Inferring Object Boundaries and Their Roughness with Uncertainty Quantification
This work describes a Bayesian framework for reconstructing the boundaries that represent targeted features in an image, as well as the regularity (i.e., roughness vs. smoothness) of these boundaries. This regularity often carries crucial ...
Mixing Support Detection-Based Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Sparse Hyperspectral Image Unmixing
Spectral unmixing is important in analyzing and processing hyperspectral images (HSIs). With the availability of large spectral signature libraries, the main task of spectral unmixing is to estimate corresponding proportions called abundances of ...
Mathematical Morphology on Directional Data
We define morphological operators and filters for directional images whose pixel values are unit vectors. This requires an ordering relation for unit vectors which is obtained by using depth functions. They provide a centre-outward ordering with ...
Computation of 2D Continuous Geometric Moments Through Inclusion–Exclusion
We propose a method for computing continuous (exact) geometric moments on 2D binary images, based on a decomposition into overlapping rectangles and on the inclusion–exclusion principle. The approach assumes that the input is given as a chain code ...
Dyadic Partition-Based Training Schemes for TV/TGV Denoising
Due to their ability to handle discontinuous images while having a well-understood behavior, regularizations with total variation (TV) and total generalized variation (TGV) are some of the best-known methods in image denoising. However, like other ...
Prediction Techniques for Dynamic Imaging with Online Primal–Dual Methods
Online optimisation facilitates the solution of dynamic inverse problems, such as image stabilisation, fluid flow monitoring, and dynamic medical imaging. In this paper, we improve upon previous work on predictive online primal–dual methods on two ...