226 posts tagged with magazines.
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Searching for a 90s/00s (Canadian?) environmental kids comic

Every time I see a character using the scary shiny glasses trope, I spend a while wracking my brain for where I first saw it. When I was a kid (so probably between ~1997-2005 somewhere), I remember reading a 1-2 page comic in the back of some sort of magazine - either something we subscribed to, or something that was omnipresent in dentist waiting rooms and that sort of thing. Hoping someone can help me remember what it was! [more inside]
posted by sagc on Nov 20, 2024 - 4 answers

Art magazines for a young artist

I was thinking of getting my niece a subscription to an art magazine. She is serious about art but also 12, so nothing too esoteric and cool, something more focused on working artists and their practice and tools than on achingly hip people doing things in galleries. But not aimed at kids because kids art things are generally well beneath her level. [more inside]
posted by jacquilynne on Oct 22, 2024 - 13 answers

Best way to subscribe to a set of online newspapers and magazines

How are people subscribing to multiple outlets these days? Individually seems like a lot of subscription management. Is there an easier way? [more inside]
posted by mireille on Jul 15, 2023 - 12 answers

Article or info about UK comedy tradition of making messes

Sometime between 2002 and 2007, I read an article in a dead tree magazine that described a history of messiness in UK comedy. I remember it was something of a long-read. The article cited a low-circulation but long-running newsletter or magazine on making messes, and pondered the connection to hygiene anxiety and fetishism. Not only can't I find the article, I can't find *anything* discussing or mentioning such a tradition. Did I dream it? [more inside]
posted by longtime_lurker on Jul 8, 2023 - 3 answers

Vintage magazines in NYC?

Are there any stores in NYC that might sell the vintage fashion magazines I'm looking for? I've done some initial searching and it doesn't seem like there are many options for this, but just in case I'll ask here. [more inside]
posted by VirginiaPlain on Jul 4, 2023 - 3 answers

Looking for a Late Victorian Teen Girls' Magazine/Newspaper Archive

A few years ago, I came across a sizable archive of a British (maybe English) magazine or "little newspaper" for girls in their mid to late teens. It was probably published in the late 1880s to the mid to late 1890s (it may have been published outside of this window, too, but this is what I remember). Snowflakes within! [more inside]
posted by verbminx on Apr 4, 2023 - 5 answers

Seeking Sight and Sound Magazine

I am seeking copies of the latest issue of the British film magazine Sight and Sound (Winter 2022-23, Volume 33, Issue 1). [more inside]
posted by cursed on Feb 3, 2023 - 8 answers

Donating Magazines NYC

Where can I donate magazines in NYC? [more inside]
posted by bquarters on Jun 29, 2022 - 7 answers

What are your favorite print publications?

Though print keeps getting left for dead, I still get a lot of joy and utility out of the physical magazines and newspapers I read - prompted by the recent move to digital-only by one of them, what are your favorites? [more inside]
posted by ryanshepard on May 13, 2022 - 15 answers

Are There Any Good Magazines Left Out There?

I miss the analogue experience of flipping through a magazine and getting excited when a new issue was delivered in the mail. Are there any high quality magazines still left out there, and if so, could you recommend me some? Details of what I'm looking for inside. [more inside]
posted by carlypennylane on May 7, 2022 - 30 answers

What do middle school and high school band directors read?

What are the magazines or other periodicals that middle school and high school band directors read?
posted by John Borrowman on May 6, 2022 - 3 answers

Why am I suddenly getting captcha pics on subscription websites?

I subscribe to the Atlantic and the Washington Post inter alia. A couple of weeks ago the Atlantic started serving me up captcha pictures when I try to log on. Today, the Washington Post started doing that too. I use Chrome, but I don't think it's a browser issue because I get the same with Opera. I still get it after clearing my cache. What's going on? Why such a weird layer of additional sludge clogging up access to websites I pay good money to view?
posted by mono blanco on Apr 16, 2022 - 7 answers

How to find what was on p29 of a 1954 issue of Canadian Bride magazine

A friend is clearing out the house her parents lived in for decades. She has found the cover of a copy of Canadian Bride: The Bridal Book magazine for Spring / Summer 1954. Someone, probably one of her parents, has written "page 29" on the cover. How could she find out what was on page 29? I have looked on Worldcat and cannot see any holdings of the magazine, and there are no copies for sale on eBay. Pinterest shows a copy on Etsy, but it is not now for sale.
posted by paduasoy on Mar 23, 2022 - 24 answers

How to sell paper ephemera?

How to sell paper ephemera, antique books, magazines, etc... [more inside]
posted by fourpotatoes on Jan 26, 2022 - 8 answers

Regional Food Magazines

Do you have a small regional food magazine in your area that you like? In St. Louis, we have Feast and Sauce which offer up a lot of local chef recipes. What other local hole in the wall local food publications are out there that don't get a lot of attention outside your zip code?
posted by zsh2v1 on Jun 17, 2021 - 6 answers

Do you buy bookazines? And do you keep them?

I was in the magazine section of Barnes & Noble yesterday and was noticing the "bookazines" -- special one-shot issues that aren't tied to the regular subscription. I don't mean the timely ones about Biden's election or the anniversary of "Friends." I mean non-fiction, sort-of books. [more inside]
posted by Flying Saucer on May 31, 2021 - 10 answers

A day in the life of a long-form journalist

Friendfilter: a friend is working on a piece of fiction in which one of the characters is a feature writer working for a magazine like Atlantic Monthly, writing in-depth, long-form pieces. What does this work look like on a daily basis, eg. would it involve editorial meetings, does the person choose their own subjects, how many pieces would they be expected to produce in a month/year, etc.? [more inside]
posted by rpfields on May 23, 2021 - 10 answers

How to print a zine in 2021

I want to print a zine. Assume the content is all sorted out (text, drawn images, maybe photos) but still needs laying out. Likely to be B&W. The last time I did anything like this was for the college newspaper, where we designed everything in Quark Express and got it printed at a local facility, so definitely a bit rusty. What's the best way to get this project off the ground? What is the current state of the art for making a zine at home nowadays? What hardware/software and printing options do people typically utilize? [more inside]
posted by miltthetank on May 18, 2021 - 7 answers

Help me transition a visually-rich print magazine to an online model

The realities of the pandemic, economic and otherwise, have grounded the fledgling consumer magazine our organization was producing before covid. Moving forward a print product will no longer be possible financially but we have a rich set of archives that we'd like move online, and we'd also like the possibility of publishing new content in the future. Looking for suggestions for templates and/or platforms that can help us show off our past work, and possibly showcase future work, all of which is rich in photography and illustration. [more inside]
posted by braemar on May 14, 2021 - 9 answers

Your favourite hard-to-find magazines...?

I own an usual (mostly records) store run out of my loft in Toronto. During the pandemic, I've been approaching great, hard-to-find magazines about stocking their publications. The first two I'm carrying are Apartamento and Noon. Berlin Quarterly is next. What are some uncommon, keep-them-forever magazines that you love that you have difficulty sourcing? [more inside]
posted by dobbs on Mar 13, 2021 - 22 answers

Reasonable production timelines for a small magazine?

Is it reasonable for production of a 50-page glossy professional association magazine to take at least eight weeks from receipt of the last edited article to delivery of the paper copies? Members are complaining that the content is outdated by the time they receive their copies, so we'd like to shave it down if we can. [more inside]
posted by rpfields on Feb 6, 2021 - 22 answers

Science magazines for layperson

What are the best science magazines written for the layperson? Ideally, these feature articles that are well-written and high quality. Ideally articles put new ideas/discoveries/findings in appropriate context in the field and discuss the degree of validity / extrapolation appropriate, and are written by science-focused journalists. I'm fine with some sensationalism (to provoke interesting thoughts!), but would like it strongly tempered with appropriate skepticism and adherence (duh) to the scientific method. [more inside]
posted by ellerhodes on Nov 2, 2020 - 16 answers

Freecycle for archives and old publications?

When I'm getting rid of old publications - play programs, fanzine newsletters, ancient software manuals - is there an easy way to see if anyone would want them? [more inside]
posted by kristi on Mar 11, 2020 - 7 answers

Essays/Articles That Opened Your Mind

In search of nonfiction that makes you go, "Huh. Never thought of it like that before.ā€ Suggestions, please! [more inside]
posted by xenization on Oct 1, 2019 - 51 answers

Movies or TV heavily featuring magazines / newspapers / digital media?

I've always enjoyed movies, TV shows, documentaries, etc. where the day to day of the news-oriented publishing business are involved. For example, Ugly Betty, The Devil Wears Prada, The Intern, or the BBC's series about how Vogue UK operates. Got any recommendations? [more inside]
posted by wackybrit on Feb 21, 2019 - 28 answers

Magazines similar to Apartamento and Nest...?

I really like Apartamento Magazine -- and used to really enjoy NEST, before it closed down. What are some similar publications that come out a few times a year and have excellent interviews with artists/designers combined with great photos and yet never seem like they're trying to sell me something? What are your favorite non-selling-shit magazines? [more inside]
posted by dobbs on Dec 29, 2018 - 6 answers

How to check citations from newspapers over the Internet

I am publishing a nonfiction book, and the citations need to be checked. I know that many newspapers have online archives, but are there other ways to check citations via the Internet? [more inside]
posted by Surprised By Bees on Oct 22, 2018 - 7 answers

Where to find grants and foundations for a non-profit literary journal?

Are there any specific grants and foundations that offer a reward towards non-profit literary journals and literary magazines in Texas and US in general? (Some are listed as art organizations, but not always).
posted by RearWindow on Aug 16, 2018 - 4 answers

ich habe ein Logikpuzzle-Puzzle.

I'm in Vienna, Austria for one more day and want to find a logic puzzle magazine/book in German or English for the plane ride home. Where should I shop? [more inside]
posted by wintersonata9 on Jul 31, 2018 - 5 answers

Online index of monthly major magazine articles

I'm looking for a website that shows contents of current and past issues of major magazines. [more inside]
posted by lometogo on Jul 26, 2018 - 7 answers

Kindle SFF magazines

I love SFF, but I'm terrible at keeping up with new releases and authors. Which monthly magazines should I be reading? [more inside]
posted by lesser weasel on Jul 5, 2018 - 9 answers

Grants for literary magazines and chapbook publications?

I am wondering if there are anay specific grants that will fund literary magazines as well as a chapbook press? [more inside]
posted by RearWindow on Apr 4, 2018 - 5 answers

Magazines similar to The New Yorker?

The New Yorker is one of my favourite magazines. Are there any literary-artsy magazines similar to The New Yorker or that are based in New York City? I am looking for poetry, culture, books, stories, art, politics,and films.
posted by RearWindow on Mar 4, 2018 - 11 answers

Where to find old magazine issues online?

Thanks to Google Books Magazines and OpenLibrary, I've been enjoying a number of vintage magazines. But is there a place online to get whole issues (not the odd scanned page) of 1980s/1990s women's/teen magazines to read? [more inside]
posted by mippy on Nov 20, 2017 - 6 answers

Recommend a depressed guy some interesting/ uplifting UK magazines

Struggling with the winter blues and at times lacking the focus to read books, but I think if I bought some one off magazines with a view to subscribing (in the UK) that might give me the incentive to at least get out from my cosy home and read a magazine in my local cafe while having a latte. Male aged 48. If I tell you what I like, can you recommend something along the same lines? [more inside]
posted by AuroraSky on Nov 15, 2017 - 7 answers

Print magazine suggestions needed!

I love receiving and reading actual print magazines. I'm looking for 1-2 new ones to try. My likes and dislikes are inside... [more inside]
posted by bookmammal on Sep 4, 2017 - 16 answers

What are some excellent literary magazines to subscribe to?

Hi. I am curious to find some literary magazines to subscribe to. Whether it is North American, European, South American, etc (but in English if provided). I am trying to find some works on short stories, poetry, art, horror, thriller, victorian-ish writing, creative essays, humour, nature, creative non-fiction, political satire, etc. The scope of genre is eclectic and wide-ranging. I am very keen on learning about cultures and cultural standpoints on political and social ideas that might differ from western thought -- or the opposite. What are some must subscribed literary magazines? * I have a 12 month subscription to the New England Review from Middlebury College.
posted by RearWindow on Jul 18, 2017 - 10 answers

Print media gossip newsletter / web site ā€” what was it called?

Iā€™m trying to remember the name of a print media gossip newsletter / website that was popular about a decade ago, the mid-aughts. It was in the same league as TVNewser and Mediabistro, but was mainly concerned with the comings and goings of people at the big newspapers. I think it closed more than five years ago. Any ideas?
posted by Borborygmus on May 22, 2017 - 3 answers

I thought print was dead

About a year ago I started getting teenagers at my door, claiming to be from an "inner city", out here to get people to buy magazine subscriptions so they can have a better life, etc etc obvious scam etc. In the past month it's ramped up and last week I've had three of these guys at my door. My question isn't so much how can I get them to stop - they're not scary or anything - but how can I help these kids get out of this scheme without giving them money? [more inside]
posted by Mizu on Nov 1, 2016 - 10 answers

Political cartoons. How do they work?

I would like to submit some for publication, with or without compensation. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Sep 3, 2016 - 2 answers

Which gangster invented supermarket sex?

This cover of the Police Gazette magazine references "supermarket sex" (?) being invented by a particular "gangster". Who were they referring to? [more inside]
posted by dilaudid on Feb 6, 2016 - 7 answers

Please Recommened (And Classify) Political Magazines

Quarterly Essay is mentioned here and sounds really interesting. I've read The American Interest, The Economist and Foreign Affairs while stuck in airports, and currently subscribe to Z Magazine. What other political / current affairs exist and how would they be described (format / political position)?
posted by andrewcooke on Nov 17, 2015 - 20 answers

Please help me entertain my sick friend

I have a friend who's going through a really tough chemotherapy regimen and can't leave the house much, so she's bored to tears. I'm collecting some light entertainment to send her over the next few months, both for at home and for the hours of chemo. [more inside]
posted by randomnity on Oct 1, 2015 - 15 answers

What do I do with all these magazines?

I'm on a mission to purge unwanted objects and things from my life. A substantial chunk of these things comprise of print magazines, mostly architecture, design, music and technology related. So what do I do with them? [more inside]
posted by srednivashtar on Aug 9, 2015 - 14 answers

Where can I buy the New York Review of Books in Portland, Maine?

Where can I buy a copy of the NY Review of Books? I've been to a few stores and haven't seen it. Extra points for someplace in walking distance of Marginal Way.
posted by jwhite1979 on Jul 19, 2015 - 4 answers

Books about magazines?

There are a lot of books about the New Yorker (Gone: The Last Days of the New Yorker; Remembering Mr. Shawn's New Yorker; Here but Not Here; About Town: The New Yorker and the World It Made). What behind-the-scenes, inside baseball books are there about New York , the New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, the NY Review of Books, Texas Monthly, The Atlantic, and other prominent feature-oriented magazines?
posted by Dr. Send on Apr 19, 2015 - 5 answers

Free app-based magazines?

Hi, I'm not utterly delighted w. The Economist's general tone and editorial leanings, but they don't strike me as horrid and I like all the free content -- seemingly at least most of the weekly magazine -- via the app. Any recommendations for other good app-based magazines w. lots of free downloadable content? I'm mostly looking for news/current events/entertainment content, but I'm open. Thank you for taking a moment to help me.
posted by ambient2 on Oct 6, 2014 - 3 answers

College student in 2014: Which periodical should I subscribe to?

I'm a college sophomore and I want to be well-informed about the world. Which periodical should I subscribe to? Requirements: not US-centric, broad and well-written coverage. I'd love something like Lapham's Quarterly, but I'm also considering something that might condense important, current world news because it's hard to keep up with the newspapers. [more inside]
posted by undue influence on Sep 30, 2014 - 25 answers

What are you reading besides The Atlantic?

A long time ago, Time Magazine used to provide moderately thoughtful, longer form articles about current events and culture. For the past few decades, that niche has been filled for me by a mix of Harper's, The Atlantic, and The Economist. None of these are perfect, but they provide a nice mix of interesting content on a monthly basis. What else is out there that you'd recommend? It doesn't need to be print, online would work as well.
posted by leotrotsky on Jul 10, 2014 - 36 answers

Woman's Day From 1970's worth selling?

I'm going through my father's garage, and have come across two waist high piles of magazines from the 1970's, most likely waiting room material left over from when he owned a small business. They seem to mostly be "Woman's Day" and "Woman" magazines from 1970-1974. Should I separate the decent ones from the yellowing and crumbled ones, and try to sell them? [more inside]
posted by Kevin Street on Jul 7, 2014 - 11 answers

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