455684 A7 B7 五、發明説明( 〔技術領域〕 本發明1係關於有多數的連桿而控制可動板之姿勢的 平行移動機構及檢査裝置者。 〔習知技藝〕 過去已知有將上部的可動板和下部之固定板由液體壓 圖筒等的致動器做爲自由伸縮之多數的連桿連結•由使各 別之致動器伸縮而使連桿長適當地可變,將可動板的姿勢 控制•使之能以各種角度(水平式傾斜)保持的又夭1 7 -卜 :/,シ卜7才一厶方式之平行移動機構。 經濟部智慧財是局員工消費合作社印製 在如此的平行移動機構,係各別的 固定•以調整由此等液體壓缸的伸縮之 可動板的姿勢。 將平行移動機構適用在例如巨基板 可動板上載置被檢査基板•能夠把被檢 不均或傷痕等缺陷·由目視觀察。 然而|在已往的使用平行移動機構 |具有如下的問題。亦即 > 將只以各致 縮調整的範圍被決定可動板之姿勢 > 對 之動作範圍狹窄《因此•無法將被檢査 査者|將成爲以探視被檢査基板的狀態 被迫以勉強姿勢之作業。 一方面1能夠由各連桿長之調整而 勢•係被限於水平方向和傾斜方向|依 液體壓缸之位置被 各連桿長,而決定 檢査裝置等•由在 査基板表面的膜厚 之巨基板檢査裝置 動器的連桿長之伸 裝置的容積可動板 基板充份地靠近檢 進行基板檢查I而 設定的可動扳之姿 被檢査基板面的被 ---------f------ΐτ------^ (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4規格(2丨Ο X 297公嫠) 455684 A7 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 B7____五、發明説明(2 ) 形成傷痕等之方向,有不容易看到者,也有不能進行精確 度高的檢查之問題。 本發明之目的,係在提供由提高自由度而能夠實現廣 範圍的移動之平行移動機構,及由使用該平行移動機構, 能夠進行效率優異,且精確度高的基板檢查之檢查裝置。 〔發明之揭示〕 本發明,係具備自由伸縮的至少3個之直動致動器, 和把此等直動致動器的基端部分別沿行走路支持成能夠直 線移動,並且在此等行走路之至少1個有和前述直動致動 器的移動一起變化高度之傾斜部的行走驅動裝置,及被支 持在前述直動致動器的前端部之可動構件,由沿著傾斜部 使直動致動器移動,並且將各直動致動器的控制伸縮協調 而進行,能夠把可動構件向前後左右多樣地移動。 本發明,係以具備自由伸縮的至少3枝之直動致動器 ,和將此等直動致動器的基端部分別沿行走路支持成能直 線移動,並且在此等行走路之至少1個與前述直動致動器 的移動一起變化高度之傾斜部的行走驅動裝置,和被支持 在前述直動致動器的前端部之可動構件,及被設在此可動 構件,且把被檢體保持成能夠旋轉的被檢體保持裝置做爲 特徵。 結果,根據本發明時,將能夠使保持被檢體的被檢體 保持裝置移動至檢查者之眼睛附近,更且因能將被檢體保 持裝置向前後左右多樣地移動,改變照明的反射角,容易 ---------装------訂------涑 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(2丨Ο X 297公嫠)-5 - 經濟部智慧財產局員工涓費合作社印製 4 5 5 6 8 4 a? __B7 _五、發明説明(3 ) 發現缺陷,而能進行精確度高之巨檢查。 〔圖面之簡單說明〕 第1圖,係顯示關於本發明的一實施形態之基板檢查 裝置的圖,第1圖A係顯示全體之斜視圖,第1圖B係顯 示基板座之平面圖。 第2圖,係顯示被編入同基板檢查裝置的致動器用移 動台之正面圖。 第3圖,係顯示被編入同基板檢查裝置的直動致動器 之直斷面圖。 第4圖,係顯示同基板檢查裝置的動作之說明圖。 第5圖,係顯示同基板檢查裝置的動作之說明圖。 第6圖,係顯示同基板檢查裝置的動作之說明圖。 〔符號說明〕 1 基台 1 a,1 b 邊部 2,6,7 導軌 3,8,9 致動器用移動台 4,1 0,1 1 搖動部 5,12,13 直動致動器 4a,10a, 11a 旋轉軸 1 4,1 9 螺旋軸 15 固定螺旋部 ------.--装------ir------^ (請先閱讀背面之注意事碩再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210 X 297公釐)-6 - 455684 A7 B7五、發明説明(4 ) 1 6 ,2 2 電 動 機 1 7 固 定 筒 體 1 8 導 件 2 0 固 疋 螺 旋 部 2 1 動 作 軸 2 1 a 白 由 連 結 裝 置 2 3 台 級 支 持 部 2 3 a , 2 3 b 邊 部 2 3 a 1 » 2 3 b 1 突出部 2 4 基 板 座 2 4 a 框 體 2 4 b 吸 著 P 2 4 c 開 □ 部 2 5 旋 轉 驅 動 部 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 10 1 凹部 1 0 2,1 0 3 傾斜部 W 被檢查基板 〔爲了實施發明的最佳形態〕 以下,將本發明之實施形態按照圖面說明。 (第1實施形態) 第1圖A係顯示使用關於本發明的一實施形態之平行 移動機構的基板檢查裝置之斜視圖1第1圖B係顯示將被 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐)-7 - 455684 A7 B7 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明(5 ) 檢體的被檢查裝置基板W保持之基板座2 4的平面圖。在 第1圖,1係由矩形狀之框體而成的基台,該基台1 ,係 在檢查者在的位置前面對應之邊部1 a的中央部形成所定 長度之凹部1 0 1 ,並且,在對應於裝置兩側面的邊部 1 b,形成有向裝置前面逐漸增加高度之傾斜部1 〇 2, 10 3° 然後,沿如此的基台1之凹部1 0 1 ,配置將成行走 路的導軌2,沿此導軌2把致動器用移動台3設成能夠移 動,在該致動器用移動台3,經由搖動部4設置直動致動 器5之基端部。 同樣地,在基台1的傾斜部1 0 2 ,1 0 3,也沿其 上面配置將成行走路之導軌6,7,沿此等導軌6,7把 致動器用移動台8 ,9設成能夠移動,在此等致動器用移 動台8,9 ,分別經由搖動部10,1 1設置直動致動器 1 2,1 3之基端部。 搖動部4,1 0,1 1,係分別爲旋轉軸4 a, 10a ,1 la周圍的1自由度之自由旋轉接頭。搖動部 4的旋轉軸4 a ,係和導軌2之軸方向平行。搖動部1 〇 ,1 1的旋轉軸1 0 a ,1 1 a ,係和水平面平行且對將 導軌6,7的軸投影在水平面上之假想線向內側傾斜角度 0。雖然在本實施例係把Θ做爲約1 5度,可是此値能夠 依需要之動作範圍等,設計性地被變更。 此時,致動器用移動台3 ,將如第2圖所示地沿導軌 2被支持成能夠沿導軌2移動,並且在沿該導軌2被配置 --^------L--袭-- (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂 本紙張尺度適用中國國家橾準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐)-8 - 4556 84 A7 B7 五、發明説明(6 ) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 的螺旋軸1 4經由螺絲部1 5被連結,由電動機1 6使螺 旋軸1 4旋轉,成爲將經由固定螺旋部1 5沿導軌2被往 復移動。 如此的構成,關於致動器用移動台8 ,9也相同,將 引用上述的第2圖,省略在此之說明。 直動致動器5 ’係如第3圖所示,沿固定筒體1 7 Θ勺 中空部1把導件1 8和螺旋軸1 9並排設置,並且,在螺 旋軸1 9經由固定螺旋部2 0設置動作軸2 1 ,由電動機 2 2經由齒輪2 3 1使螺旋軸1 9旋轉,由使固定螺旋部 2 0沿導件1 8往復移動,成爲使動作軸2 1直動動作。 如此的構成,關於直動致動器1 2,1 3也相同,將 引用上述之第3圖,在此省略其說明。 然後,在如此的直動致動器5 ,12,13之動作軸 2 1的前端部,經由球關節等之自由連結裝置2 1 a ,將 做爲可動構件的矩形狀之框體而成的台級支持部2 3連結 0 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作杜印製 此時,台級支持部2 3,係在對應裝置前面的邊部 2 3 a之中央部,連結直動致動器5的動作軸2 1 ,並且 ,在對應裝置側面之邊部2 3 b ,使向垂直方向突設的突 出部23a 1 ,23b 1相對向而形成,並且在此等突出 部23a 1 ,23bl連結直動致動器12 ,13之動作 軸21 »而且,在此等突出部23al ,23bl之間把 基板座2 4支持成能夠轉動。此時,在突出部2 3 a 1 ’ 23b 1 ,被設有旋轉驅動部25。旋轉驅動部25 ’係 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐)-9 - 455684 A7 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 B7五、發明説明(7 ) 將基板座2 4支持成能夠轉動。 基板座2 4,係載置被檢查基板W者,備有對向被檢 查基板W的周緣之框體2 4a ,和被設在該框體2 4 a的 多數之吸著口 24b。在各吸著口 24b ,將由未圖示的 真空泵,使真空吸引力作用,做爲把檢査基板W吸著而保 持。再者,圖中2 4 c係表示開口部。 接著,說明如此地構成的實施形態之動作。首先,要 把被檢查基板W交接時,如第4圖所示,將使直動致動器 1 2,1 3的各別之致動器用移動台8,9,位於傾斜部 102,103的最低部,並且驅動旋轉驅動部25,使 基板座2 4保持成水平狀態》 然後,協調控制直動致動器5 ,1 2 ,1 3的伸縮狀 態,使台級支持部2 3移動至未圖示的被檢査基板W之搬 入待命位置,也被檢查基板W交給以水平狀態待命之基板 座2 4。 基板座2 4,將把收到的被檢査基板W整列在正常位 置’由在吸著口 2 4 b之抽真空,把被檢查基板W吸著保 持。 接著,如第5圖所示,使直動致動器1 2 ,1 3的各 別之致動器用移動台8 ,9 ,沿著傾斜部1 0 2 ,1 0 3 移動。此時,致動器用移動台8 ,9 *將沿著導軌6 ,7 被向裝置前面方向移動。 然後’如第6圖所示地,使致動器用移動台8,移動 至傾斜部1 0 2,1 〇 3的所定高度位置時,再度把直動 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐)-10 - 455684 A7 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 ____B7五、發明説明(8 ) 致動器5,12,13之伸縮協調控制,把基板座24設 定成最適合被檢查基板W的目視觀察之高度。 以此狀態,在基板座2 4上的被檢查基板W表面照射 照明光。然後,驅動旋轉驅動部2 5 ,把基板座2 4從水 平狀態傾斜成最適合目視觀察的所定角度,利用從被檢查 基板W表面之反射光,目視性地把被檢查基板W表面的膜 厚參差和傷痕等粗視地觀察,而進行外觀檢查。 並且,一面使直動致動器1 2,1 3沿傾斜部1 〇 2 ,103移動,將各直動致動器5,12 ,13的伸縮協 調控制時,也能夠使基板座2 4向前後左右搖動,故能一 面把基板座2 4從多方面目視,而進行巨檢查。 更且,最近,被檢查基板W的背面之檢查也被重視。 此係,如果在被檢查基板W的背面有灰塵或水份附著時, 將在切塊時會在斷面產生裂痕,或在切塊後將切片接著在 基板時發生接著不良,而增加製品的不良率之故。對如此 的要求,能夠以將被檢查基板W吸著保持在基板座2 4之 狀態,由旋轉驅動部2 5使基板座2 4旋轉1 8 0 ° ,把 被檢查基板W的背面向裝置前面,和上述一樣地進行由目 視之被檢查基扳W背面的巨檢查。 因此,如此時,由使直動致動器1 2,1 3沿被形成 在基台1的邊部1 b之傾斜部1 0 2 ,1 0 3移動,能夠 使保持被檢查基板W的基板座2 4移動至檢查者之眼睛附 近,同時,由將各直動致動器5 ,12 ,13的伸縮控制 協調而進行,能夠和台級支持部2 3 —起,把基板座2 4 ---------装------,1T------Φ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS ) Α4規格(210Χ297公釐)-11 · 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 4556 84 a7 B7五、發明説明(9 ) 向前後左右多樣地移動,故能夠把巨觀察用的照明對正, 及其後之B視檢查精確地進行。 再者,爲了使由檢查者的被檢查基板w之檢查容易進 行,盡量使基板座2 4往前,並且,升高爲理想。爲此, 雖然也有加長直動致動器1 2,1 3的伸縮行程之方法, 可是裝置的剛性會降低,並且裝置全體之重心將會變高, 而使安定性會降低。 在本基板座檢查裝置,因使傾斜部1 0 2,1 0 3會 向前面變高地傾斜,故使直動致動器1 2 ,1 3的基端部 向前移動時,能夠不加長伸縮行程地,將基板座2 4定位 在高的位置,而能確保安定性。 —方面,檢查者爲了從裝置前側觀察被檢查基板W, 如果在前面有妨礙觀察的構件,例如直動致動器時將不合 適。在本基板裝置,因前面的直動致動器5之支點,係被 安裝在台級支持部2 3的底部近傍,將不會妨礙觀察。並 且,兩側之直動致動器1 2,1 3,係被配置在後方,也 不會妨害觀察。 而且,由將被檢査基板W保持的基板座2 4,以旋轉 驅動部2 5使之旋轉,能夠使被檢查基板W,以傾斜成觀 察者容易觀察的角度之狀態進行巨檢查。並且,由使基板 座2 4更旋轉,而能使被檢査基板W的背面向裝置前面, 對被檢查基板W背面,也能夠進行高精確度之巨檢査。 亦即,對台級支持部2 3使旋轉驅動部2 5動作而使 基板座2 4旋轉,比只以平行移動機構把被檢查基板w翻 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS) A4規格(210X297公釐)-12 - k 45 5 6 8 4 A7 _____B7_ 五、發明説明(1〇 ) 轉時’將不需要加長直動致動器5 ,1 2 ,1 3的伸縮行 程,能夠把裝置小型地 > 單純地構成。 上把的 作構置 動機裝 之動查 圍移檢 範行之 廣平用 現該有 實用上 速使行 高,進 以域地 的領率 高術效 1度技有 1-4由之等 自構查 ΛΠΕ 可以機檢 用在動板。 利,移基效 之明行的有 上發平高域 業本的度領 產 用確術 ί 有精技 I:---------.装------,玎------^ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局8工消費合作社印製 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210X297公釐)-13 -455684 A7 B7 V. Description of the Invention ([Technical Field] The present invention 1 relates to a parallel movement mechanism and an inspection device that control the posture of a movable plate with a large number of links. [Knowledge] In the past, it has been known to move the upper portion of the movable plate. The plate and the lower fixed plate are connected by an actuator such as a liquid pressure tube as a freely telescopic link. • The length of the movable plate is appropriately variable by expanding and contracting the respective actuators. Posture control • A parallel movement mechanism that enables it to be held at various angles (horizontal tilts). It is printed in the same way. The Ministry of Economic Affairs ’Smart Money is printed by the Bureau ’s Consumer Cooperatives. The parallel movement mechanism is fixed separately to adjust the posture of the movable plate which is extended and retracted by the hydraulic cylinder. The parallel movement mechanism is applied to the substrate to be inspected, such as a giant substrate movable plate. Defects such as scratches and visual inspections. However, in the past, the use of parallel movement mechanisms has the following problems. That is, the position of the movable plate will be determined only within the range of each shrinkage adjustment. The movement range is narrow "So • The inspected person cannot be inspected | It will be an operation of being forced to take a reluctant posture by visiting the state of the inspected substrate. On the one hand, it can be adjusted by the length of each link. The system is limited to the horizontal direction And tilt direction | Inspection devices, etc. are determined by the length of each link depending on the position of the hydraulic cylinder. • The volume of the movable plate substrate of the device is extended by the length of the connecting rod of the giant substrate inspection device. The movable position set close to the inspection and performing the substrate inspection I is checked on the substrate surface --------- f ------ ΐτ ------ ^ (Please read the back first Please pay attention to this page before filling in this page) This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (2 丨 〇 X 297 gong) 455684 A7 Printed by the Consumers ’Cooperative of Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs B7____5. Description of invention (2) The direction in which a flaw is formed is not easy to see, and there is a problem that a high-precision inspection cannot be performed. The object of the present invention is to provide a parallel movement mechanism capable of realizing a wide range of movement by improving the degree of freedom, and Use this parallel movement Structure, capable of inspecting substrates with excellent efficiency and high accuracy. [Disclosure of the Invention] The present invention relates to at least three direct-acting actuators which are freely retractable, and the direct-acting actuators. The basal end portions are supported along the walking path so as to be able to move linearly, and at least one of these walking paths is provided with a walking driving device having an inclined portion that changes in height along with the movement of the aforementioned linear actuator, and is supported in the aforementioned The movable member at the front end portion of the linear actuator is moved along the inclined portion, and the control of each linear actuator is performed by telescopic coordination. The movable member can be moved variously forward, backward, left and right. The present invention relates to a direct-acting actuator having at least three branches that can be retracted freely, and the base ends of the direct-acting actuators are respectively supported to move linearly along a walking path, and At least one traveling driving device of an inclined portion that changes in height along with the movement of the linear motion actuator, a movable member supported at a front end portion of the linear motion actuator, and a movable member provided thereon, The holder is subject to the subject as a rotatable holding device characteristics. As a result, according to the present invention, the object holding device capable of holding the object can be moved near the eyes of the examiner, and the object holding device can be moved forward, backward, leftward, rightward, leftward, rightward and leftward and leftward and leftward, and variously, thereby changing the reflection angle of illumination. , Easy to -------- install ------ order ------ 涑 (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 Specifications (2 丨 Ο X 297 公 嫠) -5-Printed by the staff of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economy 4 5 5 6 8 4 a? __B7 _V. Description of the invention (3) Defects found, and high accuracy Giant check. [Brief Description of Drawings] Fig. 1 is a diagram showing a substrate inspection device according to an embodiment of the present invention, Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing the whole, and Fig. 1 B is a plan view showing a substrate holder. Fig. 2 is a front view showing a moving stage for an actuator incorporated in the same substrate inspection apparatus. Fig. 3 is a cross-sectional view showing a linear motion actuator incorporated in the same substrate inspection apparatus. FIG. 4 is an explanatory diagram showing the operation of the same substrate inspection apparatus. Fig. 5 is an explanatory diagram showing the operation of the same substrate inspection apparatus. Fig. 6 is an explanatory diagram showing the operation of the same substrate inspection apparatus. 〔Explanation of symbols〕 1 Base 1 a, 1 b Side 2, 6, 7 Rail 3, 8, 9 Actuator moving table 4, 1 0, 1 1 Rocker 5, 12, 13 Linear actuator 4a , 10a , 11a Rotary shaft 1 4,1 9 Screw shaft 15 Fixed screw --------.-- Install -------- ir ------ ^ (Please read the notes on the back first (Fill in this page again) This paper size is in accordance with Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 mm) -6-455684 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (4) 1 6 2 2 Motor 1 7 Fixed cylinder 1 8 Guide 2 0 Fixing screw 2 1 Actuating shaft 2 1 a White coupling device 2 3 Stage support 2 3 a, 2 3 b Edge 2 3 a 1 »2 3 b 1 Projection 2 4 Base plate 2 4 a Frame 2 4 b Holding P 2 4 c Opening section 2 5 Rotary drive section (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) Printed by the Intellectual Property Bureau Staff Consumer Cooperatives of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 10 1 Recessed section 1 0 2 1 0 3 Inclined portion W substrate to be inspected [best form for implementing the invention] Hereinafter, an embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. (First Embodiment) FIG. 1 is a perspective view showing a substrate inspection device using a parallel movement mechanism according to an embodiment of the present invention. 1 FIG. 1 is a view showing that the Chinese National Standard (CNS) will be applied to the paper size. A4 Specifications (210X297 mm) -7-455684 A7 B7 Printed by the Consumers' Cooperative of Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 5. Description of the invention (5) Plan view of the substrate holder 24 held by the substrate W of the inspection device of the specimen. In FIG. 1, 1 is a base made of a rectangular frame, and the base 1 forms a concave portion 1 0 1 of a predetermined length in the center of the side portion 1 a corresponding to the position where the inspector is located. In addition, at the side portions 1 b corresponding to both side surfaces of the device, inclined portions 1 0 2 and 10 3 ° which gradually increase the height toward the front of the device are formed. Then, along such recessed portions 1 0 1 of the abutment 1, a walking path is arranged. A guide rail 2 is provided along the guide rail 2 so that the actuator moving stage 3 can be moved. A base end portion of the linear actuator 5 is provided on the actuator moving stage 3 via a swinging part 4. Similarly, the inclined portions 10 2 and 103 of the base table 1 are also provided with guide rails 6 and 7 that form a walking path along the upper surfaces thereof. The actuator moving tables 8 and 9 are provided along the guide rails 6 and 7. It can be moved, and these actuator moving platforms 8, 9 are provided with base end portions of the linear actuators 12 and 13 via the rocking portions 10 and 11, respectively. The rocking parts 4, 10, and 11 are free-rotation joints with a degree of freedom around the rotation axes 4a, 10a, and 1la, respectively. The rotation axis 4 a of the swinging part 4 is parallel to the axial direction of the guide rail 2. The rotating axes 10a, 1a of the rocking part 10, 11 are parallel to the horizontal plane and are inclined inward by an imaginary line that projects the axes of the guide rails 6, 7 on the horizontal plane by an angle of 0. Although Θ is set to about 15 degrees in this embodiment, it can be changed in design according to the required operation range and the like. At this time, the actuator moving stage 3 is supported along the guide rail 2 so as to be able to move along the guide rail 2 as shown in FIG. 2, and is arranged along the guide rail 2-^ ------ L-- -(Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) The size of the paper used in this edition applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) -8-4556 84 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (6) ( Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) The screw shaft 1 4 is connected via the screw part 15 and the motor 16 rotates the screw shaft 14 to be reciprocated along the guide rail 2 through the fixed screw part 15 . This configuration is the same for the mobile stations 8 and 9 for actuators, and the above-mentioned FIG. 2 will be referred to, and description thereof will be omitted. As shown in FIG. 3, the linear actuator 5 ′ is arranged side by side along the hollow portion 1 7 Θ of the fixed cylinder 1 with the guide 18 and the screw shaft 19, and the screw shaft 19 passes through the fixed screw 20 sets the operation shaft 21, and the screw shaft 19 is rotated by the motor 2 2 via the gear 2 31, and the fixed screw portion 20 is reciprocated along the guide 18 to make the operation shaft 21 move directly. This configuration is the same for the linear actuators 12 and 13 and the above-mentioned FIG. 3 will be referred to, and the description will be omitted here. Then, at the front end of the operating shaft 21 of such a linear actuator 5, 12, 13 through a free connection device 2 1 a such as a ball joint, a rectangular frame is formed as a movable member. Taiwan-level support department 2 3 links 0 Consumption cooperation between employees of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs The operating axis 2 1 of 5 is formed on the side portion 2 3 b corresponding to the side of the device so that the protruding portions 23a 1 and 23b 1 protruding in the vertical direction are opposite to each other, and the protruding portions 23a 1 and 23bl are connected to each other. The operating shafts 21 of the linear actuators 12 and 13 »Also, the substrate holder 24 is supported between the protrusions 23al and 23bl so as to be rotatable. At this time, a rotation driving portion 25 is provided on the protruding portion 2 3 a 1 ′ 23b 1. Rotary drive unit 25 'This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specifications (210X297 mm) -9-455684 A7 Printed by the Consumers ’Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs B7 5. Description of the invention (7) The substrate holder 2 4 supports to turn. The substrate holder 24 is a substrate on which the substrate W to be inspected is mounted, and is provided with a frame 24a facing the periphery of the substrate W to be inspected, and a plurality of suction openings 24b provided in the frame 24a. At each suction port 24b, a vacuum pump (not shown) is used to attract a vacuum suction force, and is held to suck the inspection substrate W. In addition, 2 4 c in the figure indicates an opening portion. Next, the operation of the embodiment configured as described above will be described. First, when the substrate W to be inspected is handed over, as shown in FIG. 4, the respective actuator moving stages 8, 9 of the linear actuators 12 and 13 are located on the inclined portions 102 and 103. The lowest part drives the rotary drive part 25 to keep the substrate holder 2 4 in a horizontal state. Then, the telescopic actuators 5, 12, and 13 are coordinated and controlled to move the stage support part 2 3 to the The substrate W to be inspected is carried into the standby position as shown in the figure, and the substrate W to be inspected is also delivered to the substrate holder 24 which is in a standby state in a horizontal state. The substrate holder 24 will align the received substrates W to be inspected in a normal position 'by vacuuming the suction port 2 4b to hold and hold the substrates W to be inspected. Next, as shown in Fig. 5, the respective actuator moving stages 8 and 9 of the linear actuators 12 and 13 are moved along the inclined portions 102 and 103. At this time, the actuator moving stages 8, 9 * will be moved along the guide rails 6, 7 toward the front of the device. Then, as shown in FIG. 6, when the actuator moving stage 8 is moved to the predetermined height position of the inclined portion 102, 103, it is moved straight again (please read the precautions on the back before filling in this Page) This paper size is in accordance with Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -10-455684 A7 Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs __B7 V. Description of the invention (8) Actuators 5, 12, The telescopic coordinated control of 13 sets the substrate holder 24 to a height most suitable for visual observation of the substrate W to be inspected. In this state, the surface of the substrate W to be inspected on the substrate holder 24 is illuminated with illumination light. Then, the rotary driving unit 25 is driven to tilt the substrate holder 24 from a horizontal state to a predetermined angle most suitable for visual observation. The reflected light from the surface of the substrate W to be inspected is used to visually increase the film thickness on the surface of the substrate W to be inspected. Observations such as unevenness and scars were made, and visual inspection was performed. In addition, when the linear motion actuators 12 and 13 are moved along the inclined portions 10 and 103, and the telescopic control of the linear motion actuators 5, 12, and 13 is coordinated and controlled, the substrate holders 2 and 4 can also be moved. It can be shaken back and forth, so that the substrate holder 24 can be visually inspected from various aspects, and a giant inspection can be performed. Furthermore, recently, inspection of the back surface of the substrate W to be inspected has also been valued. In this system, if dust or moisture adheres to the back surface of the substrate W to be inspected, cracks may be generated on the cross section during dicing, or after the dicing, the chips are adhered to the substrate, resulting in poor bonding. The reason for the bad rate. For such a request, the substrate W to be inspected can be held in the substrate holder 24 by suction, and the substrate holder 24 can be rotated by 180 ° by the rotation driving unit 25 to rotate the back surface of the substrate W to be inspected toward the front of the device. In the same manner as above, a giant inspection on the back of the substrate W to be inspected by visual inspection is performed. Therefore, in this case, the substrate holding the substrate W to be inspected can be moved by moving the linear actuators 12 and 13 along the inclined portions 1 2 and 10 formed on the side portion 1 b of the base 1. The base 24 is moved near the eyes of the examiner, and at the same time, the telescopic control of each of the direct-acting actuators 5, 12, and 13 is coordinated, and the base holder 2 4 can be lifted together with the stage support 2 3- -------- Installation ------, 1T ------ Φ (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) Α4 specifications (210 × 297 mm) -11 · Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 4556 84 a7 B7 V. Description of the invention (9) It can be moved back and forth, left and right, so it can align the lighting for giant observation, and later The B visual inspection is performed accurately. Furthermore, in order to facilitate the inspection of the substrate w to be inspected by the inspector, it is desirable that the substrate holder 24 is moved forward as far as possible, and the substrate holder 24 is preferably raised. For this reason, although there is a method of lengthening the telescopic stroke of the linear motion actuators 12 and 13, the rigidity of the device will be reduced, and the center of gravity of the entire device will be increased, thereby reducing the stability. In this substrate holder inspection device, since the inclined portions 102, 103 are tilted to the front, the base end portions of the linear actuators 12 and 13 can be moved forward without lengthening. It is possible to position the substrate holder 24 at a high position during the stroke, thereby ensuring stability. -On the other hand, in order to observe the substrate W to be inspected from the front side of the device, it is inappropriate for the inspector to have a member that obstructs the observation, such as a linear actuator. In this substrate device, the fulcrum of the front linear actuator 5 is installed near the bottom of the stage support portion 23, and it will not obstruct the observation. In addition, the direct-acting actuators 12 and 13 on both sides are arranged at the rear, which does not hinder observation. In addition, the substrate holder 24 holding the substrate W to be inspected is rotated by the rotation driving unit 25, so that the substrate W to be inspected can be subjected to a giant inspection while being tilted at an angle that is easy for an observer to observe. In addition, by rotating the substrate holder 24 further, the back surface of the substrate W to be inspected can be directed toward the front of the device, and the back surface of the substrate W to be inspected can be inspected with great accuracy. In other words, the rotary drive unit 25 is actuated to the stage support portion 23 to rotate the substrate holder 2 4 to turn the substrate to be inspected w than with a parallel movement mechanism (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) -12-k 45 5 6 8 4 A7 _____B7_ V. Description of the invention (10) When turning, 'the linear motion actuator will not need to be lengthened 5' The telescopic strokes of 1 2 and 13 can make the device compact and simple. The above-mentioned construction of the motives, the movement of the investigation, the inspection and the inspection of Guangping Fanping, should now have a practical speed to make the line high, the rate of entry into the region is high, the efficiency is 1 degree, and 1-4 is equivalent to The structure inspection ΛΠΕ can be used on the moving plate by machine inspection. Benefits, shifting the basic effect of the bright line of the high-level industry to achieve the industry's leading method of production and production skills 有 I: ---------. Equipment --------, 玎- ----- ^ (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) The paper size printed by the 8th Industrial Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Α4 specification (210X297 mm) -13-