Forests are widely recognized as major providers of ecosystem services, including timber, other forest products, recreation, regulation of water, soil and air quality, and climate change mitigation. Extensive tracts of boreal forests are actively managed for timber production, but actions aimed at increasing timber yields also affect other forest functions and services. Here, we present an overview of the environmental impacts of forest management from the perspective of ecosystem services. We show how prevailing forestry practices may have substantial but diverse effects on the various ecosystem services provided by boreal forests. Several aspects of these processes remain poorly known and warrant a greater role in future studies, including the role of community structure. Conflicts among different interests related to boreal forests are most likely to occur, but the concept of ecosystem services may provide a useful framework for identifying and resolving these conflicts.
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We are grateful to the Kone Foundation and to the Academy of Finland (Project Number 275329 to M. Mönkkönen) for funding.
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Pohjanmies, T., Triviño, M., Le Tortorec, E. et al. Impacts of forestry on boreal forests: An ecosystem services perspective. Ambio 46, 743–755 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-017-0919-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-017-0919-5