The Journal of Geographical Systems (JGS) encourages and promotes high-quality scholarship on new theoretical or empirical results, models and methods in the social sciences with a spatial dimension.
Focuses on the interface between modeling, statistical techniques and spatial issues in a wide spectrum of related fields.
Strong methodological foundation in spatial analysis, spatial econometrics and statistics.
Coverage includes regional science, economic geography, spatial economics, regional and urban economics, GIScience and GeoComputation, big data and machine learning.
Aims to publish also review and survey articles that make recent theoretical and methodological developments more readily accessible to the audience of the journal.
In 2023, the Journal of Geographical Systems celebrates its 25th anniversary with a virtual anniversary issue. Visit the collection of 25 of the most influential papers published in the journal, selected by the journal editors in cooperation with members of the editorial board, and (re)discover all these papers that can be viewed as milestones of the journal. All selected papers are free to access throughout the year of 2023. Click here to explore the collection.
Guest Editors:
Alan Murray, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
Luc Anselin, University of Chicago, USA
Sergio Rey, San Diego State University, USA
This Special Issue was published in April 2024 and can be reached here.