RePEc/IDEAS rankings
Research items
Series and journals
- all
- graduate education
- by top level
- by number of top 5% authors
- by region
- by country
- by US region and state
- by institutional type
- by research field
Historical rankings
Rankings are typically updated around the 3rd to 5th day of each month. Some rankings are updated more frequently. All data is experimental.
Top Research Items
These rankings covers journal articles, books, book chapters, working papers and software components that are indexed in RePEc. The citation ranks are updated daily and cover all items according to several ways of counting citations. Downloads and abstract counts are computed once a month and are separated by documents type. The following RePEc services report traffic statistics: EconPapers, IDEAS, and NEP.Top Items by Citations
- Number of citations: all, recent
- Number of citations, weighted by simple impact factors: all, recent
- Number of citations, weighted by recursive impact factors: all, recent
- Number of citations, discounted by citation age: all, recent
- Number of citations, weighted by simple impact factors and discounted by citation age: all, recent
- Number of citations, weighted by recursive impact factors and discounted by citation age: all, recent
Top Items by Downloads
Top Items by Abstract Views
Top Series and Journals
These rankings covers journals, book series, book chapter series, working paper series, and software component series that are indexed in RePEc. The citation ranks are updated daily and cover all items according to several ways of counting citations. Downloads and abstract counts are computed once a month and are separated by series type. The following RePEc services report traffic statistics: EconPapers, IDEAS, and NEP.List of all indexed series: Working papers, journals, software components, chapters, books. Instructions for having new series indexed in RePEc.
We also provide summary rankings that aggregate the various criteria. You may compute your own summary ranking in the sandbox by choosing what methods to include and how to aggregate them. You can also download raw data for the citation rankings: all years, last 10 years.
Top Series by Citations
All series
- Simple impact factors: all years, last 10 years
- Recursive impact factors: all years, last 10 years
- Discounted impact factors: all years, last 10 years
- Recursive discounted impact factors: all years, last 10 years
- h-index: all years, last 10 years
- Euclidian citation score: all years, last 10 years
- Aggregate ranking: all years, last 10 years
- Simple impact factors: all years, last 10 years
- Recursive impact factors: all years, last 10 years
- Discounted impact factors: all years, last 10 years
- Recursive discounted impact factors: all years, last 10 years
- h-index: all years, last 10 years
- Euclidian citation score: all years, last 10 years
- Aggregate ranking: all years, last 10 years
Working paper series
- Simple impact factors: all years, last 10 years
- Recursive impact factors: all years, last 10 years
- Discounted impact factors: all years, last 10 years
- Recursive discounted impact factors: all years, last 10 years
- h-index: all years, last 10 years
- Euclidian citation score: all years, last 10 years
- Aggregate ranking: all years, last 10 years
Top Series by Downloads
- Top series: all years, last 10 years
- Top journals: all years, last 10 years
- Top working paper series: all years, last 10 years
Top Series by Abstract Views
- Top series: all years, last 10 years
- Top journals: all years, last 10 years
- Top working paper series: all years, last 10 years
Top Authors
Only registered authors are considered for these rankings. To register yourself or to update your profile, go to the RePEc Author Service. Note that registered authors also get detailed individualized statistics every month by email. We offer first rankings aggregated across the many criteria. You may compute your own summary ranking in the sandbox by choosing what methods to include and how to aggregate them. You may also compare these rankings with another one containing a larger set of authors, as determined by Tom Coupé, with all registered authors linked to their profile on IDEAS. Additional rankings for abstract views and downloads are at LogEc.Aggregate ranking for authors worldwide
Only the rankings:
More details, including rankings in all criteria:
All author rankings for each individual criterion
Except for the first and the last, all are considered for the aggregate rankings. Descriptions are in each link.NbWorks, DNbWorks, ScWorks, WScWorks, ANbWorks, AScWorks, AWScWorks, NbCites, DCites, ScCites, DScCites, WScCites, WDScCites, ANbCites, ADCites, AScCites, ADScCites, AWScCites, AWDScCites, HIndex, NCAuthors, RCAuthors, NbPages, ScPages, WScPages, ANbPages, AScPages, AWScPages, AbsViews, Downloads, AAbsViews, ADownloads, Students, Closeness, Betweenness, NEPCites, Wu-index, Euclidian.
Worldwide rankings for various sub-groups
- Top Women Economists: Publication in all years or last 10 years
- Top Young Economists
- Top Economists by Cohorts
- Top Deceased Economists
Top authors by region
Authors are attributed to geographic regions according to their affiliations. In case of multiple affiliations, they indicate which weight each has, and scores are distributed across regions according to those weights.
- Africa
- Asia
- Central America and Caribbean
- Europe
- European Union
- Latin America and Caribbean
- Oceania
- South America
Top authors by country
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroun, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo (Dem. Rep.), Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgystan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Martinique, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Northern Cyprus, North Macedonia, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestina, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Réunion, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe.Top authors by US state
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virgina, Wisconsin, Wyoming.Top authors by US region
New England, Middle Atlantic, South Atlantic, East North Central, East South Central, West North Central, West South Central, Mountain, Pacific.Top authors by field
Fields are determined by where the authors' working papers have been announced in NEPACC Accounting & Auditing, AFR Africa, AGE Economics of Ageing, AGR Agricultural Economics, ARA Arab World, BAN Banking, BEC Business Economics, CBA Central Banking, CBE Cognitive & Behavioural Economics, CDM Collective Decision-Making, CFN Corporate Finance, CIS Confederation of Independent States, CMP Computational Economics, CNA China, COM Industrial Competition, CSE Economics of Strategic Management, CTA Contract Theory & Applications, CUL Cultural Economics, CWA Central & Western Asia, DCM Discrete Choice Models, DEM Demographic Economics, DEV Development, DGE Dynamic General Equilibrium, ECM Econometrics, EDU Education, EEC European Economics, EFF Efficiency & Productivity, ENE Energy Economics, ENT Entrepreneurship, ENV Environmental Economics, ETS Econometric Time Series, EUR Microeconomic European Issues, EVO Evolutionary Economics, EXP Experimental Economics, FDG Financial Development & Growth, FMK Financial Markets, FOR Forecasting, GEO Economic Geography, GRO Economic Growth, GTH Game Theory, HAP Economics of Happiness, HEA Health Economics, HIS Business, Economic & Financial History, HME Heterodox Microeconomics, HPE History & Philosophy of Economics, HRM Human Capital & Human Resource Management, IAS Insurance Economics, ICT Information & Communication Technologies, IFN International Finance, IND Industrial Organization, INO Innovation, INT International Trade, IPR Intellectual Property Rights, IUE Informal & Underground Economics, KNM Knowledge Management & Knowledge Economy, LAB Labour Economics, LAM Central & South America, LAW Law & Economics, LMA Labor Markets - Supply, Demand & Wages, LTV Unemployment, Inequality & Poverty, MAC Macroeconomics, MFD Microfinance, MIC Microeconomics, MIG Economics of Human Migration, MKT Marketing, MON Monetary Economics, MST Market Microstructure, NET Network Economics, NEU Neuroeconomics, OPM Open Macroeconomics, PBE Public Economics, PKE Post Keynesian Economics, POL Positive Political Economics, PPM Project, Program & Portfolio Management, PUB Public Finance, REG Regulation, RES Resource Economics, RMG Risk Management, SBM Small Business Management, SEA South East Asia, SOC Social Norms & Social Capital, SOG Sociology of Economics, SPO Sports & Economics, TID Technology & Industrial Dynamics, TRA Transition Economics, TRE Transport Economics, TUR Tourism Economics, UPT Utility Models & Prospect Theory, URE Urban & Real Estate Economics.
Top Institutions
These rankings are based on the affiliations indicated by registered authors. Institutions need to be listed in EDIRC to be considered. Authors with multiple affiliations need to indicate percentages for each. To register yourself or to update your profile, go to the RePEc Author Service. We offer first rankings aggregated across the many criteria. You may compute your own summary ranking in the sandbox by choosing what methods to include and how to aggregate them.Aggregate ranking for institutions worlwide
Only the rankings:
- Publications in all years
- Publications in last 10 years
- Counting up to 10 authors per institution
- Counting up to 10 authors per institution, and publications in the last 10 years
More details, including rankings in all criteria:
- Publications in all years
- Publications in last 10 years
- Counting up to 10 authors per institution
- Counting up to 10 authors per institution, and publications in the last 10 years
All institution rankings for each individual criterion
Except for the first, all are considered for the aggregate rankings. Descriptions are in each link.NbWorks, DNbWorks, ScWorks, WScWorks, ANbWorks, AScWorks, AWScWorks, NbCites, DCites, ScCites, DScCites, WScCites, WDScCites, ANbCites, ADCites, AScCites, ADScCites, AWScCites, AWDScCites, HIndex, NCAuthors, RCAuthors, NbPages, ScPages, WScPages, ANbPages, AScPages, AWScPages, AbsViews, Downloads, AAbsViews, ADownloads, Euclidian, Students.
Special rankings
- Top institutions by graduate education (success of their students), same for publications in the last 10 years.
- Top "top level" institutions: All sub-entities aggregated into the primary entity. For example, all units of a university. Publications in all years or last 10 years
- Top institutions by the number of authors among the top 5% of all authors: Publications in all years or last 10 years
Top institutions by region
Authors are attributed to geographic regions according to the location of their affiliations. In case of multiple affiliations, they indicate which weight each has, and scores are distributed across regions according to those weights.
- Africa
- Asia
- Central America and Caribbean
- Europe
- European Union
- Latin America and Caribbean
- Oceania
- South America
Top institutions by country
Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroun, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo (Dem. Rep.), Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgystan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Northern Cyprus, North Macedonia, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe.Top institutions by US state
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin.Top institutions by US region
New England, Middle Atlantic, South Atlantic, East North Central, East South Central, West North Central, West South Central, Mountain, Pacific.Top institutions by type
- Economics Departments
- European Economics Departments
- US Economics Departments
- US Economics Departments at Liberal Arts Colleges
- Finance Departments
- Business Schools
- Agricultural Economics Departments
- Central Banks
- Public Policy
- International Organizations
- Think Tanks
Top institutions by field
Fields are determined by where the affiliated authors' working papers have been announced in NEP.ACC Accounting & Auditing, AFR Africa, AGE Economics of Ageing, AGR Agricultural Economics, ARA Arab World, BAN Banking, BEC Business Economics, CBA Central Banking, CBE Cognitive & Behavioural Economics, CDM Collective Decision-Making, CFN Corporate Finance, CIS Confederation of Independent States, CMP Computational Economics, CNA China, COM Industrial Competition, CSE Economics of Strategic Management, CTA Contract Theory & Applications, CUL Cultural Economics, CWA Central & Western Asia, DCM Discrete Choice Models, DEM Demographic Economics, DEV Development, DGE Dynamic General Equilibrium, ECM Econometrics, EDU Education, EEC European Economics, EFF Efficiency & Productivity, ENE Energy Economics, ENT Entrepreneurship, ENV Environmental Economics, ETS Econometric Time Series, EUR Microeconomics European Issues, EVO Evolutionary Economics, EXP Experimental Economics, FDG Financial Development & Growth, FMK Financial Markets, FOR Forecasting, GEO Economic Geography, GRO Economic Growth, GTH Game Theory, HAP Economics of Happiness, HEA Health Economics, HIS Business, Economic & Financial History, HME Heterodox Microeconomics, HPE History & Philosophy of Economics, HRM Human Capital & Human Resource Management, IAS Insurance Economics, ICT Information & Communication Technologies, IFN International Finance, IND Industrial Organization, INO Innovation, INT International Trade, IPR Intellectual Property Rights, IUE Informal & Underground Economics, KNM Knowledge Management & Knowledge Economy, LAB Labour Economics, LAM Central & South America, LAW Law & Economics, LMA Labor Markets - Supply, Demand & Wages, LTV Unemployment, Inequality & Poverty, MAC Macroeconomics, MFD Microfinance, MIC Microeconomics, MIG Economics of Human Migration, MKT Marketing, MON Monetary Economics, MST Market Microstructure, NET Network Economics, NEU Neuroeconomics, OPM Open Macroeconomics, ORE Operations Research, PBE Public Economics, PKE Post Keynesian Economics, POL Positive Political Economics, PPM Project, Program & Portfolio Management, PUB Public Finance, REG Regulation, RES Resource Economics, RMG Risk Management, SBM Small Business Management, SEA South East Asia, SOC Social Norms & Social Capital, SOG Sociology of Economics, SPO Sports & Economics, TID Technology & Industrial Dynamics, TRA Transition Economics, TRE Transport Economics, TUR Tourism Economics, UPT Utility Models & Prospect Theory, URE Urban & Real Estate Economics.
Top Geographic Regions
All instutions from a country or US state are aggregated up in this ranking. US states are treated as separate countries here.Aggregate ranking for regions
Only the rankings:
More details, including rankings in all criteria:
All region rankings for each infividual criterion
Except for the first, all are considered for the aggregate rankings. Descriptions are in each link.NbWorks, DNbWorks, ScWorks, WScWorks, ANbWorks, AScWorks, AWScWorks, NbCites, DCites, ScCites, DScCites, WScCites, WDScCites, ANbCites, ADCites, AScCites, ADScCites, AWScCites, AWDScCites, HIndex, NCAuthors, RCAuthors, NbPages, ScPages, WScPages, ANbPages, AScPages, AWScPages, AbsViews, Downloads, AAbsViews, ADownloads, Euclidian, Students.
Historical rankings
Rankings for past months are available in this directory. Each month has a separate directory (date format is yymm), then click on the file of your choice. For institutions and journals, there is an application that allows to display rankings over time.Documentation
- Ranking FAQ
- About RePEc
- About citation gathering
- About the gathering of statistics for abstract views and downloads
- About the computation of the rankings (revised July 2012). Recent changes. If you use these rankings, make sure to read this documentation, and cite it (if appropriate), showing your understanding of it.
- Literature on ranking Economists and Economics departments
- RePEc blog posts on the topic of rankings
- Citations from CitEc project by José Manuel Barrueco Cruz, University of Valencia. Hardware provided by the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), Valencia, Spain.
- Abstract views and downloads statistics from LogEc project by Sune Karlsson, Orebrö University, Sweden.
- Author registration by Ivan Kumanov, Minsk, Belarus.
- Institutions database and ranking computations by Christian Zimmermann, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
- RePEc has been initiated by Thomas Krichel.
Comments to Christian Zimmermann