1258691 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是關於用以生成對應基準影像的基準影像 資料之影像顯示處理裝置,與具備有此種影像顯示處 理裝置以及可將已變更基準影像一部分區域的顯示區 域之區域變更影像予以顯示的影像顯示裝置之影像顯 示系統。 【先前技術】 在以往,組合有pc之類的影像顯示處理裝置及影 像顯示裝置之影像顯示系統係已被實用化。其中該影 像顯示處理裝置係用以生成欲顯示的影像資料,而影 像顯示裝置係將影像顯示處理裝置側所生成的影像資 料顯示於晝面上。 構成影像顯示系統的影像顯示處理裝置係具備專 門進行影像顯示處理的圖形卡(graphics card)等,而一 般在圖形卡内部則由稱為描繪引擎的影像資料生成裝 置與稱為VRAM的記憶裝置所構成。而且,根據安裝 (install)在影像顯示處理裝置内的作業系統(0S)、及軟 體等所輸出的描繪命令,影像資料生成裝置係在每一 顯示頁框(f r a m e)進行影像資料的生成,並將生成的影 像資料保存於記憶裝置後,再輸出至影像顯示裝置, 以進行影像顯示(例如參照專利文獻1)。 [專利文獻1] 日本特開200 1 - 1 74748號公報 【發明内容】 1258691 但是,在習知的影像顯示系統中係存在有未能將 既生成的影像資料予以有效活用之問題。以下,為了 容易理解起見,乃使用具體例以針對習知的影像顯示 系統的問題點進行說明。 例如,考慮使用者欲注目顯示於影像顯示裝置的 晝面上的影像的一部分區域,為了確認内容,而針對 該一部分區域進行擴大後,再度縮小返回到原來的畫 面之操作情形。如上述,在習知的影像顯示系統中的 影像資料生成方法,係每隔一頁框形成具對應顯示晝 面的影像資料,並將形成的影像資料寫入記憶裝置後 ,在影像顯示裝置側輸出影像資料。因此,在習知的 影像顯示系統中,對於擴大顯示於晝面上的基準影像 的一部分區域的情形,也具有重新以影像資料生成裝 置生成關於擴大/縮小一部分區域的狀態之全晝面的 影像資料後,重複將生成的影像資料寫入記憶裝置之 處理的必要性。 但是,擴大一部分區域的影像的顯示内容,係只 與擴大相關部分的顯示區域的大小不同,而與擴大前 的基準影像的内容一樣。不論相關内容的同一性,在 習知的影像顯示系統中,對記憶裝置消去對應基準影 像的影像資料,進行寫入重新擴大一部分區域的影像 資料之處理,影像顯示所需的處理變得繁雜。 而且,習知的影像顯示系統,對於在顯示針對基 準影像的一部分區域擴大的影像後,顯示基準影像的 1258691 情形也有問題。即擴大前的顯示影像與縮小後的顯示 影像不論包含顯示區域完全同一與否,在習知的影像 顯示系統中,在影像顯示處理裝置内需個別獨立地進 行影像資料的生成/記憶。 在使用p c等的影像顯示系統中,顯示於晝面上的 影像一般係包含對應起動的複數個軟體之複數個視窗 。而且,使用者在著眼於複數個軟體之中某特定的軟 體,遍及例如全晝面顯示對應的視窗確認内容後,經 常頻繁地重複再度返回到包含複數個視窗的影像顯示 這種動作。因此,如上述的具體例的例子會頻繁地發 生,在每次重複影像資料的生成/記憶之習知的影像顯 不糸統中,謀求已經生成的影像貢料的有效活用很困 難,並且在内部進行的處理變的繁雜化。 本發明乃鑒於上述所進行的創作,其目的為實現 可有效活用已經生成的影像資料之影像顯示處理裝置 及影像顯示系統。 為了解決上述課題達成目的,與申請專利範圍第 1項有關的影像顯示系統係包含:生成對應基準影像的 基準影像資料之影像顯示處理裝置;可顯示變更前述 基準影像的一部分區域的顯示區域的區域變更影像之 影像顯示裝置,其特徵為:前述影像顯示處理裝置包含 :生成前述基準影像資料的影像資料生成裝置;顯示區 域變更後也保持前述基準影像資料的基準影像資料保 持裝置,前述影像顯示裝置包含:根據由前述影像顯示 1258691 處理裝置輸入的前述基準影像資料,生成對應前述區 域變更影像的影像資料之影像處理裝置;顯示藉由前 述影像處理裝置生成的影像資料之顯示裝置。 如果依照此申請專利範圍第1項的發明,因在影 像顯示裝置侧中令根據基準影像資料生成對應區域變 更影像的影像資料,故無須伴隨顯示區域變更在影像 顯示處理裝置内重新進行影像資料的生成以及寫入處 理,並且可有效活用已經存在的影像資料。而且,因 在影像顯示處理裝置内持續保持基準影像資料的内容 ,故對於在一旦進行顯示區域變更後,再度顯示基準 影像的情形,原封不動地使用保持於影像顯示處理裝 置内的基準影像資料的話佳,對於相關的情形,影像 顯示處理裝置側的處理負擔被減輕,可有效活用既存 的影像資料。 而且,與申請專利範圍第2項有關的影像顯示系 統係在上述發明中其特徵為:前述影像顯示處理裝置 更具備記憶包含顯示區域的變更内容的處理資料之處 理資料記憶裝置,前述影像處理裝置根據由前述影像 顯示處理裝置輸入的前述基準影像資料以及前述處理 資料生成影像資料。 而且,與申請專利範圍第3至第4項有關的影像 顯示系統係在上述發明中其特徵為:前述影像資料生 成裝置係在必須回應的該基準影像資料中,於預定頁 框進行至少對應前述一部分區域的影像資料的更新處 -9- 1258691 理,前述影像資料保持裝置係記憶被實施前述更新 理的影像資料。 而且,與申請專利範圍第5至第6項有關的影 顯不糸統係在上述發明中其特徵為:前述影像資料 成裝置抽出在前述更新處理中與更新前的頁框不同 顯示内容之一個以上的像素,以進行對該像素的更 處理。 而且,與申請專利範圍第7至第8項有關的影 顯示系統係在上述發明中其特徵為:前述處理資料 憶裝置更記憶進行更新處理的前述像素的位置資訊 而且,與申請專利範圍第9至第1 6項有關的影 顯示系統係在上述發明中其特徵為:前述影像資料 成裝置係新生成補齊影像資料,用意把依進行顯示 域變更所產生的空白區域予以補齊,前述影像處理 置係根據前述基準影像資料以及前述補齊影像資料 以生成已實施顯示區域變更處理的影像資料。 而且,與申請專利範圍第1 7項有關的影像顯示 統係在上述發明中其特徵為:前述影像資料生成裝 係依需要而對前述基準影像資料全體進行前述更新 理,前述影像顯示裝置更具備:顯示影像資料記憶 置,用以記憶在前述影像處理裝置中生成的影像資 :更新影像資料記憶裝置,用以記憶被實施前述更 處理的前述基準影像資料之。 而且,與申請專利範圍第1 8項有關的影像顯示 處 像 生 的 新 像 記 〇 像 生 區 裝 系 置 處 裝 料 新 處 -10- 1258691 理裝置係使根據對應基準顯示影像的基準影像資料, 變更前述基準顯示影像的一部分的顯示區域之影像顯 示於影像顯示裝置,其特徵包含:影像資料生成裝置 ,用以生成前述基準影像資料;基準影像資料保持裝 置,用以在顯示區域變更之後持續保持前述基準影像 資料;處理資料記憶裝置,用以記憶包含顯示區域的 變更内容的處理資料,其中對前述影像顯示裝置輸出 前述基準影像資料以及前述處理資料。 _ 【發明的功效】 與本發明有關的影像顯示系統,因已在影像顯示 裝置側中根據基準影像資料生成對應區域變更影像的 影像資料之構成,故可完成無須伴隨顯示區域變更在 影像顯示處理裝置内重新進行影像資料的生成以及寫 入處理,並且具有可有效活用已經存在的影像資料之 功效。 而且,與本發明有關的影像顯示系統,因在影像 顯示處理裝置内持續保持基準影像資料的内容,故對 於在一旦進行顯示區域變更後,再度顯示基準影像的 情形,可原封不動地使用保持於影像顯示處理裝置内 的基準影像資料,在相關的情形下,可減輕影像顯示 處理裝置側的處理負擔,並可有效活用既存的影像資 料。 再者,與本發明有關的影像顯示系統,當進行顯 示區域變更時,可降低由影像顯示處理裝置對影像顯 -11- 1258691 示裝置輸出的資料量這種功效。 【實施方式】 以下針對實施本發明用的最佳形態之影像顯示系 統來說明。此外,需留意圖面為表示標準的型式,各 部分其厚度與寬度的關係、以及各個部分的厚度的比 率等與現實者不同,當然在圖面的相互間中也包含有 彼此的尺寸關係或比率不同的部分。再者,在以下中 針對構成影像顯示系統的影像顯示處理裝置,雖然是 以 pc等之電子計算機為例來說明,但無需限定本發 明於相關的構成來解釋。 (實施形態一) 首先,針對與實施形態一有關的影像顯示系統來 說明。第1圖是針對與本實施形態一有關的影像顯示 系統其全體構成所表示的標準型式圖。如第1圖所示 與本實施形態一有關的影像顯示系統具備:生成對應 基準影像的影像資料之影像顯示處理裝置1 ;根據對 應基準影像的影像資料,進行針對基準影像的一部分 區域實施顯示區域變更處理之影像資料的生成、顯示 之影像顯示裝置2 ;連接影像顯示處理裝置1與影像 顯示裝置2之間的監視器緵線(monitor cable)3。此外 ,在本實施形態一中雖然如第1圖所示,係針對個別 獨立的影像顯示處理裝置1與影像顯示裝置2的構成 來說明,但如果是在同一框體内同時包含影像顯示處 理裝置1與影像顯示裝置2之構成也可以。而且,以 -12- 1258691 例如省略監視器纜線3,經由無線進行影像顯示處理 裝置1與影像顯示裝置2之間的資料轉送(transfer)之 構成也可以。 〜像顯示處理裝置1係一般的p C具備:省略圖示 的 CPU(Central Processing Unit:中央演算單元)、記憶</ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> <RTIgt; The area of the display area of the area changes the image display system of the image display device on which the image is displayed. [Prior Art] Conventionally, an image display system in which an image display processing device such as a pc and an image display device are combined has been put into practical use. The image display processing device is configured to generate image data to be displayed, and the image display device displays the image data generated on the image display processing device side on the surface. The video display processing device constituting the video display system includes a graphics card for performing video display processing, and generally, inside the graphics card, a video data generating device called a rendering engine and a memory device called a VRAM. Composition. Further, the image data generating device generates image data for each display frame according to a drawing command output from the operating system (OS) in the image display processing device and the software. The generated image data is stored in the memory device, and then output to the image display device for image display (see, for example, Patent Document 1). [Patent Document 1] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. Hereinafter, for the sake of easy understanding, a specific example will be used to explain the problem of the conventional video display system. For example, in consideration of a part of the image of the image displayed on the face of the image display device by the user, in order to confirm the content, the partial area is enlarged, and the operation of returning to the original picture is reduced again. As described above, in the image data generating method in the conventional image display system, the image data having the corresponding display surface is formed every other frame, and the formed image data is written into the memory device, and then on the image display device side. Output image data. Therefore, in the conventional video display system, in the case where a part of the reference image displayed on the pupil plane is enlarged, the image data generating device re-creates the image of the full face of the state in which the partial region is enlarged/reduced. After the data, the necessity of processing the generated image data into the memory device is repeated. However, the display content of the image in a part of the area is expanded to be the same as the size of the display area of the enlarged portion, and is the same as the content of the reference image before the enlargement. Regardless of the identity of the related content, in the conventional video display system, the image data corresponding to the reference image is erased for the memory device, and the processing of rewriting the image data of a part of the area is performed, and the processing required for the image display becomes complicated. Moreover, the conventional image display system has a problem in the case of displaying a reference image of 1258691 after displaying an image enlarged for a part of the reference image. That is, the display image before the enlargement and the display image after the reduction are completely identical regardless of whether the display area is included or not. In the conventional image display system, the image data processing device needs to independently generate and memorize the image data. In an image display system using p c or the like, an image displayed on a facet generally includes a plurality of windows corresponding to a plurality of softwares that are activated. Further, the user pays attention to a specific software among the plurality of softwares, and displays the corresponding window confirmation contents, for example, after the full facet, and frequently repeats the operation of returning to the image including the plurality of windows. Therefore, the example of the specific example described above frequently occurs, and in the conventional image display system in which the generation/memory of the image data is repeated, it is difficult to find effective use of the image tribute that has been generated, and The processing performed internally becomes complicated. The present invention has been made in view of the above-described creations, and an object thereof is to realize an image display processing device and an image display system that can effectively utilize image data that has already been generated. In order to achieve the above object, an image display system according to the first aspect of the patent application includes: a video display processing device that generates reference image data corresponding to a reference image; and an area in which a display region of a part of the reference image is changed is displayed. An image display device for changing an image, wherein the image display processing device includes: a video data generating device that generates the reference video data; and a reference video data holding device that holds the reference video data after the display region is changed, the video display device And comprising: an image processing device that generates image data corresponding to the area-changed image based on the reference image data input by the image display 12569691 processing device; and a display device that displays image data generated by the image processing device. According to the invention of the first aspect of the patent application, since the image data of the corresponding area change image is generated based on the reference image data on the image display device side, it is not necessary to re-image the image data in the image display processing device without changing the display area. Generate and write processing, and can effectively use existing image data. In addition, since the content of the reference image data is continuously held in the image display processing device, when the reference image is displayed again after the display region is changed, the reference image data held in the image display processing device is used as it is. Preferably, in the related case, the processing load on the image display processing device side is reduced, and the existing image data can be effectively utilized. Further, the video display system according to the second aspect of the invention is characterized in that the video display processing device further includes a processing data storage device for storing processing data including a changed content of the display area, and the image processing device The image data is generated based on the reference image data input by the image display processing device and the processed data. Further, an image display system relating to the third to fourth aspects of the patent application is characterized in that the image data generating device performs at least the foregoing in a predetermined frame in the reference image data that must be responded to. In the update of the image data of a part of the area, the image data holding device memorizes the image data subjected to the update. Further, the image relating to the fifth to sixth aspects of the patent application is characterized in that the image data forming device extracts one of the display contents different from the page frame before the update in the above-mentioned update processing. The above pixels are used to perform further processing on the pixels. Further, the video display system relating to the seventh to eighth aspects of the patent application is characterized in that the processing data memorandum device further memorizes the position information of the pixels for updating processing, and the patent application scope is ninth. The image display system according to Item 16 is characterized in that: the image data forming device newly generates the complementary image data, and intentionally fills in the blank area generated by the display field change, the image The processing unit generates image data in which the display area changing process has been performed based on the reference image data and the complementary image data. Further, the image display system according to the first aspect of the invention is characterized in that the image data generating device performs the updating of the entire reference image data as needed, and the image display device further includes The image data storage device is configured to memorize the image material generated in the image processing device: the image data storage device is updated to memorize the reference image data subjected to the foregoing processing. Moreover, the image display area related to item 18 of the patent application scope is a new image of the image-like area of the application area. -10- 1258691 The device is used to display the reference image data of the image according to the corresponding reference. And displaying the image of the display area of the part of the reference display image on the image display device, the image display device comprising: the image data generating device for generating the reference image data; and the reference image data holding device for continuing after the display area is changed And maintaining the reference image data; and processing the data storage device for storing the processing data including the changed content of the display area, wherein the reference image data and the processing data are output to the image display device. _ Effect of the Invention According to the image display system of the present invention, since the image data of the corresponding area change image is generated based on the reference image data on the image display device side, the image display processing can be performed without the need to change the display area. The image data generation and writing processing are re-executed in the device, and the effect of utilizing the existing image data can be effectively utilized. Further, in the video display system according to the present invention, since the content of the reference video data is continuously held in the video display processing device, the reference video can be displayed again after the display region is changed, and can be used as it is. The reference image data in the image display processing device can reduce the processing load on the image display processing device side in a related situation, and can effectively utilize the existing image data. Further, in the image display system according to the present invention, when the display area is changed, the effect of the amount of data output by the image display processing means to the image display device can be reduced. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, an image display system of the best mode for carrying out the invention will be described. In addition, it is necessary to leave the intent surface as a standard type, and the relationship between the thickness and the width of each part, and the ratio of the thickness of each part are different from the actual ones. Of course, the dimensional relationship between the drawings also includes the mutual dimensional relationship or Parts with different ratios. In the following, an image display processing device constituting the video display system is described by taking an electronic computer such as a pc as an example. However, the present invention is not limited to the related configuration. (Embodiment 1) First, an image display system according to Embodiment 1 will be described. Fig. 1 is a view showing a standard pattern of the overall configuration of the video display system according to the first embodiment. The image display system according to the first embodiment shown in FIG. 1 includes an image display processing device 1 that generates image data corresponding to the reference image, and performs display region on a part of the reference image based on the image data corresponding to the reference image. The image display device 2 for generating and displaying image data to be processed is connected; and a monitor cable 3 between the image display processing device 1 and the image display device 2 is connected. Further, in the first embodiment, as shown in FIG. 1, the configuration of the individual independent video display processing device 1 and video display device 2 is described. However, the image display processing device is included in the same frame. The configuration of the image display device 2 may be one. Further, for example, -12-1258691 may be omitted, and the monitor cable 3 may be omitted, and the data transfer between the video display processing device 1 and the video display device 2 may be performed wirelessly. ~ The display processing device 1 is generally provided with a CPU (Central Processing Unit) and memory (not shown).
體、硬碟驅動。而且,影像顯示處理裝置1具備:在 一般的pc使用的0S(0perating Systems••作業系統)或 應用程式(application)之〇S/應用程式4 ;解析由〇s/ 應用私式4輸出的描繪命令的内容,決定輸出到影像 顯不裝置2側的影像資料的構成之資料構成決定部5 •’具備一般的硬體構成的圖形卡6之構成。 貢料構成決定部5具備:解析 , m π 谷(Body, hard drive. Further, the video display processing device 1 includes an OS/application 4 that is used in a general PC (OS) (Operating Systems••Operating System) or an application (application); and the rendering is output by the 〇s/application private 4 output. The content of the command determines the configuration of the data composition of the video data output to the video display device 2 side. The configuration unit 5 includes a configuration of a graphics card 6 having a general hardware configuration. The tribute composition determining unit 5 has: analysis, m π valley (
繪命令解析部8;記憶解析結果之㈣資訊資料庫 ’、根據儲存於描繪資訊資料庫9内的解析結果,記 :後述的頁框§己憶體(frame mem〇ry)i4的影像資料 中針對更新處理進行控制的更新區域控制部工〇 ·棺 ::結果進行區域變更處理的控制之 變; ]部";進行對圖形卡6的控制的圖:二 (graphics driver)12 。 描繪命令解析部8係用以解析自〇s :出的描綠命令的具體的内"命令的:王 :綠資訊資料,9。描繪命令例如以藉由描:: 、者。描繪命令解析部8具體上具有針 像已姑# ρ μ百α ^對應基 己憶於頁框記憶體14的影像資料⑴下稱^ 1258691 本影像資料])的一部分,進行顯示内容的變更以及顯 示區域的變更的有無的解析之功能,並且具有將解析 結果輸出到描繪資訊資料庫9之功能。 更新區域控制部 1 0係用來執行關於更新處理的 動作,以控制圖形驅動器1 2。具體而言,更新區域控 制部1 〇具有根據儲存於描繪資訊資料庫9的解析結果 ,由基準影像資料之中抽出應進行更新處理的區域, 並且將關於抽出的區域的位置等的資訊輸出到圖形驅 動器1 2之功能。此外,「更新處理」也可指在影像處 理中,除去顯示區域變更的部分,以及對應顯示内容 的變更的處理,惟在以下中,係指重寫對應在處理前 與處理後不同的内容之副像素或包含相關的副像素之 顯不區域的資料成分的處理。 顯示區域變更控制部 1 1係用來執行關於顯示影 像的一部分區域的移動/尺寸變更等的區域變更處理 的動作,以控制圖形驅動器12。具體而言,顯示區域 變更控制部1 1具有根據儲存於描繪資訊資料庫9的解 析結果,對圖形驅動器1 2輸出在基本影像資料中成為 區域變更的對象的資料以及顯示區域變更處理的内容 之功能。 圖形驅動器12係用以控制圖形卡6的驅動。具體 上圖形驅動器12係根據由0S/應用程式4輸出的描繪 命令與由更新區域控制部 1 〇以及顯示區域變更控制 部1 1輸出的資訊,進行對圖形卡6内所具備的影像資 -14- 1258691 料生成部13以及CRTC15的控制。 圖形卡6具備:根據藉由圖形驅動器所進行的控制 ,進行影像資料的生成之影像資料生成部1 3 ;記憶影 像資料等的頁框記憶體14 ;取得同步用的CRTC15 ; 使記憶於頁框記憶體1 4的資料封包化的封包(packet) 生成部1 6。 頁框記憶體 1 4係用以記憶關於依照需要實施更 新處理的基準影像資料、更新處理以及顯示區域變更 處理的資訊。第2圖係針對頁框記憶體1 4内部中的記 憶區域内容,模型化顯示的圖。如第2圖所示,頁框 記憶體1 4具備:記憶影像資料的基準影像資料保持區 域1 4 a ;記憶與在影像顯示裝置2内進行的處理内容 有關的資訊之處理資料記憶區域1 4b之構成。在處理 資料記憶區域1 4b包含有例如被實施更新處理的影像 資料成分的位置資訊或被進行顯示區域變更處理的影· 像資料成分的位置資訊以及變更處理的内容等。 其次,針對影像顯示裝置2來說明。影像顯示裝 置2具備:影像處理部1 8 ;顯示部1 9、記憶對應顯示 的影像之影像資料的頁框記憶體23 ;根據記憶於頁框 記憶體23的影像資料的内容,控制顯示部1 9的驅動 狀態之顯示控制部24。顯示部1 9係由液晶監視器、 CRT監視器、以有機EL元件作為發光元件利用的有 機EL監視器等構成。 影像處理部1 8如第1圖所示具備:解析由影像顯 -15- 1258691 示處理裝置1輸出的封包資料的内容之封包解析部2 Ο ;解析封包内的標頭資料(h e a d e r d a t a)之標頭解析部 2 1 ;將根據所解析的標頭資料的内容以及包含於封包 内的影像資料的内容,對應實際顯示的影像之影像資 料寫入頁框記憶體23的資料寫入部22之構成。 封包解析部2 0係用以解析接收的封包的内容,對 標頭解析部2 1輸出封包内的標頭資料,並且對資料寫 入部 22輸出封包内的影像資料。而且,標頭解析部 2 1係用以解析接收的標頭資料的内容,由標頭資料之 中抽出關於更新的資訊以及關於顯示區域的變換的資 訊,將抽出的資訊輸出到資料寫入部22。再者,資料 寫入部22係用以根據由標頭資料之中抽出的資訊,實 施經由封包解析部 2 0接收的影像資料所必要的處理 ,寫入頁框記憶體23内。 頁框記憶體23係用以記憶對應顯示於顯示部1 9 的影像之影像資料。具體上,頁框記憶體23係用以對 由影像顯示處理裝置1側輸出的影像資料,藉由資料 寫入部22進行必要的處理,在顯示部1 9中記憶實際 顯不的影像貧料。 其次,針對與本實施形態一有關的影像顯示系統 的動作來說明。首先說明影像顯示處理裝置1内的資 料寫入於頁框記憶體1 4的動作,再針對依照記憶於頁 框記憶體 1 4内的資訊所進行的封包生成動作進行說 明後,最後針對影像顯示裝置2内的資料處理以及影 -16- 1258691 像顯示動作進行說明。 首先針對影像顯示處理裝置1内的資料寫入於頁 框記憶體1 4的動作來說明。第3圖是針對相關動作說 明用的流程圖,適宜地參照第3圖來說明。此外,初 期條件係假設在頁框記憶體1 4内的基準影像資料保 持區域1 4 a内已經記憶有基準影像資料。 如第3圖所示,首先0S/應用程式4生成描繪命 令,生成的描繪命令係對描繪命令解析部8以及圖形 驅動器1 2輸出(步驟S 1 0 1)。接著,描繪命令解析部8 判定描繪命令是否為關於在顯示部 1 9所顯示的影像 内容(步驟S102)。關於顯示影像的内容之描繪命令, 係指不僅關於顯示區域變更,也廣泛地關於顯示内容 一般的描繪命令。與顯示影像的内容無關的描繪命令 係指例如初期化命令。 對於描繪命令為非關於顯示影像的内容的情形, 描繪命令解析部8不進行描繪命令的具體内容的解析 ,圖形驅動器1 2則根據描繪命令所預定的動作進行處 理(步驟S 1 03)。另一方面,對於描繪命令為關於顯示 影像的内容的情形,在描繪資訊資料庫9記憶有解析 結果,移到步驟S104。 而且,在步驟S 1 02中對於判定為描繪命令為關於 顯示影像的内容的情形,圖形驅動器1 2更進行描繪命 令是否包含顯示區域變更之判定(步驟S 104)。具體上 ,顯示區域變更控制部1 1由關於記憶於描繪資訊資料 -17- 1258691 庫9的描繪命令的解析結果之中,檢索關於顯示區域 變更的資訊,對於存在的情形將相關的資訊輸出至圖 形驅動器1 2。圖形驅動器1 2根據來自顯示區域變更 控制部1 1的輸出進行判定,例如對於未由顯示區域變 更控制部1 1輸出任何資訊的情形,判定為描繪命令不 包含關於顯示區域變更。 對於描繪命令不包含顯示區域變更的情形,考慮 為描繪命令僅包含關於更新處理。因此,對預先記憶 於頁框記憶體1 4内的基準影像資料全體進行更新處 理(步驟S 1 0 5 ),結束所有的處理。 對於判定為描繪命令包含關於顯示區域變更的情 形,圖形驅動器1 2進行顯示區域變更的結果,在實際 構成顯示影像的影像資料成分内進行是否需要更新處 理的判定(步驟S 106)。具體上,圖形驅動器12根據來 自更新區域控制部1 0以及顯示區域變更控制部1 1的 資訊,由基準影像資料抽出對應顯示部1 9中的顯示影 像的資料成分’判定關於抽出的資料成分有無更新處 理。 對於判定為無須藉由圖形驅動器1 2進行更新處 理的情形,圖形驅動器1 2將關於顯示區域變更處理的 資訊輸出至頁框記憶體1 4,頁框記憶體1 4將相關資 訊記憶於處理資料記憶區域14b(步驟S 107)。 另一方面,對於判定為需要藉由圖形驅動器1 2進 行更新處理的情形,圖形驅動器1 2使預定的處理資料 -18- 1258691 記憶於頁框記憶體1 4内的處理資料記憶區域1 4 b,並 且針對與更新處理有關的影像資料成分,使資料的重 寫進行(步驟S 1 0 8)。如上所述,在影像顯示處理裝置 1中寫入於頁框記憶體1 4内的動作結束。 如上所述,本實施形態一中的影像顯示處理裝置 1,係當生成的描繪命令之中包含有關於顯示區域變更 處理的資訊的情形,不需重新寫入區域變更後的影像 資料,而是一邊維持基準影像資料的内容,一邊將關 於顯示區域變更處理的資訊寫入處理資料記憶區域 14b ° 而且,本實施形態一中的影像顯示處理裝置1係 當進行顯示區域變更以及更新處理兩者的情形時,在 顯示區域變更後僅針對實際顯示於顯示部 1 9的影像 的影像資料成分進行更新處理。即令對於進行例如將 一部分區域擴大於畫面全體之顯示區域變更的情形, 不會進行對應相關於該一部分區域以外的區域的影像 資料成分的更新處理’而是在頁框記憶體1 4内保持從 前的資料。 其次,針對封包生成部1 6中的封包生成動作來說 明。此外,在以下的說明中,令初期條件為在影像顯 示處理裝置1内的頁框記憶體1 4内的基準影像資料保 持區域1 4a記憶有必須進行更新處理的基準影像資料 ,在影像顯示裝置2内的頁框記憶體23内記憶有進行 更新處理前的基準影像資料。以下參照第4圖所示的 -19- 1258691 流程圖,針對封包生成動作來說明。 首先封包生成部1 6經由圖形驅動器1 2取得由更 新區域控制部1 0以及顯示區域變更控制部1 1輸出的 資訊(步驟S 2 0 1 ),根據取得的資訊,影像顯示裝置2 可掌握輸出的資料内容(步驟S202)。此處,應輸出的 資料内容係指例如對於不伴隨更新處理而僅進行顯示 區域的變更的情形為顯示區域變更資訊;對於不伴隨 顯示區域的變更而僅進行更新處理的情形,為進行更 新處理的影像貢料成分的重寫後的内容以及影像資料 成分的位置資訊等。而且,對於進行顯示區域變更與 更新處理兩者的情形時,輸出的資料内容包含顯示區 域變更後的顯示影像資料所形成之影像資料成分、進 行更新處理的影像資料成分的重寫後的内容以及相關 的影像資料成分的位置資訊等。 然後,封包生成部1 6算出輸出的資料的資料量( 步驟S2 03),進行是否可包含於單一的封包之判定(步 驟S204)。其中對於輸出的資料的資料量為無法包含 於單一的封包的情形,進行資料分割(步驟S205)後, 再進行步驟S 2 0 3以下的處理。 另一方面,對於判斷為輸出的資料包含於單一封 包或藉由分割資料可分成複數個封包而生成的情形, 封包生成部1 6進行封包生成用所需的資料的讀出,進 行封包的生成(步驟S206)。具體上,對於僅進行顯示 區域變更的情形,生成僅包含顯示區域變更資訊之標 -20- 1258691 頭的封包;對於伴隨更新處理的情形,對内容因更新 處理而改寫的影像資料成分,係生成附屬有顯示區域 變更資訊以及更新處理資訊之標頭的封包。以上,封 包生成動作結束,生成的封包經由監視器纜線3對影 像顯示裝置2輸出。 如此在上述的封包生成動作中,令封包生成部16 對於僅進行顯示區域變更的情形,不生成對應區域變 更後的影像之影像資料的封包,而是僅生成顯示區域 變更資訊的封包。即對於無須更新處理的情形,藉由 不使用影像資料而進行封包生成,降低對影像顯示裝 置2的資料轉送量。而且,對於需要更新處理的情形 也藉由僅轉送與在顯示部 1 9實際顯示的影像有關的 影像資料成分,以謀求資料轉送量的降低。 其次,針對在影像顯示裝置2中對接收的封包的 處理動作來說明。第5圖是針對在影像顯示裝置2内 進行的處理動作說明用的流程圖。如第5圖所示,首 先在影像顯示裝置2内所具備的封包解析部2 0接收由 影像顯示處理裝置1側輸出的封包(步驟S301),分離 標頭資料與本體資料。而且,標頭資料輸出至標頭解 析部2 1,儲存影像資料成分的本體資料直接輸出至資 料寫入部2 2。 然後標頭解析部 2 1進行標頭資料的解析(步驟 S302),將解析結果輸出至資料寫入部 22,另一方面 ,資料寫入部22進行在輸入的解析結果内是否存在更 -21- 1258691 新處理資訊的判定(步驟S 3 03 ) ◦對於判定為更新處理 資訊不存在的情形移到步驟S 3 0 5,對於判定為存在的 情形移到步驟S3 04。而且,對於判定為更新處理資訊 存在的情形,資料寫入部22根據標頭資料的内容對頁 框記憶體2 3内的指定位置寫入由封包解析部2 0輸出 的影像資料成分(步驟 S3 04),記憶於頁框記憶體23 的影像貧料的更新處理完了。 然後,資料寫入部22進行在由標頭解析部21輸 出的解析結果内是否存在顯示區域變更資訊的判定( 步驟 S 3 0 5 )。對於顯示區域變更資訊不存在的情形, 對頁框記憶體2 3進行的處理完了,移到步驟S 3 0 7。 另一方面,對於顯示區域變更資訊存在的情形,移到 步驟S 3 0 6 ° 而且,資料寫入部22根據由標頭解析部2 1輸出 的標頭資料的解析結果,進行區域變更處理(步驟S3 06) 。具體上,資料寫入部22根據包含於解析結果的區域 變更資訊,對於擴大顯示有預定的區域的情形,讀出 已經記憶於頁框記憶體23内的影像資料,並且對構成 相關的影像資料之各個像素資料進行座標變換等的處 理,並且關於藉由座標變換新產生的空白部分進行内 插處理。以上,藉由本步驟中的顯示區域變更處理與 依照步驟S3 04的更新處理,對頁框記憶體23的寫入 動作結束,對應顯示影像的影像資料的形成完了。 最後,顯示控制部24對顯示部1 9輸出記憶於頁 -22- 1258691 框記憶體2 3的影像資料,顯示部1 9進行對應記憶於 頁框記憶體2 3的影像資料之影像顯示(步驟S 3 0 7)。以 上,接收封包的影像顯示裝置2的動作完了,進行對 應由0S/應用程式4輸出的描繪命令之影像顯示。 第6圖係針對進行於第3圖〜第5圖所示的流程圖 之動作情形所進行的處理模式的圖。此外,在以下中 為了容易理解起見,針對將顯示於顯示部9的基準影 像的一部分之顯示區域26(960x600像素)擴大於晝面 全體( 1 920x 1 200像素)而顯示的例子來說明。 具體上如第6圖所示,首先對顯示於顯示部9的 影像的一部分之顯示區域2 6,例如使用者‘想看得更詳 細而使用定位裝置(pointing device)等,如第6圖所示 表示顯示區域的擴大。對應相關的指示,OS/應用程式 4生成包含顯示區域26的顯示區域變更指示,具體上 生成包含將顯示於顯示區域 26的影像擴大於晝面全 體的要旨的資訊之描繪命令,輸出到描繪命令解析部 8等。 而且,資料構成決定部5藉由在各構成要素中進 行上述的預定的處理,以在頁框記憶體1 4内進行必要 的資料的寫入。其中,在基準影像資料保持區域1 4a 中,作為對應在顯示區域26顯示的影像之影像資料成 分的影像資料27,係被實施必要的更新處理,如第6 圖所示的被記憶的資訊,依然是對應960x600像素的 影像尺寸,不會記憶有擴大於基準影像資料保持區域 -23- 1258691 1 4a的全體的影像資料。即使生成有描繪命令達到進 行預定的處理後,在基準影像資料保持區域1 4 a也記 憶有對應基準影像的影像資料。另一方面,關於顯示 區域變更指不的資訊係記憶於處理貢料記憶區域 1 4 b ,具體上,如第6圖所示在處理資料記憶區域1 4b内 記憶有關於顯示區域變更的資訊之處理資料2 8。 然後,根據記憶於頁框記憶體1 4内的資料生成封 包,輸出至影像顯示裝置 2,藉由在影像顯示裝置2 内進行上述處理,進行對應描繪命令的影像資料的生 成。其結果在頁框記憶體2 3記憶有對應於顯示區域 26的1920x1200像素的影像尺寸之影像資料29。於是 ,反映記憶於頁框記憶體23内的影像資料29,在顯 示部1 9對應顯示區域2 6的影像係遍及畫面全體而顯 示。 據此,與本實施形態一有關的影像顯示系統係令 關於基準影像的一部分區域在進行擴大等的顯示區域 變更時,針對影像顯示處理裝置1側的頁框記憶體1 4 所具備的基準影像資料保持區域1 4a的記憶内容不進 行更新處理以外的變更,持續保持對應基準影像的影 像資料。針對與本實施形態一有關的影像顯示系統進 行相關的資料保持所產生的優點,在以下說明。 首先,具有可最小限度地抑制記憶於基準影像資 料保持區域1 4 a内的影像資料的重寫,可減輕影像顯 示處理裝置1的負擔之優點。即對於在如習知進行一 -24- 1258691 部分區域的擴大顯示的情形,採用全部重寫基準影像 資料保持區域1 4a内的影像資料之構成的情形,在影 像資料生成部1 3中重新生成擴大於畫面全體的影像 資料,需要寫入基準影像資料保持區域1 4a的動作。 因此,對於採用習知的方式的情形,具有每次進行顯 示區域的變更會發生進行繁雜的處理的必要性,影像 顯示處理裝置1的負荷變大這種問題。 另一方面,在與本實施形態一有關的影像顯示系 統中因無須在影像顯示處理裝置1側中進行伴隨顯示 區域的變更的影像資料的重寫,故可有效活用已經記 憶的影像資料,影像顯示處理裝置1無須進行相關繁 雜的處理,處理負擔被減輕,並且可進行迅速的影像 處理。相關的優點特別是鑒於近年來的顯示器的大晝 面化以及高精細化,將成為非常大的優點。 而且,在與本實施形態一有關的影像顯示系統中 ,擴大顯示於顯示部1 9的基準影像的一部分區域後, 再度顯示基準影像的此情形中,也具有降低影像顯示 處理裝置1的處理負擔的優點。如前所述,在本實施 形態一中即使進行顯示區域變更的情形,在基準影像 資料保持區域1 4a内也持續保持依照需要實施更新處 理的基準影像資料。因此,在本實施形態一中對於進 行擴大一部分區域的影像顯示後再度顯示基準影像的 情形,在影像顯示處理裝置1内無須再度進行記憶於 基準影像資料的生成以及頁框記憶體1 4内這種處理 -25- 1258691 ,僅刪除關於 區域變更之資 關的影像顯示 ,進行再度返 幅地降低影像 相關的優 準影像顯示的 若以 PC的情 應用程式,在| 程式的複數個 準影像的一部 用者注目在複 望詳細的内容 情形通常為在 顯示部1 9上, 對於相關的情 負擔。 而且,在 令僅對對應在 進行更新處理 準影像的顯示 2 6被擴大於畫 顯示部19。據 域1 4 a内的影 否己憶於處理資本、丨4 ^ 、枓$憶區域1 4 b内的顯示 訊就可以。因 ..^ . 口此,在與本實施形態一有 糸統中當一曰、# 一姑一广 、 —進订顯不區域變更處理後 回到基準影像顯示的動作的情形,可大 顯示處理裝置1的負擔。 點對於像頻繁,也重複擴大影像顯示與基 情形特別有效。即影像顯示處理裝置J 形為例,則使用者通常同時起動複數個 真示部19上顯示有顯示對應複數個應用 影像(視窗)之基準影像。進行相關的基 分區域的區域變更的例子’例如考慮使 數個應用程式之中任意的應用程式,希 ㈣m # # n f彡像的擴大。相關的 内容的確認完成後再度顯示基準影像於 故與本實施形態-有關的影像顯示系統 形可大幅地降低影像顯示處理裝置丨的 與本實施形態-有關的影像顯示系統中 顯示部19實際顯示的旦彡德 ^ 幻衫像之影像資料 。即在第6圖所示的例子由 J于中針對構成基 區域26以外的區域,不合 卜曰因在顯示區域 面全體,而在一連的處理 至、冬了後顯示於 此’措由以記憶於基準旦彡你 +衫像資料保持區 像資料之中針對與顯示區# ^ ^域變更處理後 -26- 1258691 的顯示部 1 9中的顯示無關係的影像資料不進行更新 處理的構成,可更降低影像顯示處理裝置1的處理負 擔。此外,對於進行顯示區域變更處理後再度恢復基 準影像的顯示的情形,藉由將在那之前的更新資訊保 持於處理資料記憶區域1 4b内,在恢復基準影像顯示 時進行一下更新處理,在基準影像顯示時可顯示最新 影像。 (實施形態二) 其次針對與實施形態二有關的影像顯示系統來說 明。與本實施形態二有關的影像顯示系統係具有在影 像顯示處理裝置1具備的頁框t己憶體内具備冗長記憶 區域的構成。相關的冗長記憶區域係在顯示區域變更 處理中進行移動或縮小基準影像資料之中的一部分區 域的處理的情形中,完成記憶關於伴隨顯示區域變更 處理新產生的影像顯示區域之影像資料的功能。 第7圖係針對與實施形態二有關的影像顯示系統 的全體構成所顯示的方塊圖。此外,在本實施形態二 中針對影像顯示裝置2,除非以下特別提及否則設為 與實施形態一中的一樣。而且,針對第7圖所示的影 像顯示處理裝置3 1内的各構成要素,關於與實施形態 一中的影像顯示處理裝置1的構成同等者附加同一名 稱、符號,在以下除非特別提及否則設為具有與實施 形態一同一的構成、功能。 如第7圖所示,影像顯示處理裝置3 1具有頁框記 -27- 1258691 憶體3 2除了基準影像資料保持區域1 4a以及處理資料 記憶區域1 4b外更具備冗長記憶區域32a之構成。冗 長記憶區域3 2 a係用以伴隨顯示區域變更處理,重新 記憶必要的影像資料。 第8圖係針對冗長記憶區域3 2 a的功能說明用的 模式圖。此外,在第8圖中雖然顯示區域變更處理之 中針對基準影像的一部分區域以在保持面積的同一性 下移動顯示位置的處理為例來說明,惟當然對於進行 冗長記憶區域32a縮小一部分區域的處理的情形等也 發揮同樣的功能。 如第8圖所示,對顯示於顯示部1 9的基準影像考 慮使用者使基準影像的一部分的顯示區域3 3的顯示 位置移動於區域34的位置而指示的情形。OS/應用程 式4生成對應使用者的指示的描繪命令,輸出至描繪 命令解析部8等。 而且,對應相關的描繪命令,圖形驅動器1 2進行 頁框記憶體32内的基準影像資料保持區域1 4a、處理 資料記憶區域1 4b以及冗長記憶區域32a所需的資料 的寫入。即基準影像資料保持區域1 4a進行對應必要 的更新處理之影像資料成分的寫入,另一方面,對應 顯示區域變更的影像資料的重寫係不進行。具體上, 基準影像資料保持區域1 4a也如第8圖所示,不會特 別移動對應與移動有關的顯示區域 3 3的顯示内容之 影像資料3 5的記憶位置,持續保持基準影像資料。另 -28- 1258691 一方面,在冗長記憶區域3 2 a記憶對應伴隨顯示區域 的移動而產生的影像資料,即伴隨顯示區域3 3的移動 變成空白的區域之影像資料3 6。而且,處理資料記憶 區域1 4b記憶包括:包含影像資料3 5的位置資訊以及 新記憶的影像資料 3 6的位置資訊之顯示區域變更資 訊的處理資料3 7。 然後,藉由根據記憶於第8圖所示的頁框記憶體 3 2内的資料以生成有封包,在影像顯示裝置2内進行 與實施形態——樣的處理,進行對應描繪命令的影像 資料的生成。即如第8圖所示,在影像顯示裝置2内 具備的頁框記憶體23,於記憶有基準影像中對應顯示 區域3 3的影像資料的區域記憶有影像資料3 6,在對 應區域34的頁框記憶體23内的區域記憶有影像資料 3 5。而且,因對應第8圖所示的頁框記憶體23的記憶 内容的影像顯示於顯示部1 9上,故在顯示部1 9上顯 示有移動基準影像中的顯示區域3 3的顯示位置之影 像。 其次,針對與本實施形態二有關的影像顯示系統 的優點來說明。首先,與本實施形態二有關的影像顯 示系統與實施形態一的情形一樣對於生成有包含顯示 區域變更處理的描繪命令的情形,針對基準影像資料 保持區域1 4a内的影像資料因具有不進行對應顯示區 域變更的影像資料的重寫之構成,故可有效活用已經 記憶的影像資料,減輕顯示區域變更中的影像顯示處 -29- 1258691 理裝置3 1的負擔,並且可迅速地進行實施顯示區域變 更處理的影像顯示。 相關的優點特別是針對在顯示區域變更處理中基 準影像的一部分區域,對於一邊保持顯示面積的同一 性,一邊移動顯示位置的情形有效。即對於進行不伴 隨顯示面積的歸還的處理的情形,顯示位置以外可使 用完全同一的影像資料進行影像顯示。因此,即使不 進行伴隨顯示區域變更處理的影像資料的重寫也不會 發生該當一部分區域中的影像品質的劣化、資訊量的 變化等的問題,可實現影像顯示處理裝置3 1的處理負 擔的減輕以及顯示處理的迅速化。而且,對於僅進行 顯示區域的移動的情形,因可省略伴隨在影像顯示裝 置2内與顯示區域變更有關的影像資料的擴大、縮小 之資料内插處理、資料去掉中間部分處理,故影像顯 示裝置2的處理負擔的減輕也可能。 而且,在與本實施形態二有關的影像顯示系統中 具備冗長記憶區域 3 2 a。因此,即使是顯示區域變更 處理之中如顯示區域的移動、縮小等伴隨著顯示區域 變更處理重新需要影像資料的生成的情形,也能一邊 保持基準影像資料保持區域1 4a内的基本影像資料, 一邊將新的影像資料記憶於頁框記憶體1 4内。因此, 在進行移動/縮小一下後,對於使用者再度希望基準影 像的顯示的情形,藉由再度挪用記憶於基準影像資料 保持區域1 4a内的影像資料,可進行迅速的影像顯示 -30- 1258691 (實施形態三) 其次,針對與實施形態三有關的影像顯示系統來 說明。與實施形態三有關的影像顯示系統,具有在影 像顯示.裝置所具備的頁框記憶體内新配設更新資料記 憶區域的構成。第9圖是顯示與實施形態三有關的影 像顯示系統的全體構成的方塊圖。如第9圖所示,影 像顯示裝置3 9具備:在頁框記憶體4 0内記憶對應在顯 示部 1 9顯示的影像之影像資料的顯示影像資料記憶 區域40a ;記憶依照需要的被實施更新處理的基準影 像資料之更新影像資料記憶區域40b。 本實施形態三中的影像顯示處理裝置係與實施形 態一中的影像顯示處理裝置1或實施形態二中的影像 顯示處理裝置3 1基本的構成一樣。但是,在OS/應用 程式4中生成的描繪命令包含有關於顯示區域變更以 及更新處理的資訊,且具有對於包含與顯示區域變更 無關係的區域中的更新處理的資訊的情形進行不同的 動作之構成。 具體上,在實施形態三中的影像顯示處理裝置中 ,在第3圖所示的流程圖中的步驟S 1 0 6中判定關於基 準影像資料全體是否需要更新處理。而且,判定為需 要更新處理的情形,在步驟S 1 08中重新記憶關於基準 影像資料全體,進行更新處理的影像資料而動作。 而且,影像顯示處理裝置内所具備的封包生成部 -3 1- 1258691 1 6係不僅與在顯示部1 9實際顯示的影像有關的影像 資料的更新資料,也針對關於基準影像資料全體的更 新資料生成封包,經由監視器纜線3輸出到影像顯示 裝置3 9。以上為與實施形態一以及實施形態二不同的 點。 對應相關的不同,令影像顯示裝置3 9除了與實施 形態一、二一樣記憶對應在顯示部1 9實際顯示的影像 之影像資料的機構(顯示影像資料記憶區域40a)外,也 具備記憶依照需要實施更新處理的基準影像資料之更 新影像貢料記憶區域 4 0 b。即在本貫施形悲二中令影 像顯示裝置針對基準影像資料之中未顯示於顯示部1 9 上的資料成分也進行更新處理’且具有對影像顯不裝 置3 9輸出更新的基準影像資料之構成。而且,影像顯 示裝置3 9新具備記憶記憶輸出的基準影像資料之區 域,具有經常保持最新的基準影像資料的構成。 第1 0圖是用以說明在實施形態三中更新影像資 料記憶區域40b的功能的模式圖。首先,如第1 0圖所 示對顯示於顯示部1 9的基準影像,藉由定位裝置等進 行將一部分的顯示區域26擴大於晝面全體的指示,生 成包含顯示區域變更資訊的描繪命令。根據相關的描 繪命令,在頁框記憶體1 4針對作為對應顯示區域2 6 的影像資料成分的影像資料27,不會反映顯示區域變 更而重寫以維持,並且對基準影像資料全體進行必要 的更新處理。而且,將包含顯示區域變更資訊以及更 -32- 1258691 新處理貢說的處理資料 2 8 §己憶於處理貢料§己憶區域 1 4 b 内。 而且,根據記憶於頁框記憶體1 4内的資料進行封 包生成,生成的封包輸出到影像顯示裝置3 9,在影像 顯示裝置3 9内於更新影像資料記憶區域40b内記憶有 與基準影像資料保持區域1 4a同一内容的資料。然後 根據包含於記憶在更新影像資料記憶區域40b的資訊 以及封包的標頭的處理資料,進行實際顯示的影像資 料的生成’記憶於顯不影像貢料記憶區域4 0 a ’根據 相關的影像資料藉由顯示部1 9進行影像顯示。 如此,在本實施形態三中藉由在影像顯示裝置3 9 内更配設更新影像資料記憶區域40b,使即使在影像 顯示裝置3 9側也能保持被保持於基準影像資料保持 區域14a的基準影像資料。而且,在本實施形態三中 在基準影像資料保持區域1 4a中,因令關於與實際的 顯示影像無關係的影像資料成分也進行更新處理,故 記憶於更新影像資料記憶區域40b的影像資料也反映 更新處理的内容。因此,例如在進行一下顯示區域變 更後再度顯示基準影像時,影像顯示裝置3 9可根據記 憶於更新影像資料記憶區域40b的資訊進行影像顯示 ,可有效活用已經記憶的影像資料,可迅速地進行影 像顯示。 以上針對本發明雖然遍及實施形態一〜三進行說 明,惟本發明不應限定於上述的例子來解釋,若為熟 -33- 1258691 習該項技術者,則可想到各種實施例、變形例等。例 如可相互組合實施形態一〜三。 而且,在實施形態一〜三中針對處理資料雖然採用 在影像顯示處理裝置内生成,包含於生成的封包的標 頭,輸出至影像顯示裝置側的構成,惟無須限定於相 關的構成,針對關於顯示區域變更的處理資料以在影 像顯示裝置側生成的構成也可以。即令與通常的描繪 命令生成機構不同,採用例如使用與影像顯示裝置直 接連接的定位裝置等的輸入裝置直接將顯示區域變更 資訊輸入至影像顯示裝置的構成,合併由影像顯示處 理裝置側輸入的更新影像資料,進行對應實際的顯示 影像的影像資料的生成也可以。 而且,在實施形態—三中雖然以藉由圖形驅動器 1 2進行影像資料的更新等的處理以及封包生成的控制 之構成,惟令圖形驅動器1 2使用既存的構造,另外配 設控制機構也可以。關於其他的構成要素,例如令頁 框記憶體的構成為既存者,實施另外配設處理資料的 記憶機構等的變更也可以。 再者,在實施形態--三中雖然以由影像顯示處理 裝置對影像顯示裝置輸出一體化處理資料與影像資料 成分的封包資料之構成,惟資料形態使用封包以外的 構成也可以,且令藉由不同路徑輸出處理資料與影像 資料成分之構成也可以。而且,針對影像資料成分, 不是輸出僅關於更新處理的資料,而以輸出基準影像 -34- 1258691 資料全體的構成也可以。重要的是影像顯示處理裝置 若至少具備生成基準影像資料的機構與持續保持基準 影像資料的資料保持機構,則可達到本發明的目的, 影像顯示裝置若具備根據基準影像資料與處理資訊具 備對應顯示影像的處理機構,則可達到本發明的目的 〇 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖是顯示與實施形態一有關的影像顯示系統 的全體構成的方塊圖。 第2圖是針對影像顯示處理裝置内具備的頁框記 憶體内部的資料構造所顯示的模式圖。 第3圖是針對對影像顯示處理裝置内具備的頁框 記憶體的寫入動作說明用的流程圖。 第4圖是針對根據記憶於頁框記憶體的資料的封 包生成動作說明用的流程圖。 第5圖是說明影像顯示裝置的動作用的流程圖。 第6圖是模式地顯示藉由影像顯示系統的各構成 要素的處理動作使實際顯示的影像被變更的樣態的圖 〇 第7圖是顯示構成與實施形態二有關的影像顯示 系統的影像顯示處理裝置的構成的方塊圖。 第8圖是用以說明在實施形態二中冗長記憶區域 的功能的模式圖。 第9圖是顯示構成與實施形態三有關的影像顯示 -35- 1258691 系統的影像顯示裝置的構成的方塊圖。 第1 〇圖是用以說明在實施形態三中更新資料記憶 區域的功能的模式圖。 【符號說明】 1 影 像 顯 示 處 理 裝 置 2 影 像 顯 示 裝 置 3 監 視 器 纜 線 4 OS/應用程式 5 資 料 構 成 決 定 部 6 圖 形 卡 8 描 繪 命 令 解 析 部 9 描 繪 資 訊 資 料 庫 10 更 新 區 域 控 制部 11 顯 不 區 域 變 更 控 制 部 12 圖 形 驅 動 器 13 影 像 資 料 生 成 部 14 頁 框 記 憶 體 14a 基 準 影 像 資 料 保 持 區域 14b 處 理 資 料 記 憶 區 域 1 5 CRTC 16 封 包 生 成 部 18 影 像 處 理 部 19 顯 示 部 20 封 包 解 析 部The drawing command analysis unit 8 stores the (four) information database of the analysis result, and based on the analysis result stored in the drawing information database 9, the image data of the frame mem〇ry i4 to be described later is recorded. The update area control unit that controls the update processing: 结果: The result is a change in the control of the area change processing; the part "; the control of the graphics card 6: graphics driver 12 . The drawing command analysis unit 8 is configured to analyze the specific internal command of the green command: the king: green information material, 9. The command is drawn, for example, by drawing::. The drawing command analysis unit 8 specifically has a part of the image data (1) hereinafter referred to as the image material of the page frame memory 14 (1), and the display content is changed, and the display content is changed. The function of analyzing the presence or absence of the change of the display area, and the function of outputting the analysis result to the drawing information database 9. The update area control unit 10 is for performing an action regarding the update process to control the graphics driver 12. Specifically, the update area control unit 1 has an area to be updated by the reference image data based on the analysis result stored in the drawing information database 9, and outputs information on the position of the extracted area or the like to the information. The function of the graphics driver 12. In addition, the "update processing" may refer to a process of removing a change in the display area and a process of changing the display content in the video processing, but in the following, the content corresponding to the difference between the pre-processing and the post-processing is rewritten. Sub-pixel or processing of data components containing the visible regions of the associated sub-pixels. The display area change control unit 1 1 controls the operation of the area change processing such as the movement/size change of a part of the image display area to control the graphic driver 12. Specifically, the display area change control unit 1 1 outputs, to the graphics driver 12, the data to be subjected to the area change in the basic video data and the content of the display area change processing based on the analysis result stored in the drawing information database 9. Features. The graphics driver 12 is used to control the driving of the graphics card 6. Specifically, the graphics driver 12 performs imaging on the graphics card 6 based on the rendering command output from the OS/application 4 and the information output by the update region control unit 1 and the display region change control unit 11. - 1258691 Control of the material generation unit 13 and the CRTC 15. The graphics card 6 includes a video data generating unit 13 that generates video data based on control by a graphics driver, a page frame memory 14 that stores video data, and the like, and a CRTC 15 for synchronization; The data packetized packet generation unit 16 of the memory 14. The frame memory 1 4 is used to memorize information on the reference image data, update processing, and display area change processing for performing update processing as needed. Fig. 2 is a diagram showing the display of the contents of the memory area in the inside of the page frame memory 14. As shown in FIG. 2, the page frame memory 14 includes: a reference image data holding area 1 4 a for storing video data; and a processing data memory area 1 4b for memorizing information related to the processing content performed in the image display device 2. The composition. The processing data memory area 14b includes, for example, position information of the video data component subjected to the update processing, position information of the video data component subjected to the display area changing process, and content of the change processing. Next, the image display device 2 will be described. The video display device 2 includes a video processing unit 18, a display unit 19, and a page frame memory 23 for storing video data corresponding to the displayed video. The display unit 1 is controlled based on the content of the video data stored in the page frame memory 23. The display control unit 24 of the driving state of 9. The display unit 1 is composed of a liquid crystal monitor, a CRT monitor, an organic EL monitor using an organic EL element as a light-emitting element, and the like. As shown in Fig. 1, the video processing unit 18 includes a packet analysis unit 2 that analyzes the content of the packet data outputted by the video processing device 15 - 1 209 691; and analyzes the header data in the packet. The header analyzing unit 2 1 is configured to write the image data corresponding to the actually displayed image to the data writing unit 22 of the page frame memory 23 based on the content of the analyzed header data and the content of the image data included in the packet. . The packet analysis unit 20 is configured to analyze the content of the received packet, output the header data in the packet to the header analysis unit 21, and output the video data in the packet to the data writing unit 22. Further, the header analysis unit 21 is configured to analyze the content of the received header data, extract information about the update and information about the conversion of the display area from the header data, and output the extracted information to the data writing unit. twenty two. Further, the data writing unit 22 is configured to write the necessary processing of the image data received by the packet analyzing unit 20 based on the information extracted from the header data, and write it into the page frame memory 23. The frame memory 23 is for storing image data corresponding to the image displayed on the display unit 19. Specifically, the page frame memory 23 is configured to perform necessary processing on the image data outputted from the image display processing device 1 side by the data writing unit 22, and to memorize the actual image defect in the display unit 19. . Next, the operation of the video display system according to the first embodiment will be described. First, the operation of writing the data in the image display processing device 1 to the page frame memory 14 will be described, and then the packet generation operation performed based on the information stored in the page frame memory 14 will be described, and finally, the image display will be performed. The data processing in the device 2 and the image--16-125869 image display operation will be described. First, the operation of writing the data in the image display processing device 1 to the frame memory 14 will be described. Fig. 3 is a flow chart for explaining the related operation, and is appropriately described with reference to Fig. 3. In addition, the initial condition assumes that the reference image data has been memorized in the reference image data holding area 14a within the page frame memory 14. As shown in Fig. 3, first, the OS/application 4 generates a drawing command, and the generated drawing command is output to the drawing command analyzing unit 8 and the graphics driver 12 (step S1 0 1). Next, the drawing command analysis unit 8 determines whether or not the drawing command is the video content displayed on the display unit 19 (step S102). The drawing command for displaying the content of the video refers to a drawing command that is not only about the display area change but also about the display content. A drawing command that is not related to the content of the displayed image refers to, for example, an initialization command. In the case where the drawing command is not related to the content of the display image, the drawing command analysis unit 8 does not analyze the specific content of the drawing command, and the graphics driver 12 performs processing in accordance with the predetermined operation of the drawing command (step S1 03). On the other hand, in the case where the drawing command is about the content of the display image, the analysis result is stored in the drawing information database 9, and the process proceeds to step S104. Further, in the case where it is determined in step S102 that the drawing command is the content of the display image, the graphics driver 12 further determines whether or not the drawing command includes the display area change (step S104). Specifically, the display area change control unit 1 1 searches for information on the change of the display area among the analysis results of the drawing command stored in the library 9 of the drawing information material -17-126869, and outputs the related information to the existing situation. Graphics driver 1 2. The graphics driver 1 2 determines based on the output from the display area change control unit 1 1 . For example, when no information is output from the display area change control unit 1 1 , it is determined that the drawing command does not include the display area change. In the case where the drawing command does not include the display area change, it is considered that only the update processing is included for the drawing command. Therefore, the entire reference video material previously stored in the page frame memory 14 is subjected to update processing (step S1 0 5 ), and all processing is ended. When it is determined that the drawing command includes the change of the display area, the graphics driver 1 2 changes the display area, and determines whether or not the update processing is necessary in the video data component that actually constitutes the display video (step S106). Specifically, the graphics driver 12 extracts the data component of the display video in the corresponding display unit 1 from the reference video data based on the information from the update region control unit 10 and the display region change control unit 11 to determine whether or not the extracted data component is present. Update processing. For the case where it is determined that the update processing by the graphics driver 12 is not required, the graphics driver 12 outputs the information about the display area changing process to the page frame memory 14 which memorizes the related information in the processing data. The memory area 14b (step S107). On the other hand, for the case where it is determined that the update processing by the graphics driver 12 is required, the graphics driver 12 memorizes the predetermined processing data -18 - 1258691 in the processing data memory area 1 4 b in the page frame memory 14. And the rewriting of the data is performed for the image material component related to the update processing (step S1 0 8). As described above, the operation written in the page frame memory 14 in the video display processing device 1 is completed. As described above, in the video display processing device 1 of the first embodiment, when the generated drawing command includes information on the display area changing process, it is not necessary to rewrite the image data after the area change. While maintaining the content of the reference video data, the information on the display area change processing is written in the processing data storage area 14b. Further, the video display processing device 1 in the first embodiment performs both the display area change and the update processing. In this case, after the display area is changed, only the video material component of the video actually displayed on the display unit 19 is updated. In other words, in the case where, for example, a part of the area is enlarged in the display area of the entire screen, the update processing of the video material component corresponding to the area other than the partial area is not performed, but the front frame memory 14 is held in the front. data of. Next, the packet generation operation in the packet generation unit 16 will be explained. In the following description, the initial condition is that the reference video data holding area 14a in the page frame memory 1 in the video display processing device 1 stores the reference video data that must be updated, and the video display device The reference image data before the update processing is stored in the page frame memory 23 in 2. The following describes the packet generation operation with reference to the flowchart of -19-1258691 shown in Fig. 4. First, the packet generation unit 16 acquires the information output by the update region control unit 10 and the display region change control unit 11 via the graphics driver 1 2 (step S 2 0 1 ), and the video display device 2 can grasp the output based on the acquired information. The content of the data (step S202). Here, the content of the data to be output refers to, for example, the display area change information when only the display area is changed without accompanying the update processing, and the update processing is performed only when the update processing is not performed with the change of the display area. The rewritten content of the image tributary component and the location information of the image data component. Further, when both the display area change and the update processing are performed, the output data content includes the image data component formed by the display image data after the display area is changed, and the rewritten content of the image data component subjected to the update processing, and Location information of related image data components. Then, the packet generation unit 16 calculates the amount of data of the output data (step S2 03), and determines whether or not it can be included in a single packet (step S204). In the case where the data amount of the output data is not included in the single packet, the data is divided (step S205), and then the processing of step S2 0 or lower is performed. On the other hand, when it is determined that the data to be output is included in a single packet or is divided into a plurality of packets by dividing the data, the packet generation unit 16 reads out the data required for packet generation, and generates a packet. (Step S206). Specifically, in the case where only the display area is changed, a packet containing only the header of the display area change information is generated, and for the case of the update processing, the image data component rewritten by the update processing is generated. A packet with a header that displays area change information and updates processing information. As described above, the packet generation operation ends, and the generated packet is output to the image display device 2 via the monitor cable 3. In the above-described packet generation operation, the packet generation unit 16 does not generate a packet of the video material of the video corresponding to the changed region, but only generates a packet of the display region change information when only the display region is changed. That is, in the case where the update processing is not required, the packet generation is performed by not using the image data, and the amount of data transfer to the image display device 2 is reduced. Further, in the case where the update processing is required, only the image data component related to the image actually displayed on the display unit 19 is transferred, thereby reducing the amount of data transfer. Next, the processing operation of the received packet in the video display device 2 will be described. Fig. 5 is a flow chart for explaining the processing operation performed in the video display device 2. As shown in Fig. 5, the packet analysis unit 20 included in the video display device 2 first receives the packet output from the video display processing device 1 side (step S301), and separates the header data and the body data. Further, the header data is output to the header decomposing unit 2 1, and the body data storing the image data component is directly output to the data writing unit 22. Then, the header analyzing unit 2 1 analyzes the header data (step S302), and outputs the analysis result to the data writing unit 22, while the data writing unit 22 performs the presence or absence of the input analysis result. - 1258691 Determination of new processing information (step S3 03) 移 For the case where it is determined that the update processing information does not exist, the process proceeds to step S3 0 5, and the case where it is determined to be present is moved to step S3 04. Further, when it is determined that the update processing information exists, the material writing unit 22 writes the video material component output by the packet analyzing unit 20 to the designated position in the page frame memory 23 based on the content of the header data (step S3). 04), the update of the image poor material memorized in the page frame memory 23 is completed. Then, the data writing unit 22 determines whether or not the display area change information is present in the analysis result output by the header analyzing unit 21 (step S 3 0 5 ). When the display area change information does not exist, the processing of the page frame memory 23 is completed, and the process proceeds to step S307. On the other hand, when the display area change information is present, the process proceeds to step S3 0 6 °, and the data writing unit 22 performs the area change processing based on the analysis result of the header data output by the header analysis unit 21 ( Step S3 06). Specifically, the data writing unit 22 reads the image data already stored in the page frame memory 23 in the case where the predetermined area is enlarged and displayed based on the area change information included in the analysis result, and forms the related image data. Each of the pixel data is subjected to processing such as coordinate conversion, and interpolation processing is performed on a blank portion newly generated by the coordinate conversion. As described above, the display area changing process in this step and the updating process in accordance with step S3 04 complete the writing operation of the page frame memory 23, and the formation of the image data corresponding to the display image is completed. Finally, the display control unit 24 outputs the image data stored in the frame memory 2 3 of the page 22-1258691 to the display unit 19, and the display unit 19 performs image display corresponding to the image data stored in the frame memory 2 (steps). S 3 0 7). As described above, the operation of the image display device 2 that receives the packet is completed, and the image display corresponding to the drawing command output from the OS/application 4 is performed. Fig. 6 is a view showing a processing mode performed in the case of the operation of the flowcharts shown in Figs. 3 to 5; In the following, for the sake of easy understanding, an example in which the display area 26 (960 x 600 pixels) of a part of the reference image displayed on the display unit 9 is enlarged over the entire pupil surface (1 920 x 1 200 pixels) will be described. Specifically, as shown in FIG. 6, first, a display area 2 6 of a part of the video displayed on the display unit 9 is used, for example, a user's desire to see more detail, and a pointing device or the like is used, as shown in FIG. The indication indicates an enlargement of the display area. In response to the related instruction, the OS/application 4 generates a display area change instruction including the display area 26, and specifically generates a drawing command including information for expanding the image displayed on the display area 26 to the entire face, and outputs the drawing command to the drawing command. Analysis unit 8 and the like. Further, the data composition determining unit 5 performs the above-described predetermined processing for each component to write necessary data in the page frame memory 14. In the reference image data holding area 14a, the video data 27 corresponding to the video material component of the video displayed on the display area 26 is subjected to necessary update processing, as shown in FIG. It is still the image size of 960x600 pixels, and the image data of the whole of the reference image data holding area -23-1258691 1 4a is not memorized. Even if the drawing command is generated and the predetermined processing is performed, the image data corresponding to the reference image is recorded in the reference image data holding area 1 4 a. On the other hand, the information indicating the change of the display area is stored in the processing tributary memory area 1 4 b . Specifically, as shown in FIG. 6 , the information about the change of the display area is stored in the processed data memory area 14b. Processing information 2 8. Then, the packet is generated based on the data stored in the page frame memory 14 and output to the image display device 2, and the above-described processing is performed in the image display device 2 to generate image data corresponding to the drawing command. As a result, the image data 29 of the image size corresponding to the display area 26 of 1920 x 1200 pixels is stored in the page frame memory 23. Then, the image data 29 stored in the page frame memory 23 is reflected, and the image system corresponding to the display area 26 in the display unit 19 is displayed over the entire screen. According to the video display system of the first embodiment, the reference image of the page frame memory 1 on the video display processing device 1 side is changed when the display area of the reference video is changed in a part of the reference video. The memory contents of the data holding area 14a are not changed except for the update processing, and the image data corresponding to the reference video is continuously held. The advantages of the related image holding by the image display system according to the first embodiment will be described below. First, it is possible to reduce the burden of the image display processing device 1 by minimizing the rewriting of the image data stored in the reference image data holding area 14a. That is, in the case where the enlarged display of the partial area of the -24-1258691 is performed as in the conventional case, the case where the image data in the area 1 4a is completely rewritten is regenerated in the image data generating unit 13 When the image data of the entire screen is enlarged, it is necessary to write the operation of the reference image data holding area 14a. Therefore, in the case of the conventional method, it is necessary to perform complicated processing every time the display area is changed, and the load of the image display processing device 1 becomes large. On the other hand, in the video display system according to the first embodiment, since it is not necessary to rewrite the video data accompanying the change of the display area on the video display processing device 1 side, it is possible to effectively utilize the already stored video data and images. The display processing device 1 does not need to perform complicated processing, the processing load is alleviated, and rapid image processing can be performed. The related advantages are particularly advantageous in view of the large-scale display and high definition of displays in recent years. Further, in the video display system according to the first embodiment, when the reference video is displayed again after the partial display of the reference video of the display unit 19 is enlarged, the processing load of the video display processing device 1 is also reduced. The advantages. As described above, in the first embodiment, even if the display area is changed, the reference image data subjected to the update processing as needed is continuously held in the reference image data holding area 14a. Therefore, in the first embodiment, in the case where the reference image is displayed after the image display of the partial region is enlarged, the video display processing device 1 does not need to be restored again in the generation of the reference image data and the page frame memory 14 Kind of processing -25-1258691, only delete the image display of the area change, and perform the re-reduction of the image-related image display. If the PC application is used, the multiple images of the program are in the normal image. A user's attention to the details of the content in the rehearsal is usually on the display unit 19, for the relevant emotional burden. Further, the display 6 is expanded to the picture display unit 19 only by the display of the update image. According to the image in the domain 1 4 a, it can be recalled that the processing of capital, 丨4^, 枓$ recall area 1 4 b can be displayed. Because of . . ^ . In this case, in the case of the first embodiment, when the operation of returning to the reference image display is performed after the change of the display area is changed, the load of the processing device 1 can be greatly displayed. . The point is especially effective for repeating the image display and the base case repeatedly. In the case of the image display processing device J, for example, the user normally starts a plurality of display units 19 to display a reference image for displaying a plurality of application images (windows). For example, an example of changing the area of the relevant base area is considered. For example, an application of any of a plurality of applications is considered to be an expansion of the image of the m # # n f彡. When the confirmation of the related content is completed, the reference image is displayed again. Therefore, the image display system according to the present embodiment can greatly reduce the actual display of the display unit 19 in the video display system according to the present embodiment. The image of the image of the illusion of the illusion. That is, in the example shown in Fig. 6, the area other than the base area 26 is formed by J in the middle of the display area, and the processing is performed in the middle of the display. In the reference image, the image data of the image holding area image is not updated with the image data that is not related to the display in the display unit -9 of the display area #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The processing load of the image display processing device 1 can be further reduced. In addition, in the case where the display of the reference image is restored after the display area changing process is performed, the update information before that is held in the processed data memory area 14b, and the update processing is performed when the reference image display is restored, and the reference is performed. The latest image can be displayed while the image is displayed. (Embodiment 2) Next, the image display system according to the second embodiment will be described. The video display system according to the second embodiment has a configuration in which a redundant memory area is provided in the frame of the image display processing device 1. In the case where the related redundant area is a process of moving or reducing a part of the area of the reference image data during the display area changing process, the function of memorizing the image data of the image display area newly generated by the change of the display area is completed. Fig. 7 is a block diagram showing the overall configuration of the video display system according to the second embodiment. Further, in the second embodiment, the video display device 2 is set to be the same as in the first embodiment unless otherwise mentioned below. In addition, the same components and symbols are attached to the same components as those of the video display processing device 1 in the first embodiment, and the following components are attached to the video display processing device 3 in the first embodiment. It is assumed that the configuration and function are the same as those of the first embodiment. As shown in Fig. 7, the video display processing device 3 1 has a frame frame -27 - 1258691. The memory 3 3 has a redundant memory area 32a in addition to the reference image data holding area 14a and the processed data memory area 14b. The redundant memory area 3 2 a is used to re-memorize the necessary image data along with the display area change processing. Fig. 8 is a pattern diagram for explaining the function of the redundant memory area 3 2 a. In addition, in the display area changing process, the process of moving the display position with respect to a part of the area of the reference image in the display area changing process is described as an example, but it is a matter of course that the redundant memory area 32a is reduced in a part of the area. The processing situation and the like also perform the same function. As shown in Fig. 8, the reference image displayed on the display unit 19 is instructed by the user to move the display position of the display area 3 3 of a part of the reference image to the position of the area 34. The OS/application 4 generates a drawing command corresponding to the user's instruction, and outputs it to the drawing command analysis unit 8 and the like. Further, the graphics driver 1 2 writes the data required for the reference video material holding area 14a, the processed data memory area 14b, and the redundant memory area 32a in the frame memory 32 in response to the associated drawing command. In other words, the reference video data holding area 14a performs writing of the video material component corresponding to the necessary update processing, and the rewriting of the video data corresponding to the display area change is not performed. Specifically, as shown in Fig. 8, the reference image data holding area 14a does not particularly move the memory position of the image data 35 corresponding to the display content of the display area 3 3 related to the movement, and the reference image data is continuously held. Further, on the other hand, in the redundant memory area 3 2 a memory corresponds to the image data generated by the movement of the display area, that is, the image data 36 of the area which becomes blank with the movement of the display area 3 3 . Further, the processing data memory area 14b memory includes: the location information including the image data 35 and the processing information of the display area change information of the location information of the newly memorized image 36. Then, by generating a packet based on the data stored in the page frame memory 3 2 shown in FIG. 8, the image display device 2 performs processing similar to the embodiment, and performs image data corresponding to the drawing command. Generation. That is, as shown in FIG. 8, the page frame memory 23 included in the video display device 2 stores the video material 36 in the area where the video data corresponding to the display area 3 3 is stored in the reference video, in the corresponding area 34. The area in the frame memory 23 is memorized with image data 35. Further, since the video corresponding to the memory content of the page frame memory 23 shown in FIG. 8 is displayed on the display unit 19, the display position of the display area 3 3 in the moving reference image is displayed on the display unit 19. image. Next, the advantages of the video display system according to the second embodiment will be described. First, in the video display system according to the second embodiment, as in the case of the first embodiment, when the drawing command including the display area changing process is generated, the video data in the reference video data holding area 14a is not associated. Since the image data of the display area is rewritten, the image data that has been memorized can be effectively utilized, and the burden of the image display area in the display area change can be reduced, and the display area can be quickly implemented. Change the processed image display. In particular, it is effective to move a display position while maintaining the identity of the display area while maintaining a part of the area of the reference image in the display area changing process. That is, in the case of performing the processing without returning with the display area, the image information can be displayed using the same image data other than the display position. Therefore, even if the image data accompanying the display area changing process is not rewritten, the problem of deterioration of the image quality in a part of the area, a change in the amount of information, and the like does not occur, and the processing load of the image display processing device 31 can be realized. Reduce and speed up the display process. Further, in the case where only the movement of the display area is performed, the image interpolation device can be omitted because the data interpolation processing for expanding and reducing the image data related to the display region change in the image display device 2 and the data removal processing can be omitted. It is also possible to reduce the processing load of 2. Further, in the video display system according to the second embodiment, the redundant memory area 3 2 a is provided. Therefore, even in the case where the display area changing process, such as the movement and reduction of the display area, the generation of the image data is required again in the display area changing process, the basic image data in the reference image data holding area 14a can be held. The new image data is memorized in the page frame memory 14. Therefore, after the movement/reduction is performed, the user can re-apply the image data stored in the reference image data holding area 14a by re-using the image data of the reference image data holding area 1-40-1258691. (Embodiment 3) Next, an image display system according to Embodiment 3 will be described. The image display system related to the third embodiment has an image display. The structure of the updated data memory area is newly provided in the page frame memory of the device. Fig. 9 is a block diagram showing the overall configuration of an image display system according to the third embodiment. As shown in Fig. 9, the video display device 39 includes a display image data storage area 40a for storing video data corresponding to the video displayed on the display unit 19 in the frame memory 40; the memory is updated as needed. The processed image data storage area 40b of the processed reference image data. The video display processing device according to the third embodiment is basically the same as the video display processing device 1 of the first embodiment or the video display processing device 31 of the second embodiment. However, the drawing command generated in the OS/application 4 includes information on the display area change and the update process, and has a different action for the case where the information including the update process in the area not related to the display area change is included. Composition. Specifically, in the video display processing device according to the third embodiment, it is determined in step S168 in the flowchart shown in Fig. 3 whether or not update processing is required for all of the reference video material. Further, if it is determined that the update processing is required, the video data of the entire reference video material is updated and the update processing is performed in step S108. Further, the packet generation unit-3 1-1258691 16 included in the video display processing device is not only the update data of the video material related to the video actually displayed on the display unit 19 but also the update data of the entire reference video data. The packet is generated and output to the video display device 39 via the monitor cable 3. The above is different from the first embodiment and the second embodiment. Corresponding to the difference, the video display device 39 has a memory in accordance with the mechanism (display image data storage area 40a) corresponding to the image data of the image actually displayed on the display unit 19 as in the first and second embodiments. The updated image tributary memory area 4 0 b of the reference image data to be updated is processed. That is, in the present embodiment, the image display device updates the data component that is not displayed on the display unit 19 among the reference image data, and has the updated reference image data outputted to the image display device 39. The composition. Further, the image display device 39 newly has a region of the reference image data of the memory memory output, and has a configuration in which the reference image data is constantly kept up-to-date. Fig. 10 is a schematic view for explaining the function of updating the image data memory area 40b in the third embodiment. First, as shown in Fig. 10, the reference image displayed on the display unit 19 is instructed by the pointing device or the like to expand a part of the display area 26 to the entire face, thereby generating a drawing command including the display area change information. According to the related drawing command, the image data 27 as the video material component corresponding to the display area 26 in the page frame memory 14 is rewritten and maintained without reflecting the change of the display area, and necessary for the entire reference image data. Update processing. Moreover, the processing information including the display area change information and the new processing tribute will be recalled in the processing of the tribute §1. Moreover, the packet is generated based on the data stored in the page frame memory 14. The generated packet is output to the image display device 3, and the reference image data is stored in the updated image data storage area 40b in the image display device 39. Keep the data of the same content in area 14a. Then, according to the information stored in the updated image data memory area 40b and the processing data of the header of the packet, the actual image data generated is generated 'memorized in the visible image memory area 4 0 a 'based on the related image data Image display is performed by the display unit 19. As described above, in the third embodiment, the updated video material storage area 40b is further provided in the video display device 39, so that the reference held by the reference video data holding area 14a can be held even on the video display device 39 side. video material. Further, in the third embodiment, in the reference video data holding area 14a, since the video material component having no relationship with the actual display image is also updated, the video data stored in the updated video data storage area 40b is also Reflects the content of the update process. Therefore, for example, when the reference image is displayed again after the display area is changed, the image display device 39 can display the image based on the information stored in the updated image data storage area 40b, and can effectively utilize the already stored image data, and can quickly perform the image. Image display. The present invention has been described above with respect to the first to third embodiments, but the present invention is not limited to the above examples, and various embodiments, modifications, and the like are conceivable if the technique is known to those skilled in the art. . For example, Embodiments 1 to 3 can be combined with each other. Further, in the first to third embodiments, the processing data is generated in the video display processing device, and the header included in the generated packet is output to the video display device side. However, the configuration is not limited to the related configuration. The processing data of the display area change may be configured to be generated on the video display device side. In other words, unlike the normal drawing command generating means, the input area changing information is directly input to the video display device by using an input device such as a pointing device directly connected to the video display device, and the update input by the video display processing device side is combined. For image data, it is also possible to generate image data corresponding to the actual display image. Further, in the third to third embodiments, the graphics driver 12 performs the processing such as the updating of the video data and the control of the packet generation, and the graphics driver 12 may be configured to use the existing structure or the control unit may be provided. . For other components, for example, the configuration of the frame memory may be an existing one, and a change of a memory mechanism or the like to which the processing data is separately arranged may be performed. Furthermore, in the third embodiment, although the video display processing device outputs the packet data of the integrated processing data and the video data component to the video display device, the data format may be configured other than the packet, and may be borrowed. It is also possible to output the processing data and the composition of the image data by different paths. Further, for the video data component, it is not necessary to output only the data for the update processing, but the entire configuration of the reference video -34-1258691 data may be output. It is important that the image display processing device has at least the mechanism for generating the reference image data and the data holding mechanism for continuously maintaining the reference image data, and the image display device has the corresponding display according to the reference image data and the processing information. The image processing system can achieve the object of the present invention. [Brief Description of the Drawings] Fig. 1 is a block diagram showing the overall configuration of an image display system according to the first embodiment. Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram showing the structure of the material inside the page frame memory provided in the image display processing device. Fig. 3 is a flowchart for explaining a write operation of a page frame memory provided in the video display processing device. Fig. 4 is a flow chart for explaining the operation of the packet generation based on the data stored in the page frame memory. Fig. 5 is a flow chart for explaining the operation of the video display device. FIG. 6 is a view schematically showing a state in which the image actually displayed is changed by the processing operation of each component of the image display system. FIG. 7 is a view showing the image display of the video display system according to the second embodiment. A block diagram of the construction of the processing device. Fig. 8 is a schematic view for explaining the function of the redundant memory area in the second embodiment. Fig. 9 is a block diagram showing the configuration of a video display device constituting the video display -35-1258691 system according to the third embodiment. Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram for explaining the function of updating the data memory area in the third embodiment. DESCRIPTION OF REFERENCE NUMERALS 1 video display processing device 2 video display device 3 monitor cable 4 OS/application 5 data configuration determining unit 6 graphics card 8 drawing command analyzing unit 9 drawing information database 10 update area control unit 11 display area Change control unit 12 graphics driver 13 video data generation unit 14 page frame memory 14a reference video data storage area 14b processing data memory area 1 CRTC 16 packet generation unit 18 video processing unit 19 display unit 20 packet analysis unit
-36 - 1258691 2 1 標 頭 解 析 部 22 資 料 寫 入 部 23 頁 框 記 憶 體 24 顯 示 控 制 部 26 顯 示 域 27 影 像 資 料 28 處 理 資 料 29 影 像 資 料 3 1 影 像 顯 示 處 理 裝 置 32 頁 框 記 憶 體 32a 冗 長 記 憶 區 域 33 顯 示 區 域 34 區 域 35 ^ 36 影 像 資 料 37 處 理 資 料 39 影 像 顯 示 裝 置 40 頁 框 記 憶 體 40a 顯 示 影 像 資 料 記 憶 區 域 40b 更 新 影 像 資 料 記 憶 區 域-36 - 1258691 2 1 Header analysis unit 22 Data writing unit 23 Frame memory 24 Display control unit 26 Display field 27 Image data 28 Processing data 29 Image data 3 1 Image display processing device 32 Page frame memory 32a Lengthy memory Area 33 Display area 34 Area 35 ^ 36 Image data 37 Processing data 39 Image display device 40 Frame memory 40a Display image data memory area 40b Update image data memory area