when you dump the rats out in the front yard where do you think they go
@rat-detector have u seen this
when you dump the rats out in the front yard where do you think they go
@rat-detector have u seen this
Dante, your inferno is showing
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actually……1 more thing because I realised I haven’t posted this yet. the best & worst piece of art I’ve ever made - 3D shark called biscuit that I modelled for a class a few years ago. toiled on him for hours, cried over him, went on a journey with him. still failed the class. he haunts me to this day
LMFAO hell yeah give biscuit 2000 notes. why the fuck not. are you seeing this professor? are you seeing what my “failed” experiment has achieved
i want to turn off reblogs for this post but it’d feel like taking biscuit out back and shooting him in the head. so instead i just hover my cursor over the button like i’m gently tensing my finger against the trigger of my 4 gauge shotgun while biscuit is staring at me with his soulful lack of eyes
When life gives you bears… trick them into doing market research?
What I really like about this is that the containers all have prominent labels with a camera pointing directly at them, but it’s still called a double-blind trial because the researcher isn’t present and the bear can’t read
Reminder to take very good care of yourself! You are not a robot, and even if you were, you'd need a break sometimes 💚
school project, some drawings for my pretend game about a housefly girl called musca and her adventures in some creepy&wet place
well life just isnt fucking fair is it humpback whale 85
Lmao, finally got its ass
the peasantry n rebels all accusing my giant thick frilly princess dress of being a sign of the opulence n wastefulness of royalty but rly its practical n i need it bc all the heavy ruffles r good at keeping me from visibly tenting it
the revolutionary commander came in2 my chambers just now n started heatedly aggressively berating n degrading me 4 my aristocratic arrogance. jokes on her the dress came in handy again the whole time
they dethroned me stripped me of all possessions n forced me 2 not only become one of the proletariat but also dress like one now they can all CLEARLY SEE more than ever y i needed all that fucking lace
if u had TORTURED me like this while i still resided on my RIGHTFUL throne id have u FED to the— MY EYES R UP HERE
I know a huge part of the appeal of Human Domestication Guide is Terrans resisting at first before slowly coming to love their Affini, but I would love love LOVE to read more stories where they desperately want to be domesticated from the beginning and are just too embarassed to say it outright. Picture an "independent Terran" looking at florn every night, regularly asking on Overnet forums about what it's like to be a floret, fantasizing about her overly-friendly affini neighbor, going red in the face whenever she teases her... it's just a matter of time before she submits, and her Affini barely even has to coax it out of her.
Mauro C. Martinez (American, 1986) - Trust (2022)