For the comment here, we extend the definition of the second kind of Cunningham chain (see Wikipedia-article) so that also isolated primes for which neither (p+1)/2 nor 2p-1 is a prime are considered to be in singular chains, that is, in chains of the length one. If we replace one or more instances of any particular odd prime factor p in n with any odd prime q in such a chain, so that m = (q^k)*n / p^(e-k), where e is the exponent of p of n, and k <= e is the number of instances of p replaced with q, then it holds that a(m) = a(n), and by induction, the value stays invariant for any number of such replacements. Note also that A001222, but not necessarily A001221 will stay invariant in such changes.
For example, if some of the odd prime divisors p of n are in A005382, then replacing it with 2p-1 (i.e., the corresponding terms of A005383), gives a new number m, for which a(m) = a(n). And vice versa, the same is true for any of the prime divisors > 3 of n that are in A005383, then replacing any one of them with (p+1)/2 will not affect the result. For example, a(37*37*37) = a(19*37*73) = 729 as 37 is both in A005382 and in A005383.
Antti Karttunen, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..16384
Antti Karttunen, Data supplement: n, a(n) computed for n = 1..65537
Wikipedia, Cunningham chain
Array[Times @@ Map[If[# <= 2, 1, (# - 1)/2^IntegerExponent[# - 1, 2]] &, Flatten[ConstantArray[#1, #2] & @@@ FactorInteger[#]]] &, 105] (* Michael De Vlieger, Jul 24 2020 *)
Antti Karttunen, Jul 22 2020