277 posts tagged with watch.
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A watch that looks like this for less than $40,000

The Patek Philippe 5227G Calatrava checks all my boxes for watch design: silver or white on black, no numbers, single dial markers, nothing but time and date. It is also $40,000. Surely someone makes a watch that looks a lot like this for less? [more inside]
posted by Lemkin on Jan 20, 2025 - 11 answers

Apple Watch: Aluminum vs Stainless Steel; Cellular or GPS only?

You own an Apple Watch in aluminum or stainless steel. How did you choose? If you’ve owned both and prefer one over other, please tell me about it. I know cellular comes only with the stainless steel; is the cellular worth the additional monthly cost?
posted by conscious matter on Aug 4, 2024 - 10 answers

Can you recommend a good watch repair place in NYC?

I have an old watch that crapped out about 10 years ago. As I recall, I took it to get a new battery and was surprised to find that a new battery didn't solve the problem, so I just cast it aside. Now I'd like to resuscitate it. I live in Park Slope, so local is good, but Manhattan is also fine. Good, reliable work and not too expensive are my criteria.
posted by swheatie on May 30, 2024 - 4 answers

Hard Stop Reminder

If you are a person who has to leave work at a certain time, say 5pm, how do you remind yourself of the time? Assume you get too many phone notifications for that to be useful and that you may not be sitting in front of a computer, so email reminders might not work. I was thinking about a super low tech watch with alarm function. Something that doesn't have to be charged frequently. Any recommendations or other suggestions? Prefer something not hideous. Some of the watches google suggested were huge and bulky. Also pondering how likely it is for watch to be worn and not forgotten which is always possible.
posted by MadMadam on May 13, 2024 - 19 answers

Basic wristwatch with multi-hour stopwatch

Can you please suggest a cheap and cheerful watch that has a stopwatch function that measures in hours? [more inside]
posted by Rhomboid on May 1, 2024 - 9 answers

Apple Watch and Bluetooth

The Apple Watch can send signals by bluetooth (audio, for instance), but can it receive bluetooth signals? Is it possible to build a trigger that when pressed makes the watch do something like play a sound or change screens or whatever? Are there any examples of such a thing on the market?
posted by dobbs on Mar 12, 2024 - 8 answers

Inexpensive product to remove scratches from acrylic crystal watches?

I’m looking for an inexpensive product to remove scratches from my acrylic crystal watches. I’m familiar with Polywatch and think it works great, but I’m looking for a more economical solution. [more inside]
posted by GlassHeart on Feb 4, 2024 - 4 answers

Any information on this watch?

I found this little watch... [more inside]
posted by Marky on Jan 31, 2024 - 6 answers

How to make the best use of my Apple Watch series 9 ?

Got my first Apple Watch series 9 before Christmas and I’m thrilled with the features so far but it’s overwhelming too. I’m basically using it for general info like weather, calendar, mail, text and most importantly tracking my exercise. [more inside]
posted by SunPower on Jan 7, 2024 - 14 answers

What is the fastest way to get a battery replacement for an Apple Watch?

A relative's Apple Watch Series 5 40mm/GPS+Cellular has been draining faster than it used to, and it's important for health reasons for relative not to lose access to it even for one night so they can call for help as needed. I have been researching how to get the battery replaced at the 79 battery replacement rate, but it seems like the standard battery replacement options might all require giving up the watch for more than a day. Are there faster options I am missing? [more inside]
posted by beryllium on Aug 17, 2023 - 4 answers

I need a watch that will monitor HR, BP and Oxygen Levels - Without GPS

So for health reasons, I am looking for a nice watch, that will do what it says it will, basically monitoring heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels. The only thing is, I don't want to be tracked, don't need internet, don't want blue tooth and just turning off those features won't pass. Is there such a thing as a smart phone that isn't that smart for people who don't want to be tracked and their every move going into a supercomputer? Thanks for any help with this.
posted by watercarrier on Jun 14, 2023 - 7 answers

This watch face... but smaller!

I really love this gorgeous Seiko watch face, but 39mm diameter is just too large for my tiny spindly wrists. Do you know of any watches with similar-looking faces, sized closer to 20-30mm? The top of my price range is about $250 (although wouldn't mind window-shopping some really beautiful ones above that range just for fun). [more inside]
posted by mekily on Mar 9, 2023 - 14 answers

Cryptic graphically cool designs for a custom watch face

I'm buying and assembling a watch from Eoniq and aside from customizing the watch parts I can upload a design to be put on the dial. I need ideas for categories of stuff that would look cool, but isn't immediately obvious what it is. Hivemind, activate! (pretty please) [more inside]
posted by coolname on Feb 27, 2023 - 9 answers

A Smartwatch that isn't too smart

My fitbit Inspire is in the process of dying, and I’m thinking of replacing it with something that looks nicer. I am leaning towards a hybrid watch – something that looks like a real wristwatch, but has some of the functionality of my old fitbit. I’m also willing to consider another smart watch if it fit my criteria. Most important functions: looks nice, an analogue clock, step tracking and vibrating notifications. I’m flexible on price, say up to $300 CAD if it is really nice. Complication: tiny wrists, so something small is best. Available in Canada Snowflakes below the fold: [more inside]
posted by Valancy Rachel on Oct 29, 2022 - 15 answers

A basic Apple Watch question

Is it fair/accurate to say that a current (Series 8) Apple Watch GPS model has exactly the same functionality/capability as the equivalent current (Series 8) Apple Watch cellular model, if the GPS model is always (1) close to the paired iPhone or (2) on Wifi? [more inside]
posted by andrewesque on Oct 24, 2022 - 6 answers

How to sell a watch as easily as possible

I have a Baume & Mercier watch that I'd like to sell as painlessly as possible. It's probably worth about $1-2K. I'd like to simply walk into a store and get cash for it (I'm in New York City), or utilize a similar service online. I do not wish to put up my own listing, ad, auction, Craiglist's post, or the like. I know this will mean less money in my pocket, but the tradeoff is worth it to me. Thanks for your advice!
posted by Conrad Cornelius o'Donald o'Dell on Jul 12, 2022 - 4 answers

Looking for a basic watch for swimming laps

I used to use an Apple Watch for this, but it died and I don’t want to replace it because the only thing i need from a smart watch is for it to count my laps, ideally know what stroke I’m swimming, and as an optional bonus, take my heart rate. I’m willing to pay for decent quality but not for endless bells and whistles I don’t need. Fantasy price is under $100 but if that’s not realistic, I’m flexible. What should I get?
posted by BuddhaInABucket on Apr 9, 2022 - 3 answers

Smart Watch for Bike Directions

How effectively do smart watches (such as Apple Watch) provide directions for bicycling in cities? [more inside]
posted by Comet Bug on Mar 26, 2022 - 7 answers

What's the deal with charging Apple Watches in 2022?

Apple claims 18 hours of use from a full charge. Is this a fair claim, or is it over-optimistic? And if it's true, Apple Watch users, what's your routine for charging it, particular if you want to track your sleep?
posted by Beverley Westwood on Feb 27, 2022 - 21 answers

How to buy a phone direct from Apple when I’m on an existing AT&T plan?

… with minimal hassle. Details within. [more inside]
posted by stoneandstar on Feb 24, 2022 - 11 answers

Can I fix a Timex T-80 watch band?

I bought my teenage son this watch for Christmas. Stretch band, but one of the middle non-stretchy links has come apart. Here's a photo. Could I fix this with tiny tools and some bending? I don't want to pay $20 to ship it back for repair. Bands are not warrantied. Thanks!
posted by freecellwizard on Feb 21, 2022 - 2 answers

New watch - stops working often

I recently got a new analog watch. It keeps stopping, as in it will be running fine then cease ticking. When I reset the time, it will resume ticking. This is maddening. I can't tell if this watch is defective, or if there is some nuance in how I am using the knob that adjusts the time, that isn't correct. The watch is 'self winding', described as powered by a Seiko NH35. Due I need to wind this and reset the time every morning? [more inside]
posted by walkinginsunshine on Feb 3, 2022 - 14 answers

Insert [favourite non-European short film director] here

I've been working my way through Apichatpong Weerasethakul's shorts and they are truly amazing. In addition to his creative brilliance, I appreciate three things: 1) he's prolific, so there's loads of films, 2) they are all relatively short shorts, mostly <15 minutes long, and 3) he's a non-European director shooting from a proudly non-European POV. Who is your favourite prolific, non-European short film director that I can devour next? Arthouse a bonus but not a requirement.
posted by Ten Cold Hot Dogs on Jan 25, 2022 - 2 answers

Historicity of mid-20th Cen workers receiving a Gold Watch at retirement

Historicity of "Gold watch presented at retirement": There's an old saw that comes up frequently in fiction, where working-class men (in the U.S. in the mid-20th Century) would receive a gold watch from the company upon their retirement from the mill/railroad/factory etc. I'd like to know more about this: when and how often this happened, in what industries, when and how it arose and the circumstances surrounding its decline, the value & appearance of these watches, etc. [more inside]
posted by jjjjjjjijjjjjjj on Nov 30, 2021 - 12 answers

WatchFi - where can I find the wristwatch seen in Squid Game?

Cho Sang-woo wears a minimalist watch in Squid Game, seen briefly when he checks the time. Image here. Anyone know what watch it is, or where I can find something similar? [more inside]
posted by osmond_nash on Oct 24, 2021 - 5 answers

What should I replace my Fitbit with?

I’ve had one form or another of Fitbit for years. My current one, a Charge 3, is starting to die and I’m pondering the replacement. What do you recommend? I'm in the US. [more inside]
posted by The corpse in the library on Oct 19, 2021 - 18 answers

Microscratches from gentle watch cleaning?

I recently bought a nice watch, and I've been incredibly careful with it. Part of the case is made from polished titanium. A few days ago, I decided to clean the polished surfaces with a microfiber glasses cloth and no solvents. To my surprise, when viewed under a harsh LED light, this cleaning attempt clearly left a number of very fine hairline scratches on the metal. [more inside]
posted by archagon on Oct 19, 2021 - 4 answers

What is it like to be part of a neighborhood or community watch program?

I want to write a story about someone who volunteers for the neighborhood or community watch program. Does anyone have experience with this? If so, I want all the details!
posted by writinginmontana on Oct 16, 2021 - 1 answer

Portable reminder gadget (smartwatch?) recommendations?

I deal with WFH but pottering away from my laptop by setting iPhone alarms so I can arrive at, wrap up, and end my meetings (3-8 nonrecurring meetings/day, 1-4 alarms per meeting to help me facilitate others + protect my time, custom text reminding me alarm's pupose). I need something lighter than my phone + easier to setup. Is there a smartwatch (or other gadget: I only want this one feature and dislike having surveillance/text/calls/web/apps) that can do this for me? [more inside]
posted by rollcredits on Jun 18, 2021 - 2 answers

Watch Oscars online

I'd like to watch the Oscars tonight. I live in Chile, and they show it here with annoying real-time interpretation and stupid comments. [more inside]
posted by signal on Apr 25, 2021 - 5 answers

Finding a analog watch that displays digital-like numbers.

A long while back I read a magazine that featured an incredibly designed wrist watch. This watch had no digital elements, but the face of the watch used small bars, copper maybe?, to create digital style numbers. The watch display essentially looked like a classic digital alarm clock. My fuzzy memory tells me this was an engineer feat, possibly still under development, and outrageously expensive. I've searched for hours and cannot find anything. Perhaps you can help me can free me from this prison?
posted by dbbaily on Mar 16, 2021 - 6 answers

Help me tell time

My old watch has slowed to a halt and the band is falling apart. I’d like to replace it with something not too cheap or expensive. [more inside]
posted by azalea_chant on Nov 27, 2020 - 4 answers

Cheapest running/activity watch that tracks pace

I used to have a Garmin Forerunner 405. It was great (except that the bezel input thing was dumb), but all I really need is start, stop, and real time distance and pace. [more inside]
posted by atomicstone on Oct 30, 2020 - 6 answers

When is it? Seeking the best dumb and durable watch

I am on such a quest and it has been exhausting. All I want is TELL THE TIME AND COUNT MY STEPS AND DO SO RELIABLY AND NO I DON'T WANT TO DOWNLOAD THAT APP. I'm overwhelmed by google and shopping options and reviews, though none of them look quite right. Does no one else need a lo-fi, clutz proof, durable pedometer watch? [more inside]
posted by goodnight moon on Oct 23, 2020 - 10 answers

Apple Watch with an Android phone?

I am thinking of buying an Apple Watch 4, but I don't have an iPhone (or an Apple computer), but rather an Android phone. I know most of the functionality of the watch should be fine, but are there any major problems with this? [more inside]
posted by zardoz on Oct 5, 2020 - 7 answers

Whats the best way to watch Youtube videos when offline?

My internet is spotty right now and I wish to watch Youtube videos. What is a safe, easy way for me to save or download videos when I have internet and watch them later when I'm offline? [more inside]
posted by ninazer0 on Mar 6, 2020 - 14 answers

I need a very simple habit tracker

Is there an IOS habit tracker (with bonus points for an Apple Watch version!) that doesn't use the calendar-streak method? [more inside]
posted by grumblebee on Feb 5, 2020 - 9 answers

Help me bring these digital watches back to life!

I've acquired 2 vintage Star Wars digital watches from the '70s. They don't work. Two watch stores and the manufacturer won't touch them. But I bet there's a way to resurrect them. Either the original LED displays can be replaced (to have that original look) or a modern-day LCD display can be ported into the cases. [more inside]
posted by Flying Saucer on Jan 17, 2020 - 7 answers

Choosing between two smartwatches given app needs

Short and simple: which of these two smartwatches should I get: the Fossil Gen 5 Julianna, or the Samsung Galaxy? Needs inside. I assume both should be able to do this but I'd like to be sure, and I'd like to know if other considerations (battery life?) favor one over the other. [more inside]
posted by fiercecupcake on Jan 9, 2020 - 1 answer

First-hand recommendations for a budget wristwatch with vibration alarm?

Interested in getting a watch with a vibration alarm, for when I can't use my phone alarm, or when I want to have a backup in addition to my phone alarm. I don't expect it to wake me from a deep sleep, but I'm hoping it'll be noticeable enough if I'm taking a catnap, or working in the yard or on something temporarily where it'd be inconvenient to use my phone. I know Casio and Timex make relevant watches - suggestions for specific models under or around $50? Any others to be aware of? [more inside]
posted by rangefinder 1.4 on Nov 1, 2019 - 4 answers

Medical Alert Watch?

My 91 year old mother-in-law lives alone (California) and is in great shape considering her age, but we are very worried about falls. She has had different medical alert devices (phone and wearable/around the neck), but will never carry them with her - she currently has a Great Call Jitterbug phone. She says if we can find a watch that is a standalone device and does not require any other components she will use it, otherwise she just prefers to take her chances and not worry about it. [more inside]
posted by The Architect on Sep 15, 2019 - 13 answers

Where to watch World Cup final in Tigard, OR?

Some friends and I will be in Tigard this weekend for a Saturday night wedding. The USWNT is playing in the World Cup final at 8 AM Sunday morning. Are there any good soccer bars nearby that we can hit up? Would prefer to stay in the general Tigard area, but also open to suggestions in Portland. Thanks!
posted by bassooner on Jul 3, 2019 - 4 answers

cheap, quiet wristwatch

I'm looking for a cheap (less than $40, cheaper is better), QUIET, simple analog wristwatch. Aesthetically I like the Timex Easy Reader sort, but reviews all say they have audible ticking noises, which will drive me up a wall. (A consistent faint hum might be OK but I'd rather avoid it.) Hope me!
posted by needs more cowbell on Apr 29, 2019 - 9 answers

Where to get a watch band expanded in Austin, TX?

I have a Timex watch with an expanding band that is too tight for my wrist. Looking for a recommendation of a place that can expand it for me for a reasonable price. [more inside]
posted by cats are weird on Mar 28, 2019 - 2 answers

Easily accessed timer/stop watch app on smart watch

I work in 15 minutes installments as a pair with a co-worker, and need a reliable and easy way to measure that time. What kind of watch should I get? [more inside]
posted by LoonyLovegood on Mar 22, 2019 - 4 answers

Upgrading my wristwatch -- for a femme petite woman

Can you recommend a wristwatch brand/style that's moderately expensive but still looks feminine and delicate on a small wrist? [more inside]
posted by serelliya on Jan 31, 2019 - 15 answers

Need a watch with luminous numbers and solar charging for emergency kit

I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to find a watch that (1) has glow-in-the-dark hands and numbers (so you don't have to push a button to read it), (2) has very long battery life or else can be charged via exposure to light, (3) is somewhat waterproof, and (4) does not cost very much. Suggestions very much welcome. [more inside]
posted by StrawberryPie on Jan 19, 2019 - 10 answers

seeking watch: cheap, pretty, functional

I want a watch that's cheap (sub-50$, the cheaper the better) AND pretty (snowflakes inside), BUT that doesn't die or fall apart within a year of purchase. Bonus point: LED backlight button or similar for nighttime viewing. [more inside]
posted by Cozybee on Dec 27, 2018 - 15 answers

for the watch enthusiasts of metafilter...

I think my dad would enjoy getting a "nice" watch for Christmas, but have no idea what to buy or where to look for it. I'm aiming for a Wall Street executive aesthetic but for a couple hundred dollars, not thousands. [more inside]
posted by sepviva on Dec 8, 2018 - 20 answers

Elegant classic unisex watch?

It may be time for a new watch soon, because my Tissot Classic Dream is hiccupping all over the place despite a new battery and two cleanings by different watchmakers. I'm tempted to just buy another of those cheap Tissots, because this thing lasted nearly nine years, but maybe something else can fit my requirements below? [more inside]
posted by I claim sanctuary on Oct 21, 2018 - 11 answers

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