This paper studies a notion of topological entropy for switched systems, formulated in terms of the minimal number of trajectories needed to approximate all trajectories with a finite precision. For general switched linear systems, we prove that the topological entropy is independent of the set of initial states. We construct an upper bound for the topological entropy in terms of an average of the measures of system matrices of individual modes, weighted by their corresponding active times, and a lower bound in terms of an active-time-weighted average of their traces. For switched linear systems with scalar-valued state and those with pairwise commuting matrices, we establish formulae for the topological entropy in terms of active-time-weighted averages of the eigenvalues of system matrices of individual modes. For the more general case with simultaneously triangularizable matrices, we construct upper bounds for the topological entropy that only depend on the eigenvalues, their order in a simultaneous triangularization, and the active times. In each case above, we also establish upper bounds that are more conservative but require less information on the system matrices or on the switching, with their relations illustrated by numerical examples. Stability conditions inspired by the upper bounds for the topological entropy are presented as well.
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In information theory, entropy notions are often formulated using binary logarithms due to their connection with binary signals. In this paper, we use natural logarithms to avoid generating additional multiplicative constants \( \ln 2 \) when computing the topological entropy.
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The work of G. Yang and J. P. Hespanha was supported by the Office of Naval Research under the MURI Grant N00014-16-1-2710, and by the National Science Foundation under the Grants CNS-1329650 and EPCN-1608880. The work of D. Liberzon was supported by the National Science Foundation under the Grant CMMI-1662708, and by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under the Grant FA9550-17-1-0236. The authors thank Raphaël M. Jungers for his comments on a preliminary version of the paper.
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A Proof of Lemma 1
As a direct consequence of the definition (12), the maximal weighted average \( \bar{a} \) satisfies
and thus \( \limsup _{T \rightarrow \infty }\, \bar{a}(T) \ge \max \{\hat{a},\, 0\} \).
It remains to prove that the reverse inequality holds as well. The definition (11) of the asymptotic weighted average \( \hat{a} \) implies that for each \( \delta > 0 \), there is a large enough \( T_\delta ' \ge 0 \) such that \( \sum _{p \in \mathcal P} a_p \rho _p(t) < \hat{a} + \delta \) for all \( t > T_\delta ' \). For a \( T > T_\delta ' \), let
Then, \( \sum _{p \in \mathcal P} a_p \tau _p(t^*(T)) \ge 0 \). If \( t^*(T) \in (T_\delta ', T] \), then
Otherwise \( t^*(T) \in [0, T_\delta '] \), and thus
with the constant \( a_m := \max _{p \in \mathcal P} a_p \). Combining the two cases above yields
As \( \delta > 0 \) is arbitrary, we have \( \limsup _{T \rightarrow \infty }\, \bar{a}(T) \le \max \{\hat{a},\, 0\} \).
B Proof of Lemma 2
As \( R(\hat{x}) \subset B_{A_\sigma }(\hat{x}, \varepsilon , T) \) for all \( \hat{x} \in G(\theta ) \), we have
$$\begin{aligned} K = \bigcup _{\hat{x} \in G(\theta )} R(\hat{x}) \subset \bigcup _{\hat{x} \in G(\theta )} B_{A_\sigma }(\hat{x}, \varepsilon , T). \end{aligned}$$Then, (4) implies that the grid \( G(\theta ) \) is \( (T, \varepsilon ) \)-spanning, and thus
$$\begin{aligned} \log S(A_\sigma , \varepsilon , T, K) \le \log |G(\theta )| = \sum _{i=1}^{n} \log (2 \lfloor 1/\theta _i \rfloor + 1) \le \sum _{i=1}^{n} \log (2/\theta _i + 1). \end{aligned}$$Consequently, the definition of entropy (5) implies
$$\begin{aligned} h(A_\sigma )\le & {} \lim _{\varepsilon \searrow 0} \limsup _{T \rightarrow \infty } \sum _{i=1}^{n} \dfrac{\log (2/\theta _i + 1)}{T} \\= & {} \lim _{\varepsilon \searrow 0} \limsup _{T \rightarrow \infty } \sum _{i=1}^{n} \dfrac{\log (1/\theta _i)}{T}+ \lim _{\varepsilon \searrow 0} \limsup _{T \rightarrow \infty } \sum _{i=1}^{n} \dfrac{\log (2 + \theta _i)}{T}, \end{aligned}$$where the last term equals 0 if (17) holds.
For all distinct points \( \hat{x}, \hat{x}' \in G(\theta ) \), as \( \hat{x}' \notin R(\hat{x}) \) and \( B_{A_\sigma }(\hat{x}, \varepsilon , T) \subset R(\hat{x}) \), we have \( \hat{x}' \notin B_{A_\sigma }(\hat{x}, \varepsilon , T) \). Then, (6) implies that the grid \( G(\theta ) \) is \( (T, \varepsilon ) \)-separated, and thus
$$\begin{aligned}&\log N(A_\sigma , \varepsilon , T, K) \ge \log |G(\theta )| \\&= \sum _{i=1}^{n} \log (2 \lfloor 1/\theta _i \rfloor + 1) > \sum _{i=1}^{n} \log (\max \{2/\theta _i - 1,\, 1\}). \end{aligned}$$Consequently, the definition of entropy (5) implies
$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} h(A_\sigma )&\ge \lim _{\varepsilon \searrow 0} \limsup _{T \rightarrow \infty } \sum _{i=1}^{n} \dfrac{\log (\max \{2/\theta _i - 1,\, 1\})}{T} \\&= \lim _{\varepsilon \searrow 0} \limsup _{T \rightarrow \infty } \sum _{i=1}^{n} \dfrac{\log (1/\theta _i)}{T} + \lim _{\varepsilon \searrow 0} \limsup _{T \rightarrow \infty } \sum _{i=1}^{n} \dfrac{\log (\max \{2 - \theta _i,\, \theta _i\})}{T}, \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$where the last term equals 0 if (17) holds.
C Proof of Corollary 2
First, the definition (11) of \( \hat{a} \) and the subadditivity of limit suprema imply
which, combined with (28), implies the upper bound (29). For the case where the limits \( \lim _{t \rightarrow \infty } \rho _p(t) \) exist and \( a_p \ge 0 \) for all \( p \in \mathcal P\), the inequalities in the derivation above becomes equalities due to the additivity of limits and \( \max \{a_p,\, 0\} = a_p \). Second, the definition (11) of \( \hat{a} \) implies
which, combined with (28), implies the upper bound (30).
D Proof of Lemma 6
First, we establish the upper bound in (36). For each \( p \in \mathcal P\), as \( N_p \) is nilpotent, there is a positive integer \( k_p \) such that \( N_p^{k_p} = 0 \). Let \( k_s := \sum _{p \in \mathcal P} k_p \), which is finite as the index set \( \mathcal P\) is finite. Define the weighted average matrix over [0, t] by
For all \( t \ge 0 \), as \( \{N_p: p \in \mathcal P\} \) is a commuting family, we have \( (N(t))^{k_s} = 0 \). Also, \( \Vert N(t)\Vert \le \eta _M := \max _{p \in \mathcal P} \Vert N_p\Vert \). Hence for all \( v \in \mathbb C^n \), we have
with \( c_\delta := \max \{(\eta _M/\delta )^{k_s - 1},\, 1\} > 0 \).
Second, we establish the lower bound in (36). As \( \Vert {-N(t)}\Vert = \Vert N(t)\Vert \le \eta _M \) for all \( t \ge 0 \), the proof above also implies that for all \( v \in \mathbb C^n \), we have
that is, \( \Vert e^{N(t)\, t} v\Vert \ge c_\delta ^{-1} e^{-\delta t} \Vert v\Vert \) for all \( t \ge 0 \).
E Computation of \( h(D_{\sigma _2}) \) using (34) in Example 3
Recall from footnote 2 that \( \sigma = 1 \) on \( [t_{2k}, t_{2k+1}) \) and \( \sigma = 2 \) on \( [t_{2k+1}, t_{2k+2}) \), where \( t_0 = 0 \), \( t_1 = 1 \), and \( t_k = 9^{k-1} + 9^{k-2} \) for all \( k \ge 2 \). Hence
and thus
Then, \( \bar{a}_1 \) and \( \bar{a}_2 \) in (34) satisfy
F Proof of Lemma 7
We regard (43) as a family of scalar differential equations (recall that here \( \xi _\sigma ^k \) denotes the k-th scalar component of \( \xi _\sigma \)):
and prove Lemma 7 by mathematical induction. For brevity, let
Then, \( \varPsi \) in (50) can be written as
1.1 F.1 The basis of induction
For the n-th scalar differential equation \( \dot{\xi }_\sigma ^n = a_\sigma ^n \xi _\sigma ^n \), the state-transition function is defined by
Hence the n-th scalar component of \( \xi _\sigma (x, t) \) satisfies \( \xi _\sigma ^n(x, t) = e^{\eta _n(t)} x_n \), that is, (50) holds for \( k = n \).
1.2 F.2 The inductive step
For an arbitrary \( m \in \{1, \ldots , n-1\} \), suppose that \( \xi _\sigma ^k(x, t) \) satisfy (50) for all \( k \in \{m+1, \ldots , n\} \). For the m-th differential equation
the state-transition function is defined by
By variation of constants, the m-th scalar component of \( \xi _\sigma (x, t) \) satisfies
Based on the definition (52) of \( \mathcal C_{k,l,i} \) and the formula (69) of \( \varPsi \), we have
Changing the order of summation, we obtain
where in the last step we also let \( i' = i + 1 \). Next, we prove that the family of sets \( \{\{m\} \times \mathcal C_{k,l,i'-1}: k = m+1, \ldots , l-i'+1\} \) forms a partition of \( \mathcal C_{m,l,i'} \).
For all \( (c_1, \ldots , c_{i'}) \in \mathcal C_{k_1,l,i'-1} \) and \( (c'_1, \ldots , c'_{i'}) \in \mathcal C_{k_2,l,i-1} \) with \( k_1 \ne k_2 \), as \( c_1 = k_1 \ne k_2 = c'_1 \), we have \( (c_1, \ldots , c_{i'}) \ne (c'_1, \ldots , c'_{i'}) \). Hence the sets in \( \{\{m\} \times \mathcal C_{k,l,i'-1}: k = m+1, \ldots , l-i'+1\} \) are pairwise disjoint.
For all \( (c_1, \ldots , c_{i'}) \in \mathcal C_{k,l,i'-1} \), as \( c_1 = k \ge m+1 \) and \( c_{i'} = l \), we have \( (m, c_1, \ldots , c_{i'}) \in \mathcal C_{m,l,i'} \). Hence \( \bigcup _{k=m+1}^{l-i'-1} \{m\} \times \mathcal C_{k,l,i'-1} \subset \mathcal C_{m,l,i'} \).
For all \( (c_0, \ldots , c_i') \in \mathcal C_{m,l,i'} \), as \( c_1 \ge c_0 + 1 = m + 1 \) and \( c_1 \le c_{i'} - (i' - 1) = l - i' + 1 \), we have \( k := c_1 \) satisfies \( m + 1 \le k \le l - i' + 1 \) and \( (c_0, \ldots , c_{i'}) \in \{m\} \times \mathcal C_{k,l,i'-1} \). Hence \( \mathcal C_{m,l,i'} \subset \bigcup _{k=m+1}^{l-i'-1} \{m\} \times \mathcal C_{k,l,i'-1} \).
Combining the results above, we obtain
that is, (50) holds for \( k = m \). Therefore, mathematical induction implies that (50) holds for all \( k \in \{1, \ldots , n\} \).
G Proof of Lemma 8
For every \( k \in \{1, \ldots , n\} \), following the formula (50) and the triangle inequality, the k-th scalar component of \( \xi _\sigma (x, t) \) satisfies
First, following the definitions (46) of \( \bar{d}_i \) and (51) of \( \eta _i \), we have
where the last inequality follows partially from the definition (52) of the sets \( \mathcal C_{k,l,i} \). As \( b_M^i t^i \) and \( \sum _{j=k+1}^{l} \bar{d}_j(t)\, t \) are independent of the choice of \( (c_0, \ldots , c_i) \in \mathcal C_{k,l,i} \) and the latter is also independent of the choice of \( i \in \{1, \ldots , l-k\} \), and the set \( \mathcal C_{k,l,i} \) can be characterized by the combinations of \( i-1 \) increasing integers from \( k+1 \) to \( l-1 \), we have
where the last inequality follows partially from the binomial formula. Hence
Note that the upper bound for \( |\xi _\sigma ^k(x, t)| \) above is decreasing in k. Indeed, the upper bound for \( |\xi _\sigma ^{k-1}(x, t)| \) satisfies
Hence we obtain (53) by taking the upper bound for \( |\xi _\sigma ^1(x, t)| \) (recall that we take \( \Vert \cdot \Vert \) to be the \( \infty \)-norm; see Remark 1).
Second, recall \( c_0 = k \) and \( c_i = l \), and let \( s_0 := t \) and
Following the definition (51) of \( \eta _i \), we have
where the last inequality follows partially from the definition (52) of the sets \( \mathcal C_{k,l,i} \). As \( b_M^i t^i \) and \( \max _{k \le j \le l} a_m^j t \) are independent of the choice of \( (c_0, \ldots , c_i) \in \mathcal C_{k,l,i} \) and the latter is also independent of the choice of \( i \in \{1, \ldots , l-k\} \), and the set \( \mathcal C_{k,l,i} \) can be characterized by the combinations of \( i-1 \) increasing integers from \( k+1 \) to \( l-1 \), we have
where the last inequality follows partially from the binomial formula. Hence
Note that the upper bound for \( |\xi _\sigma ^k(x, t)| \) above is decreasing in k. Indeed, the upper bound for \( |\xi _\sigma ^{k-1}(x, t)| \) satisfies
Hence we obtain (54) by taking the upper bound for \( |\xi _\sigma ^1(x, t)| \) (recall that we take \( \Vert \cdot \Vert \) to be the \( \infty \)-norm; see Remark 1).
H Computation of an upper bound for \( h(U_{\sigma _2}) \) using (44) in Example 4
Following (68) in “Appendix E”, we have
Then, \( \bar{a}_1 \) and \( \bar{d}_2 \) in (44) satisfy
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Yang, G., Schmidt, A.J., Liberzon, D. et al. Topological entropy of switched linear systems: general matrices and matrices with commutation relations. Math. Control Signals Syst. 32, 411–453 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00498-020-00265-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00498-020-00265-9