Style and literacy in APL
… then the strut changed to the restless walk of a caged madman, then he whirled, and to a clash of cymbals in the orchestra and a cry of terror (perhaps faked) in the gallery, Mascodagama turned over in the air and stood on his head. —Nabokov, Ada “See ...
Manufacturing resource planning on a PC local area network
This paper details a large APL programming project of 12 man years. An integrated software system structured on the principles of MRP (manufacturing resource planning) was implemented by a Bristol-Myers in house team for use in a new manufacturing ...
A notation for manipulating arrays of operations
Much has been written on the-possibility of incorporating arrays of functions and arrays of operators into APL. Various methods have been proposed for creating and restructuring such arrays. This paper proposes the introduction of arrays of operations ...
Development of a portable software product for library automation
This paper will demonstrate APL at work in the development of a major industrial software product designed for public library management.
LIBRA was designed and developed to run on various computers under both VM/CMS and UNIX.
Advanced software ...
APL2—A mathematician's delight
The early claims of APL to the attention of the computing world included its closeness to mathematical notation and hence its power both to improve and enhance the understanding of mathematical ideas, and also to smooth the process of realizing them on ...
The scope of APL in nuclear measurements
The whole range of data acquisition and analysis in experimental nuclear physics can be covered with a few APL application workspaces. Typical steps of the treatment of statistical data are highlighted and compared with nearly-equivalent solutions in ...
From tensor and suffix notation to APL
It is well known that multi-dimensional algebraic variables and expressions as well as multivariate equations and functions can be favorably described by means of tensor and/or general suffix notation. In this notation otherwise complicated and obscure ...
APL in quality business management
Companies monitor their processes so that they can identify actions that need to be taken. Measures such as monthly sales, expenses by category, inventory levels, days debt and computer service availability are recorded and reported.
This paper ...
Modelling the arithmetic of statistical distributions
Examples of extended arithmetics include range, polynomial, dimensional, extended precision and fault tolerant arithmetic, and arithmetic on distributions of random variables. APL2's defined operators and general arrays enable the programmer to easily ...
Bringing graphic dialogues to APL
Most attempts to introduce graphic support into APL are limited to handling the composition and presentation of pictures. This paper proposes a model and a formalism encompassing also the other phases of a graphic dialog. The proposal involves a logical ...
IOTA3: the integration of Lotus spreadsheets and APL
A software system named IOTA3 is described which represents an integration of the popular Lotus Corporation spreadsheets (1-2-3 and Symphony) and the language APL. IOTA3 allows the spreadsheet user to extend the worksheet environment to include many of ...
Extending worksheet modelling software with expert system technology
As a result of the rapid changes in the “information processing technology”, existing programming languages like APL are facing a number of challenges to maintain or increase “market share”. Such technologies as networks, worksheets, expert or knowledge ...
Topics for a second course in APL
After students complete the introductory APL course, after they become comfortable with the concepts and after they use it regularly in their work, then the problem of enhancing skills must be addressed. This paper presents a syllabus of three lectures ...
Machine-oriented languages in the APL environment
Many APL systems, especially mainframe systems, have made it inconvenient or impossible for users to write subroutines in machine-oriented languages (e.g., FORTRAN, C, or assembler). This deficiency has had a serious impact on APL, preventing it from ...
Medium term forecasts of half-hourly power demand
This paper describes a case study where an important new forecasting methodology was developed and subsequently computerized. The use of APL to handle large amounts of data in a simple manner and the structure of the program's internal filing system ...
Compiling optimized array operations at run-time
Experiments were performed for APL functions on a Vax-750 running UNIX to compare the execution times of two types of interpreted code run time run time compiled code for the dyadic function subtract. The data type and size varied over integer, real, ...
An APL/370 compiler and some performance comparisons with APL interpreter and FORTRAN
The experimental APL/370 E-compiler compiles a subset of APL which is large enough for most scientific and engineering uses, directly into 370 assembly code. The compiler does not require variable declarations. The front-end employs extensive type-shape ...
DELIS: A decision support system generator for frequency data
The title of this paper suggests two concepts, namely Decision Support Systems (DSS) and frequency style data, that were built upon by the APL application called “DELIS”. DELIS was developed originally for interactive display of certain frequency data ...
APL compilation and interpretation by translating to F83VEC
There are many applications where APL would be advantageous, but slowness or excessive memory requirements preclude its use. The remedy which is explored here is translating APL into F83VEC.
APL procedures (user defined operators, functions and token strings)
This paper describes some central aspects of an APL implementation on a Hewlett Packard Minicomputer. The development of these ideas led to an elegant, consistent underlying structure for all procedures, where a procedure is defined as a structured ...
Field results with the APL compiler
The STSC compiler is now in use at customer sites. We can finally answer the question of whether the compiler is effective at reducing CPU time for real applications, and whether it is cost effective to invest the extra effort to speed up applications ...
Open fullscreen systems
A general scheme is given for designing APL systems which are both open and fullscreen oriented. Such systems guide the user by presenting her visually the data she is working with, but do not restrict her from using APL to accomplish a task. The system ...
Analysis of function applications in deep arrays
Function arrays are easy to understand in APL when the leaves are primitive scalar functions. Herein other kinds of functions, called generically subscalars, are studied as items in functions arrays. Some example primitive shave an internal analog of ...
The integration of relational database algebra into APL
A characteristic of Fourth Generation Languages is that they not only provide a high level of programmer productivity - as does APL - but also have a much wider area of applicability than conventional languages, or even APL. The aim of the project ...