first week in the mafia, he’s doing great
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i’ve had the same ‘problem’ with many jjba characters. the boobs and the makeup just are gender neutral. you can never know. and it’s great. i love it. good for them.
but it’s fun when i got to know vento aureo characters through fanart i decided i will not google them or ask my friend, i will just wait until i find out who they are. and fanartists didn’t make it easy.
and abbacchio wasn’t even the most confusing.*
it was narancia.
it took weeks to find out narancia is not a girl. he’s just so cute and his usual outfit is ambiguous and his name ends with an a. how could i know.
sorry narancia 🙈
*) well there was a bit of confusion when i met all those artists who headcanon she’s a trans woman but at that point i already knew the canon canon and didn’t get too confused. fun headcanon tho, nice art. good for her.
I need yall to look at this beautiful edit of the Bucci gang trying to blend into the general crowd. Thank you.
Source :
This is terrifying
Vento Aureo • 1600 AU (JJBA)
Giorno Giovanna: Ilma Li
Bruno Buccellati: Himmelgrau
Trish Una: Rouge
Video: ByGreenOrg
Music: Blackmore's Night - The Clock Ticks On