The 0/1 knapsack polytope is the convex hull of all 0/1 vectors that satisfy a given single linear inequality with non-negative coefficients. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of knapsack polytopes. We discuss basic polyhedral properties, (lifted) cover and other valid inequalities, cases for which complete linear descriptions are known, geometric properties for small dimensions, and connections to independence systems. We also discuss the generalization to (mixed-)integer knapsack polytopes and variants.
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We thank two anonymous referees for pointing out additional references as well as useful comments that helped to improve the paper’s structure. The authors also thank Oswin Aichholzer for making his code for accessing all equivalence classes of 0/1 polytopes in small dimensions available. Moreover, we thank Andreas Paffenholz for providing code to test whether a 0/1 polytope is a knapsack polytope as well as Michel Reiffert for fruitful discussions.
Funding was provided by DFG (SFB 666, SFB 805, TRR 154, SPP 1798).
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Hojny, C., Gally, T., Habeck, O. et al. Knapsack polytopes: a survey. Ann Oper Res 292, 469–517 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03380-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03380-2