Different trends observed during cryotropic gelation of 8% poly(vinyl alcohol) aqueous solutions (preheated to 25, 55, and 85°С) at rapid cooling and freezing of the system have been examined. The data of rheology, thermomechanical analysis, attenuated total reflection, and scanning electron microscopy have revealed that the macroporous poly(vinyl alcohol) cryogels formed under above conditions differ in elastoplastic properties, swelling ability in water, degree of microcrystallinity, and pores size. The obtained results have been confirmed by the study of diffusional release of stabilized silver nanoparticles from the cryogels. It has been shown that the macropores walls in the cryogel network consist of spherical formations, likely contacting microgel particles formed during the liquid-phase separation of the polymer solution prior to the cryotropic gelation stage.
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The experiments on the formation of poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels, investigation of their structure and the effect of thermal treatment on the properties were performed at the Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences. Calculations and interpretation of the transitions in the thermomechanical curves were performed at Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.
Authors are grateful to A.G. Bogdanov (MSU) for the assistance in the scanning electron microscopy imaging of the objects.
This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation (project “Theoretical-Experimental Engineering of Novel Composite Materials for Safe Maintenance of Buildings and Constructions Under Conditions of Technogenic and Biogenic Hazards,” no. FSWG-2020-0007) (MSUCE) and the State Contact (no. 0085-2019-0004, IOC RAS).
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Kurskaya, E.A., Podorozhko, E.A., Afanasyev, E.S. et al. Trends in Cryotropic Gelation of Semidilute Aqueous Solutions of Poly(vinyl alcohol) with Different Thermal History. Polym. Sci. Ser. A 64, 19–37 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0965545X22010060
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0965545X22010060