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#lesbianWhen you can’t update your name in your mech mercenary interface. Then you’re left with one option.
-augment robot ??-??? you have- [mute]
-UGGH!! Allmind’s notifications are still deadnaming me!
-I thought we submitted the proper documents?
-That’s it! We need to destroy Allmind. I’ll get the team together
You should refer to your live-in dragon as “your nestmate”
Be sure to watch her eyes light up when you do
moira-moonbeam asked:
Your Lego robots are a dream. I love that little raptor buddy. I want them in my heart
helveticandy asked:
Hey, if you dont mind, what is your proccess for drawing mechs? I struggle with designs that dont look super organic
jp-nichts answered:
Idk how actionable this is, but I tend to use Lego models for my reference.
If the mech I paint is not a mech from a show or game, it’s probably a Lego build of mine that I’m using for reference. I love using Lego because it gives you the basic shapes and planes to start out with and then you can fill in the details as you need.
Also, if you’re struggling with your mechs looking too organic, try drawing more non-organics from reference. Maybe draw some motorcycles, planes, tanks, or trains. Find some machine you can low key obsess over, and draw a lot of it! I garrenty it will help with your mechsask a robot girl if you can draw her like one of JP’s mechs
I used to draw A LOT of motorcycles and scooters (I was a motorcycle mechanic, so bikes were kinda my whole life). And I think a lot of those skills translated into drawing mechs