April 1989, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 103-108 The decommissioning of nuclear plant : Timing, cost and regulation
by MacKerron, Gordon - 109-115 Deposits and repositories : Electricity wastes in the UK and West Germany
by Berkhout, Frans & Boehmer-Christiansen, Sonja & Skea, Jim - 116-122 Policies for the mitigation of acid rain : A critique of evaluation techniques
by Dowlatabadi, Hadi & Harrington, Winston - 123-131 Woodfuel resource use and environmental management
by Teplitz-Sembitzky, Witold & Schramm, Gunter - 132-137 The fuelwood crisis and the environment : Problems, policies and instruments
by Pearson, P. J. G. & Stevens, P. - 138-137 Energy and the single European market : Series editor: Jonathan Stern
by Stern, Jonathan - 139-140 Microcosm of energy policy : The US Congress 1987-1988
by Donnelly, Warren H. - 141-148 Electricity privatization and environmental accountability
by O'Riordan, Timothy - 149-154 Privatizing electricity supply cannot be justified
by Lyons, John - 155-164 Reaching for 100% participation in a utility conservation programme : The Hood River project
by Hirst, Eric - 165-176 The international steam coal market and UK coal
by MacKerron, Gordon - 177-181 The greenhouse effect: issues for policymakers
by Everest, D. A. - 181-185 Surrounded by problems
by Conway, Arthur - 185-187 Energy and the environment: linking concepts to applications : Ottawa chapter of the International Association for Energy Economics, Ottawa, Canada, 30 November 1988
by Connor-Lajambe, Helene - 187-188 Competition, profitability, and policy in the energy industries : 10th Annual North American Meeting of the International Association for Energy Economics, Four Seasons Hotel, Houston, TX, USA, 31 October-2 November 1988
by Sioshansi, Fereidoon P. - 188-189 Power failure : UK Trades Union Congress, London, UK, 31 October 1988
by McGowan, Francis - 189-190 Natural gas: Governments and oil companies in the Third World : by Ann Davison, Chris Hurst and Robert Mabro Oxford University Press, UK, 1988, xxiv+272 pp, [pound sign]25.00
by Webb, Michael G. - 190-191 The international atomic energy agency and world nuclear order : by Lawrence Scheinman Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 1987, 320 pp, $16.95
by Donnelly, Warren - 192-193 Sizewell B: An anatomy of the inquiry : by Timothy O'Riordan, Ray Kemp and Michael Purdue Macmillan, London, UK, 1988, 256 pp, [pound sign]29.50
by Holmes, Andrew - 193-193 Energy, environment and development in Africa : edited by R. Hosier Beijer Institute and Scandinanvian Institute of African Studies, Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden, 1988, Vols 9, 10, 11
by MacKillop, Andrew - 194-195 Why choose coal? The case for coal in power generation : International Coal Development Institute ICDI, London, UK, 1988, 32 pp
by Skea, Jim - 195-196 Not far afield: US interests and the global environment : by Norman Myers World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, USA, 1988, 73 pp
by Turner, R. K. - 196-197 Electricity in Europe: Opening the market : by Andrew Holmes Financial Times Business Information, London, UK, 1988, 131 pp, [pound sign]155 (UK), [pound sign]165 (elsewhere)
by MacKillop, Andrew
February 1989, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 2-5 Global warming -- a paradigm shift for energy policy?
by Boyle, Stewart - 6-10 Mexico's nuclear paradox
by Redclift, Michael - 11-14 From one crisis to the next : The fate of the oil markets in the 1990s
by Goldstein, Walter - 15-21 The electricity supply industry : Critique of the privatization proposals
by Bonner, F. E. - 22-26 Electricity privatization : What future now for British Coal?
by Robinson, Colin - 27-40 The Japanese and Italian power station markets : Prospects for steam coal
by Thomas, S. D. - 41-48 Energy substitution in oil-exporting LDCs: The Indonesian experience
by Rose, Adam & Soelistijo, Ukar - 49-56 Great expectations : A review of nuclear fusion research
by Clark, Judy & MacKerron, Gordon - 57-63 Regenerating the inner cities -- the energy dimension
by Warren, Andrew - 63-66 Europe cuts a dash
by Conway, Arthur - 66-69 Third World Energy Policy Study Group, : Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 28 March 1988
by Gill, Jas - 69-72 Conservation programmes for electric utilities, International Energy Agency Workshop : Paris, France, September 1988
by Hirst, Eric - 72-73 Letter to the editor
by Jenkins, Norman - 73-74 Soviet oil exports: Trade adjustments, refining constraints and market behaviour : by Margaret Chadwick, David Long, and Machiko Nissanke Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1987, pp 263
by Sagers, Matthew J. - 75-74 Household energy handbook: An interim guide and reference manual : by Gerald Leach and Marcia Gowen World Bank Technical Paper Series, The World Bank, Washington, USA, 1987
by Berrie, Tom W. - 76-74 Oil: A practical guide to the economics of world petroleum : by Peter Ellis Jones Woodhead-Falkener, Cambridge, UK, 1988, [pound sign]40
by Morrison, Michael B.
December 1988, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 538-561 Greenhouse warming : Comparative analysis of nuclear and efficiency abatement strategies
by Keepin, Bill & Kats, Gregory - 562-578 Local energy conservation initiatives in the UK : Their nature and achievements
by Sheldrick, Bill & Macgill, Sally - 579-593 Heat pumps and combined heat and power a technology assessment
by Bullard, Clark W. - 594-607 The potential for wind energy in Britain
by Grubb, Michael J. - 608-620 Energy policy issues in developing countries Lessons from ASEAN's experience
by Siddayao, Corazon Morales - 621-623 North-South grid interconnection
by MacKillop, Andrew - 624-628 The evergreen renewables
by Conway, Arthur - 628-628 Prisoners of philosophy
by Shapar, Howard K.
October 1988, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 450-452 Towards a competitive market-related energy policy
by Rost, Peter - 453-457 The new power sector planning
by Berrie, T. W. - 458-460 Pursuing the energy efficiency--conservation path
by Bunyard, Peter - 461-479 Nuclear power An option for the Third World?
by Surrey, John - 480-493 The West European gas market : The current position and alternative prospects
by Odell, Peter R. - 494-505 Measurements of energy productivity in Asian countries
by Chern, Wen S. & James, William E. - 506-513 New developments in superconducting materials : Implications for the electricity supply industry
by McGowan, Francis - 514-515 More daylight, less electricity
by Hillman, Mayer & Parker, Jon - 516-523 Dubious economic advice: the `decision' on Sizewell B
by Jeffery, J. W. - 523-524 It is better to marry than to burn : Clean coal conference, Friends of the Earth, International Coal Development Institute/British Coal, London, UK, 15-16 June 1988
by Skea, Jim - 524-525 Building on success: The age of energy efficiency : by Christopher Flavin and Alan B. Durning The Worldwatch Institute, Washington, DC, 1988, 63 pp, $4.00
by Donnelly, Warren H. - 525-526 State of the world: 1988 : by Lester R. Brown et al Worldwatch Institute and W.W. Norton, New York, USA, 1988, 237 pp, [pound sign]13.95
by Redclift, Michael - 526-527 The economics of choice between energy sources : edited by Pierre Maillet, Douglas Hague and Chris Rowland MacMillan Press, London, UK, 1987, 512 pp, [pound sign]40.00
by Smart, Ian - 527-528 The 1986 Oil price crisis: Economic effects and policy responses : edited by Robert Mabro Oxford University Press, for the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, UK, 1988, 270 pp, [pound sign]25.00
by Samii, Massood V. - 528-528 Advanced coal use technology : by Walter C. Patterson Financial Times Business Information, London, UK, 1987, 132 pp, [pound sign]180 (UK); [pound sign]190 (elsewhere)
by Skea, Jim - 529-533 Bookwatch
by Conway, Arthur
August 1988, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 334-536 Prologue
by Fells, Ian - 335-340 Spot pricing of non-oil energy sectors
by Berrie, Tom W. - 341-347 Spot and efficient pricing in non-oil energy markets: Introduction
by Weyman-Jones, Thomas G. - 348-352 Some investment aspects of non-oil spot pricing
by Webb, Michael G. & Elwan, Ibrahim I. & Maistre, Lionel - 353-358 The pros and cons of spot pricing -- electric utility perspective
by Sioshansi, Fereidoon P. - 359-368 Management of a spot price based energy marketplace
by Schweppe, Fred C. - 369-377 Competition, marginal cost tariffs and spot pricing in the Chilean electric power sector
by Bernstein, Sebastian - 378-383 Electric power Competition or centralization?
by Westfield, Fred M. - 384-393 Electricity pricing Optimal operation and investment by industrial consumers
by Outhred, H. R. & Bannister, C. H. & Kaye, R. J. & Lee, Y. B. & Sutanto, D. & Manimaran, R. - 394-397 Financial implications of spot pricing
by Smith, Robert - 398-403 Spot pricing of electricity Arguments and prospects
by Littlechild, S. C. - 404-408 Conclusions
by Berrie, T. W. - 409-414 Industrial effects of UK electricity privatization
by Ince, Martin - 415-423 Exchange rate fluctuations and stability in the oil market
by Samii, Massood V. & Clemenz, Claude - 424-426 News of the World Bank
by Berrie, T. W. - 426-429 Bookwatch
by Conway, Arthur - 429-432 Energy privatization : 2 March 1988, Surrey Energy Economics Centre, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
by Hawdon, David - 432-433 Radioactive waste management -- what next? : IBC Technical Services Ltd, London, UK, 25-26 February 1988
by Berkhout, Frans - 433-434 Economics, growth and sustainable environments : edited by David Collard, David Pearce and David Ulph Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hants, UK, 1987, 205 pp, [pound sign]30.00
by Hope, Chris - 434-435 Rural electrification for development: Policy analysis and applications : Mohan Munasinghe Westview Press, London, UK, 1987, 440 pp, [pound sign]26.50
by Pearce, David - 436-436 Secretary general's thirteenth annual report AH 1406/AD 1986 : OAPEC Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, Safat, Kuwait, 1987, 157 pp
by Morrison, Michael B. - 436-437 Socio-economic and policy implications of energy price increases : by Armand Pereira, Alistair Ulph and Wouter Tims Gower Publishing Company, UK, 1987, 317 + xxxiv pp, [pound sign]19.50
by Webb, Michael G. - 437-438 An assessment of bioethanol as a transport fuel in the UK : by J.E. Marrow, J. Coombs and E.W. Lees HMSO, London, UK, 1987, 144 pp, [pound sign]17.50
by Chris Lewis - 438-439 British and Norwegian offshore industrial relations : by Svein S. Andersen Gower, Aldershot, 1988, 213 + xiii pp, [pound sign]22.50
by Uslaner, Eric M. - 439-439 Development aid : Eurofi plc IBI International Business Intelligence Series, Eurofi plc and Butterworths, 1988, 587 pp, [pound sign]55.00
by Berrie, Tom W. - 440-441 Apres les chocs Energie 1995 : by Patrick Crequi and Nina Kousnetzoff Economica, Paris, 1987
by de Carmoy, Guy - 441-442 Energy study of NW region of the UK : March Consulting Group, Manchester, 1988, [pound sign]45.00
by Warren, Andrew - 442-442 Letter to the editor
by MacKillop, Andrew
June 1988, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 211-220 What is the CEGB worth? The impact of future government action
by Hope, C. W. - 221-225 Public ownership and the performance of the UK ESI
by McGowan, Francis - 226-229 Status report on the US natural gas industry
by Roland, Anne V. - 230-242 Oil-exporters' disappointing diversification into resource-based industry : The external causes
by Auty, R. M. - 243-251 US international oil policy , : Patterns of the past define future policy
by Bull Berg, Hans Jacob - 252-269 European pressures and emission prospects
by Skea, Jim - 270-279 The costs of completing unfinished US nuclear power plants
by Feldman, Stephen L. & Bernstein, Mark A. & Noland, Robert B. - 280-291 Energy planning in Tanzania emerging trends in planning and research
by Nkonoki, Simon R. & Lushiku, Elias - 292-296 Interfuel competition in France and West Germany
by Estrada, Javier & Fugleberg, Ole - 297-301 European energy performance contracting
by Brown, Ian - 301-304 The structure and sources of energy science
by Pouris, Anastassios - 305-307 The weak links in community energy policy
by Stuart Wabe, J. - 307-308 News of the World Bank
by Berrie, T. W. - 308-311 Come back coal, oil is forbidden
by Conway, Arthur - 312-314 Oil remains crucial to economic growth : Prospects for oil and future development in the Arab world,1 Amman, Jordan, 1-2 December, 1987
by Aburas, R. - 314-314 STOA fusion research -- start of greater accountability? : Fusion workshop, Scientific and Technical Options Assessment, Culham, UK, 12-13 November 1987
by MacKerron, Gordon - 315-316 Is cleaner current costly? : Environmental aspects of electricity privatisation, UK Centre for Economic and Environmental Development, Royal Institution, London, Uk, 16 November 1987
by Parker, Jonathan - 316-318 Renewables -- worthy but still uneconomic? : Renewable energy sources, The Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, UK, 2 December 1987
by Bindon, John L. - 318-320 CHina's potential in international coal trade : Guy Doyle International Energy Agency Coal Research, London, UK, 1987, 98 pp, [pound sign]85.00
by Smil, Vaclav - 320-322 ENERGY: Markets and regulation, essays in honor of M.A. Adelman : edited by Richard L. Gordon, Henry D. Jacoby and Martin B. Zimmerman MIT Press, London, UK, 1987, 384 pp, [pound sign]33.75
by Saunders, Harry D. - 323-322 STARPOWER: The US and the international quest for fusion energy : US Congress Office of Technology Assessment, Washington, DC, USA, 1987, ix + 337 pp
by MacKerron, Gordon - 324-325 Energy Resources development: Politics and policies : Richard L. Ender and John Choom Kim Quorum Books, London, UK, 1987, 233 pp, [pound sign]30.95
by Uslaner, Eric M. - 325-326 Setting up a national energy efficiency agency: An agenda for action : Earth Resources Research The Charter for Energy Efficiency, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 31 pp, [pound sign]10
by Warren, Andrew - 326-327 Energy security to 2000 : edited by R. Belgrave, C.K. Ebinger and H. Okino Joint Energy Programme, Policy Studies Institute and Royal Institute of International Affairs, Energy paper No 23, Gower, 1987, pp xii + 303, [pound sign]18.50
by MacKerron, Gordon - 327-327 Energy for a sustainable world : Jose Goldemberg et al World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, USA, 1987, 119 pp, $10
by Pearce, David - 327-328 World coal: Economics, policies and prospects : Richard L. Gordon Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1987, 143 pp, [pound sign]25.00
by Kolstad, Charles D. - 328-329 The international oil industry: An interdisciplinary perspective : Judith Rees and Peter Odell Macmillan Press Ltd, Basingstoke, UK, 1987, 193 pp, [pound sign]25.00
by Fred Singer, S. - 329-329 How to implement waste-to-energy projects : Marc J. Rogoff Noyes Publications, USA, 1987, 202 pp, US$45
by Mansell, Dave - 329-330 The Arabs and the oil crisis 1973-1986 : Ali A. Attiga OAPEC, Kuwait, 1987, 473 pp
by Richard Eden, Professor
April 1988, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 98-101 UK electricity privatization
by Chesshire, John & Surrey, John - 102-109 The politics of oil A view from Norway
by Brundtland, Gro Harlem - 110-114 Countercrisis
by MacKillop, Andrew - 115-121 Electricity-output ratio and sectoral electricity use The case of East and Southeast Asian developing countries
by Ang, B. W. - 122-130 Utilization of Nigerian natural gas resources : Potentials and opportunities
by Dayo, Felix B. & Adegbulugbe, Anthony O. - 131-151 Australia's role as an energy exporter : Status and prospects
by Owen, A. D. - 152-163 Participation of the elderly in residential conservation programmes
by Berry, Linda G. & Brown, Marilyn A. - 164-179 ... or would you rather live in Italy? : The geography of preferred energy futures
by Hoare, Anthony G. - 180-182 Bookwatch On shalts and shalt nots
by Conway, Arthur - 183-182 News of the World bank
by Berrie, T. W. - 184-182 A changing climate: Environmentalism and its impact on European energy industries : by Andrew Holmes Financial Times Business Information, London, UK, 1987, 176 pp, [pound sign]157
by O'Riordan, Timothy - 184-185 Electricity in south east Asia and the far east : by David Hayes Financial Times Business Information, London, UK, 1987, 174 pp, [pound sign]185
by MacKillop, Andrew - 185-186 Spot oil, netbacks and petroleum futures: The emergence of a new oil market : by Fereidun Fesharaki and Hossein Razavi Special Report No 1063, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London, 1986, 100 pp, [pound sign]150
by Morrison, Michael B. - 186-187 Energie Internationale 1987-1988 : Institute for Energy Economics and Policy IEPE Grenoble, Economica Publications, Paris, 1987, pp 342, Ff98
by MacKillop, Andrew - 187-188 Nuclear imperatives and public trust: Dealing with radioactive waste : Luther J. Carter Resources for the Future (distributed by Johns Hopkins University Press), Washington, 1987, xii and 473 pp, $25
by Behrens, Carl E. - 188-189 Nuclear energy and its fuel cycle: Prospects to 2025 : by the OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency OECD, Paris, 1987, 188 pp, [pound sign]15
by Thomas, Steve - 189-190 Current choices -- Good and bad ways to privatise electricity : by Allen Sykes and Colin Robinson Policy Study No 87, Centre for Policy Studies, London, 1987, 88 pp, [pound sign]4.90
by McGowan, Francis - 190-191 Nuclear power: Policy and prospects : edited by P.M.S. Jones John Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1987, 434 pp, [pound sign]75.00
by Brookes, L. G. - 191-192 The political economy of natural gas : by Ferdinand E. Banks Croom Helm, Beckenham, Kent, UK, 1987, 200 pp, [pound sign]30.00
by Stern, Jonathan - 192-193 The business of the Japanese state: Energy markets in comparative and historial perspective : by Richard L. Samuels Cornell University Press, 1987, 359 pp, $45
by Gordon, Richard L. - 193-194 Renewable sources of energy : International Energy Agency IEA, Paris, 1987, 334 pp, Ff220
by MacKillop, Andrew - 194-194 Misleading impressions in book review
by McLin, Jon - 195-197 Subsidies, land use and pricing policies
by Pearson, Peter & Stevens, Paul - 198-199 Times a' changing for the ESI
by McGowan, Francis - 200-202 IAEE Washington conference
by Sioshansi, Fereidoon P.
February 1988, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-5 An exploration-production view of oil
by Oxley, Philip - 6-8 The outlook for oil Some comments and proposals
by Sfligiotti, Guiseppe M. - 9-26 Technology and the prospects for natural gas Results of current gas studies
by Rogner, Hans-Holger - 27-35 Power from the people : Technology users and the management of energy innovation
by Gamser, Matthew S. - 36-48 Energy policy analysis
by Capros, Pantelis & Samouilidis, Emmanuel - 49-57 Prospects for inherently safe reactors
by Barkenbus, Jack N. - 58-68 Loaded questions : New approaches to utility forecasting
by Robinson, John B. - 69-72 Communication on energy Is the heat on?
by Mintzer, Irving - 73-77 Croesus gropes for riches
by Conway, Arthur - 88-90 Putting power on the market?
by McGowan, Francis - 90-92 Uranium beleaguered but hopeful
by Conway, Arthur - 93-92 Who pays for the long-term costs of nuclear power?
by Jeffery, J. W. - 93-92 Electric power plant in India: a strategy of self-reliance
by Surrey, John
December 1987, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 498-502 UK energy issues 1987-1992
by Stern, Jonathan P. - 503-521 Electric power plant in India A strategy of self-reliance
by Surrey, John - 522-528 Saving megabucks by saving megawatts
by Warren, Andrew - 529-533 Policy issues in improving energy efficiency
by Berrie, T. W. - 534-537 Administering energy saving: Four years on
by Brown, Ian - 538-548 Energy conservation policies in the OECD did they make a difference?
by Schipper, Lee - 549-558 Energy efficiency in rental housing
by Laquatra, Joseph - 559-566 Approaches to energy conservation management in beverage-related industries and their effectiveness
by Fawkes, S. D. & Jacques, J. K. - 570-573 Filling the gap in energy strategy : The UNICHAL annual meeting, Macro-Symbiosis, Berlin, June 1987
by Jenkins, Norman - 573-576 Problematic future for nuclear
by David Lowry - 576-578 News of the world bank
by Berrie, T. W. - 579-583 The persistence of OPEC
by Conway, Arthur - 583-584 Energy in Europe: issues & policies : by T. Weyman-Jones Methuen & Co Ltd, London, 1986, 176 pp, [pound sign]22.50
by John, F. & Bindon, L. - 584-584 Power from the earth : by Thomas Gold J.M. Dent, London, 1987, 208 pp, [pound sign]12.95
by Roberts, Fred - 584-585 Energy conservation in IEA countries : International Energy Agency Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, 1987, 25 pp, F. francs 195
by Pearce, David - 585-586 Clean coal technology: programmes and issues : International Energy Agency, OECD, Paris, 1987, 174 pp, [pound sign]10.50
by Skea, Jim - 586-587 Power production: What are the risks? : by J.H. Fremlin Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987, [pound sign]6.95
by Patterson, Walter C. - 587-588 Energy strategy in Europe: The legal framework : Terence Daintith and Leigh Hancher Walter de Gruyter, Berlin and New York, 1986, 190 pp
by Pearce, David - 588-589 World development report 1987 : The World Bank English edition published by Oxford University Press, New York, 1987, 288 pp, US$26.00
by Berrie, Tom - 589-591 Energy sector management assistance program : United Nations Development Program/World Bank Industry and Energy Department, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA, 1987, 9 pp, free
by Berrie, T. W. - 592-591 The private provision of public services in developing countries : by Gabriel Roth EDI Series in Economic Development, World Bank, Oxford University Press, New York, 1987, 270 pp + Index
by Berrie, T. W.
October 1987, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 399-407 The price of oil : Lower and upper bounds
by Morrison, Michael B. - 408-420 External debt and oil prices : Some prospects for oil-exporting developing countries
by Sohn, Ira - 421-431 OPEC's return to fixed oil pricing
by Samii, Massood V. - 432-440 Energy politics in the USA and Canada
by Uslaner, Eric M. - 441-455 Hydroelectricity in West Africa: its future role
by Lazenby, J. B. C. & Jones, P. M. S. - 456-462 The fatal flaws in the Sizewell report : A review of the economics of Sizewell B
by Jeffery, J. W. - 463-474 UK government controls and the electricity supply industry since 1980
by Rodriguez, Frank - 475-474 Eagerly confronting challenge : Coal '87: Coaltrade/Coaltech Conference, London, 9-11 June 1987
by Patterson, Walter C. - 476-481 Hard choices for policymakers : International conference on energy options, University of Reading, UK, 7-9 April 1987
by Conway, Arthur - 481-484 Energy policy -- the balancing act : Energy policies in an uncertain world: conference organized by Surrey Energy Economics Centre, University of Surrey, Guildford, 9-10 April 1987
by Pearson, Peter - 484-486 News of the World Bank
by Berrie, T. W. - 487-491 Bookwatch
by Conway, Arthur - 491-492 Social and economic effects of petroleum development in non-OPEC developing countries: Synthesis report : by Jon McLin International Labour Office, Geneva, 1986, 104 pp, 20 Swiss francs
by MacKillop, Andrew - 492-493 Energy and the federal government, fossil fuel policies: 1900-1946 : by John G. Clark University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, 1987, 511 pp, [pound sign]35.95
by Gordon, Richard L. - 493-494 Objections to tone and language
by Green, Milford B. & Sagers, Matthew J.
August 1987, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 295-302 Bearish petroleum prospects and their impact on development in the European countries
by Balkay, Balint - 303-314 A decision analysis of the commercial demonstration fast reactor
by Kreczko, Adam & Evans, Nigel & Hope, Chris - 315-328 Improving market place efficiency in the non-oil energy sectors
by Berrie, T. W. - 329-338 Rural electrification in developing countries : A reappraisal
by Pearce, David & Webb, Michael