4 posts tagged with clothing by stuck on an island.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.
Style me just a wee bit Thronesy.
I just finished my first paid storytelling gig and have been invited back for more, which technically makes me a professional storyteller. OBVIOUSLY this means I'm now officially entitled to buy and wear that long romantic dress with wide sweepy skirt I've wanted since preteen girlhood. Help me find it! Pickiness inside. [more inside]
Apple, meet pear.
It's wardrobe revamp time for me and the gang! Recommend me some resources for choosing clothes to suit body shape. We are mostly lady-type people, but advice aimed at men is also welcome. [more inside]
The American dream (made in China)
Economics for clotheshorses: Help me learn how consumer goods and services & manufacturing and business practices have changed for better and/or worse. [more inside]
Yes, I've got a lulu. Why?
Where can I find reasonably detailed reference images of smart everyday women's clothes from the 1940s, 50s and early 60s? [more inside]