The Neo4j JDBC Driver 3.3.1 Release Is Here [+ Examples]

Our team at LARUS has been quite busy since the last JDBC driver release. Today, we’re happy to announce the 3.3.1 release of the Neo4j-JDBC driver. The release has been upgraded to work with recent Neo4j 3.3.x versions and Bolt… Read more →


Public Service Announcement: Neo4j Drivers 1.2 Release

We are happy to announce that all our officially supported Bolt drivers are now available as versions 1.2. With this release, we massively improved the way you write code to work with a cluster, introducing reusable “transaction functions” and built-in retry… Read more →


Neo4j on Mesosphere DC/OS

Don’t miss Johannes present on scaling out Neo4j using Apache Mesos and DC/OS at the next Neo4j Online Meetup! (dcos)-[:MANAGES]->(instance)<-[:RUNS_ON]-(neo4j) The same day that Neo4j 3.1 was released in December 2016 it also became available as a Mesosphere Universe package.… Read more →


Neo4j 3.1 GA Release: Causal Clustering, Security & More

We are excited to announce our landmark new release of Neo4j 3.1. Neo4j 3.1 introduces a new state-of-the-art clustering architecture and new security architecture to meet enterprise requirements for scale and security. This new release extends the comprehensive set of… Read more →
