201034255 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 一種封裝結構及其製程方法,尤其係指一種在膠座、支架或 是散熱元件中穿設内徑大小不同的穿孔,以形成膠座與封裝膠體 的咬合的發光二極體之封裝結構及其製程方法。 - 【先前技術】 - 近年來,由於發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode,LED)具有 φ 耗電量低、元件壽命長、無須暖燈時間及反應速度快等優點,加 上其體積小、耐震動、適合量產,因此發光二極體已普遍使用於 資訊、通訊及彡肖f性電子產品触雜錢示裝置上,如行動電 話及個人數位助理(Personal Digital Assistant,pDA)螢幕背光源、 各種戶外顯示器、交通號誌燈及車燈等。 通常發光二極體晶片係透過表面黏貼技術(Smface M〇unt201034255 VI. Description of the invention: [Technical field of the invention] A package structure and a method for manufacturing the same, in particular, a perforation having different inner diameters in a rubber seat, a bracket or a heat dissipating component to form a rubber seat and a package A package structure of a colloidal light-emitting diode of a colloid and a process method thereof. - [Prior Art] - In recent years, Light Emitting Diode (LED) has the advantages of low power consumption, long component life, no need for warm-up time and fast response speed, plus its small size and shock resistance. It is suitable for mass production. Therefore, LEDs have been widely used in information, communication, and display devices, such as mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDA) screen backlights. A variety of outdoor displays, traffic lights and lights. Usually the LED chip is passed through the surface pasting technology (Smface M〇unt
DeV1Ce ’ SMD)或是覆晶接合技術(flip chip bonding)固接於具 有凹陷部之勝座内的支架上,如「第!圖」所示,「第丨圖」繪示 β 為第一種習知之發光二極體封裝結構侧視刮面圖。 在具有凹陷部72的膠座71中,埋入設置有至少二支架73, 各支架73中之一端即是分別暴露在膠座71的凹陷部72内另一 端則是分別延伸出膠座71的兩側,即可形成電性連接部74,以便 .於與其他電子裝置(圖式中未繪示)電性連接。 接著,再透過表面黏貼技術將發光二極體晶片75固接於暴露 在膠座的凹陷部72内支架73其中之一的端部,以及透過打線 接合技術或是覆晶接合技術使發光二極體晶片75可以透過電性導 線76與另-支架73形成電性連接,最後,再於膠座η的凹陷部 201034255 π上形成封農膠體77,封裝膠體 發光二極體晶片75及支架乃。 復盍於凹陷部72内的 但疋,上述的發光二極體封穿姓 凹陷部乃表面的接觸力將封裝膝體°77二僅為透過封農膠體77與 外力的影響超過封裝膠體77與凹古接於膠座71上,所以當 造成封物體77自凹_ 72上脫落,2,表面的_力時,則會 光二極體晶片75與支架735之間妒=且更進—步的可能將發 斷、拉斷,甚至將發光二極^連^電性導線76扯 由於上述原㈣人職架73上。 所示’「第2圖」繪示為第 ;公睛參考「第2圖」 面圖。 之發先二極體封裝結構側視剖 在具有凹陷部72的膠座71中 凹槽78,如圖所示,凹样 陷邛72傾斜表面處設有 在膠座71的凹陷邛72 :成:贩凹陷部72傾斜表面的底部, 叼U Μ邛72上形成封裝踢體77時 座:陷部72上之外,封裝膠體77更可以填滿二於膠 的發光二極體封裝結構,即可以透 ^ 凹㈣,除了封麵77與凹陷部72 ^體於 以透過封切體77與凹槽78形成固定力,可以^=卜,更可 ::成的封袭膠體77自凹陷部72上脫落,並且可以有效:= 與支架73電性連接的電性導叫^ 甚至於將U二極體晶片75被扯離支架73上的問題。 j種方式雖然有其在解決電性導線以及發光二極體晶片損壞 的功效,但是在實際製造過財卻額外衍生出脫 題,以至於嚴重影響職品大量生產時的製造問題。、的的問 4 201034255 綜上所述,可知先前技術中長期以來一直存在為了防止封裝 膠體脫落導致電性導線及發光二極體晶片損壞而造成製造量產的 問題,因此有必要提出改進的技術手段,來解決此一問題。 【發明内容】 有鑒於先前技術存在為了防止封裝膠體脫落導致電性導線及 .發光二極體晶片損壞而造成製造量產的問題,本發明遂揭露一種 — 發光二極體封裝結構及其製程方法,其中: ❹ 本發衡娜之魏二極體封裝結構,在第H態樣中, 包含有.膠座、至少二支架、發光二極體晶片及封裝膠體。 其中,膠座具有凹陷部,並於凹陷部之底面設有貫穿膠座之 底面之至少-咬合穿孔,咬合穿孔貫穿膠座之底面的内徑大於貫 穿凹陷部之底面的内徑;各支架之—端部分埋人置於咬合穿孔外 之膠座内且暴露於凹陷部,各支架之另一端分別延伸出膠座形成 $性連接部,發光二極體晶#係配置於凹陷勒並與各晨 於凹陷部之端部分卿成電性連接;及龍賴健蓋於凹陷部 ❹上,且職賴充极咬合料巾,朗裝雜娜觸成咬合 本發明所揭露之發光二極體_結構,在第二實施態樣中, W有.膠座、至少二支架、發光二極體晶片及封裝膠體。 ”巾,膠座具有凹陷部,並於哪部之底面設有貫穿膠座之 ΐ面之至少—咬合穿孔,咬合穿孔貫穿勝座之底面的内徑大於貫 之底面的各支架之一端部分埋入置於膠座内且暴 =加和各支架與咬合穿孔相互對應之處穿設有支架穿孔了 叉木之另-端分舰伸出婦座形成電性連接部;發光二極體 201034255 曰曰片係配置於凹陷部内並與各支架暴露於凹陷部且支架穿孔外之 端部分別形成電性連接;及封裝膠體係覆蓋於凹陷部上,且封裝 膠體充填於支架耗與咬合穿孔巾,使難賴娜座形二 固接。 σ 不月所揭蕗之發光二極體封裝結構,在第三實施態樣中, 包含有:膠座、至少二支架、散熱^件、發光二極體晶片 膠體。 ❹ ❿ 其中,膝座具有凹陷部;各支架之一端部分埋入置於JfL座内 ,暴路於簡部’各支架之另—端分觀伸出膠觸成電性連接 部’散熱7〇件埋人置於膠舶,散熱元件之頂面暴露於凹陷部, 並且散熱it件之底面暴露於膠座之底面,並於散熱元件之頂面設 有貫穿散熱猶之結之至少-咬合穿孔,咬合穿孔貫穿散熱元 件之底面的内徑大於貫穿散熱元件之頂_内徑;發光二極體晶 片係配置於咬合穿孔外之散熱元件之頂面並與各核暴露於凹陷 部之端部分別縣雜連接;及封歸職配置於軸上而覆蓋 於凹陷部,且封裝賴充填於咬合穿孔中,使封鱗體 成咬合固接。 ▲本發明_紅發光二極體雌結難财法,於第 態樣中,包含下列步驟: & 首先,職至少二支架;接著,形成具有凹陷部之膠座,並 於凹陷部之絲設有貫雜座之底面之至少—咬合穿孔,咬人穿 孔貫穿膠座之底面的内徑大於貫穿凹陷部之底面的内徑;接^, =支^之-端部分^置於咬合穿孔外謂朗且聽於凹陷 和各支架之另-端分別延伸出膠座形成電性連接部;接著,配 201034255 置發光二極體晶片於凹陷部内並與各支架暴露於凹陷部 別形成電性連接;最後,將封歸體覆蓋於凹陷部上,且二 體充填於咬合穿孔中,使城賴娜剌献合轉。’ 〇 態二:=光二極體封裝結構製程方法,於第二實施 ❿ :支貫^-座mr4大於貫穿凹陷部之底面_^接父i牙 合穿孔相互對應之處穿設有支架穿孔,各支架之另 出膠座形成電性連接部;接著,配置發光 ^敗伸 並與各支架暴露於凹陷部且支架穿孔外之端部二=== 接,最後,將封裳膠體覆蓋於凹陷部上,且 d連 穿孔與咬合穿孔中,使封裝膠體與膠座形成咬合固接體充填於支架 態樣==:_職難咖,於第三實施 首先’域至少二支架及具相陷部之膠座 部分埋入膠座内且暴露於凹 2架之1 出膠座形娜勝_==== =件:=露:凹陷部,並且散熱元件之底面暴露於膠座1 =的:=;穿:熱—_ 二二: 元件之頂面並與二=光於咬合穿孔外之散熱 各支‘暴路於凹陷部之端部分別形成電性連接; 7 201034255 最後,將雜賴覆餘_部上,且·频域於咬合穿孔 中,使封裝膠體與膠座形成咬合固接。 本發明所揭露之結構與餘方法如上,與先前技術之間的差 異在於本發明在踢座、支架或是散熱元件中穿設内徑大小不同的 穿孔,再將封裝膠體覆蓋於膠座中凹陷部時,可以對穿孔進行充 .填,藉以形成膠座與封裝膠體的咬合,在穿孔處形成咬合力,以 防止封裝膠體的脫落,可以避免導致電性導線被扯斷、拉斷,甚 至於損壞發光二極體晶片。 並且在本發明所提出的結構與製程方法如上所述,在實際製 造過程中的模具脫模,可以一次性的進行脫模,並不需要設計特 殊的脫模对’即可財便_行量絲造,崎決先前技術模 具脫核困難’嚴重影響職品大量生產時的製造問題。 透過上述的技術手段,本發明可以達成防止封裝膠體脫落而 造成電性導線及發光二極體晶片損壞,並且適用於量產製造的技 術功效。 Φ 【實施方式】 以下將配合圖式及實施例來詳細說明本發明之實施方式,藉 此對本發明如何應用技術手段來解決技術問題並達成技術功效的 實現過程能充分理解並據以實施。 . M下將說明本發明所揭露之發光二極體封裝結構於第-實施 悲樣的製造流程,並請參考「第3A圖」所示,「第3A圖」繪示 為本發明之發光二極體封裂結構第一實施態樣之製造流程中膠座 及支架製程的剖面示意圖。 士圖所示’在金屬板(圖中未繪示)上以沖壓(stamping)方 201034255 式製,二支架20,然後,以埋入射出(insert m〇lding)的方式形 成膠座10 ’以使各個支架2〇部分被埋於膠座㈣。而且,膠座 1〇具有凹陷部11,在凹陷部11的絲111以及雜10的底面12 之間’叹有至少-咬合穿孔13 (圖面中僅以單__咬合穿孔^作 ^意,並不以此侷限本發__齡),並且咬合穿孔13係 •貫穿於凹陷部11的底面111以及膠座10的底面12。 '“在實際製造過程中,僅需要透過上模具(圖中未♦示)以及 Φ 下模具(圖中未繪示)將二支架20嵌入於其中,並且在下模具中 形成具有外控不同的凸柱(圖中未綠示),再射出成型膠座仞時, I7可以同時的將一支架20埋入置於勝座1〇中,並可以於膠座川 2形成1^合彳孔13 ’社模具以及下模具即可以—姐的雌, 完成埋入射出膠座10的製程。 各支架20中之-端即是分別部分埋入置於咬合穿孔η外之 膠座10 Η且暴露在膠座1〇的凹陷部u,並且,另一端則是分別 延伸出膠座10的兩側’即可形成電性連接部21,以便於與其他 ❹電子妓(圖式巾祕示)電性連接。換言之,_配置於膠座 10之凹陷部11⑽發光二極體晶片枚透過支架2G延伸出膠座 10之電性連接部21而與其他電子裝置電性連接。 值得注意的是,在凹陷部U的底面⑴以及雜1()的底面 .U之間所貫穿設獅咬合穿孔13,咬合穿孔13貫轉座1〇的底 面12的内徑15 ’必須要大於咬合穿孔13貫穿凹陷部u的底面 f 1的内徑Μ,即可以藉由膠座1〇的底面12的内徑15大於凹陷 部11的底面111的内徑14 ’在後續形成封裝膠體時,在封裝膠體 充填於咬合穿孔13時,透過内徑14以及内徑15的大小差異形 201034255 成封裝膠體與膠座ίο的咬合固接。 如圖所示,咬合穿孔13的剖面形狀為凸形形狀’在此僅為舉 例說明,咬合穿孔的剖面形狀除了凸形形狀之夕卜,更可以為梯 形形狀(圖中未緣示),並不以圖面條本發明的應用範鳴。 上述之金屬板可以是銅、鐵或其他導電性佳的金屬板或合金 板。也就是說,支架20的材質可以是銅、鐵或其他導電性佳的金 屬或合金。隸1〇的材質則可以是聚鄰苯二甲醯胺 ❹ (P0_halamide,PPA)或其他相來作為魏二極體結構之膠 座10的熱塑性樹脂。 接著,睛參考「第3B圖」所示,「第3B圖」繪示為本發明 之發光二極體封裝結構第—實施態樣之製造流程巾發光二極體製 程的剖面示意圖。 在形成貫穿凹陷部11的底面1U以及膠座10的底面12之咬 合穿孔13,並且將各支架20中之一端分別部分埋入置於咬合穿 孔13外之膠座10内的製程之後,即可以透過表面黏貼技術 ❹ (Sulface Mount Device ’ SMD)將發光二極體晶片3〇固接於暴 露在勝座10的凹陷部U内支架2〇其中之一的端部,以及透過打 線接合技術(wire bonding)或是覆晶接合技術(flip chip b〇nding) 與另一支架20形成電性連接,圖面所繪示為採用打線接合技術方 .式將發光二極體晶片30透過電性導線51與另一支架20形成電性 連接(在此僅為舉例說明,並不以此揭限本發明的應用範_),支 架20可以分別提供發光二極體晶月3〇不同的電性極性。 最後,請參考「第3C圖」所示,「第3C圖」繪示為本發明 之發光二極體封裝結構第一實施態樣之製造流程中封裝膠體製程 201034255 的剖面示意圖。 接著,再於膠座10的凹陷部u上形成封裝膠體4〇,封裝膠 體40即可以覆蓋於凹陷部n内的發光二極體晶片3〇及支架如。 並且由於在凹陷部11的底面lu以及膠座1〇的底面12之間貫穿 設置有咬合穿孔13,在形成封裝膠體4〇時,封裝踢體4〇會充填 '於咬合穿孔13中’藉以形成膠座10與封裝膠體40之間的^固 •接,即可以完成本發明發光二極體封裝結構的第一實施態樣製程。 ❹ 而由於膝座10的底面12的内徑15大於凹陷部11的底面 的内徑14 ’因此,封裳膠體4〇除了與凹陷部u的底面山所貼 合的接觸力之外’更增加了封裝膠體4G與咬合穿孔13中的咬合 力’即可以將封裝賴4G更穩固_定於膠座1G㈣陷部^ 中,因此可以避免外力造成封裝膠體40的脫落,導致電性導線 51在封裝膠體40脫落時可能被扯斷、拉斷,甚至於損 、’一 極體晶片的問題。 、又疋一DeV1Ce 'SMD) or flip chip bonding is fixed on the bracket with the recessed seat, as shown in the "Graphic!", "The first diagram" shows that β is the first type. A conventional side view of a light-emitting diode package structure. In the rubber seat 71 having the recessed portion 72, at least two brackets 73 are embedded, and one end of each of the brackets 73 is respectively exposed in the recessed portion 72 of the rubber seat 71, and the other end is respectively extended from the rubber seat 71. On both sides, the electrical connection portion 74 can be formed so as to be electrically connected to other electronic devices (not shown). Then, the LED chip 75 is fixed to the end of one of the brackets 73 exposed in the recess 72 of the rubber seat by surface bonding technology, and the light emitting diode is formed by wire bonding technology or flip chip bonding technology. The body wafer 75 can be electrically connected to the other holder 73 through the electrical conductor 76. Finally, the sealing body 77 is formed on the recessed portion 201034255 π of the rubber seat η, and the colloidal light-emitting diode wafer 75 and the holder are encapsulated. The entanglement in the recessed portion 72, the above-mentioned light-emitting diode is sealed by the contact surface of the surnamed recessed portion, and the contact force of the surface of the recessed body will be encapsulated by the sealing body 77 and the external force is more than the encapsulating colloid 77 and The concave ancient joint is connected to the rubber seat 71, so when the sealing object 77 is detached from the concave _72, 2, the surface _ force, the photodiode wafer 75 and the bracket 735 are between 妒= and more advanced. It may break, break, or even pull the light-emitting diodes to the original (four) person rack 73. The '2nd picture' shown is shown as the first; the public eye is referred to the "2nd picture". The first diode package structure is laterally cut into the recess 78 in the rubber seat 71 having the recess 72. As shown, the recessed surface of the recess 72 is provided at the recess 72 of the rubber seat 71: The bottom surface of the inclined surface of the recessed portion 72 is formed on the bottom surface of the recessed portion 72. When the package kick body 77 is formed on the bottom portion of the recessed portion 72, the package body 77 can be filled with the light-emitting diode package structure of the glue, that is, It can be transparent (4), except that the cover 77 and the recessed portion 72 are formed to form a fixing force through the sealing body 77 and the groove 78, and the sealing gel 77 can be formed from the recessed portion 72. It falls off and can be effective: = an electrical guide electrically connected to the bracket 73 or even a problem that the U-dipole wafer 75 is pulled off the bracket 73. Although the j method has the effect of solving the damage of the electric wires and the light-emitting diode chips, the actual manufacturing has been deviated from the problem, which has seriously affected the manufacturing problems in the mass production of the products. Q4 201034255 In summary, it has been known in the prior art that for a long time there has been a problem of mass production caused by damage to the electrical wires and the light-emitting diode chips in order to prevent the package colloid from falling off, so it is necessary to propose an improved technique. Means to solve this problem. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In view of the prior art, there is a problem of manufacturing mass production in order to prevent damage of an electrical conductor and a light-emitting diode wafer in order to prevent damage of the package colloid, and the present invention discloses a light-emitting diode package structure and a process method thereof. , :: ❹ This is the Wei Di's Wei diode package structure. In the H-th aspect, it contains a plastic seat, at least two brackets, a light-emitting diode chip and an encapsulant. Wherein, the rubber seat has a concave portion, and at least a occlusal perforation penetrating through the bottom surface of the rubber seat is provided on the bottom surface of the concave portion, and an inner diameter of the bottom surface of the puncturing perforation penetrating through the rubber seat is larger than an inner diameter of the bottom surface of the penetrating concave portion; - the end portion is buried in the rubber seat outside the bite perforation and exposed to the recessed portion, and the other end of each of the brackets respectively extends out of the rubber seat to form a $ connection portion, and the light emitting diode crystals are arranged in the depression and each In the morning, the end part of the depression is electrically connected; and the Long Laijian is placed on the depression, and the occupant is filled with a nipple, and the attire is smashed into the illuminating diode disclosed in the present invention. Structure, in the second embodiment, W has a rubber seat, at least two brackets, a light emitting diode chip and an encapsulant. The towel has a concave portion, and at least one of the bottom surfaces of the rubber seat has a occluded perforation, and the occlusal perforation extends through the bottom surface of the bottom surface of the stalwart than the inner surface of each of the brackets. Placed in the rubber seat and the violent = plus and the brackets and the bite and perforation correspond to each other, the bracket is pierced and the other end of the fork is extended to form a female electrical connection; the light emitting diode 201034255 曰曰The sheet is disposed in the recessed portion and is electrically connected to the end portion of each of the brackets exposed to the recessed portion and the through hole of the bracket; and the encapsulant system covers the recessed portion, and the encapsulant is filled in the bracket and the occlusal perforated towel is used. It is difficult to fix the shape of the seat. The illuminating diode package structure disclosed by σ 月月, in the third embodiment, includes: a rubber seat, at least two brackets, a heat sink, and a light emitting diode chip. Colloid. ❹ ❿ Among them, the knee seat has a recessed part; one end of each bracket is buried in the JfL seat, and the typhoon is in the simple part of the 'the other end of each bracket to extend the glue and touch the electrical connection part to dissipate heat. 7 pieces are buried in the plastic, The top surface of the heat element is exposed to the recessed portion, and the bottom surface of the heat dissipating member is exposed to the bottom surface of the rubber seat, and at least the bottom surface of the heat dissipating component is provided with a through-heating junction, and the bite is penetrated through the bottom surface of the heat dissipating component. The inner diameter is larger than the top_inner diameter of the heat dissipating component; the light emitting diode chip is disposed on the top surface of the heat dissipating component outside the bite perforation and is connected to the end of each of the cores exposed to the recess; Disposed on the shaft to cover the recessed portion, and the package is filled in the occlusal perforation, so that the scale body is occluded and fixed. ▲The invention _ red light-emitting diode female knot difficult method, in the first aspect, including The following steps: & First, at least two brackets; then, forming a rubber seat having a recessed portion, and at least a bite-shaped perforation of the bottom surface of the cross-shaped seat in the wire of the recessed portion, the bite piercing through the bottom surface of the rubber seat The inner diameter is larger than the inner diameter of the bottom surface of the through recess; the end portion of the joint is placed outside the bite and the outer end of the bracket is said to be slanted, and the other end of each bracket extends out of the rubber seat to form an electrical connection. Ministry; next, with 2010 34255 The LED chip is placed in the recessed portion and electrically connected to each of the brackets to be exposed to the recessed portion; finally, the sealing body is covered on the recessed portion, and the two bodies are filled in the occlusal perforation, so that the city献合转.' 〇 二 2: = photodiode package structure process method, in the second implementation ❿: support ^-seat mr4 is larger than the bottom surface of the through recess _ ^ joint father i occlude perforation corresponding to the corresponding There is a bracket perforation, and the other rubber seat of each bracket forms an electrical connection portion; then, the light-emitting and dissipating extensions are arranged, and the brackets are exposed to the recessed portion and the end portions of the brackets are pierced and the other ends are === The colloid is covered on the depressed portion, and the d is connected with the perforation and the occlusal perforation, so that the encapsulating colloid and the rubber seat form a occluded solid body to be filled in the scaffold aspect ==: _ 职 难 , , , , , , , , , , The rubber seat with the phase trap is partially embedded in the rubber seat and exposed to the concave frame. 1 The rubber seat is shaped. Nasheng _==== = Part: = Dew: The depression is exposed, and the bottom surface of the heat dissipating component is exposed to the glue. Block 1 =:=; Wear: Heat - _ 22: The top surface of the component and the two = light outside the bite The thermal spurs are electrically connected at the ends of the depressions. 7 201034255 Finally, the cataracts are overlaid on the _ part, and the frequency domain is in the occlusal perforations, so that the encapsulant and the rubber seat are occluded and fixed. . The structure and the remaining method disclosed in the present invention are as above, and the difference from the prior art is that the present invention penetrates the perforations having different inner diameters in the kick seat, the bracket or the heat dissipating component, and then covers the encapsulant in the rubber seat. At the time of the part, the perforation can be filled and filled, thereby forming a bite of the rubber seat and the encapsulant, forming a biting force at the perforation to prevent the encapsulation colloid from falling off, and the electrical wire can be prevented from being torn, broken, or even Damage to the LED chip. Moreover, in the structure and process method proposed by the present invention, as described above, in the actual manufacturing process, the mold is demolded, and the mold release can be performed at one time, and it is not necessary to design a special mold release pair. Silk production, the difficulty of de-nuclearization of the previous technology molds seriously affects the manufacturing problems when the products are mass-produced. Through the above technical means, the present invention can achieve the technical effect of preventing mass damage of the electrical wires and the light-emitting diode wafer by preventing the package colloid from falling off, and is suitable for mass production. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the drawings and embodiments, and thus the implementation of the present invention to solve the technical problems and achieve the technical effects can be fully understood and implemented. The manufacturing process of the light-emitting diode package structure disclosed in the present invention will be described in the first embodiment, and please refer to "3A", and "3A" is shown as the light-emitting diode of the present invention. A schematic cross-sectional view of the process of the rubber seat and the support in the manufacturing process of the first embodiment of the polar body cracking structure. As shown in the figure, 'the metal plate (not shown) is made by stamping method 201034255, two brackets 20, and then the rubber seat 10' is formed by inserting and inserting Part 2 of each bracket is buried in the rubber seat (4). Moreover, the rubber seat 1 has a recessed portion 11 and sighs at least the occlusal perforation 13 between the wire 111 of the recessed portion 11 and the bottom surface 12 of the miscellaneous 10 (only the single __ occlusion hole is used in the drawing, The present invention is not limited to this, and the nip 13 is inserted through the bottom surface 111 of the recess 11 and the bottom surface 12 of the rubber seat 10. 'In the actual manufacturing process, it is only necessary to embed the two brackets 20 through the upper mold (not shown) and the lower mold (not shown), and form a convex with different external control in the lower mold. The column (not shown in the figure), when the molded rubber seat is injected, I7 can simultaneously embed a bracket 20 into the squat 1 ,, and can form a 彳 pupil 13 ' in the rubber seat 2 The mold and the lower mold can be used as the female's female, and the process of burying the plastic seat 10 is completed. The end of each bracket 20 is partially embedded in the rubber seat 10 置于 outside the nip η and exposed to the glue. The recessed portion u of the socket 1 and the other ends extend outwardly from the two sides of the rubber seat 10 respectively to form an electrical connection portion 21 for electrically connecting with other neon electronic cymbals In other words, the recessed portion 11 (10) disposed on the plastic holder 10 is electrically connected to the other electronic device through the electrical connection portion 21 of the plastic holder 10 through the bracket 2G. It is noted that the recessed portion is in the recessed portion. A lion bite perforation 13 is formed between the bottom surface of the U (1) and the bottom surface of the miscellaneous 1 () The inner diameter 15' of the bottom surface 12 of the nipper 13 can be larger than the inner diameter 咬 of the bottom surface f1 of the nip 13 through the recess u, that is, the inner diameter of the bottom surface 12 of the rubber seat 1 15 is larger than the inner diameter 14' of the bottom surface 111 of the recessed portion 11 in the subsequent formation of the encapsulant, when the encapsulant is filled in the occlusal perforation 13, the difference in the size of the inner diameter 14 and the inner diameter 15 is 201034255 into a package colloid and a rubber seat. The occlusal fixation is as shown in the figure. The cross-sectional shape of the occlusal perforation 13 is a convex shape. Here, for example only, the cross-sectional shape of the occlusal perforation may be a trapezoidal shape in addition to the convex shape (not shown in the figure). The metal plate may be copper, iron or other metal plate or alloy plate with good conductivity. That is, the material of the bracket 20 may be copper or iron. Or other highly conductive metal or alloy. The material of the bismuth phthalate may be a thermoplastic resin of the rubber matrix 10 of the Wei diode structure. , eye reference "3B A schematic cross-sectional view of the embodiment aspects of the manufacturing process system light emitting diode towel process - shown in "FIG. 3B" present a schematic structure of a light emitting diode package of the invention is shown. After the perforation 13 is formed through the bottom surface 1U of the recessed portion 11 and the bottom surface 12 of the rubber seat 10, and one end of each of the brackets 20 is partially embedded in the rubber seat 10 disposed outside the nip hole 13, The illuminating diode chip 3 is fixed to the end of one of the brackets 2 exposed in the recess U of the stalwart 10 by a surface mount ❹ (Sulface Mount Device ' SMD), and through a wire bonding technique (wire Bonding or flip chip b〇nding is electrically connected to another bracket 20, and the drawing is shown by the wire bonding technique. The LED chip 30 is transmitted through the electrical wire 51. The electrical connection is made with another bracket 20 (here, by way of example only, and the application of the invention is not limited thereto), the bracket 20 can respectively provide different electrical polarities of the light-emitting diodes. Finally, please refer to "3C", which is a cross-sectional view of the encapsulation process process 201034255 in the manufacturing process of the first embodiment of the LED package structure of the present invention. Then, the encapsulant 4 形成 is formed on the recess u of the plastic holder 10, and the encapsulant 40 can cover the LED array 3 and the holder in the recess n. And because the occlusal perforation 13 is provided between the bottom surface lu of the recessed portion 11 and the bottom surface 12 of the rubber seat 1 ,, when the encapsulant 4 形成 is formed, the package kicking body 4 充 is filled in the occlusion hole 13 to form The first embodiment of the LED package structure of the present invention can be completed by the solid connection between the plastic holder 10 and the encapsulant 40. ❹ Since the inner diameter 15 of the bottom surface 12 of the knee base 10 is larger than the inner diameter 14' of the bottom surface of the recessed portion 11, the sealing body 4 ' is further increased in addition to the contact force with the bottom surface of the depressed portion u. The bite force in the encapsulation colloid 4G and the occlusion perforation 13 can make the package lag 4G more stable _ in the trap 1G (four) trap portion, so that the external force can be prevented from causing the encapsulation colloid 40 to fall off, resulting in the electrical conductor 51 being packaged. When the colloid 40 is detached, it may be broken, broken, or even damaged, the problem of the 'one-pole wafer. One another
值得注意的是,在聰雜4〇祕於咬合纽η時, 充填至於咬合穿孔13内徑15大於咬合穿孔13内徑14的部二, 才能形成膠座10與封裝雜Μ之關咬合,明加封裝膠^ =咬合穿孔13中的咬合力,而在充填時,除了關式中所示 分充填於咬合穿孔13内,亦可⑽咬合穿孔13填滿封鱗體奶, 圖式中僅為舉例賴’並不以此佩本發明的應用範轉。 上述的封裝膠體40例如是以點膠(dispensing)的方式形 (在此僅為舉舰明’並不以此紐本發明的細 二、 7 40中可掺有螢光粉(圖式中未繪示),因此當發光二極= 30所發出的光線照射到螢光粉而使其激發出另—種顏色的^ 201034255 見光時,發光二極體晶片3〇所發出的光線即可 來的光線齡喊技歧果。 邮所教發出 接著,將酬本發揭露之發光二_封裝It is worth noting that when the occlusion of the new η is filled, the inner diameter 15 of the occlusal perforation 13 is larger than the inner diameter 14 of the occlusal perforation 13 to form the occlusion of the rubber seat 10 and the package scorpion. Adding encapsulation ^ = bite force in the perforation 13 , and filling, in addition to filling in the bite perforation 13 as shown in the closed type, may also (10) bite the perforation 13 to fill the scaled milk, only in the figure For example, the application of the invention is not intended to be used. The above-mentioned encapsulant 40 is, for example, in the form of dispensing (here, only for the ship's sake), and the second and seventh of the invention may be doped with phosphor powder (not in the figure) Illustrated), so when the light emitted by the light-emitting diodes = 30 illuminates the phosphor powder to excite another color, 201034255, when the light is seen, the light emitted by the light-emitting diode chip 3 即可 can come. The light age is shouting the dissatisfaction. The postal education sends out the light, and the rewards are revealed.
施態樣的製造流程,並請參考「第4A圖」所示,「第4A 不為本發明之發光三極體魏結構第二實施祕 ^膠 座及支架製程的剖面示意圖。 也中膠 . 帛二實絲樣料—實施態_差異在於咬合料13 ®置位置的差異’在第—實施態樣中咬合穿孔13與支架2G係分: 獨立設置於膠座10且暴露於凹陷部u中。 而在第二實施態樣中支架2〇上設置有支架穿孔^,支 孔22係娜座10的凹陷部u上所設置之咬合穿孔13相互對應, 支架穿孔22與咬合穿孔13即可以職貫穿於支㈣與膠座川 的穿孔’第二實施態樣巾所形成的穿孔即與第—實補樣中的咬 合穿孔13具有相闕效果’即可⑽聽雜⑽充填於支架穿 孔22與叹合穿孔13 ’藉以形成膠座1〇以及支架與封裝膠體 籲40之間的咬合固接,即可以達到如第-實施態樣膠座10與封裝 膠體40之間的咬合固接。 ^且由於支架20又埋人至於#座1()巾,第二實施態樣透過 支架穿孔22與咬合穿孔13所形成的咬合力即會大於第一實施態 樣的交合力’可以更翻的將膠座1()以及絲2()與封裝膠體4〇 咬合固接。 其主要是在金屬板(圖中未繪示)沖壓支架時同時在支架2〇 上形成支架穿孔22 ’接著,形成谬座1〇以及咬合穿孔 13方式如 第一只鈀態樣中以描述,在此不再進行贅述,如圖所示,支架2〇 12 201034255 以沖壓方式形成的支架穿孔22即與膠座10所設置的咬合穿孔13 相互對應,並且支架20的支架穿孔22係埋入於膠座1〇内,以形 成膠座10與支架20的貫穿,至於支架2〇另一端形成的電性連接 部21係與第一實施態樣相同,在此不再進行贅述。 同樣的,咬合穿孔13以及支架穿孔22貫穿膠座1〇的底面 ' 12的内徑15 ’必須要大於咬合穿孔13以及支架穿孔22貫穿支架 20的頂面23的内徑24,其說明在第一實施態樣中以描述,在此 ❸不再進行贅述’在雜膠體充填於咬合穿孔B以及支架穿孔22 時,透過内徑24以及内徑15的大小差異,形成封裝膠體與膠座 ίο的咬合固接’並且圖中所繪示的咬合穿孔13以及支架穿孔22 的剖面形狀為凸形形狀,亦可呈現梯形形狀,並不以圖面侷限本 發明的應用範疇。 接著,請參考「第4B圖」所示,「第4B圖」繪示為本發明 之發光一極體封裝結構第二實施態樣之製造流程巾發光二極體製 程的剖面示意圖。 • 發光二極體晶片30固接暴露在膠座 10的凹陷部11支架20 其中之一的端部’發光二極體晶片3〇並與另一支架2〇形成電性 連接’其方式如同第-實施態樣中所述,在此不再進行贅述,而 值得注意的是發光二極體晶片3〇需要固接於支架2〇中支架穿孔 .22以外的地方,才能將發光二極體晶片3〇固接於支架2〇其中之 一的端部。 最後,請參考「第4C圖」所示,「第4C圖」繪示為本發明 之發光二極體封裝結構第二實施態樣之製造流程中封裝膠體製程 的剖面示意圖。 13 201034255 接著,再於膠座Η)的凹陷部U上形成封裝膠體4〇,封裝膠 體40即可以覆蓋於凹陷部u内的發光二極體晶片%及支架2〇。 並且由於在支架20的頂面23以轉座1〇的底面12之間貫穿設 置有咬合穿孔B及支轉孔22 ’挪朗轉體*叫,封裝勝 體40會充填於咬合穿孔13及支架穿孔22中,藉以形成膠座⑴ -與封裝膠體40之間的咬合固接,即可以完成本發明發光二極體封 裝結構的第二實施態樣製程。 ❹ 並且由於封裝膠體係與咬合穿孔13及支架穿孔22中所形 成的咬合力,而支架20又埋入至於膠座1〇中,在第二 中的咬合力即會大於第-實施祕的咬合力,因此相較於第二實 施態樣’第二實施祕更可哺封裝雜4G更翻的蚊於膠座 10的凹陷部11中。此外,封裝膠體40充填咬合穿孔13及支架 穿孔22方式在第一實施態樣中已進行描述,在此不再進行贅述。 接著,將說明本發明所揭露之發光二極體封裝結構於第三實 施態樣的製造流程,並請參考「第5A圖」所示,「第5A圖」繪 • 示為本發明之發光二極體封裝結構第三實施態樣之製造流程中膠 座及支架製程的剖面示意圖。 第二實施態樣與第一實施態樣以及第二實施態樣的差異在於 除了咬合穿孔13所設置位置的差異之外,在第三實施態樣中發光 二極體封裝結構更包含有散熱元件60,在第一實施態樣中咬合穿 孔13與支架2〇係分別獨立設置於膠座1〇且暴露於凹陷部η中。 * 在第二實施態樣中支架20上設置有支架穿孔22,支架穿孔 22係與膠座10的凹陷部1]L上所設置之咬合穿孔13相互對應, 並且第二實施態樣所產生的咬合力會大於第一實施態樣所產生的 14 201034255 咬合力。 而在第三實施態樣中咬合穿孔63係貫穿設置於散熱元件60 上,第三實施態樣中所形成的咬合穿孔63即與第一實施態樣的咬 合穿孔13具有相同的效果,即可以將封裝膠體40充填於咬合穿 孔63,藉以形成散熱元件60、膠座10與封裝膠體40之間的咬合 固接’即可以達到如第一實施態樣以及第二實施態樣中膠座1 〇與 . 封裝膠體40之間的咬合固接。 φ 但由於散熱元件60以及膠座10所構成的材質的不同,即第 三實施態樣所產生的咬合力會大於第一實施態樣所產生的咬合 力,可以更穩固的將散熱元件60、膠座10與封裝膠體40咬合固 接。 因此,凊參考「第5B圖」所示,「第5B圖」繪示為本發明 之發光二極體封裝結構第三實施態樣之支架及散熱元件的立體分 解示意圖。在第一金屬板81上以沖壓方式製成二支架83,並於 第二金屬板82上以沖壓方式製成散熱元件84,再將第一金屬板 ❹ 81以及第一金屬板82分別透過設置於第一金屬板81以及第二金 屬板82上的定位部85相互定位結合,即支架83以及散熱元件 84形成偶合,使支架83以及散熱元件84形成一體成型,上述僅 為提出一種支架83以及散熱元件84製程方式,並不以此侷限本 發明的應用範疇。 斜次參考「第5A圖」所示,在完成支架2〇以及散熱元件 60的偶合縣後,赌人射出的方細祕座1(),以使各個支架 20以及散熱το件60被埋於膠座1〇内。並且支架2〇以及膠座1〇 的埋入方式與第-實施態樣相同,在此不再進行費述。 15 201034255 而散熱元件60埋入置於膠座10内,並且散熱元件60之頂面 61暴露於凹陷部11,並且散熱元件60之底面62暴露於膠座1〇 之底面12,在散熱元件60之頂面61以及散熱元件60之底面62 之間,設有至少一咬合穿孔63 (圖面中以二個咬合穿孔63作為 示思,並不以此侷限本發明的應用範疇),並且咬合穿孔63係貫 -穿於散熱元件60之頂面61以及散熱元件60之底面62。 . 同樣的,咬合穿孔63貫穿散熱元件60的底面62的内徑65, ❹ 必須要大於咬合穿孔63貫穿散熱元件60的頂面61的内徑64, 其說明在第-實施態樣中以描述,在此不再進行資述,在封裝膠 體充填於咬合穿孔63時,透過内徑64以及内徑65的大小差異, 形成封裝膠體與膠座1〇的咬合固接,並且圖中所繪示的咬合穿孔 13的剖面形狀為凸形形狀,亦可呈現梯形形狀,並不以圖面偈限 本發明的應用範疇。 接著’请參考「第5C圖」所示,「第5C圖」繪示為本發明 之發光-極體封裝結構第三實施態樣之製造流程中發光二極體製 • 程的剖面示意圖。 發光二極體晶片30固接暴露在膠座1〇的散熱元件6〇上,並 且發光二極體晶片30與二支架20分卿成電性連接,其方式如 同第-實施態樣中所述,在此不再進行贅述,而值得注意的是發 光二極體晶片30需要固接於散熱元件6〇中咬合穿孔63以外的地 方,才能將發光二極體晶片30固接於散熱元件⑼上。 最後’請參考「第5D圖」所示,「第5D圖」繪示為本發明 之發光二減封裝結構第三實施態樣之製造流程中封裝膠體製程 的剖面示意圖。 16 201034255 接著’再於膠座ίο的凹陷部u上形成封裝膠體4〇,以覆蓋 於放置有發光一極體晶片30的散熱元件6〇、凹陷部η及支架 20。並且由於在散熱元件6〇 #頂面61以及散熱元件6〇的頂面 62之間貫穿設置有咬合穿孔63 ’在形成封裝膠體4〇時,封裝膠 體40會充填於咬合穿孔63中’藉以形成膠座1〇與封裝賴4〇 .之間的咬合固接’即可以完成本發明發光二極體封裝結構的第三 . 實施態樣製程。 鲁—並且由於封裝膠體4〇係與咬合穿孔63中所形成的咬合力, 藉由散熱元件60的材質,藉喊料三實絲騎產生的咬合力 會大於第-實施態樣所產生的咬合力,因此相較於第一實施態 樣’第三實施態樣更可以將封裝膠體4〇更穩固的固定於膠座 的凹陷部11中。此外,封裝膠體4〇充填咬合穿孔63方式在第一 實把態樣十已進行描述,在此不再進行贅述。 綜上所述,可知本發明與先前技術之間的差異在於本發明在 勝座、妓或是賴元件巾穿設陳Α小不_纽,再將封裝 ❹賴覆蓋於職巾_料,可輯穿孔進行充填,藉以形成膠 座,封裝賴的咬合’在穿孔處形成咬合力,以防止封裝膠體的 脫洛’可⑽免導致紐導馳扯斷、鴻,甚錄損壞發光二 極體晶片。 並且在本發明所提出的結構與製程方法上,在實際製造過程 中的模具脫模,可以一次性的進行脫模,並不需要設計特殊的脫 模方式’即可岐㈣進㈣產製造,靖決先祕術模具脫模 困難,嚴重影響到產品大量生產時的製造問題。 藉由此-技術手段可以來解決先紐術所存在無法實現防止 17 201034255 封裝膠體脫落而造成電性導線及發光二極體晶片損壞的問題,進 而達成防止封轉體麟導致電性導線及發光二極體晶片損壞, 並且適用於量產製造的技術功效。 雖然本發明所揭露之實施方式如上,惟所述之内容並非用以 直接限定本發明之專利保護範圍。任何本發明所屬技術領域中具 •有通常知識者,在不脫離本發明所揭露之精神和範圍的前提下, .可以在實麵形式上及細節上作些狀更動。本發明之專利保護 範圍,仍須以所附之申請專利範圍所界定者為準。 ®【目賴單說明】 第1圖繪示為第-種習知之發光二極體封農結構側視剖面圖。 第2圖繪示為第二種習知之發光二極體封褒結構侧視剖面圖。 第3八圖!會示為本發明之發光二極體封裝結構第一實施態樣 之製造流程中膠座及支架製程的剖面示意圖。 第3B圖繪示為本發明之發光二極體封裝結構第一實施態樣 之製造流程中發光二極體製程的剖面示意圖。 ’ φ 第3C睛示為本發明之發光二極體縣結構第—實施離、樣 之製造流程中封裝膠體製程的剖面示意圖。 心7 第4A圖繪示為本發明之發光二極體封裝結構第二實施 之製造流程中膠座及支架製程的剖面示意圖。 第4B,會示為本發明之發光二極體封裝結構第二 之製造流程中發光二極體製程的剖面示意圖。 貝也 . » 4C _示為本發明之發光二極體封裝結構第 之製造流程中封裝膠體製程的剖面示意圖。 H ’ 第5八圖繪示為本發明之發光二極體封裝結構第三實施歸 201034255 之製造流程中膠座及支架製程的剖面示意圖。 第5B圖繪示為本發明之發光二極體封裝結構第三實施態樣 之支架及散熱元件的立體分解示意圖。 第5C圖繪示為本發明之發光二極體封裝結構第三實施態樣 之製造流程中發光二極體製程的剖面示意圖。 第5D圖繪示為本發明之發光二極體封裝結構第三實施態樣 之製造流程中封裝膠體製程的剖面示意圖。For the manufacturing process of the sample, please refer to "Fig. 4A", "The 4A is not a cross-sectional view of the second implementation of the LED structure and the stent process of the light-emitting triode Wei structure of the present invention. Also in the glue.帛二丝丝料—Implementation _The difference is the difference in the position of the bite 13 ®. In the first embodiment, the occlusal perforation 13 and the stent 2G are: independently disposed on the rubber seat 10 and exposed to the depression u In the second embodiment, the bracket 2 is provided with a bracket perforation ^, and the perforation 13 provided on the recess u of the support hole 22 is corresponding to each other, and the bracket perforation 22 and the bite perforation 13 can be used. The perforation formed by the perforation of the second embodiment of the perforation of the branch (4) and the Jiaozuochuan has the opposite effect as the occluded perforation 13 in the first-supplemental sample. [10] The hearing (10) is filled in the stent perforation 22 and By staking the perforation 13' to form the rubber seat 1 〇 and the occlusion and fixing between the bracket and the encapsulation 40, the occlusion and fixation between the rubber seat 10 and the encapsulant 40 can be achieved as in the first embodiment. Since the bracket 20 is buried in the #座1() towel, the second embodiment passes through The biting force formed by the frame perforation 22 and the biting perforation 13 is greater than the bonding force of the first embodiment. The rubber seat 1 () and the wire 2 () can be more closely engaged with the encapsulant 4 to be fixed. The stamping bracket is formed on the metal plate (not shown) while forming the bracket perforation 22' on the bracket 2'. Next, the formation of the socket 1 and the biting the perforation 13 are described in the first palladium pattern, here No further description is made. As shown in the figure, the brackets 2〇12 201034255 are formed by stamping the bracket perforations 22 corresponding to the engaging perforations 13 provided by the rubber seat 10, and the bracket perforations 22 of the bracket 20 are embedded in the rubber seat. The inner portion of the bracket 2 and the other end of the bracket 2 is the same as that of the first embodiment, and will not be described here. Similarly, the occlusion hole 13 is omitted. And the inner diameter 15' of the bottom surface '12 of the bracket perforation 22 extending through the rubber seat 1 must be larger than the inner diameter 24 of the top surface 23 of the bracket 20 and the bracket perforation 22, which is illustrated in the first embodiment. Description, no longer repeat here When the miscellaneous gel is filled in the occlusal perforation B and the bracket perforation 22, the difference in size between the inner diameter 24 and the inner diameter 15 forms a occlusion and fixation of the encapsulant and the rubber seat ί and the occlusal perforation 13 and the bracket perforation are illustrated in the drawing. 22 has a convex shape and a trapezoidal shape, and is not limited to the scope of application of the present invention. Next, please refer to "FIG. 4B", and "Block 4B" is shown as A schematic cross-sectional view of a light-emitting diode process of a second embodiment of a light-emitting diode package structure. • The light-emitting diode chip 30 is fixedly exposed to the end of one of the recesses 11 of the rubber seat 10, and the light-emitting diode chip 3 is electrically connected to the other bracket 2'. - The description in the embodiment is not repeated here, but it is worth noting that the LED chip 3 needs to be fixed to the outside of the bracket 2 in the bracket 2 to enable the LED chip. 3〇 is fixed to the end of one of the brackets 2〇. Finally, please refer to FIG. 4C, and FIG. 4C is a cross-sectional view showing the process of the encapsulation process in the manufacturing process of the second embodiment of the LED package structure of the present invention. 13 201034255 Next, an encapsulant 4 形成 is formed on the recess U of the plastic seat 〇), and the encapsulant 40 can cover the luminescent diode wafer % and the holder 2 凹陷 in the recess u. Moreover, since the occlusal perforation B and the branching hole 22 are disposed between the bottom surface 12 of the rotating base 1 on the top surface 23 of the bracket 20, the package winning body 40 is filled in the nip hole 13 and the bracket. In the perforation 22, the second embodiment of the LED package structure of the present invention can be completed by forming the adhesive seat (1) and the encapsulation and fixing between the encapsulant 40. ❹ And because of the bite force formed by the encapsulation system and the bite perforation 13 and the bracket perforation 22, the bracket 20 is buried in the rubber seat 1,, and the bite force in the second is greater than that of the first implementation. The force, therefore, can be fed into the recess 11 of the rubber seat 10 in comparison with the second embodiment, the second embodiment. In addition, the manner in which the encapsulating body 40 is filled with the occlusal perforations 13 and the bracket perforations 22 has been described in the first embodiment, and will not be described again. Next, the manufacturing process of the LED package structure disclosed in the present invention will be described in the third embodiment, and please refer to "5A" and "5A" to show the illumination of the present invention. A cross-sectional view of a process for a rubber seat and a stent in a manufacturing process of a third embodiment of a polar package structure. The second embodiment differs from the first embodiment and the second embodiment in that, in addition to the difference in the position at which the nip 13 is disposed, in the third embodiment, the LED package further includes a heat dissipating component. 60. In the first embodiment, the occlusal perforation 13 and the bracket 2 are respectively disposed on the rubber seat 1 〇 and exposed to the recess η. * In the second embodiment, the bracket 20 is provided with a bracket through hole 22 which corresponds to the nip hole 13 provided on the recess 1] L of the rubber seat 10, and which is produced by the second embodiment. The bite force will be greater than the 14 201034255 bite force generated by the first embodiment. In the third embodiment, the occlusal perforations 63 are disposed through the heat dissipating member 60. The occlusal perforations 63 formed in the third embodiment have the same effect as the occlusal perforations 13 of the first embodiment. The sealing body 40 is filled in the nip hole 63, thereby forming the heat dissipating member 60, and the occlusion and fixing between the rubber seat 10 and the encapsulant 40 can achieve the rubber seat 1 as in the first embodiment and the second embodiment. The occlusion is fixed with the encapsulant 40. Φ However, due to the difference in the material of the heat dissipating component 60 and the rubber seat 10, that is, the bite force generated by the third embodiment is greater than the bite force generated by the first embodiment, the heat dissipating component 60 can be more stably The rubber seat 10 is engaged with the encapsulant 40 to be fixed. Therefore, referring to FIG. 5B, FIG. 5B is a perspective exploded view showing the bracket and the heat dissipating component of the third embodiment of the LED package structure of the present invention. Two brackets 83 are formed on the first metal plate 81 by stamping, and the heat dissipating members 84 are formed on the second metal plate 82 by punching, and then the first metal plate 81 and the first metal plate 82 are respectively disposed. The positioning portions 85 on the first metal plate 81 and the second metal plate 82 are positioned and coupled to each other, that is, the bracket 83 and the heat dissipating member 84 are coupled to each other, so that the bracket 83 and the heat dissipating member 84 are integrally formed. The manufacturing method of the heat dissipating component 84 is not limited to the application scope of the present invention. Referring to the "5A" diagram, after the completion of the bracket 2 and the coupling county of the heat dissipating member 60, the gambler shoots the fine seat 1 () so that the respective brackets 20 and the heat sinking member 60 are buried. The rubber seat is inside 1 inch. Moreover, the embedding manner of the bracket 2〇 and the rubber seat 1〇 is the same as that of the first embodiment, and will not be described here. 15 201034255 and the heat dissipating component 60 is buried in the rubber seat 10, and the top surface 61 of the heat dissipating component 60 is exposed to the recessed portion 11, and the bottom surface 62 of the heat dissipating component 60 is exposed to the bottom surface 12 of the rubber seat 1 at the heat dissipating component 60. Between the top surface 61 and the bottom surface 62 of the heat dissipating member 60, at least one nip hole 63 is provided (the two nip holes 63 are used as a reflection in the drawing, which is not limited to the application scope of the present invention), and the nip hole is perforated. The 63 is threaded through the top surface 61 of the heat dissipating component 60 and the bottom surface 62 of the heat dissipating component 60. Similarly, the snap-in perforation 63 extends through the inner diameter 65 of the bottom surface 62 of the heat dissipating member 60, and must be greater than the inner diameter 64 of the top surface 61 of the heat dissipating member 60 through the snap-in perforation 63, which is described in the first embodiment. Therefore, no further description is made here. When the encapsulant is filled in the occlusal perforation 63, the size difference between the inner diameter 64 and the inner diameter 65 is formed to form a nip bond between the encapsulant and the rubber seat, and is illustrated in the drawing. The cross-sectional shape of the occlusal perforation 13 is a convex shape, and may also have a trapezoidal shape, and is not limited to the application scope of the present invention. Next, please refer to FIG. 5C, and FIG. 5C is a cross-sectional view showing the process of the light-emitting diode in the manufacturing process of the third embodiment of the light-emitting body package structure of the present invention. The LED chip 30 is fixedly attached to the heat dissipating component 6 of the plastic holder, and the LED substrate 30 is electrically connected to the second bracket 20 in the same manner as in the first embodiment. Therefore, it is not necessary to repeat the description here, and it is worth noting that the LED chip 30 needs to be fixed to the heat dissipating component 6 in the place other than the biting hole 63 to fix the LED chip 30 to the heat dissipating component (9). . Finally, please refer to FIG. 5D, and FIG. 5D is a cross-sectional view showing the process of the encapsulation process in the manufacturing process of the third embodiment of the illuminating and subtracting package structure of the present invention. 16 201034255 Next, an encapsulant 4 is formed on the depressed portion u of the plastic holder ί to cover the heat dissipating member 6 〇, the depressed portion η and the holder 20 on which the light-emitting monopole wafer 30 is placed. And because the occlusion hole 63' is disposed between the top surface 61 of the heat dissipating component 6〇# and the top surface 62 of the heat dissipating component 6〇, when the encapsulant 4〇 is formed, the encapsulant 40 is filled in the nipper 63 to form The third embodiment of the light emitting diode package structure of the present invention can be completed by the occlusion and fixing between the plastic holder 1 and the package. Lu—and because of the bite force formed by the encapsulating colloid 4 and the bite perforation 63, by the material of the heat dissipating member 60, the bite force generated by the three-wire riding is greater than that produced by the first embodiment. Therefore, the encapsulant 4 更 can be more firmly fixed in the recess 11 of the rubber seat than the first embodiment. In addition, the manner in which the encapsulating colloid 4 is filled with the occluded perforations 63 has been described in the first embodiment, and will not be described again. In summary, it can be seen that the difference between the present invention and the prior art is that the present invention is designed to be worn by a singer, a slap or a smashed component towel, and the package is covered by a job towel. The perforation is filled to form a rubber seat, and the occlusion of the package is formed to form a bite force at the perforation to prevent the detachment of the encapsulant (10) from being detached, and the damaged diode chip is damaged. . Moreover, in the structure and process method proposed by the present invention, in the actual manufacturing process, the mold is demolded, and the mold release can be performed at one time, and there is no need to design a special demolding method, that is, the product can be manufactured by (4) into (4). It is difficult to release the mold from the Jingshen first secret mold, which seriously affects the manufacturing problems when the product is mass produced. By using this-technical means, it is possible to solve the problem that the first conductor can not prevent the damage of the electrical conductor and the light-emitting diode chip caused by the fall of the 2010 2010255 package encapsulation, thereby achieving the prevention of the electrical conductor and the illumination caused by the sealing body. The diode wafer is damaged and is suitable for the technical efficacy of mass production. While the embodiments of the present invention have been described above, the above description is not intended to limit the scope of the invention. Any subject matter in the art to which the invention pertains can be modified in the form of the actual form and the details without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. The scope of the invention is to be determined by the scope of the appended claims. ® [Description of the list] Fig. 1 is a side cross-sectional view showing the light-emitting diode sealing structure of the first conventional. FIG. 2 is a side cross-sectional view showing a second conventional light-emitting diode sealing structure. Fig. 3 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing the process of the rubber seat and the support in the manufacturing process of the first embodiment of the light emitting diode package structure of the present invention. FIG. 3B is a cross-sectional view showing the process of the light emitting diode in the manufacturing process of the first embodiment of the LED package structure of the present invention. ′ φ 3C is a schematic cross-sectional view showing the process of encapsulation in the manufacturing process of the light-emitting diode structure of the present invention. FIG. 4A is a cross-sectional view showing the process of the rubber seat and the bracket in the manufacturing process of the second embodiment of the LED package structure of the present invention. 4B is a schematic cross-sectional view showing the process of the light-emitting diode in the manufacturing process of the second embodiment of the light-emitting diode package structure of the present invention.贝也. » 4C _ is a schematic cross-sectional view of the encapsulation process in the manufacturing process of the LED package structure of the present invention. H ′ FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view showing the process of the rubber seat and the bracket in the manufacturing process of the third embodiment of the LED package structure of the present invention. FIG. 5B is a perspective exploded view of the bracket and the heat dissipating component of the third embodiment of the LED package structure of the present invention. FIG. 5C is a cross-sectional view showing the process of the light-emitting diode in the manufacturing process of the third embodiment of the LED package structure of the present invention. FIG. 5D is a cross-sectional view showing the process of the encapsulation process in the manufacturing process of the third embodiment of the LED package structure of the present invention.
【主要元件符號說明】 10 膠座 11 凹陷部 111 底面 12 底面 13 咬合穿孔 14 内徑 15 内徑 20 支架 21 電性連接部 22 支架穿孔 23 頂面 24 内徑 30 發光二極體晶片 40 封裝膠體 51 電性導線 60 散熱元件 19 201034255[Main component symbol description] 10 Plastic seat 11 Depression part 111 Bottom surface 12 Bottom surface 13 Occlusal perforation 14 Inner diameter 15 Inner diameter 20 Bracket 21 Electrical connection part 22 Bracket perforation 23 Top surface 24 Inner diameter 30 Light-emitting diode wafer 40 Package colloid 51 Electrical Conductor 60 Heat Dissipating Element 19 201034255
61 頂面 62 底面 63 咬合穿孔 64 内徑 65 内徑 71 膠座 72 凹陷部 73 支架 74 電性連接部 75 發光二極體晶片 76 電性導線 77 封裝膠體 78 凹槽 81 第一金屬板 82 第二金屬板 83 支架 84 散熱元件 85 定位部 2061 Top surface 62 Bottom surface 63 Occupation perforation 64 Inner diameter 65 Inner diameter 71 Plastic seat 72 Recessed part 73 Bracket 74 Electrical connection part 75 Light-emitting diode wafer 76 Electrical conductor 77 Encapsulant 78 Groove 81 First metal plate 82 Two metal plates 83 bracket 84 heat dissipating member 85 positioning portion 20