Codesniffer helps us write better code, that's better documented. Right now we're not reaping its full benefits.
From build: Updating mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer to 0.9.0
The following sniffs are failing and were disabled: * MediaWiki.Commenting.FunctionComment.MissingParamComment * MediaWiki.Commenting.FunctionComment.MissingParamTag * MediaWiki.Commenting.FunctionComment.MissingReturn * MediaWiki.Commenting.FunctionComment.ParamNameNoMatch * MediaWiki.FunctionComment.Missing.Public * MediaWiki.WhiteSpace.SpaceBeforeSingleLineComment.NewLineComment
Plan (YMMV)
- Enable sniffs one by one and send patches fixing the problems
- As many of the sniffs are made to pass as is possible.
- If a sniff can't be made to pass for some reason, then document it as close as possible to the line disabling the sniff.
Developer notes
The latest version fo mediawiki-codesniffer is 0.10.0 -> it would be nice to update and verify everything works on latest code sniffer