(via adevinecomedy)
me after my 15 min break at work
me after sleeping a healthy 8 hours
me at the end of a two day weekend
(via teaboot)
i’d rather see 1000 graffiti penises than 1 product billboard. i’d live in dick city if it meant i could avoid advertisements in my daily life.
(via pfefferminzgruenesorgen)
The catholic church has a secret menu just ask for the body of Christ monkey style and they’ll give you a wafer with peanut butter on it
This hidden gem KILLED ME
(via thewanderingword)
Do not go gentle into that good knight. He likes to be fucked much harder than that.
(via meghawhopp)
sexual thrill at the mere prospect of cataloging things in a database
(via mightiermarvel)
weird how no one ever comments on the absence of smells unprompted. the nose just isn’t a topic of conversation unless it’s urgent huh
“it’s dark in here” normal regular observation
“finally some quiet” relatable exclamation
“doesn’t smell like anything in here” absolutely deranged sentence
“i’m not touching anything right now” small talk on the international space station
(via formaldehydepiss)
It’s practically 2014 and you guys still don’t know how to google if an article is real or not before giving it 100,000 notes
(via adevinecomedy)
while my prof was setting up for his lecture… via imgur *(*´∀`*)☆
(via kluntjekandis)
can’t stop thinking about this post on the crusader kings wiki
(via formaldehydepiss)
the most attractive traits you can give a fictional man:
- good with kids
- good cook
- fat
Oh, you said Cook
Bowser probably KILLS it on the grill though
(via formaldehydepiss)