Blog Info
This blog is run by a traumagenic system, collectively known as Aegri Somnia. Oftentimes this is shortened to AS or simply Somnia/Murmur. Our current host is Mirth.
- Our Kin and Fictive Master List [outdated as hell]
- Our Carrd [Has our DNI]
- Discord : sc4p3g0at.exe [tell me if ur adding me from here]
- Friend Code: SW-7980-2195-8021
- Info if you wanna be friends
- RP Info
PMs are open to mutuals, we’d be happy to talk. Closed to anyone else, but feel free to send in asks n stuff. [EDIT: Asks currently closed]
We block pretty frequently. If we decide the vibes aren’t it, that’s the end of it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Like/reblog spam is totally fine. and user boxes under the cut
⋆⛧"┈┈┈┈ ﹤♱﹥ ┈┈┈┈"⛧⋆
If I hear “I’m a people pleaser” one more time. Whole time they’re a people agitator. A people disappointer. A people exhauster.