1963, Volume 5, Issue 2
1963, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 4-18 The heat and mass flow analyzer a simulator for the study of heat conduction
by Paschkis, V. - 19-26 Les reseaux d'impedances Tendances et developpements recents
by Vidal, Jacques J. & Burnay, Gilbert M.H. - 27-28 Application des effets elementaires a la solution analogique-digitale d'un probleme stationnaire a condition aux limites non lineaire
by Vidal, Jacques J.
1962, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 179-183 The analog computer as an aid in teaching mathematics
by Rasof, B. & Tomovic, R. - 184-196 Fonctions non lineaires a plusieurs variables
by Peretz, Richard - 197-201 Adjoint linear systems in analog computation: A new look
by Korn, Granino A. - 202-202 An extension of a theorem of linear circuit theory to discontinuous delay simulators
by Vichnevetsky, R. - 203-204 The generation of low-fre quency triangular voltages
by Earls, J.C.
1962, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 134-137 Phase distortion in operational amplifiers
by Wadhwa, L.K. - 138-142 A solid state time-division multiplier
by Fuchs, A. & Gafni, H. - 143-148 A method of obtaining noise sources of variable correlation on the pace analogue computer
by Martin, J.W. & Harding, E.F. & Saunders, J. - 149-150 Circuit for discrete summation
by Witsenhausen, Hans - 150-151 Shock situation in fourier-type equations
by Witsenhausen, Hans
1962, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 78-82 A mutually coupled finite difference operator for diffusion processes
by Gilliland, M.C. - 83-85 On the steady-state operational amplifier errors due to the pass band limitations
by Ja., Kogan B. - 86-92 Simulation of an atmospheric transport problem
by Prawitz, Jan - 93-105 On the use of memory circuits in analogue computers
by De Winne, Arthur L.
1962, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 6-14 Representation analogique des echanges thermiques au sein de reacteurs nucleaires heterogenes
by Witsenhausen, H. - 15-26 Differential analyser treatment of the problem of solidifying steel
by Butler, R. & Lloyd, E.C. & Michel, J.G.L. & Sully, Elizabeth D. - 27-37 Behandlung von differentialgleichungen im komplexen auf dem elektronischen analogrechner
by Kulisch, Ulrich - 38-39 Simulating money allocation problems on an analog computer
by Neust Adt, Lucien W.
1961, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 164-166 The determination of electromagnetic forces in transformer windings with axial symmetry by means of a resistance network
by Goldenberg, H. - 167-172 Low-cost triangle-integration multipliers for analog computers
by Hartmann, John & Korn, Granino A. & Maybach, Richard L. - 173-187 Nachbildung der elektromechanischen Systemgleichungen auf dem elektronischen Analogrechner
by Hannakam, L.
1961, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 110-113 Backlash simulation in D.C. electronic analogue computers
by Earls, J.C. - 114-123 Ermittlung des dynamischen Betriebsverhaltens elektrischer Maschinen mit Hilfe des elektronischen Analogrechners
by Hannakam, L. - 124-131 A transistorized carrier frequency computing amplifier
by Solbakken, A.
1961, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 56-59 Comparison of two ways of simulating a simple tubular heat exchanger
by Hennig, Tore - 60-63 The analog computer as a teaching aid in diffential equations
by Kov Ach, Ladis D. & Comley, William - 64-73 The simulation of saturable reactors with digital differential analyzers
by Savastano, G.
1961, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 6-10 Pacit, a small-budget expandible precision analog computer
by Green, Francis P. - 11-17 Trigonometric method for conformal mapping with algebraic polynomials by the use of a repetitive differential analyser
by Petrich, J. - 18-24 A diode generator of functions of two variables
by Petternella, M. & Ruberti, A.
1960, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 170-180 Zur Verfahrenstecnik fur die Losung von Schwingungsproblemen Mittels eines elektronischen Analogrechners
by Kuntze, Karlheinz - 181-189 Quelques remarques sur l'integration du mouvement autour du centre de gravite dans un simulateur
by Raymond, François H. - 190-197 Solving power system problems by means of the a-c-network analyzer with current sources
by Vuckovic, Ing. V. & Miljanic, P. & Obradovic, I.
1960, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 112-121 Etude analogique d'une regulation de densite dans un processus hydrometallurgique
by Herrent, A. - 122-126 Analytical solution of differential equations with the use of differential analyser
by Petrich, J. & Madich, P. - 127-131 Methode d'integration fractionnee
by Raymond, F.-H.
1960, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 57-62 Analogie rheoelectrique en domaine illimite de la fonction associee d'un potentiel harmonique a symetrie axiale
by Hacques, Gérard - 63-68 Die Netzwerkrechenmaschine LHB
by Köhler, Heinz - 69-72 Nouvelles applications du principe d'inversion dans le calcul analogique experimental
by Renard, Guy
1960, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-12 A two-variables function generator
by Gonzalez-Lbeas, J. & Aleixandre, V. - 13-23 Error analysis of a d-c integrator
by De Backer, Ir W.
1959, Volume 1, Issue 6
- 280-289 Application de la methode repetitive a l'etude analogique de processus stochastiques
by Gabillard, Robert - 290-297 A special function generator:The frequency programming system for the 25 GeV C.E.R.N. proton synchrotron
by Germain, P. & Schmelzer, C. & Schnell, W. & Susini, A. - 298-300 Digital versus analog computation
by Harder, Edwin L.
1959, Volume 1, Issue 5
- 224-225 Hysteresis correction of amplitude comparators
by Tomovic, Rajko & Mitrovic, Dusan - 226-242 Nachbildung unsymmetrischer kurzschlüsse von synchrongeneratoren auf dem elektronischen analog rechner
by Hannakam, Ludwig - 243-250 Une application des procedes de calcul analogique a l'tude des generateurs d'impulsions a large spectre
by Jespers, Paul
1959, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 166-180 Etude analogique de la stabilite d'un transport d'energie
by Perret, René - 181-185 La generation de signaux rectangulaires de longueur aleatoire sur calculateur analogique
by Vichnevetsky, R.
1958, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 118-124 Dispositif reproduisant à une fréquence basse la forme d'un phénomène se produisant à une fréquence plus élevée
by Becar, Adrien - 125-131 Analyse et synthese de fonctions de transfert
by Hernalsteen, P.
1958, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 60-63 Method of iteration and analog computation
by Tomovic, Rajko - 64-74 Calcul analogique des structures hyperstatiques
by Goethals, J. - 75-83 Methode de calcul analogique de la reponse transitoire des filtres passe-bande symetriques soumis a l'application d'un signal sinusoïdal de pulsation quelconque
by Jespers, Paul
1958, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 4-23 Optimales Programmieren Fur Elektronische Analogie-Rechenmaschinen
by Herrmann, Horst - 24-30 Simulation of salient-pole synchronous machines on the network analyser
by Vučković, Vladan & Miljanić, Petar