zone

Eighth inning:
Burger King!
ARGH can someone please get Tim off the hook?!?
Ohman in the game, does his LOOGY work and gets out.
Moylan looks good in set up duty.

Ninth Inning:
Ok, somone PLEASE get Tim off the hook!!!
CHIPPER TOTALLY ROBBED. Rauch didn't even see that ball coming at him.
Tex misses a homer by a foot! Double for Teixeira.
Prado runs for Tex? Who's gonna play 1st base in the bottom of the inning?
Frenchy advances the runner. Last chance people...
Big Mac does nothin'.
Moylan back in for the Braves. Prado playing first?
Moylan mows 'em down.
Milledge gets his uniform dirty.
Invader Zim...
Ends it.

At least the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie was on after the game.