137404.6 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於-種棒狀食品製造玩具, 由簡單之操作來享受烹調真實 ’、兒里等精 快樂,本發明尤其能夠容易地A 卷可Ί)之 應對自細棒狀食品(例如紫 采卷奇司)至粗棒狀食品(例如粗卷壽司)之偏好尺寸之要 求0 【先前技術】 先前以來已知有各種卷壽司製造裝置,例如於專利文獻 1中揭示有如下之製造裝置:將定量之飯以扁平狀放置於 架設在一對親之間之皮帶上,使該皮帶於具有-對夾持皮 帶用之對向片之開閉自如的桿之間鬆他,並且關閉該開閉 自如之桿,將皮帶夾持於對向片之間,於該狀態下,藉由 朝彼此相反之方向對皮帶進行牽引,將夾在上述皮帶上之 飯擰成圓柱狀’從而製造卷壽司。 [專利文獻1]日本專利特開平6_7〇97號公報 【發明内容】 [發明所欲解決之問題] 而,上述先前之卷壽司製造裝置於商業應用方面,作 為連續地量產卷壽司之裝置為有用,但其包含大量之機構 零件,例如開閉自如之桿及其驅動機構、以及控制皮帶之 氣他與牵引之可逆轉皮帶收縮器等,因此,無法將該裝置 直接轉用為供兒童等於家中使用之較小之烹調玩具。 因此本發明提供一種棒狀食品製造玩具,其不但可供 137195.doc 1374046 兒童等於家中玩耍,而且亦可用於學校等中之烹調實習 藉由簡單之操作便可烹調、製造真實之棒狀食品°卷 壽司)。 、』邪香 [解決問題之技術手段] 本發明之棒狀食品製造裝置之主要特徵在於具備:妒成 有一對側壁之本體;主動輥’其於上述一對側壁之一側端 部處,以可大致水平地轉動之方式而架設在上述一對側壁 之間;滑動件,其以可於靠近或離開上述主動輕之方向上 大致水平地移動之方式,配設在上述本體之上部;引導 輥,其以可與上述主動輥平行地轉動之方式而架設在上述 滑動件之一側端部,並舞由該滑動件之移動來靠近或遠離 該主動輥;從動輥,其以可與上述主動親平行地轉動之方 式,於經由上述引導輥而位於上述主動親之相反側之位 置,架設在滑動件上;以及無端片材,其以所需之鬆他量 懸繞於上述主動輥與從動輥上;上述主動輥與引導輥之構 成如下,於該引導輥與主動輥分離之位置處,若將食材放 置於上述兩個輥之間之無端片材上,則無端片材會因上述 食材之重量而落入至兩個輥之間,藉由在該料輥與主動 ㈣近之位置處轉動該主動輥,利用無端片材之滑動,由 落入至兩個觀之間之益端片叔夕彭虹士 、 .,,、鲕片材之鬆弛部分來捲入食材,且 上述從動親於上述滑動件之—彳丨 义月勤仵之側舳部與該滑動件之另一側 端部之間’可多階段地改轡傘难 b仅地汉隻木°又位置,以使上述主動輥與 引導輥之間之無端片材之鬆弛量可變。 於使用該棒狀食品製造玩具來製作實際之棒狀食品(例 137195.doc 卷可司)之情形時,首先,將滑動件移動至使無端片材 主動親與從動輕之間伸展開之分離位置為止。於該滑動 =之刀離位置’引導輥與主動輥分離,因此,將預先經烹 =食材(例如醋飯)放置於上述主動輥與引導輥之間之無 端片材上,並將該食材之形狀整理成扁平狀等。繼而,; «動件移動至上述^導輥與主動親靠近之捲人位置為 止,則無端片材會因食材之重量而落入至主動親與引導報 ^間。於該狀態下,若藉由手動之方式來轉動主動輥,則 «由…、端片材之滑動,利用^人至此主動輥與引導親之間 之無端片材之鬆他部分,將上述食材捲成圓形。在將上述 2材捲成棒狀並成形之階段中’將板狀食材(例如乾燥海 ^插入至由主動報與引導輥所夾人之無端片材之收縮部 71藉由轉動主動輥,使板狀食材完好地捲繞於上述食 2之外周上。藉此,形成在外周上捲繞有板狀食品之棒狀 食品’因此’再次將滑動件移動至上述分離位置為止使 =端片材伸展’藉此,已完成之棒狀食品(例如卷壽司)會 現在該無端片材上,從而可將該棒狀食品取出。 輥:L變ί述從動輥之架設位置,則於上述主動輥與引導 輥成之無端月材之鬆他量會產生變化,由於利用該 狀食品之成形外徑,故而藉由改變該從動 2架設位置,可獲得形成為粗卷、細卷、或者上述兩者 中間之中粗卷等任意尺寸之棒狀食品(例如卷壽司卜 [發明之效果] 根據本發明,如上所述,藉由滑動件之滑動操作與主動 137195.doc 輥之手動轉動操作,並利用無 於……* 期無端片材之鬆他部分,將放置 片材之特定位置之食材(例如醋飯)捲成圓形’從而 :夠愉快且容易地製作真實之卷壽司等之棒狀食品 艮用該棒狀食品。 因此,可供兒童等於家中愉快地製作卷壽司等棒狀食 °° ’並且能夠引發兒童等對於烹調之熱情,對於烹調學習 亦有益。 又,藉由改變從動輥之架設位置,可獲得形成為粗卷、 中粗卷、細卷等任意尺寸之棒狀食品(例如卷壽司),而 且,除了簡單之粗卷之棒狀食品之外,亦可預先製作細卷 壽司等之棒狀食品或中粗卷壽司等之棒狀食品,若將該等 棒狀食品作為芯來製作粗卷壽司等之棒狀食品,則可簡單 且愉快地製作在内側具有各種花紋、圖案之粗卷壽司等之 棒狀食品。 【實施方式】 以下,詳細地對本發明之一實施形態及圖式加以敍述。 如圖1、圖2所示,本實施形態之棒狀食品製造玩具具 備:矩形盒狀之本體1,其形成有一對側壁’且已將上側 打開,以及滑動件2,其以能夠大致水平地移動之方式配 設於上述本體1之上部。 本體1以及滑動件2均係將合成樹脂材料例如聚丙烯作為 基材而經一體成形。 本體1係於一對側壁之一側端部,例如,於圖1、圖2之 左方之前端部具備適當高度之立起部1A,於該立起部1八 137195.doc 1374046 • •之上端部,親3(主動輕)以可大致水平地轉動之方式,橫跨 上側開放部而架設在-對左右側壁u、la之間。 .此^ Λ㈣3係指如下之報’其把手3ASm置於自 • i述側壁U中之轴承部4朝外側突出之轴端部上,且可握 . 住該把手3A並藉由手動之方式而轉動。 ' 冑上述本體1之立起部1A設定為如下之任意高度,使得 : 於製造下述粗卷之卷壽司24之情形時,即使無端片材6之 I弛分6A因醋飯22之重量而下垂,亦不會到達該本體i • 之底部。 上述滑動件2形成為已將底部前端切除之矩%托盤狀。 該滑動件2以能夠於靠近或離開上述觀3之方向上,即,於 圖1、圖2所示之示例中之前後方向上大致水平地移動之方 式,配設在已除去上述本體丨之立起部以的上緣部。 又i上述滑動件2形成為與上述本體1之立起部1A大致相 同之冋度’從動輥5以可與上述輥3平行地轉動之方式,橫 φ 肖左右側』2a、2a之上端部之間’架設在經由下述之引導 輥而位於上述輥3之相反側之位置。 繼而,無端片材6以所需之鬆弛量懸繞於上述輥3與從 - 親5上。 :· # &端片# 6係纟具有適當之硬度且較厚之合成樹脂薄 膜,例如聚丙烯薄膜形成者。 — 又,弓丨導輥7橫跨於左右側壁2a、2a之上端部之間,且 以=夠與上述報3平行地轉動之方式,架設在上述滑動件2 之刖端部,藉由滑動件2之前後移動而使該引導報7靠近概 137195.doc /β-υβ-ο 3或離開該輥3。 此處,上述滑動件2之 „ 之從動輥5於滑動件2之後端部與上 ^ 間,可多階段地改變架設位置,以使上述親3 與引導親7之間之無端片材6之鬆他量可變。 本實施形態中,於滑動件 1干2之左右側壁2a、2a上,自苴 後端部至配置有引導輥7 /、 之則端邛為止設置有3個轴承部 8、9、10,選擇該等軸承部 〇中之任一個來改變從動輥 5之架設位置。 軸承部8〜10均於滑動件2之左右側壁2a、2a之周緣上形 成為朝上方打開之轴承孔,從㈣於上下方向上裝 至上述軸承孔8〜1〇十或自上述軸承孔8〜脫離。 又,於本實施形態中,上述輥3之軸承部4以及引導輥7 之軸承部U亦形成為朝上方打開之抽承孔,輥3以及引導 輥7能夠於上下方向上裝入至上述軸承孔4、"中或自上述 軸承孔4、11脫離。 上述軸承孔4以及8〜11之寬度均形成為小於其上方開放 部所對應之輥之心軸直徑,從而使輥心軸不易朝上方拔 出。 進而,於本實施形態中’上述本體1與滑動件2上均具備 鎖定機構12 ’該鎖定機構12於上述滑動件2已移動至上述 引導親7與輥3靠近之捲入位置時,阻止滑動件2之前後移 動。 上述鎖定機構12例如,如圖2所示係由鎖定片1 3與撞擊 件(striker)14構成者,該鎖定片13以可於上下方向上滑動 137195.doc 式配叹在/月動件2之後端部,該撞擊件i4設置於本體i 之後壁内表面且供上述鎖以13在上下方向上插脫。 上述鎖定片13於上端部上—體地具有按紐Ha,貫通設 置於滑動件2之後端部之凹陷部15之底部並以可在上下 向上/月動之方式文到保持,上述按紐⑴收容並配置於 凹陷部1 5内。 ' 又上述滑動件2具備阻纟自上述本冑】脫離之保持構件 16。該保持構件16以可於上下方向上旋轉之方式軸支在滑 動件2之左右側壁2a、2a之各前端部下緣,且可安裝至軌 道邛17上或自該軌道部17脫離,該轨道部丨7突出至本體工 之左右側壁la、la之上緣附近之外表面並形成於前後方向 上。該保持構件16藉由與上述軌道部〗7卡合而阻止滑動件 2自本體1之上方脫離,並且由上述保持構件16與軌道部^ 來構成滑動引導機構》 進而’由合成樹脂材料形成之帶板狀之片材按壓構件18 藉由凹凸卡合部18&、1扑等,以可裝卸之方式安裝於上述 保持構件16之上方部位,該片材按壓構件18於上述引導輥 7之上側附近位置橫跨左右侧壁2a、2a,並阻止上述無端 片材6脫離引導輥7。 另一方面,於本體1之立起部1A之上端部,以可轉動之 方式架設有一對片材按壓輥19’該一對片材按壓輥19於與 上述輥3之左右兩端部靠近之位置,與上述把手輥3協作地 夾住上述無端片材6。 再者’於圖1與圖2中,符號20表示用於防止片材滑動之 137195.doc /4046 f膠環,該橡膠環嵌裝於上述輥3以及引導輥7之各左右兩 ^ °卩且由石夕橡膠等之彈性材料所形成。 其次,參照圖3,對由以上構成所形成之本實施形態之 棒狀食品製造玩具的使用形態加以詳述。 圖〗與圖2t表示了將從動輥5架設於滑動件2之後端部之 輪承部8上’以製作細卷壽司時之親配置構成因此於圖3 令按照(A)〜(D)之步驟順序,示意地表示了根據圖}、圖2 來製作細卷壽司時之使用形態。 圖3(A)對應於圖!,滑動件2之左右側壁2a之前端碰到本 體1之立起部1A之後端,引導輥7處於靠近輥3之捲入位 置。於該捲入位置,鎖定機構12之鎖定片13利用自重或者 因被輕微按下而>落人至本體!之撞擊件14内並被鎖定。 此時’無端片材6利用自重自滑動件2之托盤底部前端下 垂至本體1之底部。 因此’首先,藉由按鈕13a將上述鎖定片13自撞擊们 抬起以解除鎖定’如圖3⑻所示’將滑動件2移動至在拍 手輥3與從動觀5之間將無端片材6伸展開之分離位置為 止0 齡於該滑動件2之分離位置處,由於料…已與謂 離,因此將預先經烹調之醋飯22放置於上述輥3與引導輥, 之間之無端片材6上,將 將醋飯22之形狀整理為扁平狀等, 並視需要而將圖外之配料放置於醋飯22之中央部分。 繼而,如圖3(C)所示,若將 、口刀〇 & w城 月莉仟2移動至上述引導輥: 報罪近之捲入位置為止,盔 …~片材6會因醋飯22之重 137195.doc 各入至镜3與5丨導輥7之間。於該滑動件2之捲入位置 ’上述鎖定機構12之鎖定片13落入至撞擊件"内並與該 里擊件14卡合,將滑動件2鎖定於本體1。 ° 於該狀態下,若利用手動之方式,朝圖3⑹之箭頭所示 之方向轉城3,則藉由無端片材6之滑動,由落入至上述 輥3與引導輥7之間之無端片材6之鬆他部分6A來將上述醋 飯22捲成圓形。於將醋飯22捲成圓棒狀並成形之階段,: 圖3(C)所不,將乾燥海苔23插人至由親績引導親7所夹入 之無端片材6之收縮部分中,藉由轉動輥3而將該乾燥海苔 23完好地捲繞於醋飯22之外周。 藉此,形成在外周上捲繞有乾燥海苔23之細卷之卷壽司 24° 因此,解除上述鎖定機構12之鎖定,並如圖3(D)所示, 再-人將滑動件2移動至上述分離位置為止而使無端片材㈣ 展藉此,已完成之卷壽司24出現在該無端片材6上,從 而可將其取出。 若將上述從動輥5之架設位置改變成圖3(A)中之虛線所 示之中粗卷位置或者粗卷位置,則於上述輥3與引導輥7之 間形成之無端片材6之鬆弛量會增大,利用該鬆弛量來決 疋卷哥司24之成形外徑。因此,於改變該從動輥5之上述 架設位置之後,按照上述要領進行捲作業,藉此可獲得中 粗之卷壽司、或者粗卷之卷壽司。 於製作粗卷之卷壽司24之情形時,除了在醋飯22之中心 邛刀放入有配料之簡單之粗卷壽司之外,亦可預先製作細 I37195.doc ^74046 卷壽司或中粗卷壽司,將該等預 μ a 尤表传之細卷哥司或中粗 卷哥司放入至適當形狀之成形 右、“, 成形盗中並加壓,藉此可獲得具 有適當之剖面形狀之細卷壽司 备n /JU上 可粗卷哥司,若將該等卷 可司作為芯來製作粗卷壽司,則 j 了獲侍在内側具有各種花 紋、圖案之粗卷壽司。 圖4、圖5表示製作粗卷壽司時 , 叮心杌昇形悲,圖4表示將137404.6 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field to Be Invented by the Invention] The present invention relates to a toy for making a stick-shaped food, which enjoys the cooking of a real 'in a simple operation, and the like, and the present invention is particularly easy to roll A. Ί) The requirement for the preferred size from a thin stick-shaped food (for example, purple pick-up) to a thick stick-shaped food (for example, a thick-rolled sushi) [Prior Art] Various roll sushi manufacturing apparatuses have been known previously, for example Patent Document 1 discloses a manufacturing apparatus in which a metered rice is placed in a flat shape on a belt that is placed between a pair of parents, so that the belt can be opened and closed in a pair of facing sheets for holding the belt. The rod is loosened between the rods, and the open and closed rod is closed, and the belt is clamped between the opposite sheets. In this state, the belt is pulled in the opposite direction to each other, and the belt is clamped on the belt. The rice is twisted into a cylindrical shape to make a roll of sushi. [Patent Document 1] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. Hei 6-7-97. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] The above-mentioned conventional roll sushi manufacturing apparatus is a device for continuously mass-producing sushi in a commercial application. Useful, but it contains a large number of mechanical parts, such as the lever for opening and closing and its drive mechanism, as well as the reversible belt retractor that controls the belt and the traction. Therefore, the device cannot be directly used for children equal to home. Use smaller cooking toys. Therefore, the present invention provides a rod-shaped food manufacturing toy which can be used not only for 137195.doc 1374046 children to play at home, but also for cooking in schools, etc., by simple operation, can cook and manufacture real stick-shaped foods. Roll sushi). </ br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> Arranging between the pair of side walls in a substantially horizontal manner; the sliding member is disposed on the upper portion of the body in such a manner as to be substantially horizontally movable in a direction toward or away from the active light; the guide roller And erecting on one side end of the sliding member in such a manner as to be rotatable in parallel with the above-mentioned driving roller, and dancing by the movement of the sliding member to approach or away from the driving roller; the driven roller is capable of Actively rotating in parallel, at a position on the opposite side of the active parent via the guiding roller, mounted on the sliding member; and an endless sheet suspended by the driving roller with a desired amount of looseness The driven roller and the guiding roller are configured as follows: at the position where the guiding roller is separated from the driving roller, if the food material is placed on the endless sheet between the two rollers, then The end sheet may fall between the two rolls due to the weight of the above-mentioned food material, and the active roller is rotated at a position close to the active roller (four), and the sliding of the endless sheet is used to fall into two Between the views of the end of the film, the uncles of the princes, Peng, and the slacks of the enamel sheet are taken into the food, and the above-mentioned slaves are intimate with the above-mentioned sliding parts - the side squats of the 彳丨义月勤仵 and the sliding Between the other end portions of the member, the umbrella can be changed in multiple stages, and the position of the endless sheet between the driving roller and the guiding roller can be varied. In the case of using the stick-shaped food to make a toy to make an actual stick-shaped food (in the case of 137195.doc), first, the sliding member is moved to stretch the endless sheet between the active and the driven light. Separate the position. The guide roller is separated from the driving roller at the position of the sliding =, so that the precooked food (for example, vinegar rice) is placed on the endless sheet between the driving roller and the guiding roller, and the food material is placed. The shape is arranged into a flat shape or the like. Then, «The moving parts move to the position of the above-mentioned guide roller and the active close to the coiler, the endless sheet will fall into the active pro-instruction report due to the weight of the food. In this state, if the driving roller is rotated by manual means, the sliding material of the end sheet is used, and the above-mentioned ingredients are used for the loose portion of the endless sheet between the driving roller and the guiding parent. Rolled into a circle. In the stage of winding the above-mentioned two materials into a rod shape and forming, 'inserting a plate-shaped food material (for example, a dry sea) into the constricted portion 71 of the endless sheet sandwiched by the active roller and the guide roller by rotating the driving roller The plate-shaped foodstuff is wound around the outer periphery of the above-mentioned foodstuff 2 well. Thereby, the stick-shaped foodstuff which wound the plate-shaped foodstuff on the outer periphery is formed. Therefore, the slider is moved to the above-mentioned separation position again, and the end sheet is made. Stretching 'by this, the finished stick-shaped food (such as roll sushi) will now be on the endless sheet, so that the stick-shaped food can be taken out. Roll: L change ί The position of the driven roller is set to be active The amount of looseness of the roll and the guide roll is changed. Due to the use of the formed outer diameter of the food, it is possible to form a coarse roll, a thin roll, or the like by changing the driven 2 mounting position. A rod-shaped food of any size such as a coarse roll in the middle of the two (for example, a roll of sushi) [Effect of the invention] According to the present invention, as described above, by the sliding operation of the slider and the manual rotation of the active 137195.doc roller, And use nothing... * The loose part of the endless sheet is rolled into a round shape by placing the ingredients in a specific position of the sheet (for example, vinegar rice): a bar-shaped food such as a real roll sushi that is pleasant and easy to use. Therefore, it is beneficial for children to enjoy the enthusiasm for cooking, such as roll sushi, and to make children's enthusiasm for cooking. It is also beneficial for cooking and learning. Also, by changing the position of the driven roller, It is possible to obtain a rod-shaped food (for example, a roll sushi) of any size formed into a coarse roll, a medium-thick roll, a fine roll, and the like, and in addition to a simple thick-rolled stick-shaped food, a stick of a sushi roll or the like can be prepared in advance. In the case of a bar-shaped food such as a thick-rolled sushi, the bar-shaped food such as a medium-sized food or a medium-sized sushi can be easily and happily produced with a variety of patterns and patterns on the inside. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, an embodiment and a drawing of the present invention will be described in detail. As shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, the rod-shaped food manufacturing toy of the present embodiment includes a moment. a box-shaped body 1 formed with a pair of side walls 'and having the upper side opened, and a slider 2 disposed on the upper portion of the body 1 so as to be movable substantially horizontally. Both the body 1 and the slider 2 are A synthetic resin material such as polypropylene is integrally molded as a base material. The main body 1 is attached to one end side of a pair of side walls, and for example, a rising portion 1A having an appropriate height at a front end on the left side of FIGS. 1 and 2 is provided. In the upper portion, the first end portion, the parent 3 (active light) is erected between the right and left side walls u, la across the upper open portion so as to be rotatable substantially horizontally. This ^ 四 (4) 3 refers to the following report 'The handle 3ASm is placed on the shaft end protruding outward from the bearing portion 4 in the side wall U, and the handle 3A can be gripped and manually Turn. The raised portion 1A of the main body 1 is set to any height as follows, so that, in the case of manufacturing the following rolled roll of the sushi 24, even if the endless sheet 6 is relaxed by 6A due to the weight of the vinegar rice 22 Sagging, will not reach the bottom of the body i •. The slider 2 described above is formed in a tray shape in which the front end of the bottom portion has been cut. The slider 2 is disposed in a direction that can be moved substantially horizontally in a direction close to or away from the view 3, that is, in the front and rear directions in the examples shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, and is disposed on the body that has been removed. The upper edge of the upper part. Further, the slider 2 is formed to have substantially the same degree of twist as the rising portion 1A of the main body 1. The driven roller 5 is rotatable in parallel with the roller 3, and the upper and lower sides of the horizontal side are 2a and 2a. The portions are 'arranged' on the opposite side of the roller 3 via the guide rolls described below. Then, the endless sheet 6 is hung on the above-mentioned roll 3 and the slave 5 in a desired amount of slack. :· # &端片# 6 is a synthetic resin film having a suitable hardness and a thick thickness, such as a polypropylene film former. - Further, the bow guide roller 7 spans between the upper end portions of the left and right side walls 2a, 2a, and is erected at the end portion of the slider 2 by sliding in parallel with the above-mentioned report 3, by sliding The piece 2 is moved before and after so that the guide 7 is close to the 137195.doc /β-υβ-ο 3 or leaves the roller 3. Here, the driven roller 5 of the slider 2 is between the rear end and the upper portion of the slider 2, and the mounting position can be changed in multiple stages so that the endless sheet 6 between the parent 3 and the guiding parent 7 is In the present embodiment, three bearing portions are provided on the left and right side walls 2a, 2a of the slider 1 stem 2 from the rear end portion to the end of the guide roller 7 / 8, 9, 10, selecting any one of the bearing portions to change the mounting position of the driven roller 5. The bearing portions 8 to 10 are all formed to open upward on the circumference of the left and right side walls 2a, 2a of the slider 2. The bearing hole is attached to the bearing hole 8 to 1 or 10 from the bearing hole 8 to 10 or above in the up-and-down direction. Further, in the present embodiment, the bearing portion 4 of the roller 3 and the bearing of the guide roller 7 are provided. The portion U is also formed as a drawing hole that is opened upward, and the roller 3 and the guide roller 7 can be inserted into or removed from the bearing holes 4, 11 in the up-and-down direction. The width of 8 to 11 is formed to be smaller than the diameter of the mandrel of the roller corresponding to the upper open portion thereof, thereby Further, in the present embodiment, the main body 1 and the slider 2 are each provided with a locking mechanism 12. The locking mechanism 12 has moved to the sliding member 2 to approach the guiding pro 7 and the roller 3 When the position is taken into place, the slider 2 is prevented from moving forward and backward. The locking mechanism 12 is formed, for example, by a locking piece 13 and a striker 14 as shown in Fig. 2, and the locking piece 13 is vertically movable. The upper sliding portion of the 137195.doc is sighed at the rear end of the /month moving member 2, and the impacting member i4 is disposed on the inner surface of the wall behind the body i and is inserted into and removed from the lock 13 in the up and down direction. The locking piece 13 is at the upper end portion. The upper body has a button Ha, penetrates the bottom of the recessed portion 15 disposed at the rear end of the slider 2, and is held in a manner that can be moved up and down/monthly, and the button (1) is received and disposed in the recessed portion 1 Further, the above-mentioned slider 2 is provided with a holding member 16 that is detached from the above-mentioned one. The holding member 16 is pivotally supported on the left and right side walls 2a, 2a of the slider 2 so as to be rotatable in the vertical direction. The lower edge of the front end and can be mounted to the rail 邛17 is detached from the rail portion 17, and the rail portion 丨7 protrudes to the outer surface near the upper edge of the left and right side walls la, la of the main body and is formed in the front-rear direction. The holding member 16 is formed by the above-mentioned rail portion 7 is engaged to prevent the slider 2 from being detached from the upper side of the body 1, and the sliding member is formed by the holding member 16 and the rail portion, and further, the sheet-like sheet pressing member 18 formed of a synthetic resin material is used. The concave-convex engaging portion 18 &, the flap, and the like are detachably attached to the upper portion of the holding member 16 , and the sheet pressing member 18 is positioned across the left and right side walls 2 a and 2 a at a position near the upper side of the guide roller 7 . And the above-mentioned endless sheet 6 is prevented from coming off the guide roller 7. On the other hand, at the upper end portion of the rising portion 1A of the main body 1, a pair of sheet pressing rollers 19' are rotatably provided, and the pair of sheet pressing rollers 19 are adjacent to the left and right end portions of the roller 3 At the position, the endless sheet 6 is sandwiched in cooperation with the above-described handle roller 3. Further, in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, reference numeral 20 denotes a 137195.doc / 4046 f rubber ring for preventing the sheet from slipping, and the rubber ring is fitted to the left and right sides of the above-mentioned roller 3 and the guide roller 7. It is formed of an elastic material such as Shi Xi rubber. Next, the use form of the stick-shaped food-making toy of the present embodiment formed by the above configuration will be described in detail with reference to Fig. 3 . Fig. 2t and Fig. 2t show the arrangement of the driven roller 5 on the wheel bearing portion 8 at the rear end of the slider 2 to make a fine roll of sushi. Therefore, according to Fig. 3, according to (A) to (D) The sequence of steps schematically shows the use form when making a thin roll of sushi according to Fig. 2 and Fig. 2 . Figure 3 (A) corresponds to the figure! The front end of the left and right side walls 2a of the slider 2 hits the rear end of the rising portion 1A of the body 1, and the guide roller 7 is in the retracted position near the roller 3. At the retracted position, the locking piece 13 of the locking mechanism 12 is lowered to the body by its own weight or by being pressed slightly! The striker 14 is locked and locked. At this time, the endless sheet 6 is suspended from the front end of the bottom of the tray of the slider 2 by its own weight to the bottom of the body 1. Therefore, first, the above-mentioned locking piece 13 is lifted from the impact by the button 13a to release the lock 'as shown in FIG. 3 (8)'. The slider 2 is moved to between the clap roller 3 and the driven view 5 to end the sheet 6 At the separation position of the stretched opening, at the separation position of the slider 2, since the material has been separated, the previously prepared vinegar rice 22 is placed between the roller 3 and the guide roller, and the endless sheet is placed. On the 6th, the shape of the vinegar rice 22 is arranged into a flat shape or the like, and the ingredients outside the figure are placed in the central portion of the vinegar rice 22 as needed. Then, as shown in Fig. 3(C), if the mouth knife amp & w 城月莉仟 2 is moved to the above guide roller: the sin is near the position of the entanglement, the helmet...~the sheet 6 will be due to the vinegar rice The weight of 22, 137,195.doc, is entered between the mirror 3 and the 5 inch guide roller 7. In the retracted position of the slider 2, the locking piece 13 of the above-described locking mechanism 12 falls into the striker" and engages with the striker 14 to lock the slider 2 to the body 1. ° In this state, if it is manually turned to the direction 3 in the direction indicated by the arrow of Fig. 3 (6), the endless portion between the roller 3 and the guide roller 7 is dropped by the sliding of the endless sheet 6. The vinegar rice 22 of the sheet 6 is loosened to a circular shape. At the stage of winding the vinegar rice 22 into a round bar shape and forming, as shown in Fig. 3 (C), the dry seaweed 23 is inserted into the contracted portion of the endless sheet 6 sandwiched by the parent-guided parent 7 The dried seaweed 23 is wound around the outer circumference of the vinegar rice 22 by rotating the roller 3. Thereby, the roll of the sushi roll 24 of the dried seaweed 23 is wound around the outer circumference. Therefore, the locking of the lock mechanism 12 is released, and as shown in Fig. 3(D), the slider 2 is moved to the person. The endless sheet (4) is stretched by the separation position, and the completed roll of sushi 24 is present on the endless sheet 6, so that it can be taken out. If the erecting position of the driven roller 5 is changed to the coarse winding position or the coarse winding position indicated by the broken line in FIG. 3(A), the endless sheet 6 formed between the roller 3 and the guide roller 7 is The amount of slack is increased, and the amount of slack is used to determine the formed outer diameter of the roll. Therefore, after the above-described erecting position of the driven roller 5 is changed, the winding operation is performed in accordance with the above-described method, whereby a medium-thick roll sushi or a thick-rolled sushi can be obtained. In the case of making a roll of sushi 24, in addition to the simple thick-rolled sushi with ingredients in the center of the vinegar rice 22, you can also make a fine I37195.doc ^74046 sushi or medium-sized roll. Sushi, put the pre-μ a 尤 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细 细The fine-rolled sushi is available on the n/JU. If you use the roll as a core to make a thick roll of sushi, then you will get a thick roll of sushi with various patterns and patterns on the inside. Figure 4 5 indicates that when making a thick roll of sushi, the heart is soaring, and Figure 4 shows that
從動輥5之架設位置改轡至昜俞A 凳主破別邛之轴承部10上,並將滑The position of the driven roller 5 is changed to the bearing part 10 of the 昜 A A
動件2設置於捲入位置之狀離 狀·I、圖5表不將上述滑動件2移 動至分離位置之狀態。 如上所述,根據本實施形態之棒狀食品製造玩具,可藉 由滑動件2之滑動操作與報3之手動轉動操作,並利用無端 片材6之鬆弛部分6A,將放置於無端片材6之特定位置上, 即位於輥3與引導輥7之間之無端片材6上的醋飯以捲成圓 形,從而可愉快且容易地製作真實之卷壽司24,並可食用 該卷哥司24。 • 因此,不但可供兒童等於家中愉快地製作卷壽司,而且 能夠引發兒童等對於烹調之熱情,對於烹調學習亦有益。 藉由改變從動輥5之架設位置,可獲得粗卷、中粗卷、 : 細卷等任意尺寸之卷壽司24,而且,除了簡單之粗卷壽司 : 之外,亦可預先製作細卷壽司或中粗卷壽司,若將該等卷 舞司作為芯來製作粗卷壽司’則可簡單且愉快地製作在内 侧具有各種花紋、圖案之粗卷壽司。 此處,尤其於本實施形態中,本體1與滑動件2均具備鎖 定機構12 ’該鎖定機構12在該滑動件2已移動至上述引導 137195.doc -12- 報L輥3靠近之捲人位置時,阻止滑動件2之移動。因 於轉動報3來形成卷壽司時,弓^導輕7固定於固定位 置,從而能夠形成形狀完整之特定外握之適當 又’滑動件W持構件16,該保持構件16^對於 本體1之上緣部而移動,且阻止該滑動件2自該本體… 離’因此’可於形成上述卷壽",抑難動件2之上下 方向之晃動1而能夠與上述同樣地形成適當之卷壽司, 並且能夠使滑動件2穩定且順利地前後移動。 進而,滑動件2具備片材按壓構件18,該片材按壓構件 18於上述引導輥7之附近位置處阻止上述無端片材6之脫 離,因此,於形成上述卷壽司時,無端片材6不會脫離引 導輥7,能夠與上述同樣地形.成適當之卷壽司。 另一方面,本體1具備片材按壓輥19,該片材按壓輥” 於與上述輥3靠近之位置,與此輥3協作地夾持上述無端片 材6,因此,在形成上述卷壽司時,於輥3與引導親7之間 使無端片材6產生所需之張力,從而能夠與上述同樣地形 成適當之卷壽司。 又,輥3以及從動輥5、捲入引導輥7分別相對於本體以 及滑動件2可裝卸,因此,可拆下上述各輕3、5、7而容易 地對無端片材6進行更換、清掃。 再者,於本實施形態中,以卷壽司為例進行了說明,但 顯而易見的是本發明之棒狀食品製造玩具除了可應用於製 造卷壽司之情形之外,亦可應用於製造其他棒狀食品之情 形。 137l95.doc 1374046 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1係除去無端片材而表示本發明之一實施形態之立體 圖。 圖2係圖1所示之實施形態之分解立體圖。 圖3係按照A〜D之順序來表示圖丨所示之實施形態十之卷 壽司成形步驟的說明圖。 圖4係表示改變了從動輥之配置之狀態且與圖丨相同之立 體圖。 圖5係表示滑動件自圖4之狀態移動至分離位置之狀熊的 立體圖。 ~ 【主要元件符號說明】 1 本體 1A 立起部 2 滑動件 3 輥 5 從動輥 6 無端片材 6A 鬆他部分 7 引導輥 12 鎖定機構 16 保持構件 18 片材按壓構件 19 片材按壓輥 22 贈飯(飯) 137195.doc 1374046 23 24 乾燥海苔 卷壽司The movable member 2 is disposed at the winding position, and is in a state in which the slider 2 is moved to the separated position. As described above, the stick-shaped food-making toy according to the present embodiment can be placed on the endless sheet 6 by the sliding operation of the slider 2 and the manual rotation operation of the newspaper 3, and by using the slack portion 6A of the endless sheet 6 In a specific position, that is, the vinegar rice on the endless sheet 6 between the roller 3 and the guide roller 7 is rolled into a circular shape, so that the real roll sushi 24 can be produced happily and easily, and the roll can be eaten. twenty four. • Therefore, it is not only possible for children to make roll sushi happily at home, but also to stimulate children's enthusiasm for cooking, which is also good for cooking. By changing the position of the driven roller 5, it is possible to obtain a roll of any size, such as a thick roll, a medium roll, or a thin roll, and in addition to a simple roll sushi: a fine roll sushi can be prepared in advance. In the case of a medium-sized sushi, if you use the shoji as a core to make a thick-rolled sushi, you can easily and happily produce a thick-rolled sushi with various patterns and patterns on the inside. Here, in particular, in the present embodiment, both the body 1 and the slider 2 are provided with a locking mechanism 12'. The locking mechanism 12 has moved to the above-mentioned guide 137195.doc -12- When the position is made, the movement of the slider 2 is prevented. When the roll sushi is formed by rotating the newspaper 3, the bow light 7 is fixed at a fixed position, so that a suitable 'slider W holding member 16 of a specific outer shape having a complete shape can be formed, and the holding member 16 is for the body 1 The upper edge portion is moved, and the slider 2 is prevented from being separated from the main body. Therefore, the above-described roll can be formed, and the vertical movement of the vertical member 2 can be prevented, and an appropriate roll can be formed in the same manner as described above. Sushi, and the slider 2 can be moved back and forth stably and smoothly. Further, the slider 2 includes a sheet pressing member 18 that prevents the endless sheet 6 from being detached at a position in the vicinity of the guide roller 7, and therefore, the endless sheet 6 is not formed when the roll sushi is formed. It will be separated from the guide roller 7, and can be formed in the same manner as described above. On the other hand, the main body 1 includes a sheet pressing roller 19 that is placed at a position close to the roller 3, and the endless sheet 6 is sandwiched by the roller 3, so that when the roll sushi is formed The endless sheet 6 is caused to have a desired tension between the roller 3 and the guiding member 7, so that an appropriate roll of sushi can be formed in the same manner as described above. Further, the roller 3, the driven roller 5, and the winding guide roller 7 are respectively opposed. Since the main body and the slider 2 are detachable, the endless sheet 6 can be easily replaced and cleaned by removing the above-mentioned light 3, 5, and 7. Further, in the present embodiment, the roll sushi is taken as an example. Illustratively, it is obvious that the rod-shaped food-making toy of the present invention can be applied to the manufacture of other stick-shaped foods in addition to the case of manufacturing a roll of sushi. 137l95.doc 1374046 [Simplified illustration] 1 is a perspective view showing an embodiment of the present invention in which an endless sheet is removed. Fig. 2 is an exploded perspective view of the embodiment shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 3 shows an embodiment 10 shown in the order of A to D. Roll sushi forming Fig. 4 is a perspective view showing the state in which the arrangement of the driven roller is changed and is the same as that of Fig. 4. Fig. 5 is a perspective view showing the slider of the slider moving from the state of Fig. 4 to the separated position. DESCRIPTION OF REFERENCE NUMERALS 1 body 1A rising portion 2 slider 3 roller 5 driven roller 6 endless sheet 6A loose portion 7 guide roller 12 locking mechanism 16 holding member 18 sheet pressing member 19 sheet pressing roller 22 Rice) 137195.doc 1374046 23 24 Dried Seaweed Roll Sushi
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