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Publication number
DK151303B DK369778AA DK369778A DK151303B DK 151303 B DK151303 B DK 151303B DK 369778A A DK369778A A DK 369778AA DK 369778 A DK369778 A DK 369778A DK 151303 B DK151303 B DK 151303B
Prior art keywords
guide rail
Prior art date
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Danish (da)
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DK151303C (en
DK369778A (en
Kurt Ove Goeran Joensson
Original Assignee
Frisco Findus Ag
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Frisco Findus Ag filed Critical Frisco Findus Ag
Publication of DK369778A publication Critical patent/DK369778A/en
Publication of DK151303B publication Critical patent/DK151303B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK151303C publication Critical patent/DK151303C/en



    • B65G17/00Conveyors having an endless traction element, e.g. a chain, transmitting movement to a continuous or substantially-continuous load-carrying surface or to a series of individual load-carriers; Endless-chain conveyors in which the chains form the load-carrying surface
    • B65G17/02Conveyors having an endless traction element, e.g. a chain, transmitting movement to a continuous or substantially-continuous load-carrying surface or to a series of individual load-carriers; Endless-chain conveyors in which the chains form the load-carrying surface comprising a load-carrying belt attached to or resting on the traction element
    • B65G2201/00Indexing codes relating to handling devices, e.g. conveyors, characterised by the type of product or load being conveyed or handled
    • B65G2201/02Articles


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Structure Of Belt Conveyors (AREA)
  • Framework For Endless Conveyors (AREA)
  • Belt Conveyors (AREA)
  • Escalators And Moving Walkways (AREA)
  • Chain Conveyers (AREA)
  • Rollers For Roller Conveyors For Transfer (AREA)
  • Enzymes And Modification Thereof (AREA)


i 151303in 151303

Opfindelsen angår en transportør-elevator omfattende et endeløst bånd, der passerer over to sæt vendeskiver, og som ved hver side er understøttet af et antal ruller, der samvirker med en skrå føreskinne 5 på en sådan måde, at de ruller skiftevis på over- og på undersiden af føreskinnen der har voksende højde i overgangen mellem en vandret, nedre del og en skrå midterdel og aftagende højde i overgangen mellem den skrå midterdel og en vandret, øvre del.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The invention relates to a conveyor elevator comprising an endless belt passing over two sets of turning discs, which are supported on each side by a plurality of rollers cooperating with an inclined guide rail 5 in such a way that they alternately roll over and over on the underside of the guide rail having increasing height in the transition between a horizontal, lower portion and a sloping middle portion and decreasing height in the transition between the sloping middle portion and a horizontal upper portion.

10 Med et sådant transportbånd er det muligt at transportere varer ad en bane der danner en vinkel i forhold til vandret, idet båndets transportflade ved den skiftevis placering af rullerne på over- og undersiden af den skrå føreskinne bringes til at danne i 15 hovedsagen vandrette trin, som varen kan ligge på, medens trinnet bevæger sig skråt opad.With such a conveyor belt, it is possible to transport goods along a web forming an angle to the horizontal, in that the conveying surface of the belt at the alternate placement of the rollers on the top and bottom of the inclined guide rail is formed in substantially horizontal steps. on which the item may lie, while the step is moving upward.

En sådan teknik er kendt fra rullende trapper som f.eks. beskrevet i DE 118 374. Den her beskrevne teknik er imidlertid ret kompliceret, idet den for-20 udsætter forskellig udformning af bærerullerne og disses bæreaksler alt efter om disse skal bevæge sig på undersiden eller på oversiden af den skrå føreskinne, hvis opbygning også er forskellig på oversiden og på undersiden, idet hver side er specielt udformet til at 25 føre netop de af rullerne, der er beregnet til at rulle langs den pågældende side. Forskelligheden består især i, at rullerne, der skal bevæge sig langs føreskinnens underside, er forsynet med en udragende akselende, der griber ind i en langs føreskinnens un-30 derside løbende not og ved dette indgreb ledes til føreskinnens underside.Such a technique is known from rolling stairs, e.g. described in DE 118 374. However, the technique described here is rather complicated in that it requires different designs of the support rollers and their supporting axes depending on whether they are to move on the underside or on the upper side of the inclined guide rail, the structure of which is also different on the upper side and the underside, each side being specially designed to guide precisely those of the rollers intended to roll along that side. In particular, the difference consists in that the rollers, which must move along the underside of the guide rail, are provided with a protruding shaft end which engages a groove running along the underside of the guide rail and is guided to the underside of the guide rail by this engagement.

Det er opfindelsens formål at tilvejebringe en ukompliceret transportør-elevator, ved hvilken bærerullerne skiftevis ledes til føreskinnens over- og 35 underside, uden at det er nødvendigt at udforme bærerullerne forskelligt og på forhånd bestemme, om en 2 151303 rulle skal bevæge sig på føreskinnens over- eller underside.It is an object of the invention to provide an uncomplicated conveyor elevator in which the carrier rollers are alternately guided to the upper and lower sides of the guide rail without the need to design the support rollers differently and determine in advance whether a roller should move on the rail of the guide rail. - or underside.

Dette opnås ved en transportør-elevator af den i indledningen beskrevne art, der ifølge opfindelsen er 5 ejendommelig ved, at skinnens nedre del og øvre del udgøres af hver sin i hovedsagen trekantede vippeomskifter, hvis spids i begge tilfælde er rettet bort fra den skrå midterdel, og som er indrettet til at vippe om en vandret akse mellem to hver for sig stabile yderstil-10 linger under rullernes passage på en sådan måde, at disse passerer skiftevis over og under'skinnen.This is achieved by a conveyor elevator of the kind described in the introduction, which according to the invention is characterized in that the lower part and the upper part of the rail are each of a generally triangular tilt switch, the tip of which in both cases is directed away from the inclined center part and which is arranged to tilt a horizontal axis between two separately stable outer positions during the passage of the rollers in such a way that they pass alternately above and below the rail.

Opfindelsen forklares i det følgende nærmere under henvisning til tegningen, hvor fig. 1 viser et skematisk sidebillede af 15 transportøren, og fig. 2 en detalje af transportøren i større skala.The invention will now be explained in more detail with reference to the drawing, in which 1 shows a schematic side view of the conveyor; and FIG. 2 shows a detail of the conveyor on a larger scale.

Transportøren på tegningen omfatter et bånd 1, der passerer omkring vendeskiver 4 og 5, af hvilke 20 mindst én driver båndet, som er understøttet af et antal ruller 2, 2', 2", der med mellemrum er fast gjort til båndet langs dettes kanter. Et par skinner 3 for rullerne omfatter to horisontale dele A og C, mellem hvilke der er en hældende del B. Den vandrette 25 del A omfatter en vippeomskifter 6, og den horisontale del C omfatter en tilsvarende vippeomskifter 7,- der er placeret i modsat retning. Hver af omskifterne omfatter en tykkere del 8 og en tilspidset del 9.The conveyor in the drawing comprises a belt 1 passing around turning discs 4 and 5, of which at least one drives the belt, which is supported by a plurality of rollers 2, 2 ', 2 "which are intermittently fastened to the belt along its edges. A pair of rails 3 for the rollers comprises two horizontal portions A and C, between which there is an inclined portion B. The horizontal portion 25 comprises a rocker switch 6, and the horizontal part C comprises a corresponding rocker switch 7, located in each of the switches comprises a thicker part 8 and a tapered part 9.

Under driften bevæger båndet sig i pilens ret-30 ning, idet rullen 2' passerer over vippeomskifteren 6 og fortsætter med at rulle på den øverste side af skinnen 3 på den stigende del B. Så snart rullen 2' har nået den tykkere del 8 af omskifteren, vipper den tykkere del ned, hvorved den tilspidsede del 9 vip-35 per opefter. Som følge heraf vil den følgende rulle 2, når den kommer til omskifteren 6, passere under 3 151303 spidsen 9 og vil fortsætte med at rulle under den skrå del af skinnen 3, ligesom tilfældet er med den forudgående rulle 2". Når rullen 2 passerer under den tykkere del 8 af omskifteren, vil rullen løfte 5 denne del, hvorved den spidse del 9 sænkes osv. Vippeomskifteren 6 kan kaldes en "mekanisk flipflop" .During operation, the belt moves in the direction of the arrow as the roller 2 'passes over the rocker switch 6 and continues to roll on the upper side of the rail 3 on the rising portion B. Once the roller 2' has reached the thicker part 8 of switch, the thicker portion tilts down, whereby the tapered portion 9 flips upwardly. As a result, when it reaches switch 6, the following roll 2 will pass below tip 9 and will continue to roll under the inclined portion of rail 3, as is the case with the previous roll 2 ". When roll 2 passes under the thicker portion 8 of the switch, the roller will lift 5 this portion, thereby lowering the pointed portion 9, etc. The rocker switch 6 may be called a "mechanical flip flop".

Når rullerne ankommer til omskifteren 7, vil de aktivere denne omskifter den modsatte vej.When the rollers arrive at the switch 7, they will activate this switch the opposite way.

10 På den skrå del B af skinneren, antager båndet således form som en rullende trappe, og gods, som anbringes på båndet, transporteres horisontalt, selv med en stejl hældning af skinnerne.Thus, on the inclined portion B of the rail, the belt assumes the form of a rolling staircase, and goods placed on the belt are transported horizontally, even with a steep slope of the rails.

Fig. 2 viser en foretrukket udførelsesform, 15 hvor et par kæder 10 forløber langs båndet 1.FIG. 2 shows a preferred embodiment, 15 in which a pair of chains 10 extend along the belt 1.

Disse kæder er indbyrdes forbundne ved hjælp af tværgående stænger 11, der bærer rullerne, hvorhos hver-anden stang bærer et rør, der er fastgjort til båndet 1. Hvis antallet af stænger 11 er lige, kan det ind-20 rettes således, at de stænger, der bærer rørene 12, altid passerer under skinnen 3, medens stængerne 11 uden rør passerer over skinnen. På denne måde bøjes båndet 1 altid i samme retning, hvilket formindsker risikoen for træthedsbrud forårsaget af at båndet bø-25 jes snart den ene og snart den anden vej.These chains are interconnected by transverse rods 11 carrying the rollers, each other rod carrying a tube attached to the band 1. If the number of rods 11 is equal, it can be arranged so that they rods carrying the pipes 12 always pass below the rail 3, while the rods 11 without pipes pass over the rail. In this way, the belt 1 is always bent in the same direction, which reduces the risk of fatigue fracture caused by the belt being bent one way and the other way soon.

Båndet 1 antager en rund, glat form, når det passerer over skiverne 4 og 5, så at det er muligt at placere et skraberblad på dette sted til at rense det. I udførelsesformen ifølge fig. 2 må dette 30 blad kunne bevæges radialt i forhold til skiveaksen for at kunne følge forskellene i diameter på grund af passagen af stængerne 11 over skiverne.The tape 1 assumes a round, smooth shape as it passes over the washers 4 and 5, so that it is possible to place a scraper blade at this location to clean it. In the embodiment of FIG. 2, this blade must be able to move radially with respect to the disc axis to be able to follow the differences in diameter due to the passage of the rods 11 across the discs.

Hvis båndet bevæger sig i den modsatte retning af den med pil i fig. 1 angivne, kan apparatet 35 tjene til at bevæge gods ned ad en skråning.If the belt moves in the opposite direction to that of the arrow in FIG. 1, the apparatus 35 can serve to move goods down a slope.

Claims (3)

151303 I en modificeret udføreIsesform kan båndet drives af et par kæder der løber parallelt med den skrå del af skinnerne, og som bærer kroge til at trække stængerne 11.In a modified embodiment, the belt may be driven by a pair of chains running parallel to the inclined portion of the rails and carrying hooks to pull the rods 11. 5 PATENTKRAV5 PATENT REQUIREMENTS 1. Transportør-elevator omfattende et endeløst bånd (1), der passerer over to sæt vendeskiver (4, 5), og som ved hver side understøttes af et antal ruller (2, 2*), der samvirker med en skrå føreskinne 10 på en sådan måde, at de ruller skiftevis på over- og på undersiden af føreskinnen (3), der har voksende højde i overgangen mellem en vandret, nedre del (A) og en skrå midterdel (B) og aftagende højde i overgangen mellem den skrå midterdel (B) og en vandret, 15 øvre del (C), kendetegnet ved, at skinnens nedre del (A) og øvre del (C) udgøres af hver sin i hovedsagen trekantede vippeomskifter (6, 7), hvis spids (9) i begge tilfælde er rettet bort fra den skrå midterdel (B), og som er indrettet til at vippe 20 om en vandret akse mellem to hver for sig stabile yderstillinger under rullernes (2, 2') passage på en sådan måde, at disse passerer skiftevis over og under skinnen (3).A conveyor elevator comprising an endless belt (1) passing over two sets of turning discs (4, 5) and supported on each side by a plurality of rollers (2, 2 *) cooperating with an inclined guide rail 10 of such that they alternately roll on the upper and lower sides of the guide rail (3) having increasing height in the transition between a horizontal, lower part (A) and a sloping middle part (B) and decreasing height in the transition between the inclined middle part (B) and a horizontal upper part (C), characterized in that the lower part (A) and upper part (C) of the rail are each of a generally triangular tilt switch (6, 7), the tip of which (9) in both cases is directed away from the inclined center portion (B), which is arranged to tilt 20 about a horizontal axis between two separately stable outer positions during the passage of the rollers (2, 2 ') in such a way that they pass alternately above and below the rail (3).
DK369778A 1977-09-15 1978-08-21 TRANSPORT ELEVATOR WITH AN ENDLESS TIRE. DK151303C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CH1127177 1977-09-15
CH1127177A CH616635A5 (en) 1977-09-15 1977-09-15

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DK369778A DK369778A (en) 1979-03-16
DK151303B true DK151303B (en) 1987-11-23
DK151303C DK151303C (en) 1988-05-02



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DK369778A DK151303C (en) 1977-09-15 1978-08-21 TRANSPORT ELEVATOR WITH AN ENDLESS TIRE.

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DK (1) DK151303C (en)
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Patent Citations (2)

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE118374C (en) *
GB1167885A (en) * 1966-11-25 1969-10-22 King Ltd Geo W Improvements in or relating to Conveyor Systems.

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DK151303C (en) 1988-05-02
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JPS5839723B2 (en) 1983-09-01
FR2403282A1 (en) 1979-04-13
NO783074L (en) 1979-03-15
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BR7805998A (en) 1979-05-08
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EP0001376B1 (en) 1980-10-01
AU518509B2 (en) 1981-10-01
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HU179472B (en) 1982-10-28
DE2860198D1 (en) 1981-01-08
CH616635A5 (en) 1980-04-15

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