This Week in Neo4j – Why Kettle?, Pokémons in a Graph, Influencers in the Graph Community

Explore everything that’s happening in the Neo4j community for the week of 18 May 2019, including finding influencers using graph algorithms.


This Week in Neo4j – Graph Visualization of Panama Papers, Neo4j Spatial, Kettle to Neo4j, Cypher Query Log Analyzer

Welcome to This Week in Neo4j where I share the most interesting things I found in our community over the last seven days. This week Craig Taverner did a great talk about Neo4j Spatial, Jennifer Reif showed how to import… Read more →


This Week in Neo4j – Supercharge Developer Productivity with new release of neo4j-graphql.js, Cosine similarity on GoT, New Kettle Plugins Released

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days. This week we learn how to supercharge developer productivity with the latest release of neo4j-graphql.js, there’s… Read more →


This Week in Neo4j – Modeling Complex Financial Instruments, Loading Streaming Data, Solving a Rubik’s Cube

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days. This week we learn how to model complex financial instruments, load streaming data into Neo4j, solve… Read more →


This Week in Neo4j – Neo4j Morpheus, Data Structures and Algorithms with Dr Jim, Google Cloud Launcher Demo, World Cup Bloom

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days. This week we have a first look at Neo4j Morpheus (a tool for weaving together graph… Read more →


The Neo4j JDBC Driver 3.3.1 Release Is Here [+ Examples]

Our team at LARUS has been quite busy since the last JDBC driver release. Today, we’re happy to announce the 3.3.1 release of the Neo4j-JDBC driver. The release has been upgraded to work with recent Neo4j 3.3.x versions and Bolt… Read more →
