So yeah @kreweofimp and I bought the cats some Christmas toys and uh. Why is this snowman so thicc?
It makes me deeply uncomfortable. Why does our cat toy have dat ass?
Supernatural addict, fanfic author, social worker, cat lady
So yeah @kreweofimp and I bought the cats some Christmas toys and uh. Why is this snowman so thicc?
It makes me deeply uncomfortable. Why does our cat toy have dat ass?
Classic destiel was great. The sexual tension, the eye fucking, the betrayals and passionate reunions. The slow fall into an all consuming love. Just *chiefs kiss*
But new Destiel? Nothing beats it.
It’s not simply longing, it’s I will bloody my knuckles on this door because the pain of missing you is too much to hold in my heart its satan may be my demise but the faith I have in you in us in who we’ve become with broken bones and fleshy hearts is something I could die for. you have always been something I would ruin myself for it’s I will leave because you did not ask me to stay and I told you from day one that all I would ever be is what you wanted it’s you will put your hand on my wrist and say my name once and even though there is darkness in my heart telling me to end it all, I could never end you it’s I will love every thing about you the good the bad the imperfectly perfect because though I gripped you tight, it was I who was saved that day it’s I have lost you so many times before but my knees will still give out and crumple to the floor and the sobs will claw at my throat and I will sit here and know that you loved me like I loved you and we were real. God cas. We were real.
I KNOW the bi and biphobic Dean jokes are jokes but. His children are 1. A lesbian and 2. A he/they. He'd be OBNOXIOUSLY loud and proud for Claire and Jack's sakes (even ignoring the fact that he deserves it for himself after being terrified of himself for so long)
God he LOVES claire and jack and their queerness so much and he’s finally like how can I be honest and good to my kids if I hate this thing about myself that we share. Like he learns to love himself because he wants to honour them!!!!
still contemplating how donald trump didn’t die from covid this is so narratively unsatisfying
maybe he did in the Spanish dub?
I have one more take on this, it turns out, and that’s that Dean Winchester is like….obnoxiously loud about the parts of himself that he does like. He is not ashamed at all about his love of cowboys or Scooby Doo. He wears that purple nightgown and will NOT let Sam shame him for it. He makes dumb puns knowing nobody will laugh. And true, those are interests, but in general he’s just very loud about who he is. The “macho boobs beer and car guy” persona we see is built up to overcompensate but he’s loud about it because he just kind of….makes sure everyone around knows who he is and that he’s proud of that. So what I’m saying is that yeah, it might take him a bit, but when he does accept that he is bisexual he would absolutely never shut up about it and would be very openly proud about it and make jokes about it 100% of the time okay
Anyway I’m thinking about Dean opening Singer’s roadhouse in Bobby’s honour and proudly wearing his wedding band and making it Very clear that bullshit will not be tolerated and becoming a refuge for queer hunter kids and Claire laughs at him because ‘is there a queer hunter kid in America you HAVENT adopted’ and he just grins because he loves all his kids and he loves Cas and he finally feels good about himself and his impact on the world.
finale deniers are so sexy
Why thank you, anon! @dangerousnotbroken routinely assures me I am sexy and I frequently tell her the same so it’s good to know that our knowledge that Supernatural bizarrely just…didn’t have a series finale makes us even sexier! 😃😃😃
Conversations with the wife aka @dangerousnotbroken
OOOOOOH JULES I want to read them all tbh but I’ll refrain from being greedy and just ask you to tell me more about (or post a snippet from) BDSM roommates and cnc ABO. 🤤🤤
bdsm roommates probably belongs in my abandoned folder as it was kind of “take 1″ before i wrote a delight for the soul, but in an infinite universe, i might write anything!
“I’m a little confused. You’re a dom.” Cas squints. “Aren’t you?”
This startles a laugh out of Dean. “Uh, no. Definitely not.”
Cas looks away like he’s gathering memories. “I’m suddenly realizing that all the reasons I thought you’re a dom are extremely stupid.”
“Yeah, I bet,” Dean says, trying to hold down a smile.
“Can we…?” Cas gestures vaguely towards the living ro
om, and Dean follows him out. They sit at opposite ends of the couch, as far away as possible. Dean hates it.
“Now that you know I’m not a dom,” Dean says, “you plan on movin’ out?”
“Of course not. Charlie’s lecture when I first moved in now makes a lot more sense now, though.” Cas drums his fingers on his thigh, a nervous habit that doesn’t come out very often with Dean. “But while we’re getting assumptions out of the way — no, I’m not straight.”
and the a/b/o cnc is, you know, what it says on the tag! alpha dean and omega cas, just a lil pwp thing
Cas only likes this when he’s in heat.
When they mated, Dean offered to wear Cas’s bite, on his neck where no one will miss that he belongs to an omega. Cas’s bite isn’t even front-and-center like Dean’s, but at the juncture of his shoulder where a shirt collar can easily cover it.
But when he’s in heat —
Dean’s waiting just outside the bathroom door when Cas finishes his shower. Cas startles backwards — he didn’t even know Dean was here.
Dean grabs him by the elbow and jerks him into the bedroom. The towel drops from Cas’s hand and he struggles, but not enough that Dean can’t overpower him.
“What’s wrong, little omega?” Dean says. “Were you expecting your mate?”
honestly there’s not enough bdsm aus OR cnc fics in the world sooo >:)
God there really, really aren’t enough and NOBODY writes either of those things like you do. Give me ALLLLLLL OF THE Sharky BDSM and/or CNC fic. Every morsel of it, that I may devour it and then go right back to the beginning and devour it all over again.
Idk if she intentionally wrote this about Andrew Dabb but this is about Andrew Dabb. Sorry, I don’t make the rules
We went from the French Mistake to the Spanish Correction.
People immediately backtracking their compliments after watching the finale on Twitter is my favorite thing at the moment
My personal favorite: