The paper describes the basic similarity in the spectral forms for velocity and temperature, and the cospectral forms for stress and heat flux in a stably stratified surface layer. A practical scheme is developed for estimating these spectra and cospectra using only height and Richardson number. From this development emerges certain simple relationships between Richardson number, turbulent dissipation rates, characteristic length scales and structure parameters. The paper also presents evidence for isotropy in the surface layer, and the dependence of the limiting wavelength for the 4/3 ratio between transverse and longitudinal velocity components on height and stability.
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Kaimal, J.C. Turbulenece spectra, length scales and structure parameters in the stable surface layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorol 4, 289–309 (1973). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02265239
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02265239