200821762 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於一種控制表面污毕之古 )木乏方法。該方法在自一 位於一 ^由真空室中之表面移除錫方面具有特別用途。 【先前技術】 微影係半導體裝置製作中一重要f 里晋表%步驟。概括而言, 在微影中將一電路設計藉由一成像於、、步 风1豕於沈積於該晶圓表面上200821762 IX. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION: TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a method for controlling surface fouling. This method has particular utility in removing tin from a surface located in a vacuum chamber. [Prior Art] An important step in the fabrication of lithography semiconductor devices is the % step. In summary, in a lithography, a circuit design is deposited on the surface of the wafer by an image, a step, and a step.
各種刻钱與沈積製程,隨後-新設計被轉移至該晶圓表 面。此循環製程繼續進行,從而形成該半導體裝置之多個 層0 在用於製造半導體裝置之微影製程中,有利地使用極短 波長輻射以改良光學解析度,從而可準確地複製裝置中之 極小形體。於先前技術中,已使用多種波長之單色可見 光,且最近已使用深紫外光(DUV)範圍中之輕射,其中包 含248 nm、193 nm及157 mn之輻射。為進一步改良光學解 析度,亦已建議使用極遠紫外光(EUV)範圍内之輻射,其 中包含13.5 nm之幸畐射。 EUV輕射於大氣壓下具有穿過所有材料與氣體之較差可 透射性,且因此多數位於微影工具中之機械、電及光學裝 置必須於一高純度真空環境中操作。該EUV輻射源通常容 納於一田比鄰該微影工具定位之室中。為將該輻射源自該微 影工具隔離’經常使用一通常由錯、鎳或石夕製成之薄猪作 為一透過其向該微影工具中透射EUV輻射之窗口。除將此 122079.doc 200821762 工具自ϋ射源分離外,該料可藉由限制電軸射頻率之 頻寬進入該工具而擔當—光譜純度過遽器。 該EUV輕射源可基於錫、鐘或氣之激勵。-電漿係藉由 放電或藉由強雷射照射來激發乾材料而產生於該乾材料。 起初,曾使用氣作為乾材料,且產生出衆多基於氣之謂 源,然而由於氣僅具有約1%之能量轉換效率,故需要極 高功率之雷射或高能量放電來為該微影工具提供充足之 EUV輻射。 為使刪微影系統更可達成,可使用具有至少雙倍於氤 之能量轉換效率的錫作為EUV輻射源之輕材料。然而,使 用錫作為㈣料導致自源巾釋放料4,例如高速錫離 子、中性錫原子及錫粒子簇。該碎屑可聚集在諸如多層鏡 等丽輻射源光學元件之表面上,該等光學元件位於室中 以用於由該源產生之Euv輻射引導至該spf。該等光學元 件上方形成一錫層將降低該等元件之效用,從而導致照射 降低及隨之而發生的工具生產力之損失。例如,一具有約 1 nm厚度之錫層可使—多層鏡之反射率降低約1〇%=由於 該等光學70件之高成本,故更換其始終非合意,且在衆多 情況下完全不切實際。 -種自EUV源光學元件之表面移除錫沈積物之已知方法 闡釋於W02006/020080中。在該方法中,藉由與諸如 HBr、HC卜C14Br2等氣態鹵化物反應以形成揮發性錫 (IV)_化物來移除錫沈積物。然後可藉由用於抽空該室之 真空录送系統自該等光學元件中D即送出該等_化錫。一伴 122079.doc 200821762 隨使用諸如HC1及等氣態物質之問題係該等物質係高腐 蝕性,且將侵蝕該室内及該泵送系統内之金屬表面,尤其 是該泵送系統之鋁組件之表面,從而導致其過早損壞。若 有水蒸汽存在,則該問題將更加嚴重,因其可將金屬函化 物轉化為隨後進一步侵餘該室及該果送系統之金屬組件的 酸性混合物。 【發明内容】 本發明提供一種自一位於經抽真空室内之表面移除錫之 方法’該方法系包括向該表面提供_有機錫函化物供與錫 反應以形成一有機錫_化物。 因此,本發明藉由如下方式避免將腐錄鹵化物或函化 口物引入。亥抽真空室内或避免在該室内或一用於抽空該室 之泵送系統内產生此類化合物:將一具有通式rx之有機 錫i化物供應至該表面,其中R代表有機基團(例如一烷 基)且X代表i素。該錫與該有機錫_化物之間的反應可寫 作: 2RX + Sn R2SnX2 立而視表面之條件’當將一烷基_化物供應至該表面時, 本反應亦可產生二燒基單齒化錫及痕量烧基三函化锡。所 有孩一種反應產物均極具揮發性,且可易於藉由該泵送系 Ά自至Θ移除而不腐#該室之金屬表面或該泵送系統之金 屬表面。 本^明尤其適於自位於用於產生EUV輻射之裝置之抽真 二至内諸如多層鏡、掠入射鏡或光譜純度過濾器等極遠 122079.doc 200821762 糸外光(EUV)源光學元件之表面上移除錫,且因此本發明 亦提供自一位於一抽真空室内之極遠紫外光(EUV)源光學 元件之表面上原位移除錫之方法,該方法包括將一有機錫 鹵化物供應至該表面供與錫反應,以形成一有機錫齒化物 之步驟。 遠有機錫鹵化物與該錫沈積物之間的反應可在1 5〇至 200 C範圍内的溫度下進行。該等溫度可在EUV源光學元 件中例行地產生,且因此該加熱可在裝置已被關閉時用於 推動反應。因此,可在該EUV源產生EUV輻射後將該有機 錫鹵化物供應至該表面。由於該EUV源產生之Euv輻射可 激活該錫沈積物與該有機錫函化物之間的反應,故在該 EUV源產生EUV輻射期間,可替代地或另外地將該有機錫 鹵化物供應至該表面。 可使用一紫外(UV)光源(例如汞燈),或自EUV源之電極 產生之UV輻射以光活化該反應,或者可藉由來自一電子 搶之電子以電活化該反應。電子搶之使用可特別(但非排 他地)適於激活一光譜純度過濾器之表面,以促進該有機 錫i化物與位於其表面之錫沈積物發生反應。 較佳地,該有機錫鹵化物夾帶於一載體氣體(例如氮戋 氬)中供應至該抽真空室内。較佳地,將一氣態有機錫齒 化物透過一限流孔供應至一載體氣體流,同時,較佳地將 一氣化之液體有機錫_化物透過一擴散管供應至該載體氣 體流。該兩種供應技術均可使-已知量之氣態或氣化有: 錫#化物與一載體氣體混合,而無與直接注入或藉由習用 122079.doc 200821762 夤s流ϊ控制器控制相關聯之問題。 較佳地,由一消減系統處理由該泵送系統自該抽真空室 抽出之氣體流’以自其中移除任何有機錫_化物。 本發明進一步提供用於產生極遠紫外光(EUV)輻射之 裝置,該裝置包括:-錫EUV源;—t,其容納至少一個 光學兀件以用於將該錫Euv源產生之Euv輻射引導至離開 該室之出口;至少一個用於抽空該室之真空泵;及供應構 件,其用於向該室供應一有機錫鹵化物供與沈積於該至少 一個光學凡件上的錫反應以形成一有機錫_化物。 上述關於本發明方法態樣之特徵同樣適用於設備態樣, 反之亦然。 【實施方式】 舉例而&,現將參考附圖進一步闡釋本發明之一實施 例,該圖示意性地闡明一用於產生極遠紫外光(euv)輻射 之叙置之一實例。該裝置包含一室丨〇,其含有或與一 Euv 輻射源12介接。該EUV源12可為一放電電漿源或一雷射產 生電聚源。在放電電漿源中,於兩個電極之間的一介質中 發生放電作用,且一由該放電作用產生之電漿發出euv輻 射。在雷射產生電漿源中,一聚焦於一靶上之強雷射光束 將該靶轉化為一電漿。在此裝置中,用於放電電漿源或用 作雷射產生電漿源之靶之介質係錫,其以約13·5 之波 長且用較氙更高之能量轉換效率輻射EUV輻射。 將室10中產生之EUV輻射提供至一微影工具之一室(未 圖不)中,該室經由(例如)一或多個形成於室1〇之壁中之窗 122079.doc 200821762 …光學方式鏈接或連接至室1〇。該室容納一微影工 具,該微影工具將一EUV輻射光束投射至一遮罩或光罩 上,以便選擇性地照射一基板(例如一半導體晶圓)之表面 上之光阻劑。可由一光譜純度過濾器0PF)提供窗口 Η, ' 帛光譜純度過濾器包括-通常由錯、鎳或矽形成的極薄之 . 帛’以用於將刪輻射透射至微影工具室中同時阻止污染 物自该至ίο進入該微影工具室中。為將£1;¥源12產生之 ( Euv輕射引導至SPF 14,室10容納一個或多個EUV源光學 凡件16,其在本實施例中係由至少一個多層鏡(ML⑷提 供。每個多層鏡包括複數個層,每一層自底部起均包含一 第一鉬層與一第二矽層。一通常由釕形成之金屬層可形成 於每個MLM之上表面上以改良該MLM之财氧化性,同時 大致上反射所有入射於其上之Ευν輕射。 由於EUV射線穿過多數氣體之較差可透射性,提供一包 括真空泵18、20之真空泵送系統以於室1〇内產生真空。鑒 於可能存在於室10中之多種混雜氣體與污染物,在此實施 例中該泵送系統包括輸送泵18、2〇,例如一渦輪分子泵, 其可由一粗抽泵(未圖示)支援。 在該EUV輻射產生期間,錫EUV源12亦可係一錫碎屑 源。自EUV源12射出之高速錫離子、中性錫原子及錫粒子 簇可聚集於SPF 14及EUV源光學元件16之表面上以於該等 表面上形成一錫層。該等錫層可降低此等光學元件之效 用,從而致使降低對一位於該微影工具室中晶圓之照射及 隨之發生的工具生產力之損失。 122079.doc 10 200821762 雲於此’該裝置具有一系統,其用於向spF 14及光學元 件16之表面上供一有機錫函化物供與位於該等表面上之锡 反應以產生一有機錫_化物,該有機錫鹵化物具有通式 RX,其中R係一有機基團且X係一 _素。該有機基團可係 一烷基,例如甲基、乙基、丙基、丁基或苯基或其一異構 物,且該_素可係氯、溴及碘中之一者。一個實例係 ,其與錫反應產生。端視光學元件丨4、Various engraving and deposition processes were followed, and the new design was transferred to the wafer surface. The recycling process continues to form a plurality of layers of the semiconductor device. In the lithography process for fabricating a semiconductor device, very short wavelength radiation is advantageously used to improve optical resolution, thereby accurately replicating the device. Form. In the prior art, monochromatic visible light of various wavelengths has been used, and light shots in the deep ultraviolet (DUV) range have recently been used, including radiation of 248 nm, 193 nm, and 157 mn. To further improve the optical resolution, it has also been proposed to use radiation in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) range, which includes a 13.5 nm fortunate shot. EUV light shots have poor transmission through all materials and gases at atmospheric pressure, and therefore most mechanical, electrical, and optical devices located in lithography tools must operate in a high purity vacuum environment. The EUV radiation source is typically housed in a room adjacent to the location of the lithography tool. To isolate the radiation from the lithography tool, a thin pig, usually made of erroneous, nickel or sapphire, is often used as a window through which EUV radiation is transmitted through the lithography tool. In addition to separating the 122079.doc 200821762 tool from the source, the material can be used as a spectral purity filter by limiting the bandwidth of the electrical axis to the frequency. The EUV light source can be based on the excitation of tin, clock or gas. - The plasma is produced from the dry material by firing or by exciting a dry material by strong laser irradiation. At first, gas was used as a dry material, and many sources based on gas were produced. However, since gas has only about 1% energy conversion efficiency, a very high power laser or high energy discharge is required for the lithography tool. Provide sufficient EUV radiation. To make the lithography system more achievable, tin having at least twice the energy conversion efficiency of erbium can be used as the light material for the EUV radiation source. However, the use of tin as the (four) material results in the release of material 4 from the source, such as high speed tin ions, neutral tin atoms, and tin particle clusters. The debris may collect on the surface of a radiant source optical element, such as a multilayer mirror, which is located in the chamber for directing Ev radiation generated by the source to the spf. The formation of a tin layer over the optical components will reduce the effectiveness of the components, resulting in reduced illumination and consequent loss of tool productivity. For example, a tin layer having a thickness of about 1 nm can reduce the reflectivity of the multilayer mirror by about 1%. Because of the high cost of the optical 70 pieces, it is always undesirable to replace it, and in many cases it is completely uncut. actual. A known method for removing tin deposits from the surface of an EUV source optical element is illustrated in WO2006/020080. In this method, tin deposits are removed by reacting with a gaseous halide such as HBr, HC, C14Br2, etc. to form a volatile tin (IV). The tin can then be delivered from the optical elements by means of a vacuum recording system for evacuating the chamber. A companion 122079.doc 200821762 The problem with the use of gaseous substances such as HC1 and the like is that these materials are highly corrosive and will attack the metal surfaces in the chamber and the pumping system, especially the aluminum components of the pumping system. The surface causes its premature damage. This problem is exacerbated if water vapor is present as it converts the metallization into an acidic mixture that subsequently engulfs the chamber and the metal components of the fruit delivery system. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides a method for removing tin from a surface in an evacuated chamber. The method includes providing an organic tin complex to the surface for reaction with tin to form an organotin compound. Therefore, the present invention avoids the introduction of a rotting halide or a functionalized substance by the following means. Evacuating the chamber or avoiding the production of such compounds in the chamber or in a pumping system for evacuating the chamber: an organotin compound having the formula rx is supplied to the surface, wherein R represents an organic group (eg, Monoalkyl) and X represents i. The reaction between the tin and the organotin compound can be written as: 2RX + Sn R2SnX2 Depending on the surface condition 'When a monoalkyl group is supplied to the surface, the reaction can also produce a two-burning single-toothing Tin and trace amount of tri-functional tin. All of the reaction products of the child are extremely volatile and can be easily removed from the metal surface of the chamber or the metal surface of the pumping system by the pumping system. The present invention is particularly suitable for use in the extraction of the device for generating EUV radiation, such as multilayer mirrors, grazing incidence mirrors or spectral purity filters, etc. 122079.doc 200821762 external light (EUV) source optical components The tin is removed from the surface, and thus the present invention also provides a method of in situ removal of tin from the surface of an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) source optical component located in a vacuum chamber, the method comprising: disposing an organotin halide The step of supplying to the surface for reaction with tin to form an organotin dentate. The reaction between the far organotin halide and the tin deposit can be carried out at a temperature ranging from 15 Å to 200 C. These temperatures can be routinely generated in the EUV source optical element, and thus the heating can be used to push the reaction when the device has been turned off. Thus, the organotin halide can be supplied to the surface after the EUV source produces EUV radiation. Since the Euv radiation generated by the EUV source activates the reaction between the tin deposit and the organotin complex, the organotin halide may alternatively or additionally be supplied to the EUV source during EUV radiation generation. surface. The reaction may be activated by light using an ultraviolet (UV) light source (e.g., a mercury lamp), or UV radiation generated from an electrode of the EUV source, or may be electrically activated by electrons from an electron. The use of electrons can be particularly (but not exclusively) suitable for activating the surface of a spectral purity filter to promote the reaction of the organotin with the tin deposits on its surface. Preferably, the organotin halide is supplied to the evacuation chamber in a carrier gas such as nitrogen helium. Preferably, a gaseous organotin tooth is supplied to a carrier gas stream through a restriction orifice, and preferably a vaporized liquid organotin is supplied to the carrier gas stream through a diffusion tube. Both supply technologies enable - a known amount of gas or gasification: tin compound is mixed with a carrier gas, and is not associated with direct injection or by conventional 122079.doc 200821762 夤s rogue controller control The problem. Preferably, the gas stream drawn from the evacuation chamber by the pumping system is treated by a subtractive system to remove any organotin from it. The invention further provides a device for generating extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation, the device comprising: a tin-electron EUV source; - t, which houses at least one optical element for directing Euv radiation generated by the tin Euv source And an outlet for leaving the chamber; at least one vacuum pump for evacuating the chamber; and a supply member for supplying an organotin halide to the chamber for reacting with tin deposited on the at least one optical member to form a Organotin - compound. The above features relating to the method aspect of the invention are equally applicable to the device aspect and vice versa. [Embodiment] By way of example, an embodiment of the present invention will now be further explained with reference to the accompanying drawings, which schematically illustrates an example of a description for generating extreme ultraviolet (euv) radiation. The device includes a chamber containing or interfacing with an Euv radiation source 12. The EUV source 12 can be a discharge plasma source or a laser to generate an electrical source. In the discharge plasma source, a discharge occurs in a medium between the two electrodes, and a plasma generated by the discharge emits euv radiation. In a laser generated plasma source, a strong laser beam focused on a target converts the target into a plasma. In this apparatus, the medium used for the discharge plasma source or the target used as the source of the laser to generate the plasma source is tin, which emits EUV radiation at a wavelength of about 13.5 and with a higher energy conversion efficiency. The EUV radiation generated in chamber 10 is provided to a chamber (not shown) of a lithography tool that is optically formed, for example, by one or more windows 122079.doc 200821762 ... formed in the wall of chamber 1 Way to link or connect to room 1〇. The chamber houses a lithography tool that projects an EUV radiation beam onto a mask or reticle to selectively illuminate the photoresist on the surface of a substrate, such as a semiconductor wafer. The window Η can be provided by a spectral purity filter (PFF), which includes - very thin, usually formed of erroneous, nickel or niobium. 帛' is used to transmit the etched radiation into the lithography tool chamber while preventing Contaminants enter the lithography tool room from this to ίο. To generate the £1; source 12 (the Euv light is directed to the SPF 14, the chamber 10 houses one or more EUV source optical components 16, which in this embodiment are provided by at least one multilayer mirror (ML(4). Each The multilayer mirror includes a plurality of layers, each layer including a first molybdenum layer and a second tantalum layer from the bottom. A metal layer generally formed of tantalum may be formed on the upper surface of each MLM to improve the MLM. Oxidation, while substantially reflecting all Ευν light shots incident on it. Due to the poor transmissivity of EUV rays through most gases, a vacuum pumping system including vacuum pumps 18, 20 is provided to create a vacuum in chamber 1 In view of the various miscellaneous gases and contaminants that may be present in chamber 10, in this embodiment the pumping system includes a transfer pump 18, 2, such as a turbomolecular pump, which may be a rough pump (not shown) Support. During the EUV radiation generation, the tin EUV source 12 can also be a source of tin debris. High-speed tin ions, neutral tin atoms, and tin particle clusters emitted from the EUV source 12 can be concentrated on the SPF 14 and EUV source optical components. The surface of 16 is shaped on the surface a tin layer that reduces the effectiveness of such optical components, thereby reducing the loss of exposure to a wafer located in the lithography tool room and consequent loss of tool productivity. 122079.doc 10 200821762 The apparatus has a system for supplying an organotin complex to the surface of the spF 14 and the optical element 16 for reaction with tin on the surfaces to produce an organotin compound, the organotin halide Having the formula RX, wherein R is an organic group and X is a mono--. The organic group may be a monoalkyl group such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl or phenyl or a isomer thereof And the _ element may be one of chlorine, bromine and iodine. One example is that it reacts with tin to produce an end-view optical element 丨4,
16之表面條件,該反應亦可產生三烷基單鹵化錫及痕量烷 基三鹵化錫。 所有該等反應產物極具揮發性,且因此可易於由真空泵 18、20抽走。然而,由於該等反應產物各自具有某種程度 之毒性,故提供一消減裝置22以用於自導管24接納一來自 真空泵18、20之氣體流排氣,且用於自該氣體流中移除有 機錫i化物。一合適之消減裝置22之實例係一由b〇c Edwards生產的氣體反應塔(GRC) 〇 該有機錫鹵化物透過室入口 26進入室1〇。較佳地,將該 有機錫鹵化物夾帶於一載體氣體(例如氮或氬)中供應至該 真空室’ I因此在此實例中,該用於向該室1〇中供應有機 錫鹵化物之系、统包含一載I氣體源28(在此示例中係鎳)及 -用於控制將該載體氣體供應至㈣之速率㈣量流量控 鹵化物,則該有機錫函化物 控制器30輸出之載體氣體流 機錫鹵化物,則該有機錫鹵 入該載體氣體流。可提供一 制器3 0。若使用一氣態有機錫 透過一限流孔進入自質量流量 中,而若使用一低彿點液體有 化物被氣化且透過一擴散管$ 122079.doc 11 200821762 第二質量流量控制器32以控制該有機錫鹵化物供應至該载 體氣體流之速率。 可於-導管36内設置一切換閥34以便將有機錫齒化物與 載體氣體之流供應至室入口 26。此舉可使得能夠在如下情 形中有選擇地將該流沿一室旁路導管38轉向至消減裝^ 22 :當不需要將有機錫鹵化物供應至室1〇時,例如當無錫 碎肩正自該EUV源產生時,及/或當室1〇内之條件;^於 錫與有機錫i化物之間的反應時。有機錫虐化物與錫之間 的反應可在15(TC至200。〇範圍内之溫度下進行,且該等溫 度可於該裝置之使關間在1學元件16中例行地產生。Z 此,在EUM12產生EUV輻射之後,可切換闊⑽將該有 機錫齒化物供應至室10。此夕卜,由於Euv#i2產生之EM 輻射可激活錫沈積物與有_幽化物之間的反應,在麟 源12產生EUV輕射期間可切換閥34以將有機錫鹵化物供應 至室1〇。亦可藉由在室10内提供一紫外(uv)光源(例如一 汞燈),或自該EUV源之電極產生之^^輻The surface condition of 16 also produces a trialkyltin monohalide and a trace amount of alkyltin trihalide. All of these reaction products are extremely volatile and therefore can be easily withdrawn by vacuum pumps 18,20. However, since each of the reaction products is somewhat toxic, a abatement device 22 is provided for receiving a gas stream from the vacuum pump 18, 20 from the conduit 24 and for removing from the gas stream. Organotin i. An example of a suitable abatement device 22 is a gas reaction column (GRC) manufactured by b〇c Edwards. The organotin halide enters the chamber 1 through the chamber inlet 26. Preferably, the organotin halide is entrained in a carrier gas (e.g., nitrogen or argon) to the vacuum chamber 'I. In this example, the organotin halide is supplied to the chamber. The system includes an I gas source 28 (in this example, nickel) and a rate (four) amount of flow control halide for controlling the supply of the carrier gas to (4), and the organic tin functional controller 30 outputs The carrier gas streamer is tin halide, and the organotin is halogenated into the carrier gas stream. A controller 30 can be provided. If a gaseous organotin is used to pass through a restriction orifice into the mass flow, and if a low-point liquid is used, the liquid is vaporized and passed through a diffusion tube. The second mass flow controller 32 is controlled. The rate at which the organotin halide is supplied to the carrier gas stream. A switching valve 34 can be provided in the conduit 36 to supply the flow of organotin toothing and carrier gas to the chamber inlet 26. This may enable the flow to be selectively diverted along the one-pass bypass conduit 38 to the abatement assembly 22 when the organic tin halide is not required to be supplied to the chamber 1 , such as when the tin-free shoulder is being From the time when the EUV source is generated, and/or when it is in the chamber 1; when it is reacted between tin and the organotin compound. The reaction between the organotin and the tin can be carried out at a temperature in the range of 15 (TC to 200 Å), and such temperatures can be routinely produced in the 1 element 16 between the devices. Thus, after the EUM 12 generates EUV radiation, the organotin toothing can be switched to (10) to supply the chamber 10. In this case, the EM radiation generated by the Euv #i2 activates the reaction between the tin deposit and the _ sinter The valve 34 can be switched to supply the organotin halide to the chamber 1 during the EUV light generation of the Lin source 12. The ultraviolet (uv) source (eg, a mercury lamp) can also be provided in the chamber 10, or The electrode generated by the electrode of the EUV source
-pF c犯圍内之溫度。亦可使用一電子搶或藉由使用一或多個 加熱元件在該等表面產生該等溫度。 【圖式簡單說明】 回八1±地圖解說明一用於產生極遠紫外光(EUV)輻射 之裝置之實例。 【主要元件符號說明】 10 室 122079.doc -12- 200821762 12 EUV 源-pF c commits the temperature inside. The temperature can also be generated on the surfaces using an electronic grab or by using one or more heating elements. [Simple description of the diagram] Back to eight 1 ± map illustrates an example of a device for generating extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation. [Main component symbol description] 10 rooms 122079.doc -12- 200821762 12 EUV source
14 SPF 16 光學元件 18 真空泵 20 真空泵 22 消減裝置 24 導管 26 入口 28 載體氣體源 30 質量流量控制器 32 質量流量控制器 34 切換閥 36 導管 38 室旁路導管 122079.doc -1314 SPF 16 optics 18 vacuum pump 20 vacuum pump 22 abatement device 24 conduit 26 inlet 28 carrier gas source 30 mass flow controller 32 mass flow controller 34 switching valve 36 conduit 38 chamber bypass conduit 122079.doc -13