200913401 九、發明說明 【發明所屬的技術領域】 本發明關於具鎖定功能的電連接器。 【先前技術】 在電連接器(以下僅稱爲「連接器」),經常具有所謂 的鎖定構造,用來防止在連接器彼此嵌合的狀態中’連接 器彼此脫離的情形。第5圖是顯示習知的連接器的鎖定構 造的立體圖,第6圖是第5圖所示的習知的連接器的鎖定 構造的橫剖面圖,在第5圖及第6圖,揭示有:讓在其中 一方的連接器,例如在母型連接器的殼體(沒有圖示)所安 裝的構件3 0上所形成的開口部3 1的緣部所設置的鎖定部 3 1 A,卡止住在另一方的連接器’例如在公型連接器(沒有 圖示)上所設的朝連接器嵌合方向(箭頭X方向)延伸的在 可撓腕部4 0的前端部彎曲所形成的卡止爪4 1 ’而防止連 接器彼此脫離的鎖定構造。該鎖定構造,例如在端子(沒 有圖示)的排列方向(相對於箭頭X方向成直角的方向)上 的兩端的端子的外側對稱地設置’在這裡僅顯示其中一方 的鎖定構造。在第5圖及弟6圖’顯不了·在連接命肷合 前(以虛線圖示)、在嵌合操作途中(以兩點虛線圖不)、嵌 合完成時(以實線圖示)的各個公型連接器的可撓腕部4 0。 設置有母型連接器的鎖定部3 1 A ’由金屬板所作成的 構件30,朝其板厚方向彎曲成L字型,形成有:在朝連 接器嵌合方向延伸的板面所設的四角形的開口部3 1 °在 -4- 200913401 形成該開口部31的四周的四個內緣之中’位於該構件3 0 的自由端側的內緣,其功能爲用來將公型連接器的卡止爪 41予以卡止的鎖定部31Α。 公型連接器的可撓腕部40,與上述公型連接器的構 件3 0同樣地,由金屬板所作成’在其前端部’形成有: 從下緣朝向連接器外側彎曲而延伸的卡止爪4 1。而如第6 圖所示,在可撓腕部40的連接器外側的板面40Α ’接觸 著公型連接器的合成樹脂製的殼體5 0的內側面。 接著’來說明連接器的嵌合操作的鎖定動作。首先, 可撓腕部40,從虛線所示的連接器嵌合前的位置’伴隨 著連接器嵌合操作而朝嵌合方向X移動。當可撓腕部40 的卡止爪4 1的作爲前端部的斜緣部4 1 Α抵接於母型連接 器的構件3 0的端部時,卡止爪4 1的該斜緣部4 1 A滑動 接觸於上述構件3 0的上述端部而且承受反作用力’而可 撓腕部4 0的板面朝遠離殼體5 0的方向彈性撓曲變形。也 就是說,如兩點虛線所示,可撓腕部4 0,其卡止爪41的 前端部4 1 B抵接於構件3 0的內側面而成爲朝向連接器內 側撓曲的狀態。且藉由連接器嵌合操作的進行’當卡止爪 41的前端部4 1 B到達開口部3 1的鎖定部3 1 A的位置時’ 可撓腕部4 0的彈性撓曲變行會解除而回復自由狀態’並 且將卡止爪4 1的後端部41 C與構件3 0的開口部3 1貫 穿’而完成連接器嵌合操作。結果,構件3 0的鎖定部 3 I A會在連接器拔出方向卡止住卡止爪4 1,所以能防止 所嵌合的連接器彼此脫離。 -5- 200913401 [專利文獻1] 沒有發現 【發明內容】 [發明欲解決的課題] 在上述連接器,當連接器嵌合操作 性撓曲變形的可撓腕部40快速回到自 腕部4 0的板面會抵接於殼體5 0的內側 聲音。 可是,殼體是以合成樹脂所成型, 圖所示的習知連接器,連接器嵌合完成 藉由金屬製的可撓腕部4 0的板面與合 的內側面的碰撞所產生的,而形成殼體 相比其質地較軟,而碰撞其彼此都是平 碰撞壓力較低,導致該卡嗒聲音沒有大 合完成。也就是說,在上述習知的連接 音來確認連接器嵌合是否正常完成,導 接器是未嵌合狀態還是所謂的半鎖定狀 在上述電連接器,在連接器嵌合 40的卡止爪4 1,與母型連接器的任 觸,所以無法達成接地導通,無法充分 本發明鑑於這種情形,其課題要提 連接器嵌合完成時的卡嗒聲音很大,容 正常嵌合完成,且有很好防止雜訊的方 完成時,藉由讓彈 由狀態,則該可撓 面,所以會有卡嗒 在如第5圖及第6 時的卡嗒聲音,是 成樹脂製的殼體5 0 的合成樹脂與金屬 面,面積較大所以 到能確認連接器嵌 器,很難以卡嗒聲 致會有無法判斷連 態這樣的問題。 完成時,可撓腕部 何部分都沒有電接 防止雜訊。 供一種電連接器, 易確定連接器是否 法。 -6 - 200913401 [用以解決課題的手段] <第一發明> 本發明的具鎖定功能的電連接器,是具備有:在以電 絕緣構件所作成的殻體上所排列保持的端子、以及在該殻 體所安裝的構件上設置,當與具有可彈性撓曲變形的金屬 製的可撓腕部的對象連接器進行嵌合操作時,當連接器嵌 合完成時將於可撓腕部所形成的卡止爪在連接器拔出方向 予以卡止的鎖定部。 在該具鎖定功能的電連接器,第1發明,該電連接 器,具有:當連接器嵌合完成時,解除上述對象連接器的 可撓腕部的彈性撓曲,讓上述卡止爪移動成回復自由狀態 時,在抵接部位承受該卡止爪的金屬製的受壓構件,該受 壓構件的上述抵接部位,在上述可撓腕部的撓曲移位方 向,位在:上述可撓腕部撓曲變形時的上述卡止爪的對應 抵接部位的移位位置與自由狀態位置之間的範圍內。 在該構造的電連接器,受壓構件相對於卡止爪的抵接 部位,是位於:可撓腕部撓曲變形時的卡止爪的對應抵接 部位的移位位置與自由狀態位置之間的範圍內’所以當連 接器嵌合完成時,解除可撓腕部的彈性撓曲而讓卡止爪移 動成回復自由狀態時,受壓構件承受卡止爪的碰撞。卡止 爪及受壓構件爲金屬製的,該卡止爪及受壓構件碰撞時所 產生的卡嗒聲音,與習知的金屬製的可撓腕部與合成樹脂 製的殻體碰撞時所產生的卡嗒聲音相比是較大的。而卡止 爪的前端面積較小,該卡止爪與受壓構件碰撞時的應力’ 200913401 與如習知可撓腕部的板面與殼體的內側面碰撞時的應力相 比是較大的,藉此讓碰撞時所產生的卡嗒聲音變得更大。 上述卡止爪及受壓構件是金屬製的,在連接器彼此嵌 合的狀態,能使卡止爪及受壓構件電接觸。於是,藉由將 受壓構件連接到電路基板上的對應接地電路部,則也能使 對象連接器接地導通。 <第二發明> 在本發明,電連接器的受壓構件作成可彈性撓曲變 形,而將對象連接器的腕部作成不會彈性撓曲變形也可 以,即使作成這種構造,仍可產生很大的卡嗒聲音,而藉 由使受壓構件與接地電路部連接,也可使對象連接器接地 導通。 該構造的第2發明的電連接器,是具備有:在以電絕 緣構件所作成的殼體上所排列保持的端子、以及在該殼體 所安裝的構件上設置,當與具有金屬製的腕部的對象連接 器進行嵌合操作時,當連接器嵌合完成時將於該腕部所形 成的卡止爪在連接器拔出方向予以卡止的鎖定部。 在該電連接器,第2發明,該電連接器,具有:與上 述卡止爪抵接而承受來自該卡止爪的壓力而可彈性撓曲變 形的金屬製的受壓構件,該受壓構件,當連接器嵌合完成 時解除彈性撓曲而移動成回復自由狀態時,在抵接部位承 受上述壓力,上述卡止爪的上述抵接部位,在該受壓構件 的撓曲移位方向,位於:在該受壓構件的撓曲變形時的該 -8- 200913401 受壓構件的移位位置與自由狀態位置之間的範圍內。 <第三發明> 在本發明,將電連接器的受壓構件及對象連接器的腕 部雙方作成可彈性撓曲變形也可以,即使作成這種構造, 仍可產生很大的卡嗒聲音,而藉由使受壓構件與接地電路 部連接,而也能使對象連接器接地導通。 在這種構造的第3發明的電連接器,是具備有:在以 電絕緣構件所作成的殼體上所排列保持的端子、以及在該 殼體所安裝的構件上設置,當與具有可彈性撓曲變形的金 屬製的可撓腕部的對象連接器進行嵌合操作時,當連接器 嵌合完成時將於該可撓腕部所形成的卡止爪在連接器拔出 方向予以卡止的鎖定部。 在該電連接器,第3發明,該電連接器,具有:與上 述卡止爪抵接而承受來自該卡止爪的壓力而可彈性撓曲變 形的金屬製的受壓構件,該受壓構件,當連接器嵌合完成 時上述可撓腕部及受壓構件解除彈性撓曲而移動成回復自 由狀態時,在與上述卡止爪的抵接部位承受上述壓力’上 述抵接位置,在上述可撓腕部及上述受壓構件的撓曲移位 方向,位於:在該可撓腕部的自由狀態位置與該受壓構件 的自由狀態位置之間的範圍內。 在第1〜第3發明,受壓構件與鎖定部,以金屬構件 形成爲一構件較佳。藉此,構件數量會減少,所以能抑制 成本,且減低零件管理的負擔。 -9- 200913401 設置有鎖定部的構件,最好具有:對於安裝有電連接 器的電路基板上的對應接地電路部連接用的接地腳部。藉 由在設置有鎖定部的構件設置接地腳部,則於卡止爪與受 壓構件的接觸部分流動的雜訊訊號,會從與受壓構件作爲 一個構件的方式設置有鎖定部的構件的接地腳部,流動到 電路基板上的對應接地電路部。藉此,與在其他構件設置 接地腳部的情況相比較,能使接地導通電路縮短,所以防 止雜訊的方法更好。 殼體,安裝有金屬製的罩殼構件,該罩殼構件,具 有:於電路基板上的接地電路部所安裝的接地片,該接地 片,最好設置在可與接地腳部機械性結合的位置。藉此, 能將接地腳部與罩殼構件的接地片整合而焊接而與電路基 板上的對應電路部連接。結果,藉由讓接地腳部與接地片 結合,而能將設置有鎖定部的構件堅固地固定,能增加鎖 定強度,能良好地防止連接器脫落。 設置有鎖定部的構件與罩殼構件,形成爲一個構件較 佳。藉此,能減少零件數量,抑制成本,且減少零件管理 的負擔。 [發明效果] 在第1發明,在連接器嵌合完成時,用來承受對象連 接器的金屬製的可撓腕部的卡止爪的金屬製的受壓構件, 設置成:讓該受壓構件相對於卡止爪的抵接部位,在卡止 爪的移動方向,位於可撓腕部撓曲變形時的卡止爪的移位 -10- 200913401 位置與自由狀態位置之間的範圍。藉此’當連接器嵌合完 成時,解除可撓腕部的彈性撓曲而卡止爪移動成回復自由 狀態時,金屬製的卡止爪會碰撞同樣金屬製的受壓構件, 所以會產生很大的卡嗒聲音,能夠藉由該卡嗒聲音確實確 認連接器正常進行嵌合。而卡止爪及受壓構件雙方都是金 屬製的,在連接器彼此嵌合的狀態,能使卡止爪及受壓構 件電連接,所以將受壓構件連接於電路基板上的對應接地 電路部,也藉由使對象連接器接地導通,能夠達成良好的 防止雜訊的方法。 如第2發明’電連接器的受壓構件作成可彈性撓曲變 形,對象連接器的腕部作成不會彈性撓曲變形,讓卡止爪 的相對於受壓構件的抵接部位’在該受壓構件的撓曲移位 方向’位於該受壓構件撓曲變形時的該受壓構件的移位位 置與自由狀態位置之間的範圍,而能得到與第1發明同樣 的效果。而如第3發明’將電連接器的受壓構件及對象連 接器的腕部雙方作成可彈性撓曲變形,則該受壓構件與該 卡止構件的抵接位置’在腕部及受壓構件的撓曲移位方 向’位於:該腕部的自由狀態位置與該受壓構件的自由狀 恶位置之間的範圍內’而能得到與第1發明同樣的效果。 【實施方式】 以下根據附圖來說明本發明的實施方式。 <第一實施方式> -11 - 200913401 第1圖是顯示本發明的母型連接器及作爲對象連接 的公型連接器的立體圖。藉由將該公型連接器2〇在連 器嵌合方向(箭頭A方向)插入到母型連接器1〇而讓兩 接器嵌合。 母型連接器1 0 ’具有:作成約長方體外型,形成 收容空間Π A ’用來收容’以作爲電絕緣體的合成樹脂 作成的作爲對象連接器的公型連接器20,且具有用來 列端子的排列部的殼體11、在該殼體1 1的上述排列部 排列保持的複數個端子1 2、在殼體1 1的外面所安裝的 屬製的罩殼構件1 3、以及安裝於殼體1 1,在端子排列 向對稱地設置於罩殼構件1 3的兩端內側的後述的固定 件1 4。在固定構件1 4的朝連接器嵌合方向延伸的面部 形成有:當連接器嵌合完成時,將後述的公型連接器 的卡止爪予以卡止的開口部1 5。母型連接器1 〇,藉由 在罩殼構件1 3的端子排列方向兩端從下端朝向連接器 側哭出的固定片1 3 A ’焊接於電路基板(沒有圖不),而 定於該電路基板。 作爲對象連接器的公型連接器20,在連接器嵌合 向前方,具有:作爲殼體的一部分,作成與母型連接 1 0的收容空間1 1 A對應的外型而插入到該收容空間1 的約長方體外型的嵌合部2 1。在該嵌合部2 1,排列保 著:與母型連接器1 〇的端子1 2接觸而電連接的複數個 子(沒有圖示)。在嵌合部2 1的端子排列方向兩端,朝 接器嵌合方向延伸設置有:以金屬板作成而在其板厚方 器 接 連 有 所 排 所 金 方 構 5 20 將 外 固 方 器 1 A 持 端 連 向 -12- 200913401 可彈性撓曲變形的可撓腕部2 2。該可撓腕部2 2 ’具有· 朝連接器外側彎曲而突出的卡合爪23。如後述’在連接 器嵌合完成時,可撓腕部22的卡合爪23 ’卡止於母型連 接器1 0的固定構件1 4的開口部1 5。在本實施方式’達 成這種構造的鎖定功能’在連接器嵌合完成後’能防止在 連接器插拔方向兩連接器脫離。 第2圖(A)及第2圖(B),是顯示第一實施方式的兩連 接器的鎖定構造的立體圖,第3圖是第2圖(A)及第2圖 (B)所示的鎖定構造的橫剖面圖。如上述的鎖定構造,是 在端子排列方向的兩端的端子的外側對稱地設置,在這裡 僅顯示其中一方的鎖定構造。在第2圖(A),是顯示連接 器嵌合前(以實線圖示)及嵌合操作途中(以兩點虛線圖 示),在第2圖(B),是顯示嵌合完成時(以實線圖示)的公 型連接器2 0的可撓腕部2 2。 如第2圖(A)及第2圖(B)所示,母型連接器10的固 定構件1 4是由金屬板所作成,朝其板厚方向彎曲而作成 L字型。固定構件14,具有:在朝連接器嵌合方向(箭頭 A方向)延伸的上下端緣所分別設置的突起狀的安裝部 1 4 A ’以該安裝部1 4 A固定到殼體1 1。在固定構件1 4的 朝連接器嵌合方向延伸的部分形成有約四角形的開口部 1 5。在形成該開口部1 5的內周的四個內緣之中,在固定 構件1 4的自由端側的位置的內緣,其功能是作爲用來將 公型連接器20的卡止爪23予以卡止的鎖定部15A。而在 本實施方式’固定構件1 4 ’其剛性,是讓其朝連接器嵌 -13- 200913401 合方向延伸的部分與上述可撓腕部22的卡止爪23的抵接 在板面方向(箭頭B方向)不會造成彈性撓曲變形的程度的 剛性。 固定構件14的朝連接器嵌合方向延伸的部分,設置 有:將其板面部分切起彎曲所形成的受壓部1 6。該受壓 部1 6 ’朝連接器嵌合方向延伸,如後述,在連接器嵌合 完成時,以在連接器內側的面也就是受壓面1 6A來承受 公型連接器20的卡止爪23。該受壓部16,如後述,在可 撓腕部22的撓曲移位方向,位在:該可撓腕部22的撓曲 變形時的卡止爪2 3的前端部2 3 B的移位位置與自由狀態 位置之間的範圍內。在本實施方式,受壓部1 6其所具有 的剛性,是藉由上述可撓腕部22的卡止爪23的抵接而在 板厚方向不會造成彈性撓曲變形的程度的剛性。 受壓部16,在本實施方式,是藉由位於上下的兩個 連結部1 7 A、1 7B而與鎖定部丨5 A連結,如第3圖所示, 在上下方向連結部17A與17B之間貫穿著,鎖定部15A 與受壓部1 6經由上述連結部丨7 a、1 7 B而形成爲一個構 件,所以上述受壓部的剛性提高了,並且減少零件數量’ 而能抑制成本,減低了零件管理的負擔。而鎖定部與受壓 部不一定要形成爲一個構件,分別設置爲不同的構件也可 以。 公型連接器2 0的可撓腕部2 2,在其前端部,形成 有:在該可撓腕部2 2的下緣彎曲而朝連接器外側延伸的 卡止爪23。該卡止爪23,如第3圖所示,在連接器嵌合 -14- 200913401 方向前方具有斜緣部23A。卡止爪23,具有:作爲其延 伸方向前端面所形成的前端面2 3 B。該前端面2 3 B,形成 了:在連接器嵌合完成時與受壓部16的受壓面MA抵接 的面部。 以下來說明公型連接器2 〇對於母型連接器1 0的嵌合 操作的鎖定動作。 首先’可撓腕部20,在第2圖(A)以實線’從在第3 圖虛線所示的連接器嵌合前的位置’藉由連接器嵌合操作 朝嵌合方向A移動。在可撓腕部2 2的卡止爪2 3的斜緣 部2 3 A抵接於母型連接器的固定構件1 4的端部之後,與 上述固定構件1 4的上述端部滑動接觸而前進,可撓腕部 2 2朝向遠離固定構件1 4上的朝嵌合方向A延伸的部分的 方向而彈性撓曲變形。結果’如兩點虛線所示’可撓腕部 22,讓卡止爪23的前端部23B抵接於固定構件14的內側 面而成爲朝連接器內側撓曲的狀態。 藉由連接器嵌合操作的進行’當卡止爪2 3的前端部 2 3 B到達開口部1 5的鎖定部1 5 A的位置時,可撓腕部2 2 的彈性撓曲變形解除而回復自由狀態’並且卡止爪2 3貫 穿固定構件14的開口部1 5 ’卡止爪23的前端部23 B抵 接於受壓部16的受壓面16A’而連接器嵌合操作完成。 結果,固定構件1 4的鎖定部1 5 A會在連接器拔出方向卡 止住卡止爪2 3,所以能防止已嵌合的連接器彼此脫離。 如上述,公型連接器的受壓部16 ’在卡止爪23 的撓曲移位方向(箭頭B方向)’位於:在可撓腕部22的 -15- 200913401 撓曲變形時上的卡止爪23的前端部23 A的移位位置與 由狀態位置之間的範圍內。也就是說’如第3圖所示’ 可撓腕部2 2的撓曲移位方向上,受壓部1 6相對於卡止 2 3的前端部2 3 B的抵接部位也就是受壓面1 6 A的位 P,是在於:可撓腕部2 2的撓曲變形時的卡止爪2 3的 端部23B移位位置Q1與自由狀態位置Q2之間的範 內。於是,在連接器嵌合完成時,解除公型連接器20 可撓腕部22的彈性撓曲而讓卡止爪23移動回到自由狀 時,該卡止爪23在較自由狀態位置Q2更前側的位置 受壓部16的受壓面16A在位置P承受該卡止爪23的 端部2 3 B的碰撞。 卡止爪23及受壓部16雙方都是金屬製的,所以卡 爪2 3與受壓部1 6在碰撞時所產生的卡嗒聲音,與習知 屬製的可撓腕部與合成樹脂製的殼體碰撞時所產生的卡 聲音相比較大。而卡止爪2 3的前端部2 3 B的面積較小 所以該卡止爪23與受壓部1 6碰撞時的應力,與習知可 腕部的板面與殼體的內側面碰撞時的應力相比較大,藉 讓碰撞時所產生的卡嗒聲音變得更大。 於是,在本實施方式的母型連接器10,藉由卡嗒 音能容易確認連接器嵌合是否正常完成。而當連接器爲 嵌合狀態時,所謂的半鎖定狀態時,不會產生卡嗒聲音 或者卡嗒聲音很小,藉此能容易地判斷連接器的未嵌合 能 〇 上述卡止爪23及受壓部16是金屬製的,在連接器 白 在 爪 置 前 圍 的 能 Ί 刖 止 金 嗒 y 撓 此 士 ru 未 狀 彼 -16- 200913401 此嵌合的狀態,能夠使該卡止爪23及受壓部1 6在其抵接 面電接觸。於是,藉由將母型連接器1 0的受壓部1 6連接 於電路基板上的對應接地電路部,則也可使對象連接器也 就是公型連接器2 0接地導通。 在將兩連接器接地導通的情況,在設置有受壓部1 6 的構件也就是金屬製的固定構件1 4 ’形成有:用來連接 到上述對應接地電路部的接地腳部’使其接地導通較佳。 藉由在固定構件1 4設置接地腳部,讓於卡止爪2 3與受壓 部1 6的接觸部分流動的雜訊訊號,從與受壓部1 6形成爲 一個構件的固定構件1 4的接地腳部,朝向電路基板上的 對應接地電路部流動。藉此’與在其他構件設置接地腳部 的情況比較,縮短了接地導通電路’所以能達成更好的防 止雜訊的方法。 在本實施方式,將公型連接器2 0的腕部形成爲可彈 性撓曲變形的可撓腕部2 2 ’將母型連接器1 0的受壓部1 6 形成爲不會彈性撓曲變形的構件’而作爲變形例’將公型 連接器側的上述腕部形成爲不會彈性撓曲變形的構件’將 母型連接器側的受壓部形成爲可彈性撓曲變形的構件也可 以。在該變形例’上述腕部的卡止爪的抵接部位’也就是 該卡止部的前端部’在受壓部的撓曲移位方向’位於:受 壓部撓曲變形時的受壓部的移位位置與自由狀態位置之間 的範圍內。 藉此,受壓部,當連接器嵌合完成時而解除彈性撓曲 而移動回復自由狀態時,在較自由狀態位置更前側的位 -17- 200913401 置,與卡止爪抵接而承受來自於該卡止爪的碰撞壓力。結 果,與本實施方式同樣的,能夠產生很大的卡嗒聲音,而 將受壓部連接於電路基板上的對應接地電路部也能使公型 連接器接地導通。而也可不只有受壓部彈性撓曲變形,讓 設置有受壓部的固定構件全體彈性撓曲變形也可以。 作爲本實施方式的其他變形例,將公型連接器的腕部 及母型連接器的受壓部雙方形成爲可彈性撓曲變形也可 以。在該變形例,連接器嵌合完成時的受壓構件與卡止爪 的抵接位置,在上述腕部及上述受壓構件的撓曲移位方 向,位於該腕部的自由狀態位置與該受壓構件的自由狀態 位置之間的範圍內。 藉此,腕部及受壓部當連接器嵌合完成時解除彈性撓 曲,而移動回復自由狀態時,該腕部及受壓部在較個別的 自由狀態位置更前側的位置,受壓部,會與卡止爪抵接而 從該卡止爪承受碰撞壓力。結果,與本實施方式同樣的, 能產生很大的卡嗒聲音,而將受壓部連接於電路基板上的 對應接地電路部而能使公型連接器接地導通。而也可讓受 壓部本身不會彈性撓曲變形,而讓設置有受壓部的固定構 件彈性撓曲變形。 在本實施方式,公型連接器具有卡止爪,母型連接器 具有鎖定部,而作爲變形例,也可作成在公型連接器設置 固定構件而讓該固定構件具有鎖定部,在母型連接器設置 腕部而讓該腕部具有卡止爪。 -18- 200913401 <第二實施方式> 在本貝s也方式’其將母型連接器的固定構件與罩殼構 件形成爲一個構件,在該方面與將固定構件與罩殼構件用 不同構件形成的第一實施方式不同。在第4圖,是顯示本 實施方式的固定構件及罩殻構件的立體圖。在本實施方 式’在與第一實施方式相同的構件,是用相同圖號而省略 說明。 如第4圖所示’在本實施方式,罩殼構件13與固定 構件1 4 ’是形成爲用一個金屬板所作成的—個構件。具 體來說’該罩殼構件1 3上的作爲母型連接器1 〇的上面的 部分’在連接器嵌合方向(箭頭A方向)前方的緣部與固定 構件1 4的朝端子排列方向延伸的部分連結。藉由將罩殼 構件1 3與固定構件1 4彎曲形成爲一個構件,讓固定構件 1 4的強度及剛性提升,並且零件數量減少,藉此能抑制 成本,而能減少零件管理的負擔。 在罩殻構件1 3上的作爲母型連接器1 〇的下面的部 分’形成有:從連接器嵌合方向前方的緣部朝該嵌合方向 突出延伸的接地片1 3 B。接地片1 3 B,在母型連接器! 〇 聿月電路基板(沒有圖示)實裝時,藉由焊接連接方式而安裝 在該電路基板上的對應接地電路部(沒有圖示),使罩殻構 件1 3接地導通。在固定構件丨4的朝端子排列方向延伸的 部分的下緣,在端子排列方向在與上述接地片1 3 B相同的 位置’形成有:朝向下方延伸的接地腳部1 4B。該接地腳 部1 4β,如第4圖所示,其前端部伸入到在接地片i 3B所 -19- 200913401 形成的孔部,與該接地片1 3 B抵接而機械性地結合。藉由 讓該前端部焊接連接於電路基板上的對應接地電路部,讓 固定構件1 4與該對應接地電路部接地導通。 罩殼構件1 3的接地片1 3 B與固定構件1 4的接地腳部 1 4 B,在電路基板上機械性地結合,所以在將該接地片 13B與接地腳部14B焊接而一體化的狀態,能與電路基板 上的對應電路部連接。藉由讓接地腳部1 4 B與接地片1 3 B 一體化結合,則與將接地腳部1 4 B與1 3 C分別與電路基 板連接的情況相比,讓接地腳部1 4 B的安裝用的面積,利 用接地片1 3 B的面積部分而增大,固定構件1 4及罩殼構 件1 3,能更堅固地固定於電路基板,所以鎖定構造的鎖 定強度增加,能良好地防止連接器彼此脫落。 本實施方式的鎖定構造本身,與第一實施方式一樣, 在本實施方式,產生很大的卡嗒聲音或使用鎖定構造的接 地導通等,能得到第一實施方式達到的上述效果。而與第 一實施方式一起說明的兩個變形例,也就是說,將公型連 接器的腕部作爲不能彈性撓曲變形的構件,將母型連接器 的受壓部形成爲可彈性撓曲變形的構件的變形例,及將公 型連接器的腕部及母型連接器的受壓部的雙方形成爲可彈 性撓曲變形的構件的變形例,當然也能適用於本實施方 式。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖是第一實施方式的母型連接器及作爲對象連接 -20- 200913401 器的公型連接器的立體圖。 第2圖是顯不第一實施方式的鎖定構造的立體圖,(A) 是連接器嵌合前及嵌合操作途中的鎖定構造的顯示圖,(B) 是嵌合完成時的鎖定購造的圖。 第3圖是第2圖(A)及第2圖(B)所示的鎖定構造的橫 剖面圖。 第4圖是顯示第二實施方式的固定構件及罩殼構件的 立體圖。 第5圖是顯示習知的連接器的鎖定構造的立體圖。 第6圖是第5圖所示的習知的連接器的鎖定構造的橫 剖面圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 〇 :母型連接器 1 1 :殼體 1 2 :端子 1 3 :罩殼構件 1 4 :固定構件 1 5 A :鎖定部 1 6 :受壓部 2 〇 :公型連接器 2 2 :可撓腕部 23 :卡止爪 -21 -200913401 IX. Description of the Invention [Technical Field] The present invention relates to an electrical connector having a locking function. [Prior Art] In the electrical connector (hereinafter simply referred to as "connector"), there is often a so-called locking structure for preventing the connectors from being detached from each other in a state in which the connectors are fitted to each other. Fig. 5 is a perspective view showing a lock structure of a conventional connector, and Fig. 6 is a cross-sectional view showing a lock structure of a conventional connector shown in Fig. 5, and Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show a locking portion 3 1 A provided in the edge of the opening portion 31 formed in the connector 30 of the female connector (not shown), for example, a card The connector that terminates in the other side is formed by bending at the front end portion of the flexible arm portion 40 that extends in the connector fitting direction (arrow X direction) provided, for example, on a male connector (not shown). The locking pawl 4 1 'and the locking structure that prevents the connectors from being disengaged from each other. This locking structure is symmetrically disposed, for example, on the outer sides of the terminals at both ends in the arrangement direction of the terminals (not shown) (the direction perpendicular to the direction of the arrow X). Here, only one of the lock structures is shown. In the 5th and 6th drawings, it is not visible. (Before the connection is connected (shown by the dotted line), during the fitting operation (with the two-dot line diagram), and when the fitting is completed (shown by the solid line) The flexible wrist portion 40 of each male connector. The locking portion 3 1 A' provided with the female connector is bent in an L-shape in the plate thickness direction, and is formed in a plate surface extending in the fitting direction of the connector. The quadrangular opening portion 3 1 ° is formed at the inner edge of the free end side of the member 30 in the four inner edges of the periphery of the opening portion 31 at -4-200913401, and functions as a male connector for the male connector The locking claw 41 of the locking claw 41 is locked. Similarly to the member 30 of the above-described male connector, the flexible arm portion 40 of the male connector is formed of a metal plate at its front end portion: a card extending from the lower edge toward the outer side of the connector Claw 4 1 . On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 6, the plate surface 40'' on the outer side of the connector of the flexible arm 40 contacts the inner side surface of the synthetic resin case 50 of the male connector. Next, the locking operation of the fitting operation of the connector will be described. First, the flexible wrist portion 40 is moved in the fitting direction X with the connector fitting operation from the position before the connector fitting shown by the broken line. When the beveled edge portion 4 1 of the locking claw 41 of the flexible arm portion 40 as the tip end portion abuts against the end portion of the member 30 of the female connector, the bevel portion 4 of the locking claw 4 1 1 A is in sliding contact with the above-mentioned end portion of the member 30 and is subjected to a reaction force ', and the plate surface of the flexible arm portion 40 is elastically flexibly deformed in a direction away from the housing 50. In other words, as shown by the two-dotted line, the distal end portion 4 1 B of the locking claw 41 abuts against the inner side surface of the member 30 and is bent toward the inner side of the connector. And by the connector fitting operation, when the front end portion 4 1 B of the locking claw 41 reaches the position of the locking portion 3 1 A of the opening portion 3 1 , the elastic deflection of the flexible wrist portion 40 is changed. The release state is released and the rear end portion 41 C of the locking claw 41 is inserted through the opening portion 31 of the member 30 to complete the connector fitting operation. As a result, the locking portion 3 I A of the member 30 locks the locking claws 4 1 in the connector pulling-out direction, so that the fitted connectors can be prevented from being separated from each other. -5-200913401 [Patent Document 1] [Disclosed] [Problem to be Solved by the Invention] In the above connector, the flexible wrist portion 40 in which the connector is fitted with the operational deflection is quickly returned to the wrist portion 4 The plate surface of 0 abuts against the inner sound of the casing 50. However, the housing is formed of a synthetic resin, and the conventional connector shown in the figure is formed by the collision of the plate surface of the metal flexible arm portion 40 with the inner side surface of the joint. The formation of the housing is softer than the texture, and the collisions with each other are flat collision pressures, resulting in the completion of the click sound. That is, in the above-described conventional connection sound, it is confirmed whether or not the connector fitting is normally completed, whether the connector is in an unfitted state or a so-called half-locked shape in the electrical connector, and the connector fitting 40 is locked. Since the claws 4 1 and the female connector are in contact with each other, the grounding conduction cannot be achieved, and the present invention is not sufficient. In view of the above circumstances, the problem is that the click sound when the connector is fitted is large, and the normal fitting is completed. And when the party that is very good at preventing noise is completed, the flexible surface is made by letting the bullet be in the state, so there is a click sound like the fifth picture and the sixth time, which is made of resin. The synthetic resin and the metal surface of the casing 50 have a large area, so that it is possible to confirm the connector inserter, and it is difficult to determine the connected state by the click sound. When finished, the wrist can be flexed without any electrical connection to prevent noise. For an electrical connector, it is easy to determine if the connector is OK. -6 - 200913401 [Means for Solving the Problem] <First Invention> The electrical connector with a locking function of the present invention is provided with terminals that are arranged and held on a casing made of an electrically insulating member And being disposed on the member to which the housing is mounted, when being engaged with the object connector having the metal flexible arm portion capable of elastically flexing and deforming, when the connector is fitted, it will be flexible The locking claw formed by the wrist is locked in the direction in which the connector is pulled out. In the electrical connector with a locking function, according to a first aspect of the invention, the electrical connector has a function of releasing the elastic deflection of the flexible wrist of the target connector when the connector is fitted, and moving the locking claw When the return to the free state, the metal pressure receiving member that receives the locking claw at the contact portion, the abutting portion of the pressure receiving member is located in the deflection displacement direction of the flexible wrist portion The range between the displacement position of the corresponding abutting portion of the locking claw and the free state position when the wrist is flexed and deformed is slidable. In the electrical connector of the structure, the abutting portion of the pressure receiving member with respect to the locking claw is located at a displacement position and a free state position of the corresponding abutting portion of the locking claw when the flexible wrist portion is flexibly deformed. In the range between the two, when the connector is fitted, the elastic deformation of the flexible wrist is released and the locking claw is moved to the return free state, and the pressure receiving member receives the collision of the locking claw. The locking claw and the pressure receiving member are made of metal, and the click sound generated when the locking claw and the pressure receiving member collide with each other when colliding with a conventional metal flexible arm portion and a synthetic resin case The resulting click sound is relatively large. The front end area of the locking claw is small, and the stress '200913401 when the locking claw collides with the pressure receiving member is larger than the stress when the plate surface of the conventional flexible wrist collides with the inner side surface of the housing. In order to make the click sound generated during the collision become larger. The locking claw and the pressure receiving member are made of metal, and the locking claw and the pressure receiving member can be electrically contacted in a state in which the connectors are fitted to each other. Thus, by connecting the pressure receiving member to the corresponding ground circuit portion on the circuit board, the object connector can also be grounded. <Second Invention> In the present invention, the pressure-receiving member of the electrical connector is elastically deformable, and the wrist portion of the target connector is not deformed by elastic deformation, and even if such a configuration is made, A large click sound can be generated, and the object connector can be grounded by connecting the pressure receiving member to the ground circuit portion. The electrical connector according to the second aspect of the present invention includes: a terminal that is arranged and held on a casing made of an electrically insulating member, and a member that is mounted on the casing, and is made of metal. When the target connector of the wrist is engaged, when the connector is fitted, the locking claw formed by the wrist is locked in the direction in which the connector is pulled out. In the second aspect of the invention, the electrical connector includes a metal pressure-receiving member that is elastically deformed and deformed by abutting against the locking claw and receiving pressure from the locking claw, and the pressure is applied. When the connector is elastically deflected and released to return to a free state when the connector is fitted, the member receives the pressure at the abutting portion, and the abutting portion of the locking claw is in the deflection displacement direction of the pressing member. Located in a range between the displacement position and the free state position of the -8-200913401 pressure member at the time of the deflection deformation of the pressure member. <Third Invention> In the present invention, both the pressure receiving member of the electrical connector and the wrist portion of the target connector may be elastically deflected and deformed, and even if such a configuration is made, a large jam can be generated. The sound can be made to be grounded by the object connector by connecting the pressure receiving member to the ground circuit portion. The electrical connector of the third aspect of the present invention is provided with: a terminal that is arranged and held on a casing made of an electrically insulating member, and a member that is mounted on the member to which the casing is mounted, and When the object connector of the elastically deflectable metal flexible wrist portion is engaged, when the connector is fitted, the locking claw formed on the flexible wrist portion is pulled in the direction in which the connector is pulled out The locking portion. According to a third aspect of the invention, the electrical connector includes: a metal pressure receiving member that abuts against the locking claw and receives pressure from the locking claw to be elastically deflected and deformed, and the pressure is applied a member that receives the pressure 'the abutting position at a contact portion with the locking claw when the flexible arm portion and the pressure receiving member are elastically deflected and released to return to a free state when the connector is fitted; The flexural displacement direction of the flexible wrist portion and the pressure receiving member is located within a range between a free state position of the flexible wrist portion and a free state position of the pressure receiving member. In the first to third inventions, it is preferable that the pressure receiving member and the lock portion are formed of a metal member as one member. As a result, the number of components is reduced, so that costs can be suppressed and the burden of parts management can be reduced. -9- 200913401 The member provided with the lock portion preferably has a grounding leg portion for connecting the corresponding ground circuit portion on the circuit board on which the electrical connector is mounted. When the grounding leg is provided in the member provided with the locking portion, the noise signal flowing in the contact portion between the locking claw and the pressure receiving member is from the member in which the locking portion is provided as a member with the pressure receiving member. The grounding leg flows to a corresponding ground circuit portion on the circuit substrate. Thereby, the ground conduction circuit can be shortened as compared with the case where the grounding leg is provided in other members, so that the method of preventing noise is better. The housing is mounted with a metal cover member having a grounding piece mounted on a ground circuit portion on the circuit substrate, the grounding plate preferably being mechanically coupled to the grounding leg portion. position. Thereby, the grounding leg portion can be integrated with the grounding piece of the casing member and welded to the corresponding circuit portion on the circuit board. As a result, by bonding the grounding leg portion to the grounding piece, the member provided with the locking portion can be firmly fixed, the locking strength can be increased, and the connector can be prevented from falling off. The member provided with the locking portion and the cover member are preferably formed as one member. Thereby, the number of parts can be reduced, the cost can be suppressed, and the burden of parts management can be reduced. [Effect of the Invention] In the first aspect of the invention, when the connector is fitted, the metal pressure-receiving member for receiving the locking claw of the metal flexible arm portion of the target connector is provided to allow the pressure The abutting portion of the member with respect to the locking claw is located in the moving direction of the locking claw, and is located between the position of the locking pawl at the time of the flexural deformation of the flexible wrist portion - the position between the position and the free state position. Therefore, when the connector fitting is completed, the elastic deflection of the flexible wrist portion is released, and when the locking claw is moved to the return free state, the metal locking claw collides with the pressure member of the same metal, so that it is generated. A large click sound can surely confirm that the connector is properly fitted by the click sound. Further, both the locking claw and the pressure receiving member are made of metal, and the locking claw and the pressure receiving member can be electrically connected in a state in which the connectors are fitted to each other, so that the pressure receiving member is connected to the corresponding ground circuit on the circuit board. In addition, by grounding the target connector, a good method of preventing noise can be achieved. According to the second invention, the pressure receiving member of the electrical connector is elastically deformable, and the wrist portion of the target connector is not elastically deformed, and the abutting portion of the locking claw with respect to the pressure receiving member is The deflection displacement direction of the pressure receiving member is in a range between the displacement position of the pressure receiving member and the free state position when the pressure receiving member is flexibly deformed, and the same effects as those of the first invention can be obtained. According to the third invention, in the case where both the pressure receiving member of the electrical connector and the wrist portion of the target connector are elastically deformable, the abutting position of the pressure receiving member and the locking member is at the wrist and is pressed. The deflection displacement direction ' of the member is located in the range between the free state position of the wrist and the free-form position of the pressure-receiving member', and the same effect as the first invention can be obtained. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. <First Embodiment> -11 - 200913401 Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing a female connector of the present invention and a male connector connected as an object. The male connector 2 is inserted into the female connector 1 〇 in the connector fitting direction (arrow A direction) to engage the two connectors. The female connector 10 0 has a male connector 20 which is formed as a target connector and which is formed by a synthetic resin made of a synthetic resin as an electrical insulator. a housing 11 of an arranging portion of the terminal, a plurality of terminals 12 arranged and held in the array portion of the housing 1 1 , a casing member 13 attached to the outside of the housing 1 1 , and a mounting member The housing 1 1 is provided with a fixing member 14 to be described later, which is disposed symmetrically on the inner sides of both ends of the cover member 13 . In the face portion of the fixing member 14 that extends in the connector fitting direction, an opening portion 15 that locks the locking claw of a male connector to be described later when the connector is fitted is formed. The female connector 1 焊接 is soldered to the circuit board (not shown) by the fixing piece 1 3 A ' which is cried from the lower end toward the connector side at both ends in the terminal arrangement direction of the casing member 13 Circuit board. The male connector 20 as the target connector is inserted into the accommodating space, and has a shape corresponding to the accommodating space 1 1 A of the female connector 10 as a part of the housing. A chisel portion 2 of approximately 1 in vitro type. In the fitting portion 2 1, a plurality of pieces (not shown) that are in contact with the terminal 12 of the female connector 1 而 are electrically connected. Both ends of the fitting portion 2 1 in the terminal arrangement direction are extended in the fitting direction of the connector, and are formed of a metal plate and arranged in a row with a thick plate. A end-to-end -12- 200913401 flexible flexure deformable wrist 2 2 . The flexible arm portion 2 2 ' has an engaging claw 23 that is bent toward the outside of the connector and protrudes. As will be described later, when the connector fitting is completed, the engaging claw 23' of the flexible arm portion 22 is locked to the opening portion 15 of the fixing member 14 of the female connector 10. In the present embodiment, the locking function of such a configuration can be prevented from being detached in the connector insertion and removal direction after the connector is fitted. Figs. 2(A) and 2(B) are perspective views showing the locking structure of the two connectors of the first embodiment, and Fig. 3 is a view of Figs. 2(A) and 2(B). A cross-sectional view of the locked structure. The lock structure as described above is symmetrically provided outside the terminals at both ends in the terminal array direction, and only one of the lock structures is shown here. Fig. 2(A) shows the front of the connector (shown by the solid line) and the middle of the fitting operation (shown by two dotted lines), and in Fig. 2(B), the display is completed. The flexible wrist portion 22 of the male connector 20 (shown in solid lines). As shown in Fig. 2 (A) and Fig. 2 (B), the fixing member 14 of the female connector 10 is made of a metal plate and bent in the thickness direction to form an L shape. The fixing member 14 has a projection-like mounting portion 1 4 A ′ which is provided at each of the upper and lower end edges extending in the connector fitting direction (the direction of the arrow A), and is fixed to the housing 1 1 by the mounting portion 1 4 A. A rectangular portion of the opening portion 15 is formed in a portion of the fixing member 14 that extends in the connector fitting direction. Among the four inner edges forming the inner circumference of the opening portion 15, the inner edge of the position on the free end side of the fixing member 14 functions as a locking claw 23 for the male connector 20. The locking portion 15A is locked. On the other hand, in the present embodiment, the fixing member 14 is rigid in such a manner that the portion extending in the direction in which the connector is fitted in the direction of the connector 13-200913401 is in contact with the locking claw 23 of the flexible arm portion 22 in the direction of the board surface ( The direction of the arrow B) does not cause rigidity to the extent of elastic deflection. The portion of the fixing member 14 that extends in the connector fitting direction is provided with a pressure receiving portion 16 formed by cutting and bending the plate surface portion. The pressure receiving portion 16 6 ' extends in the connector fitting direction. As will be described later, when the connector is fitted, the male connector 20 is received by the surface of the connector, that is, the pressure receiving surface 16A. Claw 23. As will be described later, in the direction in which the flexible portion 22 is deflected and displaced, the pressure receiving portion 16 is positioned at the distal end portion 2 3 B of the locking claw 2 3 during the flexural deformation of the flexible arm portion 22. The range between the bit position and the free state position. In the present embodiment, the rigidity of the pressure receiving portion 16 is such that the locking claws 23 of the flexible arm portion 22 abut against each other, and the rigidity is not caused to be elastically deformed in the thickness direction. In the present embodiment, the pressure receiving portion 16 is coupled to the locking portion 丨5 A by the two connecting portions 1 7 A and 17B located above and below, and as shown in Fig. 3, the connecting portions 17A and 17B in the vertical direction. The locking portion 15A and the pressure receiving portion 16 are formed as one member via the connecting portions 丨7a and 1 7B, so that the rigidity of the pressure receiving portion is improved, and the number of parts is reduced, and the cost can be suppressed. , reducing the burden of parts management. The locking portion and the pressure receiving portion are not necessarily formed as one member, and may be provided as separate members. The flexible arm portion 2 2 of the male connector 20 has a locking claw 23 that is bent at the lower edge of the flexible arm portion 2 2 and extends toward the outside of the connector at the front end portion thereof. As shown in Fig. 3, the locking claw 23 has a slanted portion 23A in front of the connector fitting -14-200913401. The locking claw 23 has a front end surface 2 3 B formed as a front end surface in the extending direction. The front end surface 2 3 B is formed to face the pressure receiving surface MA of the pressure receiving portion 16 when the connector is fitted. The locking operation of the male connector 2 嵌合 for the fitting operation of the female connector 10 will be described below. First, the flexible arm portion 20 is moved in the fitting direction A by the connector fitting operation at a position "before the fitting of the connector shown by the broken line in Fig. 3" in the second figure (A). After the beveled edge portion 2 3 A of the locking claw 2 3 of the flexible arm portion 2 2 abuts against the end portion of the fixing member 14 of the female connector, the end portion of the fixing member 14 is in sliding contact with Advancing, the flexible wrist portion 2 2 is elastically flexibly deformed in a direction away from a portion of the fixing member 14 that extends in the fitting direction A. As a result, the distal end portion 23B of the locking claw 23 abuts against the inner side surface of the fixing member 14 and is bent toward the inner side of the connector, as shown by the two-dotted line. When the distal end portion 2 3 B of the locking claw 2 3 reaches the position of the locking portion 15 A of the opening portion 15 by the connector fitting operation, the elastic bending deformation of the flexible arm portion 2 2 is released. The free state is restored and the locking claws 2 3 are inserted through the opening portion 15 of the fixing member 14 . The distal end portion 23 B of the locking claw 23 abuts against the pressure receiving surface 16A ′ of the pressure receiving portion 16 and the connector fitting operation is completed. As a result, the locking portion 15 A of the fixing member 14 locks the locking claws 2 3 in the connector pulling-out direction, so that the fitted connectors can be prevented from being separated from each other. As described above, the pressure receiving portion 16' of the male connector is located in the deflection shifting direction (arrow B direction) of the locking claw 23: the card on the deflection of the flexible wrist 22 from -15 to 200913401 The displacement position of the front end portion 23 A of the claw 23 is within the range between the state position and the state. That is, as shown in Fig. 3, in the direction of the deflection displacement of the flexible arm portion 2 2, the abutting portion of the pressure receiving portion 16 with respect to the front end portion 2 3 B of the locking portion 2 3 is also pressed. The position P of the surface 16 6 A is in the range between the displacement position Q1 of the locking claw 2 3 and the free state position Q2 at the time of the flexural deformation of the flexible arm portion 2 2 . Then, when the connector fitting is completed, the elastic deflection of the flexible connector 22 by the male connector 20 is released, and when the locking claw 23 is moved back to the free state, the locking pawl 23 is at the free state position Q2. The pressure receiving surface 16A of the pressure receiving portion 16 at the front side receives the collision of the end portion 2 3 B of the locking claw 23 at the position P. Since both the locking claw 23 and the pressure receiving portion 16 are made of metal, the click sound generated when the claw 2 3 and the pressure receiving portion 16 collide, and the flexible wrist portion and synthetic resin which are conventionally manufactured are known. The card sound generated when the manufactured housing collides is relatively large. On the other hand, when the area of the front end portion 2 3 B of the locking claws 2 3 is small, the stress when the locking claws 23 collide with the pressure receiving portion 16 is different from the case where the plate surface of the conventional wrist portion collides with the inner side surface of the casing. The stress is relatively large, and the click sound generated when the collision is made becomes larger. Therefore, in the female connector 10 of the present embodiment, it is easy to confirm whether or not the connector fitting is normally completed by the click sound. When the connector is in the fitting state, in the so-called half-lock state, the click sound is not generated or the click sound is small, so that it can be easily judged that the connector is not fitted to the locking claw 23 and The pressure receiving portion 16 is made of metal, and the connector can be placed in the front of the claw, and the yoke can be smashed. And the pressure receiving portion 16 is electrically contacted at its abutting surface. Therefore, by connecting the pressure receiving portion 16 of the female connector 10 to the corresponding ground circuit portion on the circuit board, the target connector, that is, the male connector 20, can be grounded. In the case where the two connectors are grounded, the member provided with the pressure receiving portion 16, that is, the metal fixing member 14' is formed with a grounding leg for connecting to the corresponding ground circuit portion to be grounded. Conduction is preferred. By providing the grounding leg portion in the fixing member 14, the noise signal flowing between the locking portion of the locking claw 23 and the pressure receiving portion 16 is formed as a fixing member 14 formed as a member from the pressure receiving portion 16. The grounding leg flows toward the corresponding ground circuit portion on the circuit board. Therefore, the grounding conduction circuit is shortened as compared with the case where the grounding leg is provided in other members, so that a better method for preventing noise can be achieved. In the present embodiment, the wrist portion of the male connector 20 is formed into a flexible arm portion 2 2 which is elastically deflectable and deformable. The pressure receiving portion 16 of the female connector 10 is formed so as not to be elastically deflected. The deformed member' is a modified example. The wrist portion on the male connector side is formed as a member that does not elastically deform and deforms. The pressure receiving portion on the female connector side is formed as a member that is elastically deformable. can. In the modification "the abutting portion of the locking claw of the wrist portion", that is, the front end portion ' of the locking portion in the deflection displacement direction of the pressure receiving portion is located at the time of the bending deformation of the pressure receiving portion The range between the displacement position of the part and the position of the free state. As a result, when the connector is engaged and the elastic deformation is released and the return to the free state is reached, the pressure receiving portion is placed at the position -17-200913401 on the front side of the free state position, and is brought into contact with the locking claw to receive the The collision pressure of the claws of the card. As a result, similarly to the present embodiment, a large click sound can be generated, and the male connector can be grounded by connecting the pressure receiving portion to the corresponding ground circuit portion on the circuit board. Further, the pressure receiving portion may be elastically flexibly deformed, and the entire fixing member provided with the pressure receiving portion may be elastically deflected and deformed. As another modification of the embodiment, both the wrist portion of the male connector and the pressure receiving portion of the female connector may be formed to be elastically bendable. In this modification, the contact position between the pressure receiving member and the locking claw when the connector is fitted is located in the free state position of the wrist portion and the direction in which the wrist portion and the pressure receiving member are deflected and displaced. The range between the free state positions of the compression members. Thereby, the wrist portion and the pressure receiving portion are released from the elastic deflection when the connector is fitted, and when the movement is restored to the free state, the wrist portion and the pressure receiving portion are at the front side of the individual free state position, and the pressure receiving portion is pressed. It will abut against the locking claw and receive the collision pressure from the locking claw. As a result, similarly to the present embodiment, a large click sound can be generated, and the pressure receiving portion can be connected to the corresponding ground circuit portion on the circuit board to electrically connect the male connector to the ground. Further, the pressure receiving portion itself is not elastically deformed, and the fixing member provided with the pressure receiving portion is elastically deformed. In the present embodiment, the male connector has a locking claw, and the female connector has a locking portion, and as a modification, a fixing member may be provided in the male connector to allow the fixing member to have a locking portion, in the female type. The connector sets the wrist so that the wrist has a locking claw. -18-200913401 <Second Embodiment> In the present invention, the fixing member and the casing member of the female connector are formed as one member, and in this respect, the fixing member and the casing member are different. The first embodiment of the formation of the components is different. Fig. 4 is a perspective view showing the fixing member and the casing member of the embodiment. In the present embodiment, the same members as those in the first embodiment are denoted by the same reference numerals and will not be described. As shown in Fig. 4, in the present embodiment, the casing member 13 and the fixing member 14' are formed as one member made of one metal plate. Specifically, 'the upper portion of the cover member 1 3 as the upper portion of the female connector 1 ′' extends in the connector fitting direction (the direction of the arrow A) and the direction in which the fixing member 14 extends toward the terminal. Part of the link. By bending the casing member 13 and the fixing member 14 into one member, the strength and rigidity of the fixing member 14 are improved, and the number of parts is reduced, whereby the cost can be suppressed, and the burden of parts management can be reduced. A portion of the lower surface of the casing member 13 which is a female connector 1 ’ is formed with a grounding piece 1 3 B projecting from the edge portion in front of the connector fitting direction toward the fitting direction. Grounding strip 1 3 B, in the female connector! When the circuit board (not shown) is mounted, the corresponding ground circuit portion (not shown) mounted on the circuit board is soldered to ground the case member 13 to be grounded. In the lower edge of the portion of the fixing member 4 extending in the terminal arrangement direction, a grounding leg portion 14B extending downward is formed at the same position as the grounding piece 13b in the terminal arrangement direction. As shown in Fig. 4, the grounding leg portion 14β extends into the hole portion formed by the grounding piece i3B at -19-200913401, and is mechanically coupled to the grounding piece 13b. The fixing member 14 is grounded to the corresponding grounding circuit portion by soldering the front end portion to the corresponding grounding circuit portion on the circuit board. The grounding piece 1 3 B of the casing member 13 and the grounding leg portion 1 4 B of the fixing member 14 are mechanically coupled to the circuit board, so that the grounding piece 13B and the grounding leg portion 14B are welded and integrated. The state can be connected to a corresponding circuit portion on the circuit board. By integrally connecting the grounding leg portion 1 4 B and the grounding strip 1 3 B, the grounding leg portion 1 4 B is compared with the case where the grounding leg portions 14B and 1 3C are respectively connected to the circuit board. The area for mounting is increased by the area of the grounding strip 1 3 B, and the fixing member 14 and the cover member 13 can be more firmly fixed to the circuit board. Therefore, the locking strength of the locking structure is increased, and the shielding structure can be prevented well. The connectors fall off each other. In the lock structure itself of the present embodiment, as in the first embodiment, in the present embodiment, a large click sound or a ground conduction using a lock structure is generated, and the above-described effects achieved by the first embodiment can be obtained. In the two variants described together with the first embodiment, that is, the wrist of the male connector is used as a member that cannot be flexibly deformed, and the pressed portion of the female connector is formed to be elastically deflectable. A modified example of the deformed member and a modified example in which both the wrist portion of the male connector and the pressure receiving portion of the female connector are formed into elastically bendable members can be applied to the present embodiment. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing a female connector of the first embodiment and a male connector as a target connection -20-200913401. Fig. 2 is a perspective view showing a lock structure of the first embodiment, (A) is a display view of a lock structure before and during a fitting operation, and (B) is a lock-up when the fitting is completed. Figure. Fig. 3 is a cross-sectional view showing the lock structure shown in Figs. 2(A) and 2(B). Fig. 4 is a perspective view showing the fixing member and the casing member of the second embodiment. Fig. 5 is a perspective view showing a locking structure of a conventional connector. Fig. 6 is a cross-sectional view showing the lock structure of the conventional connector shown in Fig. 5. [Description of main component symbols] 1 〇: female connector 1 1 : housing 1 2 : terminal 1 3 : cover member 1 4 : fixing member 1 5 A : locking portion 1 6 : pressure receiving portion 2 〇: male type Connector 2 2 : Flexible wrist 23 : locking claw 21 -